
        A Wehrpaß was an identity document issued to male members of the population at the time they registered for the military draft.  It was kept on his person and served as both a draft card and a military service book.  Entries included a photo and personal information, training and qualifications, commands assigned to, operations, wounds, promotions and awards.  The Wehrpaß was held by the individual until he entered military service at which time it was handed over in exchange for a Soldbuch (Paybook).  The Wehrpaß was held and kept up to date at the flotilla level.  If the man was discharged from the military he turned in his Soldbuch and his Wehrpaß was returned to him.  If he was killed it was returned to his next of kin.


  Feldpost Military mail  
  Einschreiben Registered Mail  
  R  Rendsburg 331 c  
  Stamp Cancellation  
  Rendsburg 18.8.44-14    
  Wehrbezirks-Kommando 24 Rendsburg Military District Command 24 Rendsburg  
  Kriegsmarine War Navy  
      Emil Mumm
      24 Pahlen
      District Nord-Dithmarschen
  Wehrbezirkskommando - Rendsburg = Military District Command Rendsburg 
  National symbol in the center.  


  Military District Command                                                          Rendsburg, 18 August 1944.  
  R e n d s b u r g  
  Navy Division  
  Re M 1152/44.  
                      Emil    M  u  m  m  
                      P  a  h  l  e  n  
                      District Nord.-Dithm.  
  By way of sending personnel documents from the unit, the Military District Command only now received notification of the heroic death of your son, Kapitänleutnant
                                      Friedrich    M  u  m  m,
  which he suffered bravely fulfilling his duty, true to his oath of allegiance, on June 7, 1943 during heavy combat at sea.  The enclosed Wehrpass is sent to you for retention with an expression of heartfelt sympathy.
                                                                                                   On behalf of:  
Click the flag to view the document above


        The cover of this Wehrpaß shows it is the pre-war version.  When the individual went on active duty the Service was stamped on the cover.  The first letter of the holders surname (in this case M) is entered in the box in the upper right corner corner for filing purposes.  The red cross indicated the Wehrpass holder died in war.

Inside Cover  
I. Information about the Person
II. Physical and Recruitment/Conscription
III. State Labor Service
IV. Active Military Service
V. Military Service in Reserve Status
This Wehrpaß has 52 pages
(Fifty-two pages)
    Forgery and misuse of this service record will be punished pursuant to statutory requirements of Sections 267-70 RStGB (Reich Penal Code)
Page 1    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
Wehrnummer Service Number Ostsee 15/36/_/S
    Ostsee = issuing authority where Friedrich registered for military service.  15 = the last two digits of the year of his birth /  [The next three numbers would normally be / the number of the military registration police precinct / the serial number of the Wehrstammrollenblatt (roster induction sheet)/ and the Line number on the Wehrstammrollenblatt]  However, in the case of those entering directly into the Naval Academy  /  36 = the class year / blank / S  [Presumably S for "Seeoffizier"]
Name des Paßinhaber Name of the pass holder  
Rufname First name Friedrich
Familienname Last name Mumm
Nummer der Kennkarte Number of the identity card  
Nummer des Arbeitsbuches Number of the workbook Blank

Dienstsitz der Wehrbezirks-kommandos

Office of the Military District Command Mürwik
  Stamp Marineschule Mürwik = Mürwik naval  School.  National symbol in the center.
    Signed and dated by the administering officer
Tag, Monat, Jahr Day, Month, Year 17 November 1938
Unterschrift und Dienstgrad, Dienststellung Signature and title, position Hubert Schmundt - Konteradmiral and Kommandant of the Marineschule Mürwik

Page 2    
    The photo was to be 37 x 52 mm and affixed to the page by rivets on the bottom left and top right.  The issuing office stamped the photo in the bottom right and top left.  The photo was usually in civilian clothes since typically the man was a civilian at the time the Wehrpaß was issued.
  Stamp Kriegsmarine - Kommando Marineschule - Mürwik = Mürwik Naval School - National symbol in the center.
Eigenhändige Unterschrift des Inhabers - Rufname, Familienname Signature of owner - first name, last name Blank
Page 3    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
I. Angaben zur Person Part I. Information about the person  
1 Familienname Last name Mumm
2 Vorname (Rufname unterstreichen) First name (underline name that one goes by) Johann, Friedrich
3 Geburtstag -monat, -jahr Birthday, month, year 15 January 1915
4 Geburtsort Place of birth Pahlen
  Verwaltungs-bezirk Administrative District Nord-Ditmarschen
  (z. B. Kreis, Regierungs-bezirke) For example District, Administrative region Schleswig-Holstein
5 Staatsan-gehörigkeit Nationality Deutsch Reich = German
6 Religion Religion ev. = Evangelical = Protestant
7 Familienstand Martial status Ledig = not married
8 Berufs (nach berufs-verzeichnis) Profession (according to professional directory)  
  erlernter Learned Student
  ausgeübter Held Sea Officer
9 Eltern Parents  
  Vater Father  
  (Rufname, Famillename) (First name, last name) Emil Mumm
  (Beruf nach berufs-verzeichnis) Profession (according to professional directory) Kaufmann = Businessman
  (wenn verstorben: † year of death  (if deceased:  † and year of death  
  Mutter Mother  
  (Rufname, Famillename) (First name, last name) Magda
  Mädchenname Maiden name Thiemann
  (wenn verstorben: † year of death  (if deceased:  † and year of death  

Page 4    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch I. Angaben zur Person Continuation Part I. Information about the person  
10 Schulbildung (nur Abschluß) Education (only graduation) Deutsche Oberschule = German grammer school
11 Kenntnisse in Fremdsprachen *) Knowledge of foreign languages *)  
12 Berufliche, tech. oder sportl. Befähigungs-nachweise **) Professional, technical or sporting qualifications **) Freischwimmen = Free swimming
13 Nachträge Addendum  
*) Schulkenntnisse, völlige Beherrschung in Wort oder Schrift, Dolmetscherprüfung *) School knowledge, complete mastery orally or in writing, interpreting test  
**) Kraftfahren, Reiten, fahren, Segeln, Seefahrtzeit,, Fliegen, Morsen, Funken, Winken, Schwimmen, Leibesübungen usw. Motoring, horseback riding, running, sailing, seagoing service fly, Morse Code radio, signaling, swimming, physical exercises, etc.  
Page 5    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
IIa. Musterung IIa. Physical  
  Gemustert Mustered  
  Ärztlich untersucht Medically examined  
  als as  

(Dienstpflichtiger, Freiwilliger)

(Employee, volunteer)  
  Wehrbezirks Kommando, Truppenteil, Konsulat Recruiting District Headquarters, Unit, Consulate  
  Tag, Monat, Jahr Day, Month, Year  
  Entscheid Decision  
14 Tauglichkeitsgrad Degree of fitness  
  Wehrdienst-verhältnis Military service status  
  Unterschriften Signatures  
  Kreispolizei-behörde/Konsul County Police authority/Consulate  
  Wehrbezirks-kommandeur Signed Armed Forces Sub-district Commander  

Page 6    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
IIb.  Aushebung Part IIa Recruitment  
15 Entscheid über das Arbeits- dienstverhältnis Decision on labor employment  
16 Entscheid bei der Aushebung zum aktiven Wehrdienst Decision on recruitment for active military service  
  Dienststelle des Wehrbezirks-kommando Office of the Recruiting District Headquarters  
  den Tag, Monat, Jahr Day, Month, Year  
  Dienststempel Stamp  
  (Unterschrift und Dienstgrab, Diesntstellung) (Signature and tank, position)  
Page 7    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IIb. Aushebung Continuation Part IIa Recruitment  
  Nachträge Addendum  

Page 10    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch III. Reichsarbeits-dienst Continued Part III. State Labor Service  
Page 11    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Part IV Active Military Service  
  Einstellung Recruitment  
  Einstellungs-untersuchung am Preemployment examination on 31 March 1936
  Ärztliches Urteil  Doctor's judgment

Tauglich = Suitable

  Einstellungstag Recruitment day 3 April 1936
      (Tag, Monat, Jahr) = (Day , Month, Year)
  Eingestellt bei (Truppenteil, Standort) Recruitment at (Unit, Location) II Schiffsstammabteilung of the Ostsee, Stralsund = 2nd Training Detachment of the Baltic, Stralsund
  Dienstzeit rechnet ab Service time calculated from 3 April 1936
  (Allgemeiner Einstellungstag) (General placement day)  
  Vereidigt am Sworn in on 1  May 1936
      (Tag, Monat, Jahr) = (Day , Month, Year)
  Nicht eingestellt auf Grund der Einstellungs-untersuchung Not placed on the basis of the recruitment examination  
      (Wohnsitz) = (Residence)
  In Marsch gesetzt nach Ordered to proceed to  
  am on  
      (Tag, Monat, Jahr) = (Day , Month, Year)
  überwiesen an Transferred to  
      (Wehrmeldeamt) = (Military Record Section)

Page 16/17    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
20 Landkommandos bei der Kriegsmarine (auch im Kriege) Shore Commands of the Kriegsmarine (including in war)  
  Stammarineteil Parent Navy Section  
  Stammrolle Nr. Personnel roster Number [Service No.]  
  von / bis / Dienststelle (Marineteil usw.) from / to / Duty station (Navy unit etc.)  
3 Apr 36 / 13 Jun 36 
II Schiffsstammabteilung of the Ostsee, Stralsund = 2nd Training Detachment of the Baltic, Stralsund
1 May 37 / 27 Nov 37 
Marineschule Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrichslehrgang = Naval School Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrich course
28 Nov 37 / 2 Jan 38 
II Schiffsstammabteilung of the Ostsee, Stralsund = 2nd Training Detachment of the Baltic, Stralsund
3 Jan 38 / 13 Jan 38 
Marineschule Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrichs-Nachrichtenlehrgang = Naval School Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrich Intelligence Course
14 Jan 38 / 17 Feb 38 
Torpedoschule Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrichs-Torpedolehrgang = Torpedo School Naval School Flensburg Mürwik Fähnrich Torpedo Course
18 Feb 38 / 22 Feb 38 
Sperrschule Kiel Wik Fähnrich Sperrlehrgang = Mine School Kiel Wik Fähnrich Mine Course
23 Feb 38 / 3 Apr 38 

Schiffs-Artillerie Schule Kiel Wik Fähnrichs-Artilerielehrgang = Ship Artillery School Kiel Wik Fähnrich Artillery Course

18 Dec 39 / 18 Jul 40 
Internierung Buenos Aires = Internment Buenos Aires
29 Jul 40 / 1 Aug 40 
zur Verfügung Stations Nord = at the disposal of Marinestationskommando der Nordsee
15 Oct 40 / 2 Mar 41 
zur Verfügung B.d.U. = at the disposal of B.d.U.
3 Mar 41 / 2 Apr 41 
Baubelehrung U-Boote Blohm & Voss = Crew familiarization in the final stages of construction before commissioning at the Blohm & Voss Shipyard

Page 18/19    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Bordkommandos bei der Kriegsmarine (auch im Kriege) Aboard Ship Commands of the Kriegsmarine (including in war) Or with the Luftwaffenkommando See
  Schiff / eingeschifft / davon Seefahrtzeit in außerheimschen Gewässern Ship             / embarked / of that at sea outside home waters
  von / bis / mithin Jahre / Tage               from   /      to       years / days   Out of home waters / days
    SSS "GORCH FOCK" /    14.6.36 / 12.9.36             /   91          17.7.36 / 29.7.36 / 13
    Cruiser "EMDEN" /       13.9.36 / 30.4.37                 /  230       11.10.36 / 18.4.37 / 190
21   P. BENECKE /                       2.9.37 / 11.9.37           /  10
    Battleship "GRAF SPEE" 14.4.38 / 17.12.39           / 258
    Fleet                                      2.8.40 / 14.10.40
    1. U.-Flottille                         3.4.41 / 15/11/41             / 227
    26. U.-Flottille                   16.11.41 / 31.3.42               / 136
    24. U.-Flottille                        1.4.42 / 27.7.42               / 115
    7. U.-Flottille                        25.7.42 / 7.6.43                 / 318

Page 20/21    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Ausbildung Training Gewehr 98 = Gewehr 98 (bolt action rifle) Infantry Training
  Mit der Waffe With weapons  
  Sonstige Ausbildung, Lehrgänge Other training courses  
15.10.40 - 21.12.40   
UB Lehrgang = U-boat Basic course
6.1.41 - 2.2.41   
U.T.O. Lehrgang = U-boat Tactical Officer course
9.2.41 - 2.3.41   
F.T.O. Lehrgang = Torpedo Firing Officer course
1.5.37 - 27.11.37   
Marineschule Führungs - Lehrgang
3.1.38 - 13.1.38   
[?] S. Fähnrichs Nachrichten Lehrgang (Communications School)
14.1.38 - 17.2.38   
T.S. Fähnrichs - Torpedo Lehrgang
18.2.38 - 22.2.38   
[?] Fähnrichs Sperr Lehrgang  (Mining School)
23.2.38 - 3.4.38   
S.A.S. Fähnrichs-Artillerie - Lehrgang
15.10.40 - 5.1.41   
1. U.L.D. U-boot - Lehrgang
6.1.41 - 2.2.41   
T.S. U-Boot - Lehrgang = Torpedo Firing Officer course
  Abzeichen usw. (auch im Kriege) Badges etc. (including in war) Reich Sportabzeichen = German Sport Badge,
      SA-Sportabzeichen = Sturmabteilung Sportabzeichen = SA Sports Badge

Page 22    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Beförderungen und Ernennungen* Promotions and appointments*  
  Mit Wirkung vom / Beförderung oder ernannt zum With effect from / Order or promotion to  
      10.9.36   Kadett = Cadet
      1.10.36   Ober Matrose
23     1.1.37     Ober Stbs.Matrose
      1.5.37     Fähnrich zur See
      1.7.38     Oberfähnrich zur See
      1.10.38   Leutnant zur See
      1.10.40  Oberleutnant zur See
      1.2.43     Kapitänleutnant
    Stamp For correctness
      Kiel, 29 July 1944
      Marineoberkommando Ostsee
      Chef der Offizierpersonenabteilung
      im Auftrage [on behalf of]
*) Bestätigung der Beförderungen und Ernennungen nach Abschluß der aktiven Dienstzeit durch den Entlassungstruppenteil usw. mit Dienststelle, Unterschrift, Dienstgrad, Dienstellung und Dienststempel. *) Confirmation of promotions and appointments after completion of active service by the discharging military unit, etc. with service, signature, rank, service position and stamp.
Page 23    
  Beförderungen und Ernennungen* Promotions and appointments*  
  Mit Wirkung vom / Beförderung oder ernannt zum With effect from / Order or promotion to  
23 continuation    
    Stamp For correctness
      Kiel, 29 July 1944
      Marineoberkommando Ostsee
      Chef der Offizierpersonenabteilung
      im auftrage [on behalf of]
  Ordern und Ehrenzeichen* Medals and Decorations *  
24     29.8.41    U-Boots-Kriegsabzeichen = U-boat War Badge
      12.11.39  Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse = Iron Cross 2nd Class
      4.11.41    Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse = Iron Cross 1st Class
      26.2.42    Flottenkriegsabzeichen = High Seas Fleet Badge
*) Bestätigung der Beförderungen und Ernennungen nach Abschluß der aktiven Dienstzeit durch den Entlassungstruppenteil usw. mit Dienststelle, Unterschrift, Dienstgrad, Dienstellung und Dienststempel. *) Confirmation of promotions and appointments after completion of active service by the discharging military unit, etc. with service, signature, rank, service position and stamp.

Page 32    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Im Kriege mitgemachte Gefechte, Schlachten, Unternehmungen In war combat, battles, patrols taken part in  
      Tag, Monat, Jahr / Ortsangabe, Truppenteil usw.
      Day, month, year / Location, Unit etc.
28 [13.12.39 = Battle of the River Plate] 3.9. - 13.12.39 Cruiser Warfare in the Atlantic and Indian oceans
  13.12.39 Seegefecht vor dem La-Plata
    [U-564 1st patrol] 17.6.41 - 27.7.41     |                     
    [U-564 2nd patrol] 16.8.41 - 27.8.41     |
    [U-564 3rd patrol] 16.9.41 - 1.11.41     |      Operations on a U-Boot.
    [U-594 3rd patrol] 4.8.42 - 28.9.42       |                     
    [U-594 4th patrol] 30.12.42 - 18.2.43   |                    
  [U-594 5th patrol] 23.03.43 - 14.4.43   |                     
Page 33    
  Im Kriege mitgemachte Gefechte, Schlachten, Unternehmungen In war combat, battles, patrols taken part in  
      Tag, Monat, Jahr / Ortsangabe, Truppenteil usw.
      Day, month, year / Location, Unit etc.
28 continued   No entries on this page

Page 34    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Im Kriege Verwundungen und ernstere krankheiten In war Wounds and serious diseases  
      Tag, Monat, Jahr / Art / Truppenteil, Kriegsschauplatz
      Day, month, year / Type / Unit, Theatre of war
29     Kapitän Mumm was killed in action on 7.6.43 on a U-boat in the North Atlantic
    Stamp For correctness
      Kiel, 29 July 1944
      Marineoberkommando Ostsee
      Chef der Offizierpersonenabteilung
      im Auftrag [on behalf of]
Page 35    
noch IV. Aktiver Wehrdienst Continued Part IV Active Military Service  
  Nachträge Addendum  
30     No entries on this page

Page 40    
Number/Title   Entry/Comments
noch V. Wehrdienst im Beurlaubten-stande Part V Military Service in Reserve Status  
  Wehrversammlung Dabei Belehrung über Spionage, Spionageabwehr, Sabotage, Landesverrat und Wahrung des Dienstgeheimnisses Military assembly In this be informed of espionage, counter-espionage, sabotage, treason and maintenance of official secrets
      This page has a series of identical blocks each containing the words:
      Dienststempel = Official stamp
36     Tag, Monat, Jahr = Day, Month, Year
      No entries on this page
Page 41    
noch V. Wehrdienst im Beurlaubten-stande Part V Military Service in Reserve Status  
  Anmeldungen Registrations  
  Abmeldungen Sign outs  
      This page has a series of identical blocks each containing the words:
      Dienststempel = Official stamp
      Tag, Monat, Jahr = Day, Month, Year
      No entries on this page