- Amateur Radio Operator Certificate (Basic with honours) callsign VE7YAB - |
Communications |
U-boats maintained separate logs of radio messages and a summary of these were submitted as an attachment to the KTB. The CO often noted messages pertinent to the tactical situation in the KTB usually noting the sender and enclosing the text in quotes. |
For a general description of U-boat communications see the excerpt on Communications from the Cumulative Edition. |
Click the iconsto view the record |
Excerpt on German U-boat Communications from the Cumulative Edition - CB 04051(103) The Admiralty's appreciation of the German U-boat force as of June 1944 |
The links below provide information on U-boat communications equipment and procedures. Dirk Rijmenants' and Tony Sale's pages on cipher machines cover cryptography, the Enigma machine, the role of cryptology in the U-boat War and many other topics. The Foundation for German communication and related technologies presents excellent pages on U-boat communications, Kurier, the T 200FK 39 transmitter and many other communications and radar technologies. Helge Fykse's and Yuri & Vladimir Desyatnik's pages present thier excellent collections of German WWII radios as well as links to other collectors. |
the icon to download my U-505's Radio EquipmentPower Point presentations |
U-505's Radio Room
What's there and what's missing |
U-505's Soundo Room
What's there and what's missing |
the icon to download my U-boat Radio Room Power Point presentation |
U-boat Radio Room
Personnel - Equipment - Procedures |
German names for frequency bands were not the same as the Allied system also radio bands were sometimes referred to by wavelength in meters instead of frequency. These terms are set forth in the table below. |
German System |
Allied System (still in use today) |
German Name |
Frequency Band |
Allied Equivalent |
Frequency Band |
Wave-length |
Längstwelle (LäW - very-long-wave) |
below 100 kHz |
Very low frequency (VLF) |
3-30 kHz |
10-100 km |
Langwelle (long-wave) |
100k Hz-1.5 Mhz |
Low frequency (LF) |
30-300 kHz |
1-10 km |
Grenzwelle (intermediate-wave) |
1.5-3 MHz |
Medium frequency (MF) |
300 kHz-3 MHz |
100-1000 m |
Kurzwelle (KW - short-wave) |
3-30 MHz |
High frequency (HF) |
3 MHz-30 MHz |
10-100 m |
Ultrakurzwelle (very-short-wave) |
above 30 MHz |
Very High frequency (VHF) |
above 30 MHz |
1-10 m |
Ultrakurzwellen are subdivided into: |
Meterwelle |
Meter wave |
Dezimeterwelle |
Decimeter wave |
Zentimeterwelle |
Centimeter wave |
Note: adapted from the Cumulative Edition - CB 04051(103) |
When discussing WWII radios and communications it is often necessary to convert from wavelength to frequency. The link below is an easy to use converter. |
Click the icons to view the website |
Frequency and Wavelength Calculator
German WWII Phonetic Alphabet |
A |
Anton |
I |
Ida |
R |
Richard |
Ä |
Ärger |
J |
Jota |
S |
Sophie |
B |
Bruno |
K |
Karl |
T |
Toni |
C |
Cäsar |
L |
Lucie |
U |
Ulrich |
Ch |
China |
M |
Max |
Ü |
Übel |
D |
Dora |
N |
Nanni |
V |
Victor |
E |
Emil |
O |
Otto |
W |
Wilhelm |
F |
Fritz |
Ö |
Öse |
X |
Xanthippe |
G |
Gustav |
P |
Paula |
Y |
Ysop |
H |
Hans |
Q |
Quatsch |
Z |
Zet or Zeppelin |
Additionally a number of Greek letters were used for special purposes |
α |
Alpha |
δ |
Delta |
λ |
Lambda |
β |
Beta |
ε |
Epsilon |
π |
Pi |
γ |
Gamma |
U-boat Radio Equipment |
U-boats carried a suite of radio equipment giving them the ability to transmit, receive and direction find on several frequency bands. At the beginning of the war the HF and MF transmitters usually used the forward jumping wire/antenna and the HF receivers used the trailing jumping wires/antennas. Because of the radiation pattern of the random wire antenna, the boat sometimes had to point perpenticular to the station it was transmitting to or receiving from. Later a telescopic rod antenna extending from the port side of the bridge was added but this did not prove successful and was later removed in favor of the radar antenna. U-boats received and transmitted messages in encrypted Morse code. U-boats seldom, if ever, transmitted or received by voice. The boat would have to be surfaced to transmit or receive messages on HF but could receive messages on VLF when submerged at shallow depth using the DF-loop antenna. U-boats communicated almost exclusively with Control stations ashore. They did not send messages or beacon signals to other U-boats unless instructed to do so by Control. A typical radio suite would consist of the following equipment: |
Transmitters |
Power |
Frequency Band |
Purpose |
Primary transmitter (Type IXD carried 2) |
200 W |
HF |
Ship to shore message traffic in encrypted morse code |
Back-up transmitter |
40 W |
HF |
Ship to shore message traffic in encrypted morse code |
Beacon transmitter |
150 W |
Sending beacon signals to other U-boats and aircraft |
Ship to Ship Voice |
10 W |
Early war carried only during working-ups, later used to intercept Allied tactical communications |
Emergency beacon |
8 W |
MF |
Liferaft beacon transmitter |
Receivers |
Primary receiver |
HF |
Ship to shore message traffic in encrypted morse code |
Back up "all wave" receiver |
Also served as VLF receiver using DF Loop antenna |
Beacon receiver |
Receive and DF beacon signals from other U-boats and aircraft, VLF message traffic submerged using DF Loop antenna |
Broadcast receiver |
News/Entertainment. Used the DF Loop antenna. Had jack for record player and could be connected to ship's announcement system |
The following is a list of radio equipment used aboard U-boats. It is compiled from several sources and it is hoped to expand it. |
Frequency |
Power |
Primary use |
Notes |
Transmitters |
Telefunken Spez 406S/36 |
3.75-15 MHz (HF) |
200 W |
Primary HF Tx. |
Telefunken T200FK39 |
3-23 MHz (HF) |
200 W |
Lorenz Lo40K39 |
5-16.7 MHz (HF) |
40 W |
Telefunken Spez 2113 |
300-600 kHz |
150 W |
Beacon MF Tx. |
Lorenz Lo10UK39 |
37.8-48 MHz (VHF) |
10 W |
Transceivers - Early war only on workups - later used for convoy voice communications intercept |
Lorenz Lo1UK35 |
41.55-45.75 MHz (VHF) |
10 W |
Fieseke & Höpfner NS2 or Phillips NS2a |
600 m/500 kHz |
8 W |
Emergency beacon |
For use in lifeboat, hand crank power supply, automatically sent SOS signal had box kite aerial |
Receivers |
Telefunken E437S |
1.5-25 MHz (HF) |
"Bread Box" |
Telefunken T9K39 |
1.5-25 MHz (HF) |
"Main" |
Telefunken E52 |
1.5-25 MHz (HF) |
" |
"Köln" |
Telefunken E436S |
74 kHz-1.5 MHz (VLF-HF) |
" |
Early war Rec. |
Telefunken E381S |
15 kHz-20 MHz (VLF-HF) |
Backup HF Beacon and VLF Rec.
"All wave Rec." |
Telefunken Spez 697N |
15-25 kHz/75-1000kHz (VLF/LF) |
Early war DF Rec |
Telefunken E405N |
15-33 kHz/75-1667 kHz |
Early war DF Rec. Navy modified EP2 |
Telefunken T3PLLä38 |
15-33 kHz /70-1200 kHz (VLF/LF) |
Telefunken ELA 1012a/b |
145 kHz-21.8 MHz (LF/HF) |
News/entertainment used DF Loop antenna, Had jack for record player, could be connected to the boat's announcement system |
Radione R2 |
150 - 428 kHz (LF/MF), 508 - 1560 kHz (MF), 5.9-22.2 MHz (HF) |
Broadcast Rec. |
News/entertainment used DF Loop antenna, portable - often mounted in officers or captain's cabin |
Sadir R87 C |
37.5 - 69.4 MHz (VHF) |
Intercept Rec. |
Used by B-Dienst Group to intercept convoy and aircraft communications |
Other Equipment |
KZG 44/2 |
Kurier pulse generator |
Einheitsbetriebsgerät (EGB) |
Remote transmitter control panel for use with HF transmitters |
Frequency control apparatus |
2 x Antennenwahlschalttafel |
Antenna selector panels - used to switch transmitters or receivers to various antennas |
Schlüssel-M (Enigma machine) |
Used to encode messages for transmission |
Note: adapted from U-boats, The Illustrated History of the Raiders of the Deep, by David Miller, with information from History of Telegraphy by K. G. Beauchamp, Type VII U-boats, by Robert C. Stern and Ubootwaffe, Marine - Kleinkampfverbände 1939-1945 by Waldemar Trojca. |
Radar Detectors - Funkmess-Beobachtung (FuMB) |
Designation |
Name |
Bandwidth |
Antenna |
Name |
Tuning |
Indicator |
Dates |
FuMB 1 |
Metox 600A |
130-260 cm |
FuMB Ant. 2 |
Honduras (Biscay Cross) |
Manual |
Loudspeaker-Headphone |
Intro. Aug 42 |
Rotated by hand rough DF |
Magic eye (later models) |
Banned Aug 43 |
FuMB 8 |
Wanze G1 - Zypern I |
120-180 cm |
FuMB Ant. 3 |
Bali - Runddipol |
Automatic 24 x/sec. |
Cathode ray tube |
Intro. Aug 43 |
Fixed no DF |
Manual fine tuning |
Loudspeaker-Headphone |
Banned Nov 43 |
FuMB 9 |
Wanze G2 - Zypern II |
Same as Wanze G1 except that receiver did not radiate and had variable speed automatic search |
FuMB 10 |
Borkum |
20-300 cm |
FuMB Ant. 3 |
Bali - Runddipol |
Untuned |
Loudspeaker-Headphone |
Intro. Nov 43 |
Fixed no DF |
FuMB 7 |
Naxos |
8-12 cm |
FuMB Ant. 11 |
Finger |
Automatic |
Loudspeaker-Headphone |
Intro. Sept.-Nov. 43 |
8-12 cm |
FuMB Ant. 24 |
Cuba Ia - Fliege |
Intro. Feb 44 |
2-4 cm |
FuMB Ant 25 |
Mucke |
Intro May 44 |
Rotated rough DF |
FuMB 26 |
Tunis |
2-4 cm and 8-23 cm |
FuMB Ant. 24 Cuba Ia - Fleige (for 8-23 cm wavelengths) and FuMB 25 - Mücke (for 2-4 cm wavelengths) antennas back to back. |
Automatic |
Cathode ray tube and Headphones - Loudspeakers |
Intro. June 44 |
Hand rotated rough DF |
FuMB 35 |
Athos |
2.5-4 cm and 8-15 cm |
Not numbered |
Automatic |
Cathode ray tube and Headphones - Loudspeakers |
Intro early 45 |
Fixed with electronic DF |
FuMZ 10 |
Puck 901 |
10 cm |
Test signal generator for FuMB gear |
U-boat Area Circuits |
Gebiet Schaltung |
U-boat Area Circuits - Used to provide communications in a specific area. Frequencies were chosen to optimize reception for day and night in each area. Messages numbered sequentially for each U-boat so that the radio operator would know if a message was missed. They were transmitted on HF at set times and repeated on VLF. |
Küste (Coastal) |
Channel and Biscay area |
Ierland (Ireland) |
Eastern North Atlantic |
Amerika (America) und Afrika (Africa) Schaltung |
America and Africa circuits consisted of three separate circuits each in which two channels or frequencies were generally keyed simultaneously |
Amerika 1, A&B |
Eastern North Atlantic |
Amerika 2, C&D |
Western Atlantic north of line from Azores to Key West |
Amerika 3, E&F |
Middle Atlantic, Caribbean and South American coastal areas |
Afrika 1, A&B |
East Atlantic and Indian Ocean |
Afrika 2, C&D |
" " |
Afrika 3, E&F |
" " |
Arktis (Artic) |
Controlled from Norway - Northern Norway and Murmansk convoy routes |
Mittelmeer (Mediterranean) |
Controlled from Toulon - Western Mediterranean |
Ägäis (Aegean) |
Controlled from Salamis - Eastern Mediterranean |
Penang |
Controlled from Penang - Indian Ocean area supplementing the Africa services |
U-boat Convoy Circuits |
Konvoi Schaltung |
Convoy circuits - Used to separate communications for U-boat groups from U-boats not part of the group. Either Diana or Hubertus was always in effect sometimes both simultaneously |
Diana |
Convoy circuit |
Hubertus |
Convoy circuit |
Wotan |
Only active a short time late in the war |
Other Circuits |
Bruno 3 (Norddeich) |
Four frequencies keyed simultaneously. Frequencies were chosen to provide world-wide coverage. |
Anton (Kootwijk) |
Four frequencies keyed simultaneously - Used in the Eastern North Atlantic and Northern Norway |