b) |
None. |
c) |
U-boat sightings: FB 51 and FB 67. |
d) |
None. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
U 228, in Group "Trutz's" patrol line, was attacked at 2042 in DF 1854 by 2 single-engined carrier-borne aircraft. At 2115 U 641 sighted a Curtiss and a Hurricane and probably shot the latter down after an action lasting 35 minutes. At 2226 U 603 was also approached by a carrier-borne aircraft. |
The appearance of the aircraft indicates that the expected America-Gibraltar convoy is approaching. Its present position was however doubtful , as from the position of these aircraft the convoy could have been immediately off the patrol line or 200 miles W. of it. For this reason the boats were not to proceed along the convoy's course in case they should be ahead of it. |
In order to prevent the convoy passing unobserved during the night, distances apart of boats was reduced to 20 miles. Group "Trutz" was therefore in patrol line from DC 7666 to DC 4599 from 100/5/6. It was decided not to transfer the line N or S as the convoy could evade it in either direction and the boats were both N and S of the aircraft sightings. |
These decisions were made without C-inC being informed and were strongly disapproved by him. C-in-C would have decided on a passage E during darkness immediately after the first report of an aircraft was received, so as to prevent at all costs the convoy passing the patrol line. |
b) |
1) |
U 513's attack area is to be the Brazilian coast area between 11 and 250 S, concentrating off Rio de Janeiro. Orders are that territorial waters need not be respected, but penetration into harbors is still forbidden. |
2) |
U 530, 592, 172, 572, 333 and 510 are to make for DG 40. Boats will be refueled here and afterwards sent to the S. area. The same goes for U 455 when she has delivered fuel and material to U 552. |
3) |
The attack areas of boats in the N. Atlantic are being transferred, in order to prevent their being D/F'd owing to the number of radio messages made. The following areas will be occupied, depth 80 miles: U 650 : AJ 3955, U 202 : AK 4634, U 645 : BD 1259, U 667 : AK 8238. |
4) |
U 488 (tanker) is to steer for CD 73. |
c) |
1) |
U 177 has requested a rendezvous with U 195 to transship a stoker, who is suspected of having a disease of the lungs. Rendezvous was ordered for 1200/7/6 in GR 4885. |
2) |
U 594 and 409 are to move away to the W., if they have not succeeded in breaking through the Straits of Gibraltar and a fresh attempt seems too difficult. |