Plate 24: Plate 24: Forward drive propeller from aft, forward and aft drive propellers seen from aft, relationship of the four-bladed drive propellers and crank to each other at "ready for shooting" position, relationship of the six-bladed drive propellers and crank to each other at "ready for shooting position"
Tafel 24: Vordere Triebschraube von hinten gesehen, Vordere und hinten Triebschraube von hinten gesehen, Stellung der vierligelgen Triebschrauben und Kurbel zueinander bei "schußklar", Stellung der sechsflügeligen Triebschrauben und Kurbel zueinander bei "schußklar" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Plate 24: Forward drive propeller seen from aft, forward and aft drive propellers seen from aft, relationship of the four-bladed drive propellers and crank to each other at "ready for shooting" position, relationship of the six-bladed drive propellers and crank to each other at "ready for shooting" position | ||||||||||||||||||||||