16.11. |
Positions at 0700 16 November. |
In the operations area: |
U 29 |
square |
AL |
2650 |
(weather boat) |
U 100 |
3660 |
U 93 |
3850 |
U 47 |
3930 |
(weather boat) |
U 103 |
square |
AM |
4470 |
U 137 |
0250 |
U 138 |
5150 |
U 104 |
AN |
3110 |
on outward passage |
U 123 |
BF |
4430 |
" " " |
U 65 |
ES |
56 |
" " " |
Also 9 Italian U-boats in the operations area W of the North Channel. |
On return passage in route GPUN: U 28. |
In Kiel: U A, U 46, 48, 52, 94, 95, 140. |
In Lorient: U 37, 38, 43, 99, 101, 124., |
Ready for operations by end of November: U 37, 43, 52, 94, 95, 99, 101, 140. |
Group Command agreed to the air reconnaissance requested and ordered it to be carried out today. U 47 and 93 reported no traffic, but U 103 sighted an inward-bound convoy in the area SW of Ireland (square AM 4475). She apparently lost contact. She made no further report after the first. It was only in the evening that U 103 reported contact lost, use of armament impossible because of weather. It is unsatisfactory that this report was received do late. It will have to be seen when the boats return if it really could not have been made earlier. |
U 137 sighted an outward-bound convoy in square AM 5159 and shadowed it until evening. She reported inward and outward bound traffic in a direction 250 from the North Channel. The air reconnaissance planned could only be carried out in part in the NW, as one a/c crashed. No enemy units were sighted. It is planned to continue the reconnaissance for the SW area on 17 November. I requested Group Command West to continue on the following days and they agreed. |
17.11. |
U 52 left Kiel, U 43 Lorient for the operations area. |
U 104 entered Bergen because of defective gyro-equipment. A slight alteration has been made in the disposition of the boats. The majority have been concentrated in the area WSW of the North Channel, where there appeared to be more traffic at present than in the north. |
A report was received of a convoy route from the south, then along the Irish coast through the St. George's Channel to England. This is the first definite information that we have had for a long time of a route through this area. |
18.11. - 19.11. |
U 137 reported that she was returning - 4 steamers totaling 23,887 GRT. Soon after U 138 also reported that she was returning because of |