has held the view that the boats have missed or made incorrect observations, only because the reason for the possible failure was not known and could not therefore be made to apply and that afterwards their view was turned out to be incorrect. See, for instance, premature detonations, detonations half-way through the run, firing under with impact firing. |
The attitude to be adopted to this problem is therefore, other unknown causes of failures are possible. Otherwise we shall never get anywhere. |
18.1 |
There is still uncertainty about the actual possibilities of supplying in Spain and a practical experiment is therefore necessary. U 44, at present off the west coast of Spain, can be used for this; she can then operate together with boats which are sailing up to 14 days after her. Supply has therefore been ordered for 25/26 in Cadiz. |
19.1 |
Nothing to report. |
20.1 |
Ice is beginning to have a direct effect on plans for operations. Firing and diving training in the Baltic will have to be suspended for the present. There is a choice between delaying the operation of several boats with new C.O.'s until the cold spell is over or sending them on to operations before they have completed the scheduled working up and firing practice periods. As they are all officers whom I believe already capable of handling difficult situations, I have decided to send them on to operations immediately. They will first of all go to operations areas where comparatively little patrol is to be expected. As soon as possible all boats will be transferred from the Baltic to the North Sea. |
21.1 |
U 34 reported that she had carried out her minelaying operation off Falmouth. She has managed it very quickly. |
Further sinkings indicate the presence of U 44 off the northwest coast of Spain. Several U-boat warnings show that the enemy is taking action. |
The Director of the Torpedo Inspectorate telephoned me today. Trial shots have been made against T 123, which did not fire, and magnetic measurements have been made on torpedoes in store, with the result that the Torpedo Inspectorate considers the possibility of torpedoes not firing is proven. |
The fact that its main weapon, the torpedo, has to a large extent proved useless in operation has been the greatest difficulty with which the U-boat Arm has had to contend with since the beginning of the war and it has had a most serious effect on results. At least 25% of all shots fired have been torpedo failures. According to statistics covering all shots up to 6.1., 40.9% of unsuccessful shots were torpedo failures. |
1) |
In August 1939, before the boats left port during the emergency period, a conference held in the Torpedo |