It must be assumed that many convoys and single ships passed through the boats' patrol area without being picked up by them because of their short reconnaissance range. (Hydrophone range by day; at night the bad weather and heavy rolling of the extremely top heavy boats greatly reduce the visibility range). |
Operations against a "KMS" convoy |
On 27.1. a "KMS" convoy was observed by air reconnaissance in the North Channel. The southern half of the "Ruegen" boats stalked it. This operation (Group "Hinein") - see War Diary 28.1.44 - was unsuccessful because of insufficient reconnaissance reports. Having completed their operation, the boats returned to their former semi-circle. |
Several boats pursued a convoy steering S.W. which was sighted by U 764 on 3.2. in AL 99. An attempt was also made to pick up a northbound convoy, sighted by aircraft in BE 50, by gathering together the southern boats in the patrol area. Neither achieved any sinking of merchant shipping. |
Towards the end of January stronger anti-submarine measures, especially in the southern area of the patrol, were already making themselves felt. The first reports of locating the air attacks were received, radar location of enemy anti-submarine units confirmed that patrols had been increased. After U 985 had sunk a steamer in AM 10 on 8.2., enemy air attacks increased in the northern area of the patrol, thus compelling Operational Control to move the boats farther W. again. This fitted in well with the plan to co-operate with G.A.F. Commander for Atlantic Area (Fliegerfuher Atlantic) and carry out an attack off the North Channel on an "ONS" convoy in the period from 14 to 18.2. with all available submarines and planes. The boats would in any case have had to be moved to the W. for this operation. |
Operation against "ONS" convoy from 14 - 19.2.44 |
The operation carried out by Group "Hai" was unsuccessful - see War Diary 19.2.44. After it had been closed the boats moved away at first to N.W., then they were stationed in loose formation in the area between AK 60 and BE 40. |
On 27.2. the boats were concentrated in the area BD 60, BE 40 in order to intercept an "ON" convoy which was due to arrive, according to an intercepted radio message. However, the enemy was not contacted. |
Successes in the North Atlantic: |
January: 3 ships totaling 23,000 GRT, 7 destroyers; |
February: 3 ships totaling 17,000 GRT, 12 destroyers. |
b) |
Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean |
Only 2 boats (U 123, U 66) were in the Mid-Atlantic operational area, 3 boats (U 530 - 129 - 516) were returning, 5 boats (U 154 - 518 - 218 - 177 - 170) were en route to operational area. |