
        A Reisepass was the standard German passport used for cross border travel.  It measured 11.1 x 16.5 cm and contained 32 numbered pages.  The pages had an alteration disclosing background.  The Reisepass was issued by the Polizeipräsident = Head of Police

Four versions of the Reispass were issued during the Third Reich.  The cover of this Wehrpaß shows it is the second version introduced in 1936.  This was the first version to use the Hoheitszeichen (eagle and swastika) on the cover.

Inside Cover  
Page 1    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
DEUTSCHES  REICH The constitutional name for the German nation state hat existed from 1871 to 1945. 
(Stempelmarke)   Official mark, the Hoheitszeichen (eagle and swastika) 
Nr. 488/39 Number 488/39
NAME DES PASS-INHABERS Name of the pass holder Fritz Berger
Dieser Paß enthält 32 Seiten This passport contains 32 pages  

Page 2    
    Passport photo in civilian clothes stamped at both corners
Deutsche Generalkonsulat in Valparaíso German Consulate General in Valparaíso   
National symbol in the center.  
Unterschrift des Pass Inhabers Signature of pass holder Signed: Fritz Berger
und seiner Ehefrau and his Wife  

Es wird hiermit bescheinigt, daß der Inhaber die durch das obenstehende Lichtbild dargestellte Person ist uns die darunter befindliche Unterschrift eigenhändig vollzogen hat.

It is hereby certified that the owner is the person represented by the photograph above and signed the signature below himself.  
    Valparaíso the 13th September 1939
    I.A.  signature
Deutsche Generalkonsulat in Valparaíso German Consulate General in Valparaíso   
National symbol in the center.  
Page 3    
    Two columns one for the pass holder
    and the other for his wife (slash for blank)
Beruf Profession Businessman
Geburtsort Birthplace München = Munich Germany
Geburstag 1.12.1917 1 December 1917


Residence Temuco, Chile
Gestalt Build Medium
Gesicht Appearance Oval
Farbe der Augen Eye color gray-brown

Farbe des Haares

Hair color dark

Besondere Kennzeichen

Special markings slash for blank
Name    Alter    Geschlecht Name    Age    Gender
      Slash for blank

Page 4    
    At home and abroad
Der Paß wird ungültig am Passport expires on 12 September 1941
wenn er nicht verlängert wird. if it is not extended.  
Ausstellende Behörde Issuing authority  
  Stamp Deutsches Generalkonsulat für Chile
Datum Date 13th September 1939
Unterschrift Signature I.A.  signature
Deutsche Generalkonsulat in Valparaíso German Consulate General in Valparaíso   
National symbol in the center.  
Page 5    
      All blank
  Verlängert bis Extended to  
    the    [date]  
  Unterschrift Signature  
2.     Same as above
3.     Same as above

Page 6    
      Visa stamps for Chlie issued 18 May 1940 in Valparaíso 
Page 7    

Visto bueno = Approved

      Validio para viajar en transito por el Peru = Valid to travel in transit through Peru
      Valparaiso 18 de Margo 1940 = Valparaiso March 18, 1940
      Consulado General de Alemania = Consulate General of Germany
  Deutsche Generalkonsulat in Valparaíso German Consulate General in Valparaíso 
  National symbol in the center.
      Visa stamp for Chlie issued 19 May 1940 in Valparaíso 

Page 8    
      Visa stamps for Peru issued 18 May 1940 in Valparaíso 
Page 9    
      Visa stamp for Peru issued 20 May 1940 in Lima, Peru

Page 10    
      Visa stamps for Japan issued 22 May 1940 in Lima, Peru 
Page 11    
      Visa stamp for travel to Lithuania betwen 12 July and 25 July 1940

Page 12    
Page 13    
      Visa stamp for transit through Japan to Manchuria, Soviet Union issued 9 July 1940 issued in Toyko,  Japan

Page 14    
      Soviet Union travel regulations
Page 15    
      Soviet Union visa

Page 16    
      Soviet Union visa issued 18 July 1940
Page 17    

Polizeiliche Meldung sofort nach Ankunft erforderlich

Police report required immediately upon arrival
      No. 340st40                                                        Due free
                       Sichtvermerk = Visa Stamp
          For                             Fritz Berger                       
                                       (Name of Owner)
      For one/several entry into the Reich territory via
any officially approved German border crossing point
the border crossing point(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
      The visa can be used to cross the border until
August 9, 1940 inclusive.
      Travel period: ……….. days/weeks from border crossing
(including the day of entry)
                                       Moscow 25 July 1940
                                          Deutsche Botschaft = German Embassy
                                             (Passport Office)

[vertical text] Note: the registration, residence, and Labor Market Regulations

  Deutsche Botschaft im Moskau German Embassy in Moscow
  National symbol in the center.
  Eingereist – Ausgereist Entered – Departed
  Königsberg Pr. Königsberg Preußen
  27 July 1940 27 July 1940
  Paßkontrolle flughafen Airport passport control

Page 18    
      Visa stamp 25 July 1940
Page 19   Blank

Page 20 and 21   Blank


  Ob. Lt.. z. S.  M u m m,                                                               Pillau, 7th November 1940.  
      1. U. L. D.  
                     To the  
                                Administration of the Naval Station Command of the North Sea in  
                                                                             W  i  l  h  e  l  m  s  h  a  v  e  n   
  Regards:  Return from Internment.  
  Response to:   Letter 438 of 28 October 40.  
         To points 1-3, I am not in a position to provide details, as they were requested. I don't have any  documents either.  Insofar as such have been given to me exclusively in Moscow (these were advances paid to Oberleutnante Mumm, Kummer, Kottmann and Leutnante Bludau and Schwebcke) with the request for a levy in Berlin, I gave these to the Administration in Wilhelmshaven immediately after our arrival.  
          To 1.)  I report that I escaped from internment in Buenos Aires on 6 April 1940 and arrived in Berlin on July 29, 1940 via Chile (either by car or train), Peru (by aircraft to Lima), Japan (by Japanese steamer via Los Angeles, Hawaii to Yokohama), Russia (by the Siberian Express, from Moscow by aircraft).  I can no longer give individual dates about stays, etc.  
          To 3.)  I incurred additional costs insofar as I used 300 of my own Argentine pesos (savings from military pay and clothing allowances) to buy clothing during the trip.  
Click the flag to view the above page in the original German
          If Oberleutnant z. S. Kottmann, who covered exactly the same route with me, was able to provide more detailed information on the three points, I would ask you to reconcile my statement with his.  
          I was informed by Korvettenkapitän Wattenberg, who also returned, that the settlement was based on a decision of the O.K.M with foreign daily allowances.  
                                                                                            Oberleutnant zur See.