U-242 - 2nd to 5th War Patrol

Translation by Jerry Mason with the help of Robert Derencin and Andi Forster

Days at Sea
11 July 1944
14 July 1944
16 July 1944
16 July 1944
17 July 1944
Grand Hotel
20 Jul 1944
Grand Hotel
21 July 1944
Grand Hotel
23 July 1944
Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the U-boat track, significant events and locations for these sections of the 2nd patrol.  You must have Google Earth loaded on your computer to view this file.  Download Google Earth here

Grand Hotel
24 July 1944
26 July 1944
28 July 1944
Grand Hotel
30 July 1944
Grand Hotel
1 August 1944
1 August 1944
Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying these sections of the 2nd patrol. 

23 August 1944
Grand Hotel
26 August 1944
Grand Hotel
29 August 1944
Grand Hotel
1 September 1944
Grand Hotel
3 September 1944
3 September
12 September 1944
Baltisch Port
12 September 1944
Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying these sections of the 3rd patrol. 

Baltisch Port
21 September 1944
28 September 1944
30 September 1944
1 October 1944
1 October 1944
2 October 1944
Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the 4th patrol. 

5 October 1944
9 October 1944
10 October 1944
11 October 1944
Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the 5th patrol. 

The 2nd and 3rd patrols took place during the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union.  From the invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 U-boats operated in the Gulf of Finland in coordination with Finnish forces, sometimes using Finnish bases.  A ceasefire between the Finns and the Soviets ended hostilities on 5 September 1944 and was followed by the Moscow Armistice on 19 September 1944.  The 4th and 5th patrols were mining operations in Finish waters.
  To read more about the Continuation War click on the Wikipedia icon.

  The 2nd and 3rd patrols used the Finnish grid system to note positions in the KTB.  The Finnish National Archives has digitized charts from this period.  Click on the Icon at left to visit the National Archives of Finland. 

  Click on the icon at left to view a Finnish grid chart of the Gulf of Finland from the Finnish National Archives.  There is a key on the chart that shows how the grid system worked.

Ships Attacked
KTB Time
25 Aug 44
60°02'N, 29°05'E
25 Aug 44
60°02'N, 29°05'E
28 Oct 44
59°57'N, 24°21'E
RIGEL (mine)
 Total = 2,500
Note:  The positions in the table above and in the Google Earth patrol summary are derived from the KTB and in many cases do not match those set forth in authoritative references such as Jürgen Rohwer, Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two or the Uboat.net website.  The goal here is to present the picture relative to the U-boat and not the absolute position that the ship was attacked or sank.

                                  K  r  i  e  g  s  t  a  g  e  b  u  c  h
                                       Unterseeboot  "U - 242"
                                                      2nd Patrol.  
      Kommandant: Oblt.z.S.d.R.    P  a  n  c  k  e  .  
               Beginning on:          2 July        1944  
               Concluding on:      11 October 1944  
OKM Copy No. 1 and 2
BdU  Op        " 3
Kom.Adm.Uboote        " 4
Marine-Gruppen-Kommando Ost Führungsstab        " 5
F.d.U. Ausbildung        " 6
27. U-Flottille        " 7
8. U-Flottille        " 8
1. Combat sketches for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
2. Torpedo firing reports for Copy No. 3
3. Kriegstagebuch Excerpt Maschine for Copy No. 3
4. Summary (Clear text) of General Key Radio Messages for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
5. Mining Report for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.
6. Mining sketch for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
7. Short Report for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
8. Comments of the U-boat Operations Chief at Admiral Östl.Östsee for Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
        © U-boat Archive 2023 - all rights reserved  
Click the flag to view the above page from the original German KTB
- 1 -
    02. -10.07.44 Kiel Torpedo offload, shipyard overhaul in GW Kiel, propeller replacement, ballast tanks overhauled, fitting of an 8.8 cm, ballasting.  
        Outfitting, final trim test.  
    21.07 Kiel-Wik Cast off by orders of F.d.U. Mitte.  
        Gkdos. 01281 A I of 11.7.44.  
    22.00 Kiel Lightship G.B.T. [mine countermeasure] deployed, lowered to 9 meters.  
        Transit to the east with U-Schunk.  
    12.07.44 AO 7733 On Route 1 to the east.  
      WNW 2, Sea 1, 1008 mb, 6/10, Vis. very clear    
    03.20   Beginning of twilight  
    04.00 AO 7837    
      WNW 3, Sea 1, 1007 mb, 7/10, low clouds, Vis. medium    
    08.00 AO 7684    
      WbyS 1, Sea 0-1, 1008 mb, 5/10, Vis. 14 nm    
    12.00 AO 8379 Day's run:  Surfaced 171 nm.  
      W 3, Sea 2, 1009 mb, 9/10, rain, Vis. 10 nm    
    13.00 "Grün10" G.B.T. retrieved.  
    16.00 AO 8471    
      W 4, Sea 2-3, 1009 mb, 9/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AO 8439    
      W 5, Sea 3, 1009 mb, 9/10, Vis. 15 nm    
    21.55   Beginning of twilight.  
    13.07.44 Central Baltic    
    00.00 AO 9435    
      N 2-3, Sea 2, 1011 mb, 4/10, Vis. 4 nm    
    02.30   Beginning of twilight.  
Sun and Moon Data 11.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 12.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 13.07.44
- 2 -
    04.00 AO 9258    
      WNW 3, Sea 2, 1008 mb, 4/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AO 9312    
      NW 3, Sea 1-2, 1008 mb, 9/10, Vis. 15 nm    
    12.00 AO 6719 Day's run:  Surfaced 290 nm.  
      W 3-4, Sea 2-3, 1009 mb, 9/10, Vis. 12 nm    
    14.36 AO 6473 Swedish torpedo boat, course west, 3 nm ahead.  
        With manned guns, high speed.  
        Report by Schunk with:  
    16.00 AO 6443         Radio Message Serial No. 1417/42:  
      NW 2, Sea 1, 1007 mb, 6/10, Vis. 15 nm                 Control,  
      Swedish Watch Boat 44 naval square AO 6476.  Course 0°. All weapons manned.  Serial No. 41 settled.  
    20.00 AO 6158                                                    U-348  
      W 2, Sea 1, 1009 mb, 4/10, Vis. very clear    
    20.15 AO 6155 "Aircraft", type not recognized, course west, 16000 meters away.  
    22.30   Beginning of twilight.  
    00.00 Route 95, Position 9 Transit on "Mine-free Route 95" to Reval.  
      AO 2999    
      NNW 3, Sea 2-3, 1008 mb, overcast, Vis. medium    
    02.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    04.00 AO 0284    
      NNW 4, Sea 2, 1008 mb, overcast, rain, Vis. medium    
    08.00 AO 3551    
      NNW 3, Sea 2, 1007 mb, overcast, rain, Vis. very bad    
    08.41 Reval Made fast Reval, old harbor.  
    12.00     " Day's run:  Surfaced 219 nm.  
    13.02     " Cast off old harbor.  On orders of the harbor Captain, shifted to the new harbor, made fast  
    13.50     "  
    15.07.44 Reval Day's run:  Surfaced 2 nm.  
    13.14     " Cast off  
    13.46 AO 3558 Dived for trim test.  
    14.12   Surfaced, came in.  
    14.50     " Made fast.  
Sun and Moon Data 13.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 14.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 15.07.44
- 3 -
    16.07.44 Reval    
    00.20   Incoming Radio Message 1530/14/0191 (secure teletype)  
        KR  U-242  
        Immediately report if torpedo mine mechanism is on board and what gear is necessary for deploying torpedo mines.  Intend to forward missing parts with U-250.  
                                       Kom.Adm.U.-Boote MFS Reval.  
    03.30   Ouggoing Radio Message secure teletype NORN 06116 (Gkdos)  
        KR.  Komm.Adm.U.-Boote  
        To Radio Message 1530/14/0191 (secure teletype)  Following gear required:  4 long auxiliary rails for submerged weapons bow room, 1 long auxiliary rail for submerged weapons stern room, 2 mounting brackets for the long auxiliary rail for tubes 3 and 4 at pressure hull frame 66, 1 submerged weapons transport waist, 2 insertion plunger for submerged weapons, 1 hanging bracket for under water weapons, 7 storm securing straps for submerged weapons, quick loading stages, 10 stanchions with plug bolts, 10 connecting pennants, 1 starboard quick loading rail, 4 mounting brackets for quick loading stages, pressure hull frames 67, 68, 74.5 long transport wagon without drive, 2 long transport wagons with drive starboard, 1 auxiliary trough for submerged weapons bow-stern room.  
                                                            U-242 (Pancke)  
    07.15     " Cast off for transit to Helsinki.  
    08.00 AO 3454    
      W 1-2, Sea 0, 1013 mb, 1/10, Vis. good    
    09.14 Route 96, Position 1-2 Dived for damage control exercises.  
    11.05   Surfaced.  
    12.00 AO 3515    
      W 1, Sea 0, 1015 mb, 6/10, Vis. very good Day's run:  Surfaced      37 nm  
                       Submerged    4 nm  
                                             41 nm  
    15.18 Made fast Helsinki south harbor, reported to 9.S.D.  [9. Sicherungsdivision]  
    16.40                       "               " Cast off.  Shifted to  
    17.30                       "      west harbor made fast.  
    11.00                        " Situation discussion with 9.S.D.     
    12.00                        " Day's run:  Surfaced 33 nm  
    14.00                        " Cast off.  Transit on archipelago route to berth Grand Hotel.  
        (Finnish grid chart notation)  
    16.00 140 D 1    
      Calm, Sea 0, 1015 mb, NE low rain clouds, otherwise Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 16.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 17.07.44
- 4 -
    20.00 142 A 4 Finnish R-boat 8 nm ahead, course south.  
      ESE 1, Sea 0, 1016 mb, 1/10, Vis. good    
    21.34 142 A 2    
      (Grand Hotel) Made fast camouflaged.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced 84 nm  
    16.36   Incoming Radio Message 1514/18/0102:  
                - P  a  n  c  k  e  -  
        Today 21.00 hours to relieve Nielson be south of Pittkäpassi.  Relief by Andersen 24 hours later at same location.  
    19.08   Cast off.  Transit on archipelago route to "Bengalen".  
    20.00 142 A 3    
      SW 1, Sea 0, 1016 mb, Vis. very good    
    21.00 142 B 37 Reached relief point.  Nielson not reached.  
    21.55   Beginning of twilight.  
    22.18   Outgoing Radio Message 2143/18/0115:  
        At relief point Nielsen not in sight.  Going to Bengalen.  
    22.35 [Possibly a direct enciphered message from U-Nielsen] Incoming M-Spruch   Nielsen.  
      Bengalen all clear.  
    22.44   Outgoing Radio Message 2237/18/0108  
        Relief is effected.  
    22.48 143 A 41 Dived.  
    19.07.44 Bengalen    
    00.10 143 A 41 At periscope depth "nothing".  
    01.01 143 A 44 Sound bearing 213°T.  
        To periscope depth. 2 fast running small vessels, course east, type not distinguished, 2000 meters away.  Very high speed.  
    01.05   To Action stations.  
    01.11 143 A 44 Out of sight bearing 50°T.  
    01.12   Dismissed from Action stations.  No shot.  Because with the distance so great, the type could not be distinguished.  
    01.21 143 A 44 Sound bearing 145°T.  
        To Action stations (tubes 1-5 made ready).  
        4 very fast running small vessels in line ahead bearing 150°T, course west about 2500 meters away.  Shifted quickly, type not distinguished.  Out of sight bearing 200°T.  
    02.25 143 A 72 Dismissed from Action stations, tubes 1-4 remain ready.  
Sun and Moon Data 17.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 18.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 19.07.44
- 5 -
    04.00 143 A 12 All is quiet in Bengalen.  
    08.00 143 A 12    "        "    "       "  
    12.00 143 C 11 Day's run:  Surfaced      31 nm  
                         Submerged  19 nm  
                                             50 nm  
    16.00 143 A 42    
    20.00 143 A 41    
    23.32 143 A 42 Surfaced.  Relieved by Anderson.  
        In Bengalen all clear.  
    20.07.44 142 B 38 Transit to Grand Hotel  
    00.00 Calm, Sea 0, 1010 mb, 8/10, Vis. good    
    02.40 Grand Hotel Made fast.  
    12.00      "        " Day's run:  Surfaced      31 nm  
                         Submerged  14 nm  
                                             45 nm  
        Boat made 3 tons lighter by removing artillery ammunition and Potash cartridges.  
    13.29      "        " Incoming Radio Message 1238/20/0175  
        Today 23.30 hours with 3 AFP on archipelago route be south of Oriteaari to relieve Nielsen.  24 hours later Pancke be at the same point.  
    21.20      "        " Incoming Radio Message 2032/20/0185:  
        Before entrance into operations area wait return of the positioned boat.  If it does not return on time, wait one hour.  Then report to 9.S.D. and await further orders.  
    21.07.44      "        "    
    15.28      "        " Incoming Radio Message 1528/21/0107:  
        Pancke today 23.30 hours with 3 AFP be south of Oriteaari.  Relief there 22 July 23.00 hours by Andersen anticipated.  In Trinidad free to sink towed or self propelled magnet [not understood term] barges.  
    18.58      "        " Cast off.  
    19.23 143 A 52 Dived for trim test.  
    19.45   Surfaced, transit on archipelago route to Trinidad.  
    20.00 143 A 5    
      E 2-3, Sea 1-2, 1011 mb, 2/10, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 19.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 20.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 21.07.44
- 6 -
    21.40   Incoming Radio Message 2048/21/0101:  
        Sons go to Koulukrok.  
    22.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    22.30   Incoming Radio Message 2028/21/0113:  
        Pancke and Stöffler  
        According to Finnish B-Dienst report 4 Russian S-boats have orders between 22.00 and 01.00 hours to be in the Ristniemi area.  2 watch boats at 23.00 hours are at 60°28.5'N, 28°29.5'E.  AF-Gruppe notified accordingly.  
    23.00 143 A 13 Reached relief point  
        AFP and Finnish R-Boats come up in the wake.  A.F.P. was informed in accordance with above Radio Message.  
    23.10   S-Boats and artillery impacts ahead.  Because there was no possibility of approaching the patrol boats reported in Radio Message 2028/21/0113 on the surface, dived.  Moved off submerged into the operations area.  
    23.28 143 A 13 Cruising submerged on this advance is very difficult due to continuous shoals and bad orientation possibilities in the darkness.  Frequent retreats were necessary.  Various artillery impacts in the vicinity of the boat.  
    22.07.44 143 A 21    
    00.00 South of Ristniemi    
    01.00 143 A 27 Nothing seen of the reported patrol vessels.  
    02.30 143 A 26 At Ruinti all dull and empty.  
    04.00 143 A 31 In operations area.  
    07.50   To Action stations.  A small watch boat.  Otherwise all dead.  In Koivisto Sound nothing suspicious.  
    08.00 143 A 33    
    12.00 143 A 33 Day's run:  Surfaced      38 nm  
                         Submerged  18 nm  
                                             56 nm  
    16.00 143 A 32    
    17.55 143 A 33 To Action stations.  Several small vessels and just offshore seemingly a larger one camouflaged.  Nearly the same type, the land in the background was deceiving.  
    19.25   Boat 20 meters to starboard noticed us, overruns us and throws 4 depth charges.  No damage, no failures, put the boat on the bottom depth 16 meters.  
    19.40   Raised the boat from the bottom and moved off on a westerly course.  
    19.55 143 A 33 5 depth charges or artillery impacts.  
    20.00 143 A 33 Koivisto all calm except for the startled patrol vessels.  Across through Trinidad to the relief point.  
Sun and Moon Data 21.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 22.07.44
- 7 -
    22.35 143 A 22 In the vicinity of the intended surfacing point artillery impacts.  
    22.50 143 A 21 Surfaced.  
    23.05 143 A 12 Met Anderson.  
        Transit on archipelago route to Grand Hotel.  
    23.33   Incoming Radio Message 1543/22/0137  
        Group Schäcke today U-Anderson at 23.00 hours be south of Pien-Kalastaja and accompany  Pancke return convoy.  New advance route is southeast of Pittkäpasi on course 70° on route south of Pien-Kalastaja.  Confirm by Radio Message.  
      Continued transit on the archipelago route because am already on the way to Grand Hotel without A.F.P. and going back in accordance with above Radio Message would have meant a detour or starting over at objective Pien-Kalastaja.  
    00.00 142 B 33 Transit on the archipelago route to Grand Hotel.  
      ESE 2, Sea 1, 1010 mb, 7/10, Vis. good    
    02.28 Grand Hotel Made fast.  
    03.30      "        " Outgoing Radio Message 0247/23/0155  
        19.20 hours at depth 16 meters depth charge attack by patrol vessel group, little trained behavior of the enemy.  At relief point S-Boats and artillery fire.  
    12.00      "        " Day's run:  Surfaced      29 nm  
                         Submerged  21 nm  
                                             50 nm  
    18.35      "        " Incoming Radio Message 1542/23/0167  
        Sons today 23.30 hours be south of Pien-Kalastaja.  Relief by Pancke anticipated.  
    24.07.44 Grand Hotel    
    20.40      "        " Cast off in accordance with Serial No. 23/0157.  
        Transit to Bengalen.  
    22.00 Beginning of twilight    
    23.05 143 A 41 Dived to proceed submerged to Bengalen.  
    23.30   Incoming Radio Message 2159/24/0105:  
        KR 2216/24/0107 KR  



Stöffler task search south exit Koivisto and between Kiuskeri and Nali to the southeast and make sure that Position 143 D and 2 and 3 are occupied about from midnight.  Return transit at own discretion.  Report experiences by Radio Message.  Bengalen remains unoccupied.  Sons initially proceed to Grand Hotel, then go to Koukukrock  
Sun and Moon Data 22.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 23.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 24.07.44
- 8 -
    00.34   Outgoing Radio Message 2334/24/0111:  
        On receiving Serial No. 0137 was already submerged off Bengalen.  Contrary to the intention in Serial No. 0107 [illegible two words].  Am on return transit to Grand Hotel.  
    23.40 143 A 41 Surfaced.  Transit to Grand Hotel.  
    00.00 142 A 38    
      NNW 2-3, Sea 2, 1008 mb, 3/10, Vis. good    
    01.20 142 A 37 Incoming Radio Message 0053/25/0112 KR  
        To clarify positions 1.) Stöffler carry out task Koivistosund.  2.)  Pancke to Trinidad.  3.)  Breckwoldt report position.  
    01.30 142 A 37 Came about for Trinidad.  
    01.55   Outgoing Radio Message 0129/25/0116:  
        Position 142 A 37.  Arrival Ristniemi 03.45 hours.  
    02.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    03.10 143 A 12 Dived.  Transit into operations area, route submerged passing south of Ristniemi.  
    03.12   Incoming Radio Message 2248/24/0109 KR  
        Pancke with escort 06.00 hours be south of Pitkäsaari for Trinidad relief.  Breckwoldt leave observation position 02.00 hours.  Go to new berth in Korkasaari. Report experience concerning this place and the route there by Radio Message.  
    04.00 143 A 13    
    08.00 143 A 26    
    09.30   In operations are no particular events.  
    12.00 143 A 32 Day's run:  Surfaced      61 nm  
                         Submerged  15 nm  
                                             76 nm  
    12.x8 143 A 32 In Koivisto Sound nothing suspicious.  Only small everyday patrol vessels.  
    16.00 143 A 31    
    16.40   Incoming Radio Message 1425/25/0125  
        Group Lindenberg escorts Nielsen today.  Brings back Pancke.  For this be at Pittkäpasi at 06.00 hours.  Confirm Radio Message.  
Sun and Moon Data 24.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 25.07.44
- 9 -
    20.00 143 A 31    
    21.40 Koivisto Sound All quiet, nothing in particular.  
    00.00 143 A 1x    
    02.30   Left the operations area.  Submerged to the relief point south of Ristniemi and Pien-Kalastaja  
    06.15 143 A 14 Surfaced.  
    06.25   Relieved by Nielsen.  
    06.49   Outgoing Radio Message 0624/26/0144:  
        Nielsen met.  
    08.00 143 A 53    
      WNW 3, Sea 2, 1020 mb, clear sky, Vis. good    
    08.45 Grand Hotel Made fast.  
    09.09   Incoming Radio Message 0854/26/0148  
        Heavy operations of Russian aircraft is expected against Grand Hotel.  
    10.30 Grand Hotel Cast off to lay on the bottom.  
    10.25   Incoming Radio Message 0946/26/0149  
        Pancke, Breckwoldt report departure time.  Finnish figher aircraft requested as escort.  Pancke for Risholm, Breckwoldt for Borgholm-Musholm, Schmidt to Pancke for Risholm.  
    10.40   Transit to Riesholm.  
    10.56   Outgoing Radio Message 1036/26/0152:  
        10.30 departed Grand Hotel.                 Pancke.  
    12.00 141 B 55 Day's run:  Surfaced      53 nm  
      NW 3-4, Sea 2, 1021 mb, 2/10, Vis. good                  Submerged  31 nm  
                                           84 nm  
    13.28   Incoming Radio Message 0916/26/0147  KR  
        Grand Hotel and Miersmare leave immediately to the west.  
    14.10 Riesholm Made fast.  Berth not good because am on bare rock 4 meters from land.  
    27.07.44 Riesholm In readiness.  
    12.00   Day's run Surfaced 20 nm.  
    13.29   Outgoing Radio Message 1237/27/0187:  
        Riesholm lying condition not better, as reported by Schunk and Nielsen.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 26.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 27.07.44
- 10 -
    28.07.44 Riesholm In readiness.  
    16.19   Incoming Radio Message 1507/28/0109:  
        Pancke 29 August 06.00 hours with escort be at Pittkäpasi for Trinidad.  Sons for Esplanade.  
    23.54 Riesholm Cast off.  Transit to Trinidad.  
    00.00 Riesholm    
      NE 1, Sea 0-1, 1021 mb, fair, Vis. good    
    02.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    04.00 142 B 19    
      NE 2, Sea 1, 1021 mb, 1/10, Vis. good    
    06.00 142 B 36 Relieved Sons.  
    06.10 143 A 14 Dived, proceeded submerged south of Ristniemi for Trinidad.  
    08.00 143 A 15 No traffic on the surface.  
    12.00 143 A 22 Day's run:  Surfaced      63 nm  
                         Submerged    8 nm  
                                             71 nm  
    16.00 143 A 36    
    19.56   Incoming Radio Message 1535/29/0175  
        Schmidt today 24.00 hours with escort at Pien-Kalastaja for Trinidad.  Pancke to Grand Hotel.  
    20.00 143 A 31 Transit to relief point.  
    23.31 143 A 14 Surfaced.  Transit to relief and Grand Hotel.  
    00.00 142 B 36    
      N 3, Sea 1, 1020 mb, 1/10, Vis. clear    
    00.05   Relieved by Schmidt.  
    02.31 Grand Hotel Made fast.  
        Propulsion system check:  starboard diesel all cam shaft bearings worn out.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced      33 nm  
                         Submerged   22 nm  
                                             55 nm  
    23.50   Outgoing Secure Teletype (By Ob.Ltn.z.See Paulsen, M.V.O. at Finn.Flottenstab)  
        K.R. Secure Teletype to 9 S.D.  
        Starboard diesel all upper cam shaft bearings worn out.    With ordering of 5 crankshaft bearings and the same operational demand in about 14 days  
Sun and Moon Data 28.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 29.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 30.07.44
- 11 -
    30.07.44   ready again.  Until then ready with port diesel.  Suggest provisional recourse to spare bearings from other boats.  Each boat should be equipped with one crankshaft bearing.  
    31.07.44 Grand Hotel    
    14.10   Incoming Radio Message 1449/31/0137:  
        Pancke get bearings from boats lying there and go to Helsinki West harbor.  
        Cleared the boat, artillery ammunition, potash cartridges, provisions, etc.  
    06.00 Grand Hotel Cast off for Halsinki.  
    08.00 141 B 64    
      SE 1-2, Sea 1, 1024 mb, 1/10, Vis. clear    
    12.00 140 D 22 Days run Surfaced 57 nm  
      SSE 1, Sea 0, 1024 mb, 1/10, Vis. clear    
    14.45 Helsinki - West harbor Made fast.  
        Overhaul of the starboard diesel by the Command.  
    02.08.44 Helsinki - West harbor Days run Surfaced 22 nm  
    03.08.44 Helsinki -West harbor    
    10.14   Cast off.  Shifted to the South harbor.  
    11.02 South harbor Made fast.  
        Day's run Surfaced 3 nm  
        Overhaul of the starboard diesel.  
    04.08.44 Helsinki - South harbor I.  Training and work duty (I. Division).  
        II. Overhaul of the starboard diesel (II. Division).  
    05.08.44       "                " I.  Training and work duty.  
        II. Overhaul of the starboard diesel.  
    06.08.44       "                " I.  Work duty.  
        II. Overhaul of the starboard diesel.  
Sun and Moon Data 30.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 31.07.44
Sun and Moon Data 01.08.44
- 12 -
    07.08.44 Helsinki I.  Weapons and training duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty, overhaul of the starboard diesel.  
    08.08.44       " I.  Weapons and training duty.  
      II.  Overhaul of the starboard diesel.  
    09.08.44       " I. and II.  Round trip Helsinki.  
      II.  Mechanical overhaul.  
    10.08.44       " I.  Division duty.  
      II.  Mechanical overhaul.  
    11.08.44       " I.  Division duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    12.08.44       " I.  Division duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    13.08.44       " I.  Sunday service.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    14.08.44       " I.  Weapons duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    15.08.44       " I.  Weapons duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    16.08.44       " I.  Division duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    17.08.44       " I.  Infantry duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
    18.08.44       " I.  Training duty.  
        II.  Mechanical duty.  
        Incoming Short Letter  
        5.U-Flottille, 8 No. G 9981 I of 4.8.44.  
        To U-242, 475, 479, 481    Short Report  
        In accordance with Kom.Adm.U-boote Gkdos 6610 of 2 August 44 boats are assigned to 8.-U-Flottille on 1 August 44.  
                                                                       5. U.-Flottille  
- 13 -
    19.08.44 Helsinki I.  Work duty.  
        II.  Mechanical overhaul.  
    20.08.44       " I.  Sunday service.  
        II.  Mechanical overhaul.  
    21.08.44       " I. Training duty.  
        II.  Mechanical overhaul.  
    15.05 South harbor Cast off.  Shifted to "D N U"  
    15.36   Made fast.  
    22.08.44       " I.  Training duty.  
      II.  Mechanical duty.  
                      In readiness!  
    23.08.44       "    
    07.04   Cast off.  Transit to Esplanade.  
    08.00 140 C 51    
      WNW 1, 6/10, Sea 0-1, 1024 mb, Vis. clear    
    12.00 141 B 71 Days run Surfaced 56 nm.  
      WSW 3, 4/10, 1025 mb, Sea 1, Vis. clear    
    12.54 141 B 51 Dived.  Test dive.  
    13.15   Surfaced.  
    13.51 Esplanade Made fast.  "Stöffler" alongside.  
    14.12        " Incoming Radio Message 1240/23/016  
        This evening go into operations area according to verbal instructions on Route 28xu via square 143 D 11.  
    18.34        " Cast off.  Transit into operations area.  
                                     Kronstädter Bay.  
    20.00 142 A 55    
      WSW 3-4, 4/10, Sea 3, 1021 mb, Vis. good On Route 28 x  
    21.35 142 B 79 Searchlight bearing 160°.  Sweeps from West-North-East.   
    22.12 142 B 98 Dived to pass unseen at Narvi.  
        "Nomerie Lighthouse" to the east covered or dimmed.  
Sun and Moon Data 23.08.44
- 14 -
    24.08.44 Kronstädter Bay    
    00.00 143 A 78    
    00.42 143 A 79 Surfaced.  Continued on the surface and charged to the operations area.  
    01.20 143 A 88 Searchlight bearing 170°, sweeps from west-north-east.  
    01.35 143 A 89 Dived.  Transit into operations area.  
    04.00 143 C 32 Navigation very hindered.  Very dark, no objects distinguished.  
    04.30 143 C 33 Put the boat on the bottom.  Navigation uncertain.  
        "Brummbär" in the vicinity.  Awaited twilight.  
    05.20   Raised the boat from the bottom.  
    05.45 143 C 33 Continued transit into Kronstädter Bay.  
    08.00 143 D 12 No particular events.  
    12.00 143 D 53 Day's run:  Surfaced      61 nm  
                         Submerged  25 nm  
                                             86 nm  
    16.00 143 D 39 No vessels far and wide.  
    20.00 119 B 33           "              "  
      Intend to surface about 24.00 hours at the eastern tip "Tiger" to renew the air, and perhaps charge.  
    23.10   Incoming Radio Message 2014/24/0103:  
                - U-Pancke -  
        Two Finnish S-Boats advance by night to square 143 D 2 and 3, type Russian prize vessel.  
                                                                       M-V-O Finn.Flotte
    25.08.44 Kronstädter Bay    
    00.00 143 D 92    
    00.55 143 D 95 Surfaced to ventilate and charge.  Due to mirror-flat sea and calm wind with the proximity to land and relatively good visibility, no diesel started because this would certainly be heard from land.  
    01.05 143 D 95 After ventilating dived and put the boat on the bottom.  (due to low visibility)  
    05.15 143 D 95 Raised the boat from the bottom, above nothing new!  
    08.00 143 D 99    
    08.15 143 D 99 Sound bearing in 90°T.  
    08.25   At periscope depth.  Vessel about 8000-9000 meters away changing courses, ran to meet at HF.  
        To Action stations.  
    09.45 144 C 75 Sound bearing in 120°T two boats on changing courses bearing 100°T about 10000 meters away.  Apparently coming closer.  Steamer lying alone, type  
Sun and Moon Data 24.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 25.08.44
- 15 -
      144 C 75 like the dispatch ship "ASTRONOM" or "KOMPASS", seems worthwhile to me.  Lies in position, suspect at pilot station.  A barge alongside him.  Continued at HF to operate on old target.  
    10.07   Turned towards to attack.  
    10.11 144 C 75 Single shot from tube 1, depth 4 meters, Mz on, target speed 0 knots, range 600 meters, target angle = 90°.  
        "Tube fire", after 42 seconds several audible detonations are heard in the boat.  Hit center, steamer breaks apart, barge sinks slower.  
    10.12   Moved off to the west.  
    10.22    )      
        .27    )   4 depth charges, suspect from far off, above mentioned boats  
        .33    )    
        .39    )      
    10.22   Course change to the northwest.  
    11.30 143 D 93 At periscope depth, nothing more is seen at the detonation location.  In the direction of "Schepelewski.Pr." small one smokestack vessel broad target angle.  Due to exhausted battery cannot operate further.  Return transit.  
    11.30    ) 143 D 93 3 depth charges or aircraft bombs.  
        .31    )      
    12.00 143 D 69 Day's run:  Submerged 37 nm.  
    12.04 - 12.47   2 mines or depth charge detonations far off.  
    13.45 143 D 65 Sound bearing in 345°T, was louder quickly.  
    13.55   Was overrun by  a very fast small vessel.  Sound bearing was fainter and disappeared in 165°T.  
    16.00 143 D 29 Above all is quiet and calm.  
    16.37   Incoming Radio Message 1150/25/0118:  Urgent  
        1.)  - Pancke-  
        In the night of 25 to 26 arrive on Route 28 x.  Advantageously with lightness on archipelago route.  
        2.)  - Stöffer -  
        Depart at darkness on Route 28 x and south of Narvi, then via square 143 D 11 into operations area.  Be at Schepel 60°N 29°E 3 nm to the east and west.  
        3.)  - Breckwoldt -  
        At darkness on same route go into square 143 D 23 and 25.  
    [there is a big typo here - the actual text reads: 4.)  - M.V.O. Finn.Flotte  
    4.)  M.V.O. Finn.Flotte ordered measures. Ordered "Measure 5".  East of Seeigel attack on U-boats forbidden.  
    5.)  East of Seeigel attack on U-boats forbidden.]  
    20.00 143 C 33 Return transit.  
    20.35 143 A 88 Surfaced to charge and ventilate.  
    23.28 143 A 77 Dived to remain unseen passing Narvi.  
Sun and Moon Data 25.08.44
- 16 -
    26.08.44 North of Narvi    
    00.00 142 B 99    
    00.20   Incoming Radio Message 1541/25/0122  KR  
                 - Pancke - Trotha -  
        From the beginning of darkness, southeast of Pikkänen 2 Finnish gun boats with patrol vessel at the beginning of searchlight activity at Narvi, shot by K-Boats.  From direction west of Hatti 6 S-Boats.  Advance to square 119 A 29 and back.  
    02.40 142 B 88 Surfaced.  Transit to Grand Hotel.  
    03.10   Outgoing Radio Message 1955/25/0141:  
        25 August 10.11 hours in 144 C 75 stopped special vessel, type like dispatch ship "ASTRONOM" or "KOMPASS" about 600 tons with alongside positioned barge sunk. Depth 4 meters, MZ on, range 600 meters.  
                                                                       - Pancke -  
    03.40   Beginning of twilight.  
    04.00 142 A 69    
      WSW 2-3, 1/10, Sea 2, 1029 mb, Vis. good    
    04.58 Grand Hotel Made fast, camouflaged.  
    09.56   Incoming Radio Message 0914/26/0195.  
                     U - Pancke -  
                                        - Good -  
    11.51   Incoming Radio Message 1118/26/0148  
                - Pancke -  
                        Great, keep it up.  
                                                                       Chef 9.S.D.  
    12.00 Grand Hotel Day's run:  Surfaced      33 nm  
                         Submerged  35 nm  
                                             68 nm  
    27.08.44       "       " Sunday.  
        Admiral visit, Konteradmiral Böhmer.  9.S.D.  
    28.08.44       "       " In readiness.  
    29.08.44       "       " In readiness.  
    12.07       "       " Incoming Radio Message 1127/29/0107        - Pancke -  
        Tonight at the beginning of darkness depart into operations area "Schepel".  Transit as during the last operation.  
Sun and Moon Data 26.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
- 17 -
    29.08.44 Grand Hotel    
    18.57   Cast off.  Transit on Route 28 x to Schepel.  
    20.00 142 A 69    
      S 3-4, thunderstorms, Sea 3, 9/10, 1004 mb, Vis. 50 meters    
    21.19 142 D 23 Dived to pass by 2 nm south of Narvi unseen.  
    30.08.44 Kronstädter Bay    
    00.00 143 C 11    
    01.36 143 C 13 Surfaced.  Proceeded on the surface for Schepel with charging.  
    02.00 SSW 4, 2/10, Sea 3, 1003 mb, Vis. clear    
    02.42 143 C 32 Dived and put the boat on the bottom, "Brummbär 2" - Koivusaari - and no bearing objects.  
    05.00   Raised the boat from the bottom.  Depth control at periscope depth is complicated due to surf and ground swell, as well low speed.  
    08.00 143 D 15    
    12.00 143 D 24 Day's run:  Surfaced      33 nm  
                         Submerged  21 nm  
                                             54 nm  
    16.00 143 D 92 Operations area is deserted.  
    20.00 143 D 99                  "                "  
    22.45 143 D 96 Put the boat on the bottom, depth 36 meters, because no beacons are seen and navigation is uncertain in the vicinity of "Tiger".  
      Intend about 01.00 hours at moonset to surface to ventilate and if possible also charge.  
    31.08.44 Kronstädter Bay    
    00.00 143 D 96 On the bottom.  
    01.30   Surfaced, stopped.  
        Ventilated, charged with uncoupled tail shaft.  
        Searchlights all around, mostly directed to sea.  In the south "green star".  No vessels far and wide.  
    02.00 143 D 96    
      W 2-3, 9/10, Sea 2, 1008 mb, Vis. clear, Swell    
Sun and Moon Data 29.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 30.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 31.08.44
- 18 -
    02.16 143 D 96 Dived due to too close searchlights and nearly full battery.  
    02.25 143 D 96 Due to inexact navigation (only one position line) put the boat on the bottom, depth 38 meters.  
        "Lights out, calm in the ship!"  
    05.30   Raised the boat from the bottom.  
    06.00 143 D 68 Above "nothing".  
    08.00 143 D 93      "           "  
    11.16 143 D 99 2 artillery impacts . . . far off.  
    11.50 143 D 99 Sound bearing in 120°T, torpedo weapons to Action stations.  
    11.54   To periscope depth, a thousand trees and no vessels far and wide.  
        Must be extremely small vessels directly offshore.  
    12.00 143 D 99 Day's run:  Submerged 26 nm.  
    12.10   Dismissed from Action stations.  
    13.00 143 D 99 Incoming Radio Message 1150/31/0135 - Pancke -  
        Night of 31 August to 1 September return transit on outbound route.  
    13.22   Began return transit.  
    13.35 143 D 99 Sound bearings in 85°T and 135°T.  
        A small fast motor vessel, 3-4 nm away, course SW.  Continuous artillery fire from land with minor calibers far and very far.  
    16.00 143 D 61    
    20.00 143 C 33 Return transit to Grand Hotel submerged at depth 16-20 meters.  
    22.12 Narvi Incoming Radio Message 1927/31/0145  KR  
        23.00 hours 7 Finnish S-Boats from west of Kiuskari at highest speed in area Narvi, from there 3 boats at silent running for square 119 A 3.  Remaining 4 boats briefly  to distract with loud engine noises at Narvi, then returning.  
                                                            M.V.O. Finn.Flotte.  
    22.42 143 C 25 Surfaced, due to above Radio Message only ventilated, no charging.  
    22.50 143 C 24 Dived, continued transit submerged passed south of Narvi submerged at depth 18-20 meters  
    01.09.44 East of Narvi    
    00.00 143 A 15    
    03.00 142 D 22 Surfaced.  Transit on Route 28 for Grand Hotel.  
    03.40   Beginning of twilight.  
    04.00 142 C 69    
      SE 3, 9/10, Sea 2, 999 mb, Vis. medium, partly very low clouds, rain    
Sun and Moon Data 31.08.44
Sun and Moon Data 01.09.44
- 19 -
    05.03 Grand Hotel Made fast, boat camouflaged.  
    12.00      "        " Day's run:  Surfaced      22 nm  
                         Submerged  44 nm  
        Work service.  
    02.09.44 Grand Hotel    
        Work duty.  
        In readiness.  
    19.45      "        " Incoming Radio Message 1846/2/0161  KR  
        All vessels lying in Finland, under the 9.S.D. from 24.00 hours immediate readiness.  
    03.09.44 Grand Hotel Immediate readiness.  
    04.45   Incoming Radio Message 0336/2/0165  
        1.)  von Rothkirch occupy Narwawache Position 1.  
        2.)  Nielsen, Pancke go to Reval for special task Adm.östl.Ostsee.  Nilsen MVO Finn.Flotte bring radio troops and gear to Reval.  
        3.)  Breckwoldt, Schunk, go to Masholm east edge, 60°20.6'N, 26°27.7E  
    07.45      "        " Cast off for transit to Reval.  
    08.01   Outgoing Radio Message 0801/3/0169   To 9.S.D.  
        Departed 08.30 hours with U-Pancke and Nielsen.  Radio troop Hamina embarked U-Nielsen.  All patients taken from Finnish hospital ship.  MVO on U-Pancke.  
    08.00 142 A 52    
      E 1, 1/10, Sea 0-1, 1018 mb, Vis. good    
    08.10   Incoming Radio Message 0525/3/0167 KR  To all.  
        All Finish.  Put ship to sea under pretext, especially important steamers "GOTTFRIED", "NAJODES", "OTTO" with war material in free travel to Finland.    MGK Ost.  
    12.00 140 D 36 Day's run Surfaced 53 nm.  
      E 4, rain overcast, Sea 2-3, 1013 mb, Vis. bad    
    14.49 Helsinki Passed westbound.  
    15.30   Incoming Radio Message 1248/3/0181   To all.  
        Finnish have pledged full support.  Under protection honorary German flag, avoid incidents, report difficulties.  
Sun and Moon Data 01.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 02.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 03.09.44
- 20 -
    16.00 139 D 76    
      E 4, rain overcast, Sea 3, 1015 mb, rain, Vis. bad    
    16.20   Incoming Radio Message 1532/3/0186  K.R.  
        From now use only German Recognition Signals.  
    20.00 115 D x8 Beginning of twilight.  
      ESE 5, rain overcast, Sea 3, 1006 mb, Vis. bad    
    21.07 Reval Made fast, harbor Basin 2.  
    04.09.44 Reval    
    03.16   Incoming Radio Message 0356/3/01    0013/4/0195  
        Contrary to previous orders only German Recognition Signals are valid in entire MGK Ost area.  If still in the area Adm.östl.Ostsee for German coast defense Luftwaffe Recognition Signal cartridges apply, these contents remain valid.  All positions from now given only in German Naval Squares or Jägertrapez chart.  
                                                                MGK Ost.  
    07.00   Provisions loading.  
    12.00   In readiness.  
        Day's run:  Surfaced 96 nm.  
    13.38 Reval, Old harbor Cast off, shifted.  
    14.50 War harbor Made fast.         2-hour readiness.  
    05.09.44 Reval In readiness.  
    12.00   Work, training, and weapons service.  
        Day's run:  Surfaced 3 nm.  
    06.09.44 Reval In readiness.  
    16.28 War harbor Cast off.  
    16.55 Reval Roadstead Anchored on orders Adm.östl.Ostsee.  
    20.00 SW 2, 5/10, Sea 0-1, 1008 mb, Vis. medium In readiness.  
Sun and Moon Data 03.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 04.09.44
- 21 -
    07.09.44 Reval Roadstead    
    00.00 SW 3, 1/10, Sea 1, 1008 mb, Vis. medium In readiness.  
    04.00 SW 1, 5/10, Sea 0-1, 1011 mb, Vis. medium    
    08.00 SW 2, overcast, Sea 1, 1013 mb, Vis. medium Work service.  

Day's run:  Surfaced 1 nm

    15.30 Reval Roadstead Weighed anchor because U-Groth departed.  
    15.51 Reval War harbor Made fast.         In readiness.  
    00.00 SSE 1, 9/10, Sea 0-1, 1017 mb    
    04.00 E 2-3, 5/10, Sea 1-2, 1012 mb    
    08.00 SSE 3, 8/10, Sea 2, 1011 mb    
    12.00 SSE 2, 7/10, Sea 2, 1011 mb Day's run:  Surfaced 0.5 nm  
    15.30   At anchor  
    15.51 Reval War harbor Made fast.  
    09.09.44 Reval In readiness.  
    12.00 War harbor Day's run:  Surfaced 0.5 nm  
    16.08         " Cast off, departed because U-Blaudow arrived.  
    16.36 Roadstead Anchored.  
    20.00 SSW 2-3, 8/10, Sea 1, 1014 mb, Vis. good    
    10.09.44 Reval Roadstead    
    00.00 SSW 3, blue sky, Sea 0-1, 1014 mb    
    04.00 SSW 2, 5/10, Sea 0-1, 1015 mb    
    08.00 SSW 2, 4/10, Sea 0-1, 1015 mb    
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced 0.5 nm  
- 22 -
    10.09.44 Reval Roadstead    
    16.00 SW 3, 2/10, Sea 2, 1012 mb    
    16.07   Weighed anchor.  
    16.22 Reval War harbor Made fast.  
        Torpedo weapons gear taken over from "U-Hohmann".  
    11.09.44 Reval    
    08.35 War harbor Cast off.  
    09.22          " Made fast.  
    10.44          " Cast off.  
    11.23 Reval Shipyard Made fast.  Refitted the torpedo gear.  
    12.00     "          " Day's run:  Surfaced 4.5 nm.  
    12.09.44 Reval Shipyard    
    14.10   Cast off, transit with U-Blaudow and U-Hohmann to Baltisch Port on Telephone Orders Operations Chef on Route 95 a and 95 c.  
    16.00 AO 3545    
      NNW 4, 3/10, Sea 3, 1028 mb    
    17.49 Baltisch Port Made fast.  
    13.09.44 Baltisch Port In readiness.  
        Day's run:  Surfaced 38 nm.  
        Training and work service.  
    14.09.44      "        " In readiness.  
        "Wanz G II out of service".  
        Training and work service.  
    15. - 17.09.44      "        " In readiness.  
    18.09.44      "        "    
    01.25   Incoming Radio Message 0053/18/0167  
        Pancke - Blaudow by Nohmann.  
        Torpedoes to the local emergency depot and load TMB.  Pancke report completion.  
    07.13      "        "    
      Cast off commercial harbor on orders of the harbor Captain.  
Sun and Moon Data 12.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 13.09.44
- 23 -
    07.42 Baltisch Port    
      War harbor Made fast, 5 torpedoes offloaded.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced 1.5 nm  
    19.09.44 Baltisch Port TMB loading, 15 units.  
    13.50   Outgoing Radio Message 1307/19/0178        To 9.S.D.  
        1.)  With Blaudow each 15 TMB loaded.  
        2.) Given up to load mines 1 T III Fat 2, 4 T III a Fat 2, 1 T III, 3 T I Fat 1.  
        3.)  To MFP 866; 3 Pi 3, 1 Pi 1, 7 Pi 2, of these 6 unpacked.  
        4.)  Both provisioned up to 30 September.  
        5.)  Torpedo inventory:  Blaudow 2 T V and 3 T IIIa Fat 1, Pancke 3 T V.                                  Pancke  
    14.20 War harbor Cast off for trim test.                                 
    14.36 AO 3571 Dived for trim test.  
    15.00   Surfaced.  
    15.20 Commercial harbor Made fast to load drinking water.  
    17.15               " Cast off to shift.  
    17.30 War harbor Made fast.  
        In readiness.  
    20.09.44 Baltisch Port    
    07.30 War harbor Cast off on orders harbor Captain Baltisch Port.  
    09.10 Roadstead Anchored.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced 4.5 nm  
    13.13   Outgoing Radio Message 1148/20/0101        9.S.D.  
        With "Blaudow" informed by "Brummer" concerning "Aquarius".  
    13.51   Incoming Radio Message 1149/20/0102  1153/20/0106  Urgent
        "Pancke" and "Blaudow" tonight depart for Kuckucksei [cuckhold eggs] 1 and 2.  Nilhorn 1 has been laid according to plan, Nilhorn 2 will be laid tonight by 2 Minsch, 2 T and 2 U-boats.  The armistice conditions announced today saw the lease of Porkalla by the Russians.  When departing report, why more than 10 torpedoes were offloaded and whether their safety is ensured.      9.S.D.  
      Position 2 in Serial No.1307/19/0178 from 9.S.D. apparently not solved correctly, because only the offload of 9 torpedoes was reported.  Settled by telephone conversation with U-boat Operations Leader.  
- 24 -
    21.09.44 Baltisch Port At anchor.  
    00.10   Weighed anchor to lay Kuckucksei  
    02.00 AO 3514 Operating in accordance with 9.S.D. Order Serial No. Gkdos 1448 218 of 19 September 1944.  
      SW 1, 2/10, Sea 0-1, 1034 mb, Vis. medium  
    03.20 AO 3514 Dived to proceed submerged into the operations area.  
    04.00 AO 3414    
    08.00 AO 3512 Very calm at Porkalla in the archipelago a steamer by the masts about 1500 tons.  
    08.30   In operations area - 15 TMB deployed in Kuckucksei I.  
    10.15   Left the operations area.  Proceeded submerged to ordered Point B.  
    11.00   At B warned "Blaudow" by Underwater Telegraphy.  
    12.00 AO 3512 Day's run:  Surfaced       33 nm  
                         Submerged  19.5 nm  
                                             52.5 nm  
    15.58 AO 3517 Surfaced.  Transit to Baltisch Port.  
    16.00 E 1, 1/10, Sea 0-1, 1034 mb, Vis. medium-good    
    16.15   Outgoing Radio Message 1510/12/019    To 9.S.D.  
        First of Kuckucksei laid.  Serial No. 0110 not solved.  Last Serial No. 0111.  Position AO 3517, going initially to Baltisch Port.        Pancke  
    18.22 Baltisch Port Made fast.  
    20.45 Commercial harbor Cast off to anchor with "Blaudow".  There due to aircraft danger and bombs in the vicinity of the anchorage moved further away.  
    23.00 AO 3571 Anchored.  
    22.09.44 AO 3571    
      Baltisch Port At anchor.  
        Incoming Radio Message 1853/21/0134  KR  
        Pancke go to Nashorn-watch Position 1.  Square 0236, 3514, 0239 and 3517 upper half.  "Blaudow" to Position Ratte 2952 and 2953.  All naval square AO.    9.S.D.  
        Waited for twilight.  
    05.00 AO 3571 Weighed anchor transit to operations area "Nashorn"  
    05.09   Incoming Radio Message 0346/22/0150    "Pancke"  
        Request position report.        9.S.D.  
    05.17   Outgoing Radio Message 0510/22/0151  
        Position AO 3547 in transit to operations area.  
    06.00 E 1, 4/10, Sea 0-1, 1034 mb    
Sun and Moon Data 21.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 22.09.44
- 25 -
    06.38 AO 3541 Crash dive for 5 "Bombers", type not distinguished bearing 0°T, 8000-9000 meters approaching.  
        Continued submerged into the operations area.  
    08.00 AO 3517    
    12.00 AO 3514 Day's run:  Surfaced        51 nm  
                         Submerged  21.5 nm  
                                             72.5 nm  
    13.00 AO 3514 Through the periscope 5 Russian bombers bearing 225°T, 3000 meters, westerly course, was unnoticed.  
    16.00 AO 3514 right edge center    
    19.20 AO 3514 Sound bearing 100°T.  Nothing in the periscope.  
        Sound bearing disappeared in 80°T.  
    20.00 AO 0239    
    21.00 AO 0239 Surfaced to charge, ventilate.  
    22.00   Back and forth on east-west courses in the operations area.  
    23.09.44 AO 0239    
      SE 4, 1/10, Sea 2-3, 1032 mb, Vis. medium-good No traffic.  
    01.01 AO 0239 Dived.  
    04.00 AO 3517    
    04.57 AO 3517 Surfaced to ventilate.  
    05.07 AO 3517 Dived.  
    07.10 AO 0239 3 bombers, ovoid tail bearing 0°T, westerly course, 3000 meters away.  
    08.00 AO 0239    
    12.00 AO 3514 Day's run:  Surfaced        8 nm  
                         Submerged  17 nm  
                                            25 nm  
    23.09.44 Nashorn I    
    16.00 AO 3514    
    20.00 AO 3517    
    21.00 AO 3517 Surfaced to charge and proceed on the surface on NE-SW courses through the operations area.  
    24.09.44 Nashorn No traffic.  
    00.00 AO 3517    
      SE 4, 4/10, Sea 3, 1024 mb, Vis. good, faint Northern Lights    
    04.00 AO 0239    
      SSE 4, 1/10, Sea 3, 1023 mb, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 22.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 23.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 24.09.44
- 26 -
    24.09.44 AO 3517    
    08.00 AO 3517    
    12.00 AO 3514 Day's run:  Surfaced      38 nm  
                         Submerged  12 nm  
                                            50 nm  
    15.44 AO 3514 1 aircraft bearing 0°T, course east, 4000 meters away.  
    16.00 AO 3514    
    20.00 AO 3517    
    21.00 AO 3517 Surfaced, back and forth on NE-SW courses.  
    25.09.44 Nashorn I    
    00.00 AO 3514 All dead.  
      SE 4, 9/10, Sea 3, 1016 mb, rain, Vis. bad    
    04.00 AO 3517    
      SE 4-5, overcast, Sea 4, 1015 mb, Vis. bad    
    04.50 AO 3514 Dived, beginning of twilight.  
    08.00 AO 0236    
    12.00 AO 3514 Day's run:  Surfaced      67 nm  
                         Submerged  25 nm  
                                            94 nm     [typo 92 nm]  
    16.00 AO 3514    
    17.50 AO 3514 Put the boat on the bottom, to take [nighttime] bearings on the lighthouse with  the just taken good day navigation fix.  
    20.00 AO 3514    
    21.00 AO 3514 Raised the boat from the bottom and surfaced.  
        It worked, 2 beacons were identified.  
    22.00 AO 3517    
      S 4-5, overcast, Sea 3, 1004 mb, rain, Vis. bad    
    26.09.44 Nashorn I    
    00.00 AO 3517 Back and forth on E-W courses in the operations area.  
      SSW 5, overcast, Sea 4, 1004 mb, rain, Vis. bad    
    04.00 AO 3517    
      SE 5, overcast, Sea 3-4, 1004 mb, rain, Vis. bad    
    04.50 AO 0239 Dived, beginning of twilight.  
Sun and Moon Data 24.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.44
- 27 -
    08.00 AO 3517    
    08.26 AO 3517 Put the boat on the bottom (depth 50 meters) because there is no visibility through the periscope, no bearings, since the dive only by proceeded by plotting.  Dived with inexact navigation.  Ground swell still felt at depth 50 meters.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced      61 nm  
                         Submerged  15.5 nm  
                                            76.5 nm  
    14.00   Raised the boat from the bottom, still no hearings. Still not possible [bearings] due to rain and bad visibility, ran closer to land.  
    14.53 AO 3514 Surfaced, because there is continual haze to all sides, grounding.  
      S 6, overcast rain, Sea 5, 1003 mb, Vis. medium, rain  
      However one questionable position line.  
    15.00   Dive to not be seen from land.  
    16.00 AO 3514 With position it is bad, nothing to see above.  
    20.00 AO 3514    
      SbyE 6, mist overcast, Sea 5, 1001 mb, Vis. medium    
    20.11   Outgoing Radio Message 1900/26/0150  
        Still provisions up to 30 September.  Last Serial No. 0146.  
                                                                     - Pancke -  
    20.45   Incoming Radio Message 1322/26/0147  
        1.)  Nilesen immediately to Memel, Pancke after relief go to Libau.  
        2.)  Herglotz occupy Position 1 from Pancke.  
    00.00 AO 0239    
      SbyW 6, 4/10, Sea 4, 1000 mb, Vis. medium    
    02.57   Incoming Radio Message 0159/27/0153  
        Adm.östl.Ostsee announces  
        1.)  Finnish Russian armistice agreement obliged Finnish to help with the clearance of German minefields.  
        2.)  Such activity means support for the enemy, against which force can be used even without a German - Finnish state of war.  
    04.09   Outgoing Radio Message 0348/27/0154    - U-Herglotz -  
        Am at Position 1 lower edge center.  - Pancke -  
    04.58 AO 0239 Dived.  
    08.00 AO 3529 From U-Herglotz nothing seen or heard.  
      [typo probably AO 3518] Also otherwise dead above.  
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.44
- 28 -
    16.00 AO 3517    
    17.14   Incoming Radio Message 1310/27/0156    Pancke  
        Come to Windau to embark U-boat Operations Leader to Libau.  Report arrival.    9.S.D.  
    19.55 AO 0262 Surfaced to transit to Windau.  
    19.41   Outgoing Radio Message 1628/27/0158  
        Arrival Windau 28 September 10.00 hours.    Pancke  
    20.00 AO 0264 Transit to Windau.  
      SW 6-7, 9/10, Sea 5, 1008 mb, Vis. medium    
    28.09.44 AO 2999    
    00.00 SW 6-7, 9/10, Sea 5, 1008 mb, Vis. medium    
    04.00 AO 6152    
      SW 6, 6/10, Sea 4-5, 1011 mb, Vis. medium    
    05.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    08.00 AO 6524    
      SSW 6, 3/10, Sea 4, 1009 mb    
    11.46 Windau Mole Passed inbound.  
    12.06            " Made fast.  
        Day's run:  Surfaced    188 nm  
                         Submerged  16 nm  
                                            204 nm  
        In readiness.  
    29.09.44 Windau In readiness.  
      From 18.00 hours two-hour readiness.  
    30.09.44 Windau In readiness.  
    16.10      "  Cast off transit to Libau with Operations Leader on board.  
    16.29      "      Mole Passed outbound.  
    19.00   Beginning of twilight.  
    20.00 AO 6487    
      SW 7-8, 8/10, Sea 6, 1009 mb, Vis. medium    
    01.10.44 AO 6776    
      WSW 7, overcast, Sea 6, 1013 mb, Vis. good    
    00.14 Approach Buoy    
      Libau Passed inbound.  
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 28.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 30.09.44
Sun and Moon Data 01.10.44
- 29 -
    01.26 City Canal Made fast  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced 82 nm.  
    19.02 Libau Cast off, transit to Pillau.  
    19.50     "     Approach Buoy Passed outbound.  
    20.00 AO 6779    
      S 2, 3/10, Sea 1, 1016 mb, Vis. good    
    02.10.44 Eastern Baltic    
    00.00 AO 9344    
      SE 2, overcast, Sea 1, 1014 mb, Vis. good 03.00 set clocks to MEZ.  
    04.00 AO 9568    
      SE 3, overcast, Sea 2, 1013 mb, Vis. medium    
    08.00 AO 9538    
      E 2, overcast, Sea 1, 1011 mb, Vis. medium    
    09.07 Pillau Made fast to load mines.  
        Work service.  
    09.24   Outgoing Radio Message 0900/2/0106  Operations Leader
        Arrived Pillau.  - Pancke -  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced  135 nm.  
    16.47   Incoming Radio Message 1509/2/0114  
        If operations area does not border other occupied operations area, the border is not unconditionally binding. For navigational or situational reasons abandonment is allowed, if necessary.      Adm.östl.Ostsee  
    03.10.44 Pillau In readiness.  
        Mines still not ready for loading.  
    04.10.44    "    
    05.10.44    "    
    04.33    " Cast off for transit to U-Sperrwaffenamt. [Mine Weapons Depot]
        Proceeded in convoy.  
    06.02 Peyse Made fast Sperrwaffenamt.  
        Loaded 12 TMB up to 13.00 hours, from then immediate readiness to join convoy to sea.  
    12.00   Day's run:  Surfaced  10 nm  
    15.40 Peyse Cast off for transit to Libau.  
    17.25   Outgoing Radio Message 1700/5/0152  U-boat Operations Leader.  
        Departed Pillau with 12 TMB.  Request measure Libau from 03.00 hours.    - Pancke -  
Sun and Moon Data 01.10.44
Sun and Moon Data 02.10.44
- 30 -
    18.00 Pillau    
      K Approach Buoy Passed northbound.  
    20.00 AO 9538    
      NW 4, 4/10, Sea 2, 1025 mb, Vis. good    
    06.10.44 Eastern Baltic    
    00.00 AO 9269    
      NW 4, 8/10, Sea 3, 1028 mb, Vis. good    
    04.00 AO 6778    
      N 3, 8/10, Sea 2, 1020 mb, Vis. good    
    04.30 Approach Buoy Libau Passed arriving.  
    06.03 Libau Made fast.  
                In readiness.  
    12.00 Libau Day's run:  Surfaced  179 nm  
    21.00    " Departed Libau to lay Kuckucksei III.  
        In accordance with Adm.östl.Ostsee Order No. Gkdos 4690 FU of 3 October 1944.  
    21.41    "     Mole Passed departing.  
    22.05    "     Approach Buoy Passed departing.  
    23.45 Steinort Lighthouse Abeam to starboard.  
    00.00 AO 6746    
      NW 4, 9/10, Sea 2, 1018 mb, Vis. good    
    04.00 AO 6443    
      W 3-4, 7/10, Sea 2-3, 1012 mb, Vis. good    
    08.00 AO 6143 Dived to proceed submerged west of Ösel and Dago.  
      W 3, 1011 mb, 5/10, Sea 3, Vis. good    
    12.00 AO 6151 Day's run:  Surfaced    142 nm  
                         Submerged  12 nm  
                                            154 nm  
    16.00 AO 6128    
    18.14 AO 6134 Surfaced, transit into operations area.  
    20.00 AO 2999    
      W 2-3, 1/10, Sea 2, 1009 mb, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 05.10.44
Sun and Moon Data 06.10.44
Sun and Moon Data 07.10.44
- 31 -
    08.10.44 Porkalla    
      AO 0261    
      NW 3, 6/10, Sea 2, 1007 mb, Vis. good    
    01.53 AO 3514 Dived and put the boat on the bottom, to await twilight.  
      WNW 3, 5/10, Sea 3, 1007 mb, Vis. good    
    05.00   Raised the boat from the bottom.  
    08.00 AO 3512 Under way for Kuckucksei III.  
    09.15   In Kuckucksei III operations area.  
        Going to initial position SE corner.  
    10.00   Sound bearing in 120°T.  
        Rammed a rock depth 12 meters, was not on the chart in the specified position.  
    10.32   Sound bearing disappears.  
    10.52   Laying begins.  
    11.13   A tug on the aligned bearing course 120°, exactly over the already laid items.  It is a shame he didn't come through 24 hours later.  
    12.00 AO 3512 Day's run:  Surfaced       98 nm  
                         Submerged   34 nm  
                                            132 nm  
    12.09   Laying ended.  
    12.15   A fat steamer bearing 155°T, apparently stopped.  Away from the K-Siern and between the archipelago and shoals. Go.  
    13.30 AO 3512 One has become two.  Unfortunately blocked by (Makilucto) and Nashorn and Wallroß.  
        Too bad for the Sunday roast  
    16.00 Porkalla    
      AO 3514    
    17.41 AO 3514 Surfaced.  Transit to Libau.  
    18.32   Outgoing Radio Message 1500/8/0188  Operations Leader  
        1)  Kuckucksei III laid.  
        2)  Suspicion of traffic via this route is confirmed by a passing tug.  
        3)  East side of "Makilucto" AO 3513 2 beautiful stopped steamers.  Opportunity for flying boat.  
        4)  Anticipated arrival Libau 9 October 14.00 hours.  
                                                                - Pancke -  
    19.25 AO 0256 3 fast small vessels cruising to the south.  
    20.00 AO 0259    
      WSW 1-2, overcast rain, Sea 0-1, 1009 mb, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 08.10.44
- 32 -
    20.39 AO 0259 Outgoing Radio Message 1925/8/0192  
        3 fast small vessel in AO 0256, southerly course. -Pancke-
      Vessels shift astern to port and cruise in a northerly course in the wake.  Passed out of sight.  
    21.46   Outgoing Radio Message 2032/8/0195  
        Reported vessels patrolling on north-south courses. -Pancke-
    22.45 AO 2999 Crash dive for searchlight from the dark horizon.  Own boat lies in the moon.  
        Submerged Recognition Signal exchange with U-Rothkirch.  
    23.15 AO 2999 Surfaced, continued transit.  
    09.10.44 Eastern Baltic    
    00.00 AO 6134    
      WNW 2-3, 8/10, Sea 1, 1011 mb, Vis. medium    
    04.00 AO 6176    
      NW 3-4, 2/10, Sea 2, 1016 mb, Vis. good    
    04.30   Beginning of twilight.  
    07.55 AN 6713 Crash dive for aircraft in the east, approaching, type not recognized.  
      N 1, 8/10, Sea 1, 1018 mb, Vis. good  
    08.35 AO 6713 Surfaced.  
    12.00 AO 6787 Day's run:  Surfaced      159 nm  
      NNE 2, 4/10, Sea 2, 1021 mb, Vis. good                  Submerged     9 nm  
                                          168 nm  
    12.16 Libau Passed Approach Buoy inbound.  
    13.59    " Made fast City Canal (F 3)  
                In readiness!  
Sun and Moon Data 08.10.44
Sun and Moon Data 09.10.44
- 33 -
    10.10.44 Libau In readiness.  Talk with Admiral östl.Ostsee.  
    09.45   Aircraft alarm.  
    10.02   1 two-engined bomber probably shot down with 8.8 cm far zone/  Zone setting 7 seconds.  Suspected shot down borne out by the report of the anti-aircraft leaders embarked on the transport "DONAU".  
    17.39 Libau Departed.  
    18.40 Libau    
      Approach Buoy Passed departing.  
    20.00 AO 9312    
      ESE 3, 7/10, Sea 2, 1008 mb, Vis. good    
    00.00 AO 9286    
      SE 4, overcast, Sea 2-3, 1011 mb, Vis. medium    
    04.00 AO 9576    
      SE 3, overcast, Sea 2, 1013 mb, Vis. medium    
    05.43 Hela - South lighted Buoy Passed arriving.  
    06.26 Gotenhafen    
      Approach Buoy Passed.  
    08.08 Danzig Made fast.  
    08.00   Outgoing Radio Message 0800/11/0136  
        Operations Leader  
        Made fast Danzig, Radio off.  Teletype communications via U-boat Base.        Pancke.  
        Radio off.  
                     On board, 13 October 1944                               Oblt.z.S.d.R. and Kommandant  
Sun and Moon Data 10.10.44
Sun and Moon Data 11.10.44

Enclosures to U-242's KTB - click on the text at left to proceed to the document
Report Mine Report
Radio Excerpt of the Radio Log

Note:  the short report below is blurred and very difficult to read - translation is very rough

S  h  o  r  t    R  e  p  o  r  t
  Patrol of "U-242" (Pancke) from 11.7. - 11.10.44
1.) Up to the failure of the Wanz no detections were determined.  Fliege was not carried.  Due to poor results do not introduce (Wanz) further.
2.) Varied listening conditions from one [illegible word] to another.  At depth 36 meters on the bottom on 30 August still good receiving conditions on very low frequency in Kronstädter Bay.
3.) With sound pursuit on 22 July at 16 meters water depth very unpracticed behavior of the vessels.
4.) German and Finnish charts are inadequate for submerged cruising.  [next sentence is illegible]
5.) Installation of good [illegible word] with frequent S-boot operations in Finnish waters is necessary.
6.) Finnish nights for navigation no longer [illegible word].
  On board 13. 10. 1944                                                 Oblt.z.S.d.R. and Kdt.

  Admiral Östl.Ostsee                                                               O.U., 10.10.1944  
Comments of the U-boat Operations Chief at Admiral Östliche Ostsee 
on the K.T.B. of U-242 (Pancke) from 11.7.44 - 11.10.44.
1.) The K.T.B. shows the need for better sea charts in Finnish waters.  Prints of the much more accurate Finnish maps were requested.
2.) The patrol was carried out in a prudently and with energy.  Both mine operations were smoothly and well conducted.
3.) The recognition of the sinking of a special vessel like "ASTRONOM" or "KOMPASS" is recommended on the basis of observations of the Kommandant.

Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote

on the K.T.B. of "U 242" (Pancke) from 2.7. - 11.10.1944.
          The comments of the U-boat Operations Chief are concurred in.  
  Accredited success:    1 special ship with barge sunk.  
    For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote  
    - The Chief of the Operations Department -  

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