Gibraltar: By aircraft "MKAF", between 2216 and 0737, 5 specified radar locations in CG 9588, 9587, 9637, 9688, 9822. All cancelled. 8 unspecified locations, also all cancelled. |
By aircraft "MKAK" between 2214 and 0310 3 locations in CG 9584, 9637, 9965. All cancelled and 5 cancelled locations in unspecified positions. |
Aircraft "E?OBC" sighted, at 2145, periscope in CG 9671, course 900, speed 3 knots (U 731?) and reported an unspecified ASV location at 1715. |
3) |
Enemy units were located in: BE 3314 - 3490 - BF 7255 - 2110 - BD 9138 - AL 6450 - 9670 - 5435 - 9355 - AM 8465 - 7170 - 4880. |
d) |
None. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
None. |
b) |
U 385, U 736 and U 765 occupy the following new operational areas and report weather conditions from there: U 385 - AK 30, U 736 - AK 60/90, U 765 - BD 50/60. |
c) |
U 66 (see III a) 2)) reported at 0625, that aircraft was in contact and at 0621 "Am being attacked in EH 2546 by surface craft". Otherwise no report. |
Later, a W/T message of 5.5.2317, was broken: the boat was attacked by carrier borne aircraft on night of 2.5. after sending W/T message (at the meeting place with U 188). The boat attempted an attack on the carrier group. "Middle of Atlantic worse than Bay of Biscay", 23 cubic meters of fuel, sufficient provisions until 15.5. It was apparent from the state of fuel and provisions that U 66 had taken on supplies from U 188. The boat, however, forgot to mention what U 188 did after supplying had been carried out. |
U 66 proposes supplying in EJ 16 off the coast. |
As, however, the boat has been confirmed by enemy to the east, since 29.4. the proposal is impracticable. |
For the choice of new assembly points the following to be considered: |
1) |
The four boats must not be supplied too far apart from one another as in the event of the loss of a boat with a large supply of fuel, there is no further possibility of |