U-123 - 1st War Patrol

Translation by Jerry Mason with the help of Andi Forster

Days at Sea
21 September 1940
23 October 1940


Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the U-boat track, significant events and locations for this patrol.  You must have Google Earth loaded on your computer to view this file.  Download Google Earth here


Ships Hit
KTB Time
6 Oct 40
53°33'N, 25°55'W
10 Oct 40
57°39'N, 13°36'W
19 Oct 40
57°03'N, 11°24'W
19 Oct 40
57°03'N, 11°24'W
19 Oct 40
56°51'N, 11°36'W
19 Oct 40
05.00 - 05.30
56°39'N, 11°48'W
 Total = 25,878
Note:  The positions in the table above and in the Google Earth patrol summary are derived from the KTB and in many cases do not match those set forth in authoritative references such as Jürgen Rohwer, Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two or the Uboat.net website.  The goal here is to present the picture relative to the U-boat and not the absolute position that the ship was attacked or sank.

                                           K  r  i  e  g  s  t  a  g  e  b  u  c  h  
        "  U  123  "  
                           Kommandant: Kaptlt.  M  o  e  h  l  e  
      Beginning:  30.  5.1940    
      Ending:       19.  9.1940    
        © U-boat Archive 2024 - all rights reserved  
Click the flag to view the above page from the original German KTB
- 1 -
    30.05.40 Bremen 10.00 hours Commissioning, afterwards outfitting of the boat.  
    31.05.40 Bremen Outfitting of the boat.  Preparations to dive and trim test.  
    01.06.40 Bremen Prepatarions to dive and trim test.  Drills.  
    02.06.40 Bremen - Bremerhaven Morning drills.  
        16.00 hours Transit to Bremerhaven.  
    03.06.40 Bremerhaven - Kiel 04.50 hours Weighed anchor.  
        Transit to Kiel.  
    04.06.40 Kiel Stowed and work service.  
    05.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    06.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
        Afternoon balanced the boat.  
    07.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    08.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    09.06.40 Kiel U.A.K.  
    10.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    11.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    12.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    13.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    14.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    15.06.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    16.06.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    17.06.40 Kiel U.A.K. testing.  
    18.06.40 Kiel Transit to Danzig.  
    19.06.40 Danzig 22.00 hours Made fast Danzig.  
    20.06.40 Danzig Bay U.A.G.1 - testing, measured mile  
- 2 -
    21.06.40 Danzig Bay U.A.G.1 - measured mile.  
    22.06.40 Danzig Bay U.A.G.1 - measured mile.  
    23.06.40 Danzig - Zoppot 11.00 hours Made fast Zoppot sea pier.  
    24.06.40 Danzig Bay N.V.K. - test off Kahlberg.  
    25.06.40 Danzig Bay AK cruise.  
    26.06.40 Danzig -  Gotenhafen 11.50 hours Made fast Gotenhafen.  
    27.06.40 Eastern Baltic Tactical training.  
    28.06.40 Eastern Baltic Tactical training.  
    29.06.40 Eastern - Central Baltic Tactical training.  
    30.06.40 Central - Eastern Baltic 12.00 hours Anchored Rönne (Bornholm) Roadstead.  
        15.25 hours Transit to Gotenhafen.  
    01.07.40 Gotenhafen - Oxhöft T.E.K. testing. [T.E.K. = Torpedoerprobungskommando]  
    02.07.40 Gotenhafen - Oxhöft T.E.K. testing.  
    03.07.40 Gotenhafen - Oxhöft T.E.K. testing.  
    04.07.40 Gotenhafen - Oxhöft T.E.K. testing.  
    05.07.40 Gotenhafen - Oxhöft - Kiel T.E.K. testing.  Afterwards transit to Kiel.  19.55 hours emergency landing aircraft sighted.  Position = 54°54'N, = 15°40'E.  Stood by until the arrival of a rescue vessel.  
    06.07.40 Kiel 14 15 hours  Made fast Kiel (Blücherbrücke).  
    07.07.40 Kiel S.V.K [S.V.K. = Sperrversuchkommando]  
    08.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    09.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    10.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    11.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    12.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
        17.00 hours made fast shipyard.  
- 3 -
    13.07.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    14.07.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    15.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    16.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    17.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    18.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    19.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    20.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    21.07.40 Kiel Sunday routine.  
    22.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    23.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    24.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    25.07.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    26.07.40 Kiel Shipyard - 12.00 hours Dry-docked.  
    27.07.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    28.07.40 Kiel Shipyard.  
    29.07.40 Kiel Shipyard.  13.00 hours Un-docked.  14.30 hours Made fast Blücherbrücke.  
    30.07.40   S.V.K testing.  
    31.07.40   S.V.K testing.  
    01.08.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    02.08.40 Kiel S.V.K testing.  
    03.08.40 Kiel At the disposal "Ufa".    [Universal Film AG - news reels]  
    04.08.40 Kiel Sunday routine.  
    05.08.40 Kiel Magnetic compass calibration and Radio Direction Finder calibration.  
    06.08.40 Kiel Blücherbrücke (work service).  
- 4 -
    07.08.40 Kiel 07.00 hours Cast off.  Transit to Memel.  
    08.08.40 Memel Independent training - 20.30 made fast Memel.  
    09.08.40 Memel - Pillau - Danzig 09.00 hours Cast off to shoot torpedoes.  
        10.50 hours Broke off shooting.  
        15.00 hours  Ready for sea.  21.55 hours departed for Pillau.
                                                    22.53 entered Pillau  
    10.08.40   03.00 hours Made fast Holm - Danzig.  
        Work service.  
    11.08.40 Danzig Sunday routine.  24.00 hours Ready for sea.  Transit to Memel.  
    12.08.40 Memel 09.00 hours Began shooting in the shooting square.  17.00 hours Finished day shooting. 20.30 hours Cast off for night shooting.  
    13.08.40 Memel Torpedo shooting.  
    14.08.40 Memel Torpedo shooting.  
    15.08.40 Memel Torpedo shooting.  
    16.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    17.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    18.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    19.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    20.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    21.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    22.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    23.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    24.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    25.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    26.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    27.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
- 5 -
    28.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    29.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    30.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    31.08.40 Memel At the disposal "Ufa".  
    01.09.40 Memel - Kahlberg 00.00 hours Transit to Kiel via Kahlberg.  
        (sound trials)  
    02.09.40 Kiel 20.45 hours Made fast Kiel.  
    03.09.40 Kiel - Wilhelmshaven 01.00 hours cast off Kiel to transit through the Canal to Wilhelmshaven,  20.30 hours Made fast U-boat Base.  13.37 hours and 14.08 hours Two drifting mines shot by Sperrbrecher.  
    04.09.40 Wilhelmshaven    
    05.09.40 Wilhelmshaven On 4 September 13.30 hours  Shifted to the Westwerft.  
    06.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    07.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    08.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    09.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    10.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    11.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    12.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    13.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    14.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  
    15.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Shipyard.  10.00 hours  Un-docked, boat outfitted.  
    16.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Boat outfitted.  
    17.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Boat outfitted.  
    18.09.40 Wilhelmshaven Morning.  Degaussing, afternoon Radio Direction Finder calibration.  
    19.09.40 Wilhelmshaven 10.45 hours Ready for sea.  


                K  r  i  e  g  s  t  a  g  e  b  u  c  h  
                         "  U  1  2  3   "  
            Beginning:    21.9.1940  
            Ending:        23.10.1940.  
                         Kommandant: Kapitänleutnant    M  o  e  h  l  e  .  
- 1 -
    05.00 Kiel, Tirpitzhafen Departed for 1st patrol; in formation with "U-103"  
    06.00 SW 2, Sea 0-1, overcast, Vis. good    
    06.20 Kiel Lightship Taken in convoy by "VP 107".  
    08.00 AO 7731 lower-left Tactical advance in convoy through the Great Belt.  
      SW 2, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 AO 7544 lower-left Day's run:  = 66 nm  
      SW 2, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 AO 7198 upper-right corner With escort through the Great Belt.  
      SW 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AO 7241 upper-right Anchored.  
      Off the Seelands Rev. net barrier    
      SW 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 AO 7241 upper-right Off Seelands Rev. net barrier at anchor.  
    04.00 AO 7241 upper-right Off Seelands Rev. net barrier at anchor.  
    06.20 AO 7241 upper-right Weighed anchor.  Continued transit in convoy.  
      SW 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 AO 4876 upper-right Transit in convoy through the Kattegatt.  
      WNW 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good Day's run:  = 106 nm (172 nm)  
    16.00 AO 4815 center-right edge In convoy through the Kattegatt.  
      WNW 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AO 4468 center    
      W 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 AO 4451 center-left edge Transit in convoy to Kristiansand South.  
      SW 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AN 3637 center-left    
      W 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AN 3615 upper-right Convoy ended.  
      Kristiansand Fjord Transit through Vestergapet Fjord to the SW.  
      SSE 3-4, Sea 2-3, rain, Vis. bad Due to the bad visibility on the surface on course 235° via Barrier V and clear of the Norwegian coast.  
Sun and Moon Data 21.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 22.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 23.09.40
- 2 -
    10.39   Dived, because visibility is better.  
    12.00 AN 3565 upper-left Proceeded submerged.  
      S 5-6, Sea 4, 7/10, Vis. good Day's run:  = 187 nm (= 359 nm)  
    16.00 Northern North Sea    
      AN 3559 center Proceeded submerged.  
    19.50 Northern North Sea Surfaced, proceeded on the surface.  
      AN 3554 lower-center edge Course 285°, from 23.45 hours course 330°.  
      W 6, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
    24.09.40 Northern North Sea    
    00.00 AN 3429 center Proceeded on the surface.  
      W 5-6, Sea 4-5, 9/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 Northern North Sea    
      AN 3142 lower-left    
      NW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good    
    07.30 AN 2895 upper-left Dived.  Proceeded submerged.  
      WSW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good    
    12.00 AN 2867 upper-left Proceeded submerged.  
      SW 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good Day's run:  = 183 nm (= 542 nm)  
    16.00 Northern North Sea Proceeded submerged.  
      AN 2853 lower-right    
      SW 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good    
    20.36 Northern North Sea Surfaced.  Proceeded on the surface on course 350°, HF.  
      AN 2824 lower-left    
      NNW 6, Sea 5, 9/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 Northern North Sea Proceeded on the surface by night.  
      AN 2349 lower-left    
      NNW 6, Sea 5, 9/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 Northern North Sea Proceeded on the surface by night.  
      AN 2315 upper-left    
      NNW 5-6, Sea 5, 5/10, Vis. good    
    07.24 Northern North Sea Dived, proceeded submerged.  
      AF 7992 center    
      NNW 3, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 Northern North Sea Day's run:  = 117 nm (= 659 nm)  
      AF 7968 lower-center edge    
      NW 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Vis. moderate    
    16.00 Northern North Sea Proceeded submerged.  
      AF 7964 center-left    
Sun and Moon Data 23.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 24.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.40
- 3 -
    20.38 Northern North Sea Surfaced.  Proceeded on the surface by night.  
      AF 7953 center    
      NW 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
    26.09.40 Northern North Sea    
    00.00 AF 7687 lower-left Proceeded on the surface by night.  
      NW 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 Northern North Sea    
      AF 7598 upper-left    
      NW 3-4, Sea 3, 7/10, Vis. good    
    07.18 North of the Shetland Islands Dived.  Proceeded submerged.  
      AF 7499 upper-right    
      NW 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 North of the Shetland Islands Incoming Radio Message, by which we are tasked on a convoy of "U-29".  Because we are still off the Shetlands I do not consider this order binding.  
      AF 7498 center  
      W 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good  
        Day's run:  = 149 nm (= 808 nm)  
    16.00 North of the Shetland Islands Proceeded submerged.  
      AF 7489 center    
      SW 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good    
    20.55 North of the Shetland Islands Surfaced.  Proceeded on the surface by night.  
      AF 7722 upper-left    
      SW 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
    27.09.40 East of the Faroe Islands    
    00.00 AE 9968 upper-right Proceeded on the surface.  
      SW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 East of the Faroe Islands Proceeded on the surface.  
      AE 9981    
      SW 5, Sea 4, 8/10, rain, Vis. good    
    07.54 South of the Faroe Islands Dived, proceeded submerged.  
      AM 3214    
      W 5, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 South of the Faroe Islands Day's run:  = 157 nm (= 965 nm)  
      AM 3133 upper-left Proceeded submerged.  
      W 5, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 South of the Faroe Islands Proceeded submerged.  
      AM 3161 upper-center edge    
      W 5, Sea 4, 8/10    
    21.23 South of the Faroe Islands Surfaced, proceeded on the surface by night.  
      AM 3158    
      WNW 5, Sea 4, 7/10, Vis. good                                                     
Sun and Moon Data 25.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 26.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 27.09.40
- 4 -
    28.09.40 Northwest of the Hebrides    
    00.00 AM 3171 center Proceeded on the surface.  
      NW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 Northwest of the Hebrides Proceeded on the surface.  
      AM 2424 upper-left    
    08.00 West of the Hebrides Proceeded on the surface.  
      AM 2364 lower-left    
      NW 3, Sea 5, 9/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 West of the Hebrides Day's run:  = 192 nm (= 1157 nm)  
      AM 2379 lower-center    
      NW 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 West of the Hebrides Proceeded on the surface.  
      AM 1668 lower-left    
      NW 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 West of the Hebrides    
      AM 1843 upper-right    
      NW 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 West of the Hebrides Proceeded on the surface by night into the operations area.  
      AM 1797 upper-center    
      NW 1, Sea 0-1, Swell 2, Vis. good, overcast    
    04.00 North Atlantic Proceeded on the surface.  
      AL 0336 lower-right    
      NW 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 North Atlantic Proceeded on the surface.  
      AL 0343 upper-left    
      W 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. medium    
    12.00 North Atlantic Day's run:  = 296 nm (= 1453 nm)  
      AL 3974 lower-right Proceeded on the surface into the operations area.  
      SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good    
    14.00 AL 6121 center Arrived in the operations area.  
    16.00 North Atlantic Steamed to the west into the operations area with 1 diesel HF.  
      AL 5224 center  
      SW 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 North Atlantic Came to course 310°.  
      AL 5215 center    
      SSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
Sun and Moon Data 28.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 29.09.40
- 5 -
    30.09.40 North Atlantic Ran through the operations are on course 310°, 1 diesel HF.  
    00.00 AL 2987 lower-right    
      SSW 6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 2972 lower-right    
      W 6, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 2944 lower-left corner    
      W 4, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good From 10.00 hours Came to course 170°.  
    12.00 North Atlantic Day's run:  = 163 nm (= 1616 nm)  
      AL 0193 center    
      W 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 North Atlantic Search courses in the operations area.  
      AL 0197 lower-left    
      W 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 5148 [E.m. nonsensical]    
      WSW 0-1, light Swell, Vis. good, overcast                                                     
    01.10.40 North Atlantic In the operations area cruised on course 70°.  
      AL 5412 center-left    
      SW 1, light Swell, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 North Atlantic In the operations area cruised on course 70°.  
      AL 5186 lower-center    
      E 1, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 North Atlantic In the operations area cruised on course 70°.  
      AL 5271 lower-left    
      SE 1, light Swell, overcast, Vis, moderate    
    10.31 - 11.17   In accordance with Radio Message relieved "U-32" as weather boat, weather reports daily at 03.00 hours, 13.00 hours, 17.00 hours.  
        Dived, balanced the boat.  
    12.00 North Atlantic In position in operations area.  
      AL 5257 lower-left Day's run:  = 131 nm (= 1747 nm)  
      S 2, Sea 0, 5/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5264 upper-right corner    
      S 2, Sea 0-1, 3/10 Vis. good    
    17.00 North Atlantic Incoming Radio Message with my square allocation.  Came to course 180°, to reach the southern edge of the new operations area.  The transit route due seemed to be abandoned by the English to the advanced time of year.  
      AL 5263 upper-left corner  
      S 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good  
Sun and Moon Data 30.09.40
Sun and Moon Data 01.10.40
- 6 -
    01.10.40   After that, may go through the area of AL 81, as the example of the "U-38"-convoy proves.  
    20.00 North Atlantic In the new operations area.  
      AL 5293 upper-right    
      SSE 2, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. good    
    20.30 - 20.51   Dived to flush main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank IV.  
    00.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5333 upper-right    
      SSE 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5293 center    
      SSE 3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5261 lower-left corner    
      SSE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good    
    10.30   KR from U-103, came to course 120° intercept point with the convoy in about 10 hours.  
    12.00 North Atlantic Operating on convoy.  
      AL 5237 upper-right Day's run:  = 128 nm (= 1875 nm)  
      SSE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. 4 nm    
    13.14   U-103 canceled convoy report.  
    16.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 6144 lower-right    
      SSE 6, Sea 5, 6/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 6181 lower-right    
      SSE 5, Sea 4-4, overcast, Vis. good    
    23.00   In accordance with Radio Message new attack disposition came to course 245°.  New operations area between 54° to 56°N and 20° to 23°W.  
    03.10.40 North Atlantic In operations area  
    00.00 AL 6189 upper-left Course 245°.  
      S 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 North Atlantic Course 245°.  
      AL 6413 lower-left    
      SW 6, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 01.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 02.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 03.10.40
- 7 -
    03.10.40 North Atlantic    
    08.00 AL 5536 upper-right Course 245°.  
      W 5, Sea 4, 9/10, Vis. good    
    10.00   Came to course 180°.  
    12.00 North Atlantic In operations area  
      AL 6417 left edge center Day's run:  = 104 nm (= 1979 nm)  
      W 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5593 upper-center    
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5831 lower-right corner    
      S 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good                                                     
    04.10.40 North Atlantic    
    00.00 AL 5837 center In operations area.  
      S 3, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. medium    
    04.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5883 upper-right corner    
      SSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 8/10 (9), Vis. medium    
    08.00 AL 5888 lower-center In operations area.  
      W 7, Sea 6, 8/10 (rain), Vis. medium Incoming Radio Message concerning new disposition in patrol line. [AL 7220 - 9790]  
    12.00 AL 5873 lower-right Day's run:  = 117 nm (= 2096 nm)  
      W 8, Sea 7, 8/10 (rain), Vis. medium    
    16.00 North Atlantic In operations area.  
      AL 5845 lower-right corner    
      WNW 8, Sea 7, 7/10, Vis. medium    
    20.00 AL 5763 upper-left In operations area, came to course 240°.  
      WNW 6-7, Sea 6, 7/10, Vis. medium                                                     
    00.00 North Atlantic Course 240° to starting position in patrol line.  
      AL 5766 upper-right corner    
      W 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 AL 5737 lower-left            "               "              "               "  
      SW 3, Sea 2, overcast (rain), Vis. bad    
    08.00 North Atlantic            "               "              "               "  
      AL 3774 lower-left    
      NE 3, Sea 2-3, overcast (rain), Vis. medium    
    12.00 AL 7231 lower-left            "               "              "               "  
      NNW 2-3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good Day's run:  = 110 nm (= 2206 nm)  
Sun and Moon Data 03.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 04.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 05.10.40
- 8 -
    16.00 North Atlantic Back and forth in position in patrol line.  
      AL 7222 lower-left    
      NNW 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10 (v), Vis. changing    
    20.00 AL 7225 center     "              "           "                "  
      WNW 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 North Atlantic Back and forth in position in patrol line.  
      AL 7237 lower-right    
      NW 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AL 7224 lower=right corner  "              "           "                "  
      W 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    06.00   Came to course 273°, transit  to 120 nm to brought forward patrol line. [AK 9311 to AL 8785]  
    08.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 7218 upper-left    
      W 1-2, Sea 0-1, 8/10 (rain), Vis. good    
    12.00 AL 7125 lower-left Day's run:  = 126 nm (= 2332 nm)  
      W 3, Sea 2, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing    
    12.15 AL 7124 lower-right Steamer in sight abeam to starboard, about 7000 meters, came out of a rain squall, course 260°.  
    12.45   Crash dive.  
        Steamer changed course to 220° speed about 8 knots.  
    13.04   1 torpedo from tube I, (Eto) range by stop watch 1650 meters.  Hit aft.  English steamer "BENLAWERS" (5943 GRT) fully loaded.  Not a very heavy detonation, sank over the stern stem after 16 minutes.  Crew went to the boats.  
    15.00   Surfaced, continued transit.  
    16.00 North Atlantic Continued advance to patrol line.  
      AL 7116 lower-left corner    
      W 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AE 9323 lower-center edge Continued advance to patrol line.  
      W 4-5, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. good                                                     
    07.10.40 North Atlantic    
    00.00 AK 9311 center Advance on course 49° to new patrol line.  
      W 3-4, Sea 2, 8/10 (squalls), Vis. good AL 35 - AM 19, 9 knots.      [AL 3566 to AM 1985]  
    04.00 AK 6959 center           "          "                "               "  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AL 4715 upper-left           "          "                "               "  
      SW 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast (rain), Vis. changing    
Sun and Moon Data 05.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 06.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 07.10.40
- 9 -
    12.00 North Atlantic Day's run:  = 177 nm (= 2509 nm)  
      AL 4483 upper-right    
      WSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing    
    16.00 AL 4518 center Came to advance course 49° to new patrol line.  
      W 5, Sea 4, 5/10, Vis. good AL 35 to AM 19, 9 knots.  
    20.00 AL 4292 center-left    
      W 8-9, Sea 7, 8/10, Vis. changing                                                     
    08.10.40 North Atlantic    
    00.00 AL 5143 center-left Advance on course 49° to new position line.  
      W 8, Sea 7, overcast squalls (rain), Vis. changing    
    04.00 AL 2979 lower-right corner          "                  "             "             "  
      W 7-8, Sea 7, 8/10, squalls overcast, Vis. changing    
    06.00 AL 2983 center-left edge Steamer in sight, course about 230°, size about 8000-9000 tons, deeply loaded.  Dimmed.  Turned away to avoid a collision.  Steamer then quickly passed out of sight.  Came to course 230°.  Highest possible speed setting.  Turns for 10 knots.  Strived to get the steamer in sight when it gets light.  
      W 7, Sea 7, 8/10, rain squalls, Vis. greatly changing  
    08.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 2984 lower-left    
      W 7, Sea 6-7, 8/10, Vis. changing    
    12.00 AL 5127 lower-right Course 230° behind the steamer.  
      W 5-6, Sea 5, 7/10, Vis. changing Day's run:  = 221 nm (= 2730 nm)  
    16.00 AL 4293 lower-right corner    
      W 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good Came to course 270°.  
    20.00 AL 4275 upper-right Steamer did not come in sight again.  Came about.  Came to course 49°.  
      NW 4-5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good  
      In accordance with Radio Message came to 16 knots to get to square AL 35 at highest speed.  
      North Atlantic  
    09.10.40 North Atlantic    
    00.00 AL 5144 upper-right corner    
      NW 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. changing    
    04.00 AL 2982 lower-left corner    
      NW 4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. changing Headed for AL 35 on course 49°, 16 knots.  
    08.00 AL 0215 upper-center    
      NW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. changing    
    10.40 AL 2883 upper-right    
      NW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. changing, rain In accordance with attack order (αα from U-103) came to course 97°, GF.  
Sun and Moon Data 07.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 08.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 09.10.40
- 10 -
    12.00 AL 2893 center Course 97° behind the convoy.  
      NW 5, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. changing Day's run:  = 295 nm (= 3025 nm)  
    16.00 AL 3796 center-left Course 90° behind the convoy.  
      NW 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. changing    
    20.00 North Atlantic Despair slowly takes hold!  
      AL 3896 lower-left corner    
      NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. changing                                                     
    00.00 Rockall Bank On course 90° behind the convoy.  
      AM 1922 upper-right Where are the contact keeper reports?  
        Since the first sighting report four more up to midnight.  
    04.00 AN 0122 upper-left New patrol line ordered without us. [AM 2795 - 2985] Came to course 83°.  Headed for a position north of the patrol line because there is the possibility of an error in the Radio Message order.  
      NW 4, Sea 3, 9/10, Vis. changing  
    07.00 AM 1898 lower-center edge When there is no correction of the Radio Message, came to course 300° at 1 x LF.  
        Intend to remain in the vicinity of the Rockall Bank.  
    08.00 Rockall Bank    
      AM 1897 center-right The boat lies before the seas at LF.  
      NNW 4-5, Sea 4, 6/10, Vis. changing    
    12.30 AM 1885 center-right edge Crash dive for aircraft, that came directly towards us,  No bombs thrown.  
        Day's run:  = 258 nm (= 3283 nm)  
    16.36 AM 1881 center-right Surfaced.  
      WNW 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Vis. good    
    16.45   Crash dive for aircraft.  
    19.54 AM 1849 center-left Surfaced.  
    19,57   Crash dive! Ahead a large freighter, course about 50°, square AM 1843.  
        During the following approach suddenly a small shadow comes in sight on the port side.  It turns out to be a gun boat.  Due to the low draft of this vessel and the prevailing long swell bypassed it and when the steamer did not come in sight in the darkness,  
    21.20   surfaced.  
        An all around sweep on the surface showed that the gunboat had moved off to the east. The steamer is still in the west, apparently with engine damage.  
        All-freight ship, very deeply loaded, on an even keel, about 7500 GRT (about 140 meters long).  Steamer lies stopped.  
    21.34 Rockall Bank Surface approach.  
      AM 1848 upper-center edge 1 Eto with depth setting 3 meters on target lying stopped.  
      WNW 2-3, Sea 2, medium Swell, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 09.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 10.10.40
- 11 -
    10.10.40   No results!  
        If there was no failure then the devil had his thumb in between!  
    21.44   One Eto with the same settings.  
        Hit under the bridge.  Detonation cloud about 150 meters high.  Running time 1 minute 28 seconds = 1320 meters.  Sank after about 10 minutes.  SOS was not heard.  Part of the crew was saved in rafts, as was determined by the gleam of flashlights.  
        After starting off on zigzag courses moved off on general course 270°.  
    11.10.40 Rockall bank    
    00.00 AM 1765 lower-right Moved off on course 270°.  
      NNW 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good    
    02.00   Came to course 180° after receiving a new operations area.  
    04.00 AM 1783 lower-right corner    
      SSW 2-3, Sea 1, 9/10, (rain), Vis. changing    
    08.00 AM 1926 lower-right corner    
      SSW 2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. moderate    
    12.00 AM 1959 center-right edge Day's run:  = 98 nm (= 3381 nm)  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. bad    
    12.20   Came to course 230°.  
    13.20   Received the first αα from U-48.  Came to course 260°.  At the beginning of twilight we should be exactly ahead of the convoy.  
    16.00 Rockall Bank Operating on the convoy.  
      AM 1981 upper-left corner    
      SSW 3, Sea 2, overcast (rain), Vis. moderate    
    19.17 AL 0313 upper-center Crash dive for armed fishing trawler, that apparently moved back and forth ahead of the convoy.  
    20.43 SSW 5, Sea 4, overcast (rain), Vis. bad Surfaced.  Unfortunately the weather is lousy, also the visibility is so bad that the convoy could rush past at 1000 meters without being seen.  
    23.58   Oddly the position given from U-48 at this moment lies 12 nm to the north, despite this the course was reconfirmed as 91°.  Came to course 320°.  
    12.10.40 West of Rockall Bank  
    00.00 AL 0386 upper-left corner Course 320° operating on the convoy.  
      SSW 6-7, Sea 5-6, overcast (rain), Vis. bad    
        Came to course 0° on receiving Radio Message from B.d.U. concerning B-Dienst report of a sunken steamer.  
Sun and Moon Data 10.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 11.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 12.10.40
- 12 -
    04.00 AL 0352 upper-right    
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. moderate    
    08.00 AL 3885 center-right    
      SSW 0-1, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 AL 3863 center-right edge Headed for Rockall Bank on course 100°, where the convoy must pass.  
      West of Rockall Bank  
        Day's run:  = 177 nm (= 3558 nm)  
    16.00 AM 1755 center-right edge Came to course 245°, because further pursuit of the convoy is hopeless on the basis of the weather.  Visibility about 500 meters.  
      ENE 2, Sea 1, SSW-Swell, Vis. bad  
    20.00 AM 1772 upper-center Transit into new operations area.  
      NNE 1-2, Sea 1, SW-Swell, 6/10, Vis. good                                                     
    13.10.40 West of Rockall Bank    
    00.00 AL 3895 center-right    
      NW 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AL 3888 lower-right corner    
      WNW 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good Transit into new operations area.  
    08.00 North Atlantic    
      AL 0315 center    
      WNW 1, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 AL 3961 lower-right Day's run:  = 151 nm (= 3709 nm)  
      NW 1, Sea 0, 4/10, Vis. good Repaired sea damage below the over deck.  All mountings etc. were loosened and threatened the blow piping.  
    16.00 North Atlantic Transit into new operations area.  
      AL 3957 center    
      NW 1, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AL 3972 lower-center While test firing the 10.5 cm the shell went off while being loaded and tore the support of the forward net cutter away.  
      NW 1, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. good  
    14.10.40 North Atlantic  
    00.00 AL 6214 center-left    
      NW 1-0, 2/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AL 6247 left edge lower Transit into new operations area.  
      SW 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AL 6511 lower-left corner    
      SW 1, Sea 0-1, 7/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 North Atlantic In new area came to course 90°.  
      AL 6571 upper-center edge Day's run:  = 147 nm (= 3856 nm)  
      NW 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 12.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 13.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 14.10.40
- 13 -
    16.00 AL 6581 upper-right corner Search courses in the operations area.  
      NW 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 North Atlantic Search courses in the operations area.  
      AL 6592 upper-center    
      NW 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good    
        For now I do not intend to maneuver on the convoy reported by "U-93" because the current range is about 400 nm and the limited fuel inventory would be used up completely without certainty based on the experiences of the last weeks.  
    15.10.40 North Atlantic  
    00.00 AL 6564 lower-left Search courses in the operations area.  
      NE 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AL 6534 lower-left    
      NNW 3, Sea 1-2, 6/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AL 6294 lower-left Search courses in the operations area.  
      NW 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 North Atlantic Day's run:  = 121 nm (= 3977 nm)  
      AL 6378 lower-left Search courses in the operations area.  
      WNW 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 AL 6622 center Search courses in the operations area.  
      N 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good    
    20.00 AL 6635 center-right edge Search courses in the operations area.  
      N 2, Sea 1-2, overcast (rain), Vis. changing                                                     
    16.10.40 North Atlantic    
    00.00 AM 4419 center-left    
      N 1, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AM 4453 upper-right Search courses in the operations area.  
      NE 1, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. good    
    08.00 AM 4544 upper-left corner    
      E 0-1, Sea 0, Vis. good    
    12.00 North Atlantic Day's run:  = 134 nm (= 4111 nm)  
      AM 4559 center Again a U-boat (U-103) reports:  Began return transit with 31000 tons!  Again U-93 has a convoy! - Morale sinks slowly but surely under the above-points!  And the boats leaving after us get the positions around Rockall!  The only salvation remains a trip to Halifax!  
      NNE 1, Sea 0, 9/10, Vis. good  
    16.00 AM 4562 center-right Encountered the rafts of a sunken steamer.  Name not determined.  No traces of the crew members.  
      NNE 1, Sea 0, 7/10, Vis. good  
      Search courses in the operations area.  
Sun and Moon Data 14.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 15.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 16.10.40
- 14 -
    20.00 North Atlantic Search courses.  
      AM 4672 upper-center    
      NNE 1, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
    17.10.40 West of Ireland    
    00.00 AM 4691 upper-right corner    
      Wind calm, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AM 4691 upper-right corner    
      Wind calm, Sea 0, 9/10, Vis. moderate    
    08.00 AM 5451 center Search courses.  
      Wind calm, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 West of Ireland Day's run:  = 141 nm (= 4252 nm)  
      AM 5452 center-left    
      NE 1, Sea 0, 7/10, Vis. good    
    16.00 AM 5188 lower-left Search courses.  
      NE 1, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good Came to HF, to intercept a convoy reported by U-48 at Rockall.  
    20.00 West of Ireland Search courses.  
      AM 5141 upper-right corner    
      NE 0-1, Sea 0, 4/10, Vis. good                                                     
    18.10.40 West of the North Channel Heading for Rockall.  
    00.00 AM 2947 lower-left corner    
      Wind calm, Sea 0, 4/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AM 0131 upper-left Came to course 45°, to be in ordered position in patrol line at 08.00 hours.   [AM 2745 to 0125]  
      Wind calm, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good  
    08.00 AM 1892 center-right Back and forth in position in patrol line on courses 135° and 315°.  
      ESE 1, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. good  
        Suspect the convoy steered through square 25 close off the Hebrides and the with a southerly course broke through into the North Channel.  
    12.00 West of the North Channel Back and forth in position in patrol line.  
      AM 1893 center-left edge Day's run:  = 198 nm (= 4450 nm)  
      SSE 1, Sea 0, 1/10, Vis. good    
    14.20 AM 1896 center-right On Radio Message from U-38 "Position of the convoy AM 1539 course 110°."  Came to course 90° to cut off the convoy.  
    16.00 AM 2775 center-right edge    
      SSE 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good    
    16.01 AM 2775 Steamer in sight bearing 120°T, range = 20000 meters, course about 250°.  Large modern freighter.  Soon changes course to 180° and later 140°.  Closed to the limit of visibility.  
Sun and Moon Data 16.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 17.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 18.10.40
- 15 -
    18.10.40   About 17.00 hours the steamer suddenly came about.  
        We followed and  
    18.03 West of the North Channel submerged.  Beforehand I deduced from the radio traffic, that this ship was waiting for a convoy, which it was to lead in. Radio tuned to "ok".  
      AN 2913 lower-center  
        Ran to meet at GF submerged.  
    20.21 West of the North Channel At the beginning of twilight the ship stopped zigzagging, apparently because it throght it was safe, and remained lying stopped.  
      AM 2779 lower-right  
      SSE 1, Sea 1  
        1st bow shot Eto from 1100 meters, hit center.  
        Name and markings no longer distinguished due to darkness.  Completely modern large freighter apparently of type TUSCAN STAR (11400 tons).  Little effect despite large explosion column.  Remained lying on an even keel.  
    20.28   2nd torpedo on the same target.  Hit under the bridge.  Again little effect.  Seems to have very good compartmentalization.  
    20.30   Surfaced.  Suddenly 300 meters ahead of me  a U-boat surfaced.  U-99 who was very indignant that he arrived 5 minutes too late with his torpedo.  
    20.46   3rd torpedo, because the steamer still made no move to sink.  
        Steamer began to settle deeper.  
        Thereupon went to the other side of the steamer.  As we are abeam on his starboard side, he began to sink quickly.  Sank.  
    21.43   From the flickering lights of his rafts, suddenly ahead to port light signals and star shells, which brightly illuminate a large convoy.  
        Because an escort approached the sinking location, initially moved off to the west until 21.50 hours, then closed the convoy.  Convoy steered about 210° to 230°.  
    22.44 AM 2921 upper-left 3 single shots on 3 steamers.  Range = 2000 meters.  
    22.45 Slowly freshening from the SW, shifting to the SE Miss because the steamers turned away and increased speed.  Apparently turned away due to a torpedo hit by another U-boat.  
        Strong confusion in the convoy.  Wild zigzagging back and forth.  
        Moved off ahead of the intervening escorts.  
        New approach.  
    23.20 West of the North Channel 1 torpedo on a steamer of about 5000 GRT.  Range = 800 meters.  At the moment of the shot the steamer turned hard to port, miss.  2 escorts at about 300 meters range, ran off at highest speed and started again around the escorts.  
      AM 2924 center  
Sun and Moon Data 18.10.40
- 16 -
    18.10.40   Convoy seems completely scattered and runs like a flock of sheep without a bellwether.  
    00.21 AM 2924 lower-left corner 1 torpedo on a 6000 GRT steamer.  Speed 5 knots range = 500 meters.  Bow shot on straight course, steamer passed through without changing course or speed.  Unexplained miss.  
        New approach on 2 large shadows to the south.  There 2 escorts.  Approach on large freighter of 7000 GRT with passenger facilities.  Steamer had stopped, was busy with masses of shipwrecked from a tanker torpedoed at this location shortly before.  
    01.31 West of the North Channel    
      AM 2927 upper-left 1 torpedo (stern tube) heavy detonation, center.  Sank after about 4 minutes, apparently a boiler explosion.  
        New approach on a 2nd shadow, steamer of about 4000 GRT.  A pure freighter.  Also stopped, lightly damage on the stern.  
    01.35 AM 2927 upper-left 1 stern torpedo.  G 7 a.  Bayonet right, miss.  
        New approach on the same steamer.  
    01.55 AM 2927 1 torpedo.  Hit in the engine room.  Sank after 5 minutes.  
        Nothing more of the convoy is distinguished. Moved off at GF to the south because an escort is behind us.  When this is shaken off angled in to the east in the suspected advance direction of the dispersed convoy.  
    02.34 AM 2943 center-left edge Star shells in the east, apparently a gathering convoy or the remains of this former Malhalla. [a large long convoy]  
    02.44 AM 2943 lower-left A shadow to port.  
        Closed.  Steamer of about 5500 GRT.  4 large cargo hatches.  High wood deck cargo.  
        Steamers apparently waits for the gathering convoy coming up astern.  
    03.17 West of the North Channel 1 torpedo, the "last" from 600 meters.  Hit center.  Ship lists heavily.  Deck cargo goes overboard, fire due to an engine explosion, sank after 30 minutes.  
      AM 2946 upper-left  
      SSW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. changing  
      Began return transit because all torpedoes were shot, except for 3 G 7 a in the over deck containers, which however cannot be taken below because the transfer gear is damaged by the seas.  
    04.35 West of the North Channel Shadow ahead.  
      AM 2972 Closed.  Turned out to be a freighter with wood cargo, which lay about 2 meters deeper astern.  Was probably torpedoed before in the convoy, however due to his cargo  
Sun and Moon Data 18.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 19.10.40
- 17 -
    19.10.40   with a hit aft was still seaworthy.  I came to the conviction that the ship could be brought in easily and therefore decided to sink the steamer with artillery despite the proximity of the escorts.  
    05.00 - 05.30   Steamer sunk.  Sank over the stern stem.  Name determined with searchlight, "CLINTONIA" English 3106 GRT.  
    05.36   Came to course 220° and moved off.  
    08.00 West of Ireland Return transit.  
      AM 4322 upper-right corner    
      E 3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, Vis. medium    
    12.00 AM 4293 upper-center Return transit.  
      NE 2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. moderate Day's run:  = 193 nm (= 4643 nm)  
    16.00 AM 4551 upper-left corner Return transit.  
      SE 2, Sea 1, 5/10 (rain), Vis. moderate    
    20.00 AM 4824 lower-right Return transit.  
      SE 0-1, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. good                                                     
    20.10.40 West of Ireland    
    00.00 AM 7221 center-right Return transit, course 180°.  
      SE 0-1, Sea 0, 4/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 AM 7287 upper-right Return transit, course 180°.  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 AM 7581 lower-right Return transit.  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good    
    12.00 West of Ireland Return transit.  
      AM 7828 upper-center Day's run:  = 266 nm (= 4909 nm)  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good    
    16.00 BE 3222 Return transit.  
      SSW 2, Sea 1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. good    
    20.00 BE 3285 upper-center Return transit.  
      W 4, Sea 3, 7/10, Vis. good                                                     
    21.10.40 Western exit of the Channel    
    00.00 BE 3555 lower-center Return transit Lorient, course 180°.  
      W 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good    
    04.00 BE 3852 upper-center Return transit Lorient, course 111°.  
      SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 BE 3948 lower-right Return transit Lorient.  
      W 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good    
Sun and Moon Data 19.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 20.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 21.10.40
- 18 -
    21.10.40 West of the exit of the Channel    
    12.00 BE 3999 upper-left Return transit Lorient.  
      SW 3, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. good Day's run:  = 258 nm (= 5167 nm)  
    15.29 - 16.15 BF 4129 Crash dive for aircraft.  
      SW 3, Sea 2, 5/10    
    16.44 - 18.25   Crash dive for aircraft.  
    20.00 BF 4241 lower-left corner Return transit Lorient.  
      SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good                                                     
    22.10.40 North of the Nay of Biscay    
    00.00 BF 4259 lower-left corner Return transit Lorient.  
      SW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 BF 4621 center Return transit Lorient.  
      SSW 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Vis. good    
    08.00 BF 5442 center-right Return transit Lorient.  
      S 3, Sea 2, 7/10 (rain), Vis. good    
    08.10   Dived.  
    12.00 BF 5451 center-left Return transit Lorient.  
        Day's run:  = 223 nm (= 5390 nm)  
    14.44 - 15.15   Surfaced to ventilate the boat.  
    20.00 BF 5461 center-right Return transit, surfaced.  
      SSE 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good                                                     
    00.00 BF 5552 center-left edge Return transit Lorient.  
      SSE 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good    
    04.00 BF 6442 center    
      W 1-2, Sea 1, 10/10, Vis. good    
    09.30   Escort off Lorient.  
    11.25   Made fast Lorient.  
Sun and Moon Data 21.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 22.10.40
Sun and Moon Data 23.10.40


  Enclosures to U-123's KTB - click on the text at left to proceed to the document
Chart Chart



Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote.

                  A very good and successful patrol.  
                  The performance of the Kommandanten is all the more pleasing, as it was his first war patrol with a new boat which had not faced the enemy.  
    For the Befehlshaber der Untereseeboote  
    The Chief of the Operations Department  

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