U-124 - 6th War Patrol

Translation by Jerry Mason with help from Andi Forster

Days at Sea
16 September 1941
1 October 1941


Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the U-boat track, significant events and locations for this patrol.  You must have Google Earth loaded on your computer to view this file.  Download Google Earth here


Ships Hit
KTB Time
20 Sep41
48°15'N, 22°15'W
20 Sep41
48°15'N, 22°15'W
25 Sep 41
45°45'N, 24°15'W
26 Sep 41
47°51'N, 23°35'W
26 Sep 41
47°51'N, 23°35'W
26 Sep 41
49°03'N, 20°25'W
 Total = 12,343
Note:  The positions in the table above and in the Google Earth patrol summary are derived from the KTB and in many cases do not match those set forth in authoritative references such as Jürgen Rohwer, Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two or the Uboat.net website.  The goal here is to present the picture relative to the U-boat and not the absolute position that the ship was attacked or sank.

       K  r  i  e  g  s  t  a  g  e  b  u  c  h
U  n  t  e  r  s  e  e  b  o  o  t  e  s    "U  124"
                      (6th Patrol)
                        Beginning:  26.8.1941 (16.9.41)  
                        Ending:         1.10.41  
                 Kommandant: Kapitänleutnant    M  o  h  r  .  
Distribution: 2 x O.K.M. Skl.U.
  1 x B.d.U. Op.
  1 x B.d.U. Org.
  1 x 2.U.-Flottille
  1 x Boot (Original)
            Drafter 2.Ufl. Scha    
        © U-boat Archive 2024 - all rights reserved  
Click the flag to view the above page from the original German KTB
- 1 -
                                   Kriegstagebuch "U  124"  
                                        6th Remote Patrol.  
    28.08. - 15.09.41 Lorient Shipyard overhaul Lorient.  Leave.  Outfitting.  
    16.15 Lorient Departed Lorient for 6th Patrol.  
    17.30   Released escort.  
    18.14   Dived to proceed submerged.  
    20.00 BF 6177    
      NNE 2, blue sky, Vis. good, light Swell    
    21.28   Surfaced,  Transit to the west at GF.  
    17.09.41 Western Bay of Biscay    
    00.00 BF 5528    
    04.00 BF 5498    
    08.00 BF 4698    
      E 3-4, 3/10, Sea 2-3, light Swell, Vis. medium    
    08.34 - 09.54   Dived.  Test dive.  
    10.00 - 11.00   Crash dive training.  
    12.00 BF 4684 Day's run:    Submerged       0 nm  Surfaced =    0 nm  
        16./17.9.                            19 nm                   191 nm         
        Up to 17.9                      = 19 nm                = 191 nm  
    16.00 BF 4586    
      EbyS 4-5, 4/10, Sea 3, moderate Swell, Vis. good    
    20.00 BF 4491 Outgoing Short Signal:  Position BF 44.  
    18.09.41 300 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 6693    
    04.00 BE 6672    
    08.00 BE 6573    
      SE 2, completely overcast, Sea 2, light Swell    
    09.04 - 09.21   Dived.  Test dive.  
    09.40 - 10.50   Dived.  Crash dive training.  
        Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   19 nm  Surfaced = 191 nm  
        17./18.9.                               4 nm                    287 nm     
        Up to 18.9                     =    23 nm                = 478 nm  
Sun and Moon Data 16.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 17.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 18.09.41
- 2 -
    15.30 - 15.46   Dived.  Crash dive training.  
    16.00 BE 6451    
      ESE 2, 9/10, Sea 1-2, long low W-Swell, Vis. medium    
    20.00 BE 5635                                                    
    19.09.41 450 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 5387    
    04.00 BE 5292    
    08.00 BE 5254    
      SE 3-4, Sea 2-3, Vis. good, 9/10    
    09.20 - 09.48   Dived.  Test dive.  
    11.30   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  Head for square PK 54. [AL54]
        Came to course 305°.  
    12.00 BE 5217 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   23 nm  Surfaced = 478 nm  
        18./19/9.                               3 nm                    190 nm     
        Up to 19.9                     =    26 nm                = 668 nm  
    16.00 BE 2789    
      ESE 5, 6/10, confused Swell, Sea 3-4, Vis. moderate    
    20.00 BE 2748                                                    
    20.09.41 500 nm southwest of Ireland    
      SE 3-4, 8/10, Vis. medium, medium Swell    
    04.00 BE 1687    
    08.00 BE 1569    
    09.03 BE 1553 Convoy sighted astern.  
      SE 3-4, 7/10, misty, Vis. moderate, Sea 3, moderate Swell Course south.  Took position to hold contact on the west side.  Initially 5 large steamers, one sweeper destroyer ahead, one corvette flank escort to starboard.  
    09.20   Radio Message:  On Norddeich Wavelength 8) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1553, course south, low speed.  [BE 1513]
    11.13   Radio Message:  
        On Norddeich Wavelength 12) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1556, course 180°, 6 knots.    Mohr.  
    12.00 BE 1555 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   26 nm  Surfaced = 668 nm  
        19./20.9.                               0 nm                    187 nm     
        Up to 20.9                     =    26 nm                = 853 nm  
    13.45   Radio Message (on Circuit Anton) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1586, course 180°, 6 knots.    Mohr.  
Sun and Moon Data 18.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 19.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 20.09.41
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    14.20   While attempting to get behind the convoy to the favorable east side, temporarily forced off to the NW by the aft sweeper destroyer.  Boat remained unseen.  
    15.30   Contact reestablished.  
        Remained on the west side.  
    14.35   Radio Message from B.d.U. (Time Group 1056)  
        U-124 attack, continue to report contact.  
    16.00 BE 1823    
    17.51   Radio Message (on Norddeich Wavelength 12) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1853, course 180°, 7.5 knots.  
    18.27   Radio Message (on Norddeich Wavelength 12) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1856, course 180°, 7.5 knots.  
    19.15   Crash dive for aircraft.  Catapult aircraft, single engine, monoplane with floats.  
        Boat remained unseen.  
    19.38   Aft sweeper destroyer runs off to the NW, where Morsed in the mist.  
        Assumption:  Aircraft was recovered there.  
    20.00 BE 1858    
    20.22   Surfaced.  
        Pursued to the SE.  
    20.53 It is increasingly hazy Contact on aft escort.  Contact is broken at times.  
        Convoy must have made a zigzag to the east.  
    22.28   Convoy in sight ahead.  8 steamers on the starboard side, corvette ahead, 1 destroyer astern.  Ahead the smaller, aft the larger steamers.  
    22.53   Radio Message (on Norddeich Wavelength 12) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square MS 1897, course 150°, 7 knots.  
    23.27 SE 2-3, completely overcast, low hanging clouds, Sea 2, low Swell, heavy marine phosphorescence Ran in.  
      600 meters behind the flank corvette into the screen.  
      23.31 hours:  1st shot:  5000 GRT steamer,  
                                          target angle 110°,  
      BE 4232                                    detonation after 2 minutes 40 seconds
                                           sinking not observed.  
        23.33 hours:  2nd shot:  8000 GRT tanker,  
                                            target angle 90°,  
                                            very heavy detonation, high explosion column, sinking observed.  
        23.35 hours:  3rd shot:  10000 GRT tanker.  
                                            target angle 70°,  
                                            hit center.  
Sun and Moon Data 20.09.41
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    20.09.41                                       very heavy explosion.  
                                            sank immediately.  
        Got out of the screen 1000 meters ahead of the aft screen destroyer to the west.  
        Screen shoots star shells in direction south.  Many failures.  Several bright cones of light.  In the north depth charges were thrown.  
        On the west horizon I can maintain good contact on the brightly illuminated escorts.  
    00.00 BE 4235 Convoy ran off to the east.  
    00.30   Out of sight.  Pursued to the east.  
        Light cone on the west.  Apparently deception attempt.  
    01.34   Dived to listen.  
    01.51   Surfaced.  Pursued on sound bearing.  Convoy bearing 60°T.  
        Black night, Vis. 1 nm.  
    03.18   Dived to listen.  Sound bearing of a zigzagging destroyer bearing 165°T.  
    03.45   Surfaced.  Pursued to the SSE.  
    04.00 BE 1979    
    04.06   Radio Message (on Norddeich Wavelength 5) to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy located 24.00 hours square MS 4232, easterly course, in pursuit.  Up to now 2 tankers.    Mohr.  
    04.59   Dived to listen.  
    05.19   Surfaced.  Nothing more heard.  
        Ran in long zigzags to the south, to be ahead of the convoy by day if air reconnaissance comes.  
    08.00 BE 4349    
      SE 2, overcast, Vis. medium, Sea 1-2    
    12.00 BE 4623 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   26 nm  Surfaced =   853 nm  
        20./21.9.                               7 nm                      233 nm     
        Up to 21.9                     =    33 nm                = 1086 nm  
        Between 12.30 and 14.30 hours twice Condor aircraft of own air reconnaissance sighted.  
    16.00 BE 4664    
    20.00 BE 4687    
      SE 3-4, completely overcast, Vis. changing, at times strong haze, Sea 2-3, light Swell    
    22.32 BE 6866 Convoy ahead to port, 3 steamers, 1 corvette.  
    22.40   Radio Signal decrypted:  
        4 vessels square TM 4863.  Enemy steers southerly course.  
Sun and Moon Data 20.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 21.09.41
- 5 -
    21.09.41   So Schnee is also on it.  
    22.53   3 torpedo detonations from U-201.  
    23.21   Lifebuoy lights.  
    23.41   Steamers no longer seen.  
    23.33   Pursued behind a corvette running off to the south.  
    23.56   Corvette out of sight ahead.  
    00.00 BE 4971    
    00.43 - 01.03   Dived to listen.  Nothing heard.  Course south.  
    01.16   Incoming Radio Message:  
        To B.d.U. 3 of the reported freighters sunk.  14000 GRT.  The 4th a patrol vessel, escaped.  Square 4945.  Continuing search for Mohr-convoy.  
    01.26   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  
        On 22 air reconnaissance against Mohr-convoy. Details to follow.    B.d.U.  
    01.41   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
        Had contact with reported residual group, Schnee shot faster.  Believe convoy has dispersed, consisted of 8 steamers yesterday, 3 escorts.  Square 7311.  
    04.00 BE 7317    
    04.41   Incoming Radio Message:  To Mohr, Schnee:  
        Economical transit to the south for possible operation on a convoy, which was in RS 5993 on 21 September at 18.30 hours on course 320°, 7 knots.  Air is tasked.  
        Italian U-boats are to be expected.  
    08.00 BE 7296    
      S 1, overcast, Vis. changing, Sea 2, light Swell    
    12.00 BE 7565 Day's run:   
      NW 3, overcast, Vis. very good, Sea 2, medium SE-Swell Carry over  Submerged  =   33 nm  Surfaced = 1086 nm  
      21./22.9.                               1 nm                      215 nm     
        Up to 22.9                     =    34 nm                = 1301 nm  
    16.00 BE 7597    
    19.50   Radio Message from B.d.U. to U-124, U-201:  
        Gibraltar convoy settled.  Transit speed to the north.  
    19.52   Course north.  
    20.00 BE 7859    
      NbyW 4-3, Sea 3, overcast, rain showers, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 21.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 22.09.41
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    20.36   Ran to the west towards a suspected smoke cloud.  
    21.49   To old course.  
    23.09.41 600 nm west of Finisterre    
    00.00 BE 7828    
    04.00 BE 7582    
    08.00 BE 7525    
      WbyS 3, 6/10, Vis. very good, Sea 2    
    09.31 - 10.32   Dived.  Test dive.  
    12.00 BE 7281 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   34 nm  Surfaced = 1301 nm  
        22./23.9.                               3 nm                      188 nm     
        Up to 23.9                     =    37 nm                = 1489 nm  
    13.19   Incoming Radio Message:  Schnee and Mohr.  
        Head for square KH 54 at economical transit speed.  [AK 54]
    13.35   To course 322°.  
    14.17   Incoming Radio Message:  Schnee and Mohr operate on convoy 12.30 hours in naval square CF 2468, course 330°, 7 knots.  Italians hold contact.    B.d.U.  
    14.51   To the south.  
    16.00 BE 7246    
      SSW 5-6, 8/10, Vis. good, Sea 4-5    
    19.37   Incoming contact keeper report:  
        Italians report convoy 16.30 hours square CF 1395, course 310°, 7 knots.    B.d.U.  
    20.00 BE 7276 To the SSW.  
      SSW 6, in squalls 8, overcast, Vis. changing, Sea 5    
    20.53   Incoming contact keeper report:  
        Convoy was reported by Italian 18.00 hours in square CF 2142.  Course 30°, 6 knots.    B.d.U.  
        Operated on general course north.  
    23.07   Course east.  
    23.40   Incoming contact keeper report:  
        Position reported by Italian 20.30 hours square BE 7899, course 330°, 7 knots.    B.d.U.  
        Intentions:  Meet first at lightness the next day.  
        Therefore until 04.00 hours course east, then until 08.00 hours course south, then all day in large zigzags back and forth before the general course line.  
Sun and Moon Data 22.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 23.09.41
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    24.09.41 550 nm west of Finisterre    
    00.00 BE 7527    
    02.39   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  U-124, U-201:  
        Suspected general course of the convoy north.  Italian lost contact 21.00 hours.    B.d.U.  
    04.00 BE 7537    
    07.20 - 07.53   Test dive.  
    08.00 BE 7567    
      SWbyW, overcast, Vis. good, long medium-high SW-Swell, Sea 2    
    08.48   Meeting with Italian U-boat.  
        Italian Kommandant believes that the convoy is to the east.  
        Continued to the NE.  
    12.00 BE 7641 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   37 nm  Surfaced = 1489 nm  
        23./24.9.                                2 nm                      155 nm     
        Up to 24.9                     =    39 nm                = 1644 nm  
        To the NW.  
    14.15   Bearing signals from own air reconnaissance.  
        Short Signal:  BE 7533.  244°T.    U-124.  
    14.35   U-201 reports bearing in 65°T.  False side!  
    15.08   Short Signal:  BE 7532, 258°T.    U-124.  
    15.34   Saw own Condor on easterly course - probably flying home, because the bearing signals have stopped.  
        Convoy is to the SW.  
    16.00 BE 7295 (17 nm navigation correction to the NE)  
      WSW 4, 2/10, Vis. good, Sea 3, long medium Swell    
    16.15   B.d.U. points out to the boats - check bearings.  
    16.23   Believe own bearings are exact.  Operated on them.  
        To the WNW.  
    17.10   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  
        Bearings from Schnee were incorrect.  Air reports convoy course north.  27 ships, 4 escorts, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser.  
    20.00 BE 7257 Continued pursuit to the WNW.  
      SWbyW 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium, Sea 3-4, long medium-high W-Swell                                                    
    25.09.41 700 nm west of Finisterre    
    00.00 BE 7139    
    00.23 - 01.39   Dived to listen.  Nothing in the listening gear.  S-gear [active sonar] shows perfect bearings of the convoy and direction.  Position about 4-6 nm to the west.  
Sun and Moon Data 24.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.41

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        Initially operated on enemy course north, then north-northwest, the northwest.  
    04.00 BE 4798    
    04.52   Cruiser shadow bearing 265°T.  Zigzagged.  
    04.55   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  Contact on cruiser, square BE 4789, course NW.    Mohr.  
    05.16   Out of sight to the NW.  
        Black night, visibility 1 nm.  
        Because I do not know if the convoy is ahead or behind the cruiser . . .  
    05.51 - 06.00   dived to listen.  
        Results:  Cruiser ahead to port, convoy astern to port.  
    06.07   Cruiser in sight.  Positioned about 2000 meters ahead of the forward destroyer escort.  
    06.39 BE 4789 Two-fan on cruiser (anti-aircraft cruiser type CALYPSO), target angle 50°, range = 800 meters.  
        Miss, speed underestimated.  
        Advanced from ahead on the opposite course of the convoy.  While out maneuvering the forward destroyer the cruiser comes in shooting position again.  
        Ran in for the 2nd shot, zigzaged away before the shot.  
        Cruiser settled. From ahead into the screen.  Initially no steamers are found.  Very loose open, staggered formation.  
        Ahead to port 1 large tanker sighted, protected by 1 destroyer and 2 escort vessels.   
        Began from the inside to outside.  
        While approaching the destroyer ran before the bow.  
    07.36 BE 4785 Single shot on destroyer.  Target angle 90°, range = 300 meters.  Miss.  
        headed for the tanker 150 meters behind the destroyer.  
    07.44 BE 4785 Double shot on tanker, target angle 90°, range = 400 meters.  
                                         Hits forward and amidships.   
                                         Large explosion column and smoke cloud
                                         Sank over the bow.  
        At 07.37 hours due to a switching error a shot went from tube III.  Torpedo ran in direction 230°T.  At 07.54 hours a torpedo detonation was heard in the entire boat.  Possibly a chance hit on an escort positioned outside, however no certainty.  
        Set off out of the convoy to the SW.  
    07.55   Light cones, star shells.  
    08.00 BE 4784 Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
      WbyN 4, overcast, rain, Vis. moderate, Sea 3-4, short medium-high Swell Convoy square BE 4782.  Course 315°, 6.5 knots.  1 tanker 12000 GRT sunk.    Mohr.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.41
- 9 -
    08.23   Contact broken.  Heavy rain.  
    10.15   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
        Contact broken in rain.  Pursuing to the north.  Square BE 4771.    Mohr.  
    10.38   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  To U-124  
        Bravo.    B.d.U.  
    12.00 BE 4741 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   39 nm  Surfaced = 1644 nm  
        24./25.9.                               3 nm                      199 nm     
        Up to 25.9                     =    42 nm                = 1843 nm  
    12.50   Contact established again.  
    12.52   Contact keeper report (on Norddeich 8):  
        Convoy square BE 4719.  Course 340°, 6 knots.  
    14.10   Contact keeper report (on Norddeich 12):  
        Convoy square BE 4713, course 350°, 6.5 knots.  
    15.43   Incoming Radio Message:  
        U-203 requests bearing signals from contact keeper.  
        I give no bearing signals due to danger of being forced off.  Up to now have not been noticed.  
    16.00 BE 4478    
      NW 3-4, 5/10, Vis. good, Sea 3, long medium-high Swell    
    16.09   Radio Signal from U-203:  
        Enemy convoy in sight.  
        Unfortunately on U-boat Wavelength Volume 5!  
        So Mützelburg is on it. Soon after U-203 comes in sight astern.  
    16.10   Contact keeper report (on Norddeich 5):  
        Convoy square BE 4476, course 10°, 6.5 knots.  
    18.01   Contact keeper report (on Norddeich 12):  
        Correct position of the convoy 18.00 hours square BE 4455, course 0°, 6.5 knots.  
    20.00 BE 4419    
    20.01   Contact keeper report (on Norddeich 12):  
        Convoy square BE 4428, course 0°, 6.5 knots.  
    21.15   U-203 also gives contact keeper report.  
    20.55   Temporarily forced off to the SW by the aft destroyer.  Pursued.  
    21.44   Contact established again.  
        In the meantime is had grown dark.  
        Hold close contact.  Continual rain squalls, black night.  
        The situation is not clear.  The port escorting destroyer zigzags very strongly, also on opposite course from ahead to astern.  Cruiser moves from aft to ahead.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.41
- 10 -
    25.09.41   Actual steamer column not distinguished.  
    23.30   Maneuver to attack.  
        Held on close to the escort astern to port.  
        Three steamers distinguished.  
    23.49   Torpedo detonation in the convoy.  Mützelburg.  
        Star shells, Light cones.  
        Moved off at AK to the west, until it is dark again.  
    26.09.41 500 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 4182    
      WSW 5, 4/10, squalls, rain showers, Sea 3-4, medium-high Swell, Vis. moderate    
    00.40   Again maneuvered to attack.  
    01.40   Boat is positioned between the port aft destroyer and a large tanker protected on the side by 2 escorts, when from ahead a destroyer runs aft on the opposite course.  
        Collision position.  Turned away hard at AK.  Cleared the destroyer by 150 meters.  Probably saw our wake, throws 20 depth charges astern, 10 minutes later a further 10, later once again 4.  
        Again I set off on the flank.  
    02.00   From astern 2 destroyers, target angle 0°.  
        AK and hook to the west.  Destroyers remain astern.  
    02.10   One now at the front of the convoy  
        Prepared to attack now because the destroyer is currently astern and is drawn into a thick rain squall with us.  
        Ahead a group of 3 steamers.  
    02.23 BE 4166 1st shot on 6000 GRT steamer.  
                                                      Target angle 70°, range = 600 meters.  Hit aft, Sank immediately over the stern post.  
    02.24 BE 4166 2nd shot on 5000 GRT steamer.  
                                                      Target angle 90°, range = 450 meters, hit center.  Tightly enveloped in detonation cloud.  Sank quickly over the forestem.  
    02.25   The 3rd steamer, a small one, was at the moment of the shot covered by the second steamer.  
        While running off saw the big tanker further aft once again.  
        At AK into a rain squall.  All around star shells.  One light cone over the boat.  
        Everything is totally bright.  
        Boat cannot be seen in the rain.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.41
- 11 -
    02.38   2 detonations astern.  Mützelburg.  
        Must more further to the NW because the cruiser to starboard always still shoots star shells in the western horizon.  
    03.01   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square BE 4244.  Course northeast.  2 freighters 11000 GRT sunk.  
    03.20   Course east, to get back again.  
        Black night.  Visibility below 2000 meters, continual rain squalls, therefore dived to listen.  
    03.50   No results.  
    04.00 BE 4163    
    04.14   Surfaced.  
        Pursued to the northeast.  
    08.00 BE 1873    
    08.47 WSW 5, 5/10, squalls, lightening, Vis. very good, Sea 4, high Swell Radio Message on Norddeich 8 to B.d.U.:  
      Contact lost.  In pursuit to the northeast square BE 1857.  
        (B.d.U. repeated on U-boat Wavelength with incorrect square 1875).  
    12.00 BE 1855 Day's run:   
      WSW 7 Carry over  Submerged  =   42 nm  Surfaced = 1843 nm  
        25./26.9.                               1 nm                      217 nm     
        Up to 26.9                     =    43 nm                = 2060 nm  
    14.00   Bearing signals from the SE.  High Volume, shifted out quickly.  Must be close.  
        Sent Short Signal concerning bearing.  
    16.00 BE 1945    
      W 8, high Swell    
    16.30   Convoy in sight.  
    16.32   Radio Signal:  Alpha Alpha Convoy 1946, course 50°.  
    16.42   Radio Signal received  from U-203:   
        Also has contact.  
        A steamer with thick yellow smokestack with black rim set out to the west.  Held onto it.  
    16.46   Condor astern.  Turned away to the east over the convoy.  Was shot at with heavy anti-aircraft fire.  
    18.10   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 1928, course 50°, 6.5 knots.  
    19.36   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 1926, course 40°, 6.5 knots.  
    20.00 BE 1925 The single steamer always angles out more to the west.  
      WNW 7, 6/10, heavy squalls, Vis. greatly changing, high Swell The convoy itself is no longer in sight.  
      Hold onto the steamer.  Twilight is beginning.  
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.41
- 12 -
    20.20   Steamer turned hard to the east in a rain squall.  
        At AK held on to the east.  
      Continual rain squalls Steamer must run over 12 knots.  
    21.56   Convoy in sight again.  Had zigzagged to the east.  
    20.59   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 2234, course east.  
        (Square incorrect, was corrected later).  
    23.00   Thrust from astern into the screen, when the aft destroyer moved away to starboard.  
        Moon behind a rain squall, completely black background.  
    23.35 BE 2714 Shot on the last proceeding 3000-ton steamer.  
                                                Target angle 100°, range = 600 meters, hit after edge of the smokestack.  Sinks in 1/2 minute.  
        While sinking still shoots a white star.  
        Got out of the convoy at AK astern to port.  
        Star shell.  Light cones.  Boat remains in the dark.  
    23.50   German U-boat overhauled at a distance of 400 meters.  
    23.58   Again on easterly course.  
        Star shells had stopped.  
    23.59   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square 2715.  Course 90°, 7 knots.  Up to now one 3000 GRT steamer.  Square in Radio Message 127 must mean 1934.    Mohr.  
    27.09.41 400 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 2711 Radio Message to B.d.U. with time group 1855: concerning orders to send bearing signals now first deciphered due to unclear Kenngruppen.  
        02.15 and 02.45 hours gave bearing signals.  
        Held contact on port aft flank destroyer.  
    02.09 )   Torpedo detonation heard.  
    02.13 )   In the south star shells and light cones.  
    02.33 )      
    02.50   Depth charges thrown astern.  
    02.51   Astern destroyer comes in shooting position 600 meters away.  
        Shortly before the shot should go, forward destroyer in target angle 0°.  Must move off at AK.  
        Hung onto the forward destroyer.  Tried to attack twice more.  Each time zigzagged before the shot.  
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.41
- 13 -
    03.45   Fourth approach  
    03.58 BE 2722 Double shot on destroyer "J-Class"  
                                                   Target angle 100°, range = 1500 meters (must shoot with stern tubes).  
        Miss because the destroyer zigzagged away after 1 1/2 minutes.  
    04.00 BE 2723    
    04.01   Radio Message to B.d.U.:  
        Convoy square 2726, course 90°, 6.5 knots.  Out of torpedoes.    Mohr.  
    06.01   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 2735, course 90°, 6.5 knots.  
    06.19   Sighted a German U-boat overhauling us to starboard.  
    07.43   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 2736, course 90°, 6.5 knots.  
    08.00 BE 2735 In the morning twilight the convoy zigzags to the northeast.  
      WNW 3-4, blue sky, Vis. very good, Sea 3, medium Swell    
    09.49   Meeting with U-205.  
        Piston for stage 4 Junkers compressor given to U-205.  
    11.03   Contact keeper report:  
        Correct position of the convoy square 2818, course northeast, 6.5 knots.  
    11.45   Radio Message from B.d.U.:  To Mohr:  
        Stay close.  Hold contact.    B.d.U.  
    12.00 BE 2579 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   43 nm  Surfaced = 2060 nm  
        26./27.9.                               0 nm                      202 nm     
        Up to 27.9                     =    43 nm                = 2262 nm  
    12.53   Crash dive for Sunderland.  
    12.55 BE 2579 4 aircraft bombs 30 meters over the stern and astern.  
        Outer tube door linkage for tubes V and VI bent.  Aft diving plane bangs.  
        Submerged time exploited for absolutely necessary propulsion system checks.  
    16.00 BE 2576    
    18.10   Surfaced.  Pursued to the northeast.  
    19.27   Smoke clouds ahead.  
    19.35   Aft group of the convoy sighted.  
    20.00 BE 2561    
    20.01   Crash dive for Sunderland.  Boat remained unseen.  
    21.26   Surfaced.  Pursued to the northeast.  
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.41
- 14 -
    21.42   Contact keeper report sent:  
        (Time group 2003)  
        Convoy square 2565, course 40°, 6.5 knots. Was forced to submerged twice by Sunderland.    Mohr.  
    23.05   2 torpedo detonations heard.  
    23.10   Star shells ahead to port.  Schnee.  
    23.15   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 2614, course 35°.    Mohr.  
    28.09.41 200 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 2611 Contact lost.  During the night operated on enemy course NE, then ENE, then east.  
      W 3, 8/10, obscured horizon, Sea 2, long Swell  
    04.00 BE 2356    
    05.45   German U-boat to starboard.  
    08.00 BE 3145    
      SW 3, overcast, Vis. good, Sea 2-3, low Swell    
    08.40   Convoy in sight.  Course east.  
    08.58   Contact keeper report:  
        Convoy square 3158, course 80°, 6.5 knots.  
    09.28   Sighted U-203.  
    09.50   Contact keeper report:  
        Correct position of the convoy is square 3183, course 85°.  
    10.37   Incoming Radio Message:  Mohr and Schnee return transit.  Mützelburg and Reschke stay close.    B.d.U.  
    10.41   Course south.  Return transit.  
        Radio Message to B.d.U.:  Have begun return transit.  Sank:  3 tankers, 5 steamers.  44000 GRT.  Hits likely:  one steamer 5000 GRT.    Mohr.  
    12.00 BE 3186 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   43 nm  Surfaced = 2262 nm  
        27./28.9.                             22 nm                      166 nm     
        Up to 28.9                     =    65 nm                = 2428 nm  
    12.07   Crash dive for aircraft.  Probably was a Condor.  
    12.58   Surfaced.  
    13.36   Incoming Radio Message:  
        The Mohr has done his duty, the Mohr can go.    B.d.U.  
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 28.09.41
- 15 -
    16.00 BE 3461    
      SW 3-4, 7/10, Sea 2-3, moderate Swell    
    20.00 BE 3732    
    29.09.41 350 nm southwest of Ireland    
    00.00 BE 3799    
    04.00 BE 6278    
    08.00 BE 6813    
      NNW 3-4, 9/10, Vis. good, Sea 3, moderate Swell    
    10.20 - 12.15   Crash dive training and depth control training for new Chief Engineer.  
    12.00 BE 6852 Day's run:   
        Carry over  Submerged  =   65 nm  Surfaced = 2428 nm  
        28./29.9.                               8 nm                     263 nm     
        Up to 29.9                     =    73 nm                = 2691 nm  
    16.00 BE 6852    
    16.14   Incoming Radio Message:  
        Air reports naval square BF 4220 at 10.45 hours 3 English merchant ships each of 5000 GRT on southerly courses.  
        Meeting possible tonight at 02.00 hours.  
        Intention:  Because downloading is not possible due to the weather, hold contact and conduct surprise artillery attack before morning twilight.  
        Artillery was prepared.  
    19.15   Radio Message:  B.d.U. believes aircraft observation is uncertain.  
    20.00 BE 6993    
      NbyW 3, 6/10, Vis. good, Sea 2, long medium-high Swell    
    30.09.41 Western Bay of Biscay    
    00.00 BF 4782    
    02.00 - 03.00   Proceeded on the circle for southerly steamer course for 9 to 7.5 knots.  
        Good visibility with a bright moonlit night.  Nothing sighted.  
        Continued planned returned transit.  
    04.00 BF 4855    
    08.00 BF 4954    
      NbyW 2, 8/10, Vis. good, Sea 1-2, long medium-high Swell    
Sun and Moon Data 28.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 29.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 30.09.41
- 16 -
    10.08   Crash dive for training.  
        Proceeded submerged.  
        Morning depth control training for the new Chief Engineer.  
    12.00 BF 4966 Day's run:  
    16.00 BF 5746 Afternoon depth control training for the new Chief Engineer.  
    20.00 BF 5755    
      NbyW 3, 6/10, Vis. good, Sea 2, moderate long Swell    
    20.02   Surfaced.  Proceeded on the surface.  
    01.10.41 Bay of Biscay    
    00.00 BF 5852    
    04.00 BF 6476 Headed for the coast on the ordered entry route.  
    08.00 NNE 1-2, overcast, Vis. very good, Sea 1    
    08.53   Dived.  
    09.12   Put the boat on the bottom at Point L 2.  
    13.00   Surfaced.  
        Taken in convoy.  
    15.00 Lorient Made fast Lorient.  
        Day's run:   
                                               Submerged           Surfaced  
        Day's run:  Carried over:       80 nm                2991 nm  
                         30.9./1.10.          32 nm                  201 nm     
                         Up to 1.10.41    112 nm,               3192 nm  
                         Total Day's run: =  3304 nm  
                                                    Kapitänleutnant and Kmdt.  
                                                                   "U  124"  
Sun and Moon Data 30.09.41
Sun and Moon Data 01.10.41


Enclosures to U-124's KTB - click on the text at left to proceed to the document
Chart Track chart covering the entire patrol



Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote.



          A short very successful patrol.  The excellent performance deserves special recognition, especially as it was the first operation of the Kommandanten.  
          To the concerns expressed about sending bearing signals on 25 September, at present there are no indications that boats were forced off by it.  However, even at this risk, the contact keeper must send directional signs to bring in other boats.  
          The first use of the S-system [active sonar] from a U-boat has led to complete success.  For the moment, instead of the S-system, the radar-system is slated for installation which has the advantage of being less noticeable by the enemy and usable .  However, the performance of the radar system remains to be seen.  

For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote

- The Chief of the Operations Department -

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