- 2 - |
25.08 - 03.10.42 |
Idle period Lorient. |
04.10.42 |
18.00 |
SE 1-2, overcast, misty, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
Departed on 4th war patrol. |
19.45 |
Point Luzie 2, escort ended. |
21.00 - 21.37 |
Test dive. |
05.10.42 |
00.00 |
BF 5520 |
SE 1-2, overcast, misty, 1016 mb, Sea 1, heavy marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BF 5492 |
Light rain |
07.34 |
BF 5473 |
Dived to proceed submerged at depth A -40 meters. |
08.00 |
BF 5472 |
12.00 |
BF 5471 |
Day's run: 150 nm, 13 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4692 |
20.00 |
BF 4691 |
20.57 |
BF 4691 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2-3, overcast, 1022 mb, Sea 2, medium marine phosphorescence |
06.10.42 |
00.00 |
BF 4672 |
NW 4, overcast, 1022 mb, Sea 3-4 |
04.00 |
BF 4583 |
07.30 |
BF 4573 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
08.00 |
BF 4573 |
- 3 - |
06.10.42 |
12.00 |
BF 4571 |
Day's run: Carryover 150 nm 13 nm |
5./6.10 85 " 34 " |
Total: 235 47 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4493 |
20.00 |
BF 4492 |
21.12 |
BF 4491 |
Surfaced. |
22.23 |
BF 4483 |
Received search detection, 169 cm, horizontally polarized. |
Crash dive! |
22.52 |
BF 4483 |
Surfaced. |
23.55 |
BF 4482 |
Received search detection, 169 cm, horizontally polarized. |
Crash dive! |
Detection onset was sudden and strong. |
Belief: same aircraft on return flight. |
07.10.42 |
00.00 |
BF 4481 |
00.45 |
BF 4481 |
Surfaced. Zigzags to the SW. |
04.00 |
BF 4477 |
NE 2, overcast, misty, 1026 mb, Sea 1-2 |
07.40 |
BE 6929 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
08.00 |
BE 6929 |
12.00 |
BE 6928 |
Day's run: Carryover 235 nm 47 nm |
6./7.10 78 " 32 " |
Total: 313 79 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 6928 |
20.00 |
BE 6919 |
21.10 |
BE 6819 |
Surfaced. |
23.43 |
BE 6838 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
New objective for U-505 is naval square ED 99. |
08.10.42 |
00.00 |
BE 6838 |
NNW 3-4, overcast, 1029 mb, Sea 3 |
04.00 |
BE 6827 |
- 4 - |
08.10.42 |
07.55 |
BE 6739 |
Short signal sent on alternate frequency Norddeich: |
My position is BE 67. |
08.00 |
BE 6739 |
Dived to proceed submerged due to diesel repairs. |
NNW 3-4, overcast, 1029 mb, Sea 3 |
12.00 |
BE 6738 |
Day's run: Carryover 313 nm 79 nm |
7./8.10 82 " 26 " |
Total: 395 105 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 6737 |
20.00 |
BE 6729 |
20.15 |
BE 6729 |
A detonation in the distance. Nothing seen at periscope depth. Very faint vague propeller sounds in the west. |
21.55 |
BE 6728 |
Surfaced. |
Course to new objective square. |
23.40 |
BE 6749 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Bülow reports: 12.30 hours BE 8622 convoy of 6-10 steamers 3 destroyers. Course 20°. Speed 8 knots. |
Have no contact. |
By plotting the detonation at 20.15 hours comes from this convoy. Am now positioned 50 nm to the south of the convoy. Did not operate, because the starboard diesel is still not in service and the convoy is located in BE. |
09.10.42 |
00.00 |
BE 6748 |
NNW 1-2, overcast, 1030 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
BE 9117 |
08.00 |
BE 8622 |
NW 2, overcast, 1038 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
BE 8674 |
Day's run: Carryover 395 nm 105 nm |
8./9.10 158 " 21 " |
Total: 553 126 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 8856 |
E 2, overcast, 1034 mb, Sea 1-2 |
20.00 |
BE 8887 |
- 5 - |
09.10.42 |
22.57 |
CF 3117 |
Because there was no confirmation of the short signal, and in accordance with new Radio Message order of B.d.U., re-sent position short signal on alternate Norddeich frequency. |
My position was BE 88. |
The reported position was shifted a little bit, because there was no suitable group in the short signal book for the actual location. |
10.10.42 |
00.00 |
CF 2336 |
ESE 1-2, overcast, 1033 mb, Sea 1 |
00.02 |
CF 2336 |
Received short signal confirmation from B.d.U. |
04.00 |
CF 2386 |
08.00 |
CF 2618 |
SE 1-2, overcast, 1032 mb, Sea 1 |
10.00 |
CF 2621 |
Switched to Ireland Circuit. |
10.00 - 11.28 |
CF 2621 |
Test dive with deep dive test to depth A +40 meters. |
12.00 |
CF 2592 |
Day's run: Carryover 553 nm 126 nm |
9./10.10 182 " 3 " |
Total: 735 129 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 2819 |
NE 1, overcast, 1031 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
CF 2793 |
11.10.42 |
00.00 |
CF 5126 |
NE 1-2, overcast, 1030 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
CF 5157 |
08.00 |
CF 5411 |
E 1-2, cloudy, 1031 mb, Sea 1 |
09.59 |
CF 5414 |
Shadow bearing 260°T. Determined to be a three-masted schooner on course 60°. Maneuvered ahead. |
11.00 |
CF 5415 |
Dived and observed in the periscope. |
- 6 - |
11.10.42 |
11.22 |
CF 5415 |
Surfaced. Target angle 120°, range = 3000 meters. |
Sailing vessel immediately sets Portuguese flag. Name not noted. Because examination would presumably be time-consuming, course to Portugal appropriate for wind conditions, afterwards set off to the SE. |
As deck cargo supposedly bales of cork. |
12.00 |
CF 5418 |
Day's run: Carryover 735 nm 129 nm |
10./11.10 199 " 7 " |
Total: 934 136 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 4693 |
E 1-2, cloudy, 1031 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
CF 4935 |
12.10.42 |
00.00 |
CF 4982 |
NE 1-2, cloudy, 1032 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
CF 7324 |
08.00 |
CF 7372 |
NE 1-2, cloudy, 1032 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
CF 7539 |
Day's run: Carryover 934 nm 136 nm |
11./12.10 185 " - " |
Total: 1119 136 nm. |
13.30 - 14.05 |
CF 7563 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
CF 7591 |
ENE 1-2, cloudy, 1031 mb, Sea 1-2 |
20.00 |
CF 7825 |
13.10.42 |
00.00 |
CF 7872 |
NEbyE 2, cloudy, 1032 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
DG 3231 |
08.00 |
DG 3243 |
NEbyE 2, cloudy, 1032 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DG 3169 |
Day's run: Carryover 1119 nm 136 nm |
12./13.10 183 " 4 " |
Total: 1302 140 nm. |
- 7 - |
13.10.42 |
12.45 - 13.10 |
DG 3192 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DG 3128 |
ENE 1-2, cloudy, 1026 mb, Sea 1-2 |
20.00 |
DG 3414 |
14.10.42 |
00.00 |
DG 2653 |
ENE 1, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea 0-1 |
04.00 |
DG 2672 |
08.00 |
DG 2831 |
ENE 1, overcast, rain, 1021 mb, Sea 0-1, heavy marine phosphorescence, thunderstorms |
12.00 |
DG 2843 |
Day's run: Carryover 1302 nm 140 nm |
13./14.10 181 " 3 " |
Total: 1483 143 nm. |
13.00 - 13.28 |
DG 2845 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DG 2769 |
SSW 1-2, overcast, 1022 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
DG 2785 |
xx.x0 |
DG 2787 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
. . . . 3) On 15 October at 08.00 hours Zschech switch to America II Circuit. . . . . . . . . |
15.10.42 |
00.00 |
DG 5114 |
SW 1-2, overcast, 1025 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
DG 4361 |
08.00 |
DG 7373 |
Switched to America II Circuit. |
S 1-2, overcast, rain, 1024 mb, Sea 1-2 |
- 8 - |
15.10.42 |
12.00 |
DG 4534 |
Day's run: Carryover
1483 nm
143 nm |
183 "
3 " |
Total: 1666
146 nm. |
12.46 - 13.20 |
DG 4529 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DG 4554 |
SSW 3-4, overcast, rain, 1025 mb, Sea 2-3 |
20.00 |
DG 4493 |
16.10.42 |
00.00 |
DG 4723 |
SSW 2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
DG 4743 |
08.00 |
DF 6969 |
SSW 1-2, overcast, 1024 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
DF 6988 |
Day's run: Carryover
1666 nm
146 nm |
163 "
4 " |
Total: 1829
150 nm. |
13.23 - 14.06 |
DF 9323 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DF 9316 |
SSE 2-3, overcast, 1023.5 mb, Sea 2 |
20.00 |
DF 9265 |
17.10.42 |
00.00 |
DF 9283 |
S 2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
DF 9279 |
08.00 |
DF 9439 |
S 2, overcast, 1020.5 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DF 9457 |
Day's run: Carryover
1829 nm
150 nm |
158 "
2 " |
Total: 1987
152 nm. |
- 9 - |
17.10.42 |
12.25 |
DF 9457 |
Smoke feather in sight bearing 270°T. |
Rain showers |
Maneuvered ahead. Determined to be a tanker. |
15.21 |
DF 9429 |
Dived and looked in the periscope. |
Spanish tanker "ZOROZZA". Proper neutrality markings. Name also on large banner on the bridge facing. Base course: 65°, speed 8.5 knots. Tanker was not reported by radio message. |
16.00 |
DF 9429 |
SSW 2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 2, rain showers |
17.26 |
DF 9429 |
Surfaced, tanker out of sight. |
20.00 |
DF 9454 |
18.10.42 |
00.00 |
DF 9475 |
SSW 2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
DF 8932 |
08.00 |
DF 8952 |
SSW 2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DF 8972 |
Day's run: Carryover 1987 nm 152 nm |
17./18.10 161 " 8 " |
Total: 2148 160 nm. |
13.33 - 13.48 |
DF 8974 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DR 2322 |
SW 1, overcast, 1021.5 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
DR 2341 |
19.10.42 |
00.00 |
DR 2283 |
SW 1, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
DR 2512 |
- 10 - |
19.10.42 |
08.00 |
DR 2453 |
x x, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
DR 2475 |
Day's run: Carryover 2148 nm 160 nm |
18./19.10 182 " 1 " |
Total: 2330 161 nm. |
xx.xx - xx.xx |
DR 1699 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DR 1934 |
Wind calm, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea - |
20.00 |
DR 1945 |
20.10.42 |
00.00 |
DR 1897 |
x x, overcast, 1023 mb, Sea 0-1 |
04.00 |
DR 4218 |
08.00 |
DR 4191 |
x x, overcast, 1021.5 mb, Sea 0-1 |
12.00 |
DR 4422 |
Day's run: Carryover 2330 nm 161 nm |
19./20.10 182 " 2 " |
Total: 2512 163 nm. |
xx.xx |
DR 4421 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Zschech: 1) If old Engineering Officer will disembark, immediately report position, otherwise "no" by short signal. |
2) Auffermann course north. |
xx.xx |
DR 4424 |
Short signal sent on alternate Norddeich frequency: |
My position is DR 41. |
xx.xx - xx.xx |
DR 4119 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DQ 6666 |
x x, overcast, 1022.5 mb, Sea 1-2 |
xx.xx |
DQ 6667 |
Because acknowledgement was not received, sent short signal again on America II: |
"My position is DQ 66". |
- 11 - |
20.10.42 |
19.06 |
DQ 6683 |
Short signal acknowledgement by B.d.U. received. Non encoding of the signature letters was not noticed during transmission. Reason for error: incorrect copy of the radio group column. |
20.00 |
DQ 6685 |
21.26 |
DQ 6687 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Auffermann and Zschech meet to transfer Engineering Officer from 22 October at 20.00 hours in naval square EF 3590. Auffermann send bearing signals if necessary and report execution. |
21.10.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 6914 |
ESE 1-2, cloudy, 1025 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
DQ 6893 |
08.00 |
DQ 9317 |
SE 2, overcast, 1025 mb, Sea 1-2 |
09.20 |
DQ 9341 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
. . . . |
2.) Zschech after discharging Engineering Officer proceed southward to EF 90., then by long legs to the west in sea area around ED 99, beware of enemy air. |
12.00 |
DQ 9347 |
Day's run: Carryover 2512 nm 163 nm |
20./21.10 179 " 1 " |
Total: 2691 164 nm. |
14.03 - 14.57 |
DQ 9377 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DQ 9641 |
E 2, cloudy, 1024 mb, Sea 1-2 |
20.00 |
DQ 9674 |
- 12 - |
22.10.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 9917 |
ENE 2, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
DQ 9971 |
08.00 |
EF 3317 |
ENE 2, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea 2-3 |
12.00 |
EF 3371 |
Day's run: Carryover
2691 nm
164 nm |
165 "
3 " |
Total: 2856
167 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 3538 |
ENE 3-4, cloudy, 1021 mb, Sea 3 |
19.20 |
EF 3595 |
U-boat in sight bearing 150°T, visual recognition signals
exchanged: U-514. |
19.42 - 20.20 |
EF 3595 |
Transferred Kptlt. (Ing.) Förster. |
20.58 |
EF 3595 |
U-514 out of sight. |
21.03 - 21.28 |
EF 3598 |
Test dive. |
23.14 |
EF 3838 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Engineering Officer Zschech taken in at meeting
point. Trade wind weather 4. |
Auffermann. |
23.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 3862 |
ENE 3-4, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea 3 |
04.00 |
EF 3889 |
08.00 |
EF 6251 |
ENE 2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
EF 6276 |
Day's run: Carryover
2856 nm
167 nm |
173 "
1 " |
Total: 3029
168 nm. |
13.45 - 14.35 |
EF 6516 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
EF 6542 |
NE 2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1-2 |
- 13 - |
23.10.42 |
20.00 |
EF 6571 |
24.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 6841 |
NE 2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
EF 6877 |
08.00 |
EF 9169 |
NE 1-2, cloudy, 1018.5 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
EF 9436 |
Day's run: Carryover 3029 nm 168 nm |
23./24.10 178 " 2 " |
Total: 3207 170 nm. |
14.41 - 15.20 |
EF 9466 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
EF 9469 |
NE 1-2, overcast, 1018.5 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
EF 9736 |
25.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 9793 |
ENE 1, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 0-1 |
04.00 |
EF 9766 |
08.00 |
EF 9489 |
ENE 1-2, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
EF 9453 |
Day's run: Carryover 3207 nm 170 nm |
24./25.10 172 " 2 " |
Total: 3379 172 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 9179 |
ENE 2, overcast, 1019.5 mb, Sea 1 |
16.04 - 16.39 |
EF 9176 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EF 9145 |
- 14 - |
26.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 5995 |
Operating on the course given by Radio Message concerning the "CITY OF FLINT". (Via EF 97, EF 82, EE 55 for ED 98). Position and courses of steamers sunk in the vicinity by neighboring boats also lie roughly on this route. |
E 1-2, overcast, 1018.5 mb, Sea 1, summer lightening, Vis. very good |
04.00 |
EF 8316 |
08.00 |
EF 8264 |
Wind calm, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 0 |
12.00 |
EF 8275 |
Day's run: Carryover 3379 nm 172 nm |
25./26.10 200 " 2 " |
Total: 3579 174 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 8431 |
Wind calm, cloudy, 1019.5 mb, Sea 1 |
17.28 - 17.42 |
EF 8189 |
Test dive |
20.00 |
EF 8155 |
27.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 5779 |
NNE 1-2, cloudy, 1017.5 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
EF 5744 |
08.00 |
EF 4689 |
ENE 1, cloudy, 1017.5 mb, Sea 0-1 |
12.00 |
EF 4996 |
Day's run: Carryover 3579 nm 174 nm |
26./27.10 172 " 1 " |
Total: 3751 175 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 4864 |
ENE 1-2, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
17.47 - 18.08 |
EF 4859 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EF 4884 |
- 15 - |
28.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 4889 |
ESE 1-2, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
EF 4898 |
08.00 |
EF 4978 |
SEbyE 2, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
EF 7325 |
Day's run: Carryover 3751 nm 175 nm |
27./28.10 143 " 1 " |
Total: 3894 176 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 7365 |
ENE 3-4, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 2-3 |
18.26 - 18.45 |
EF 7393 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EF 7394 |
29.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 7621 |
E 2-3, overcast, 1017.5 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EF 7539 |
08.00 |
EF 7559 |
E 1-2, overcast, 1017.5 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
EF 7575 |
Day's run: Carryover 3894 nm 176 nm |
28./29.10 154 " 1 " |
Total: 4048 nm 177 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 7498 |
ESE 3, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 2 |
16.57 - 17.22 |
EF 7497 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EF 7481 |
- 16 - |
30.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 7444 |
ENE 2, overcast, 1019.5 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
EE 9653 |
08.00 |
EE 9615 |
ENE 2-3, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 2 |
12.00 |
EE 9532 |
Day's run: Carryover 4048 nm 177 nm |
29./30.10 145 " 1 " |
Total: 4193 178 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 9288 |
ENE 3-4, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 2-3 |
16.52 - 17.16 |
EE 9287 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EE 9254 |
31.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 9213 |
ENE 2-3, overcast, rain, 1018 mb, Sea 2 |
01.31 - 01.46 |
EE 6879 |
Dived to listen. |
02.57 - 03.10 |
EE 6873 |
Dived to listen. |
04.00 |
EE 6849 |
08.00 |
EE 6815 |
E 3-4, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 3 |
12.00 |
EE 6579 |
Day's run: Carryover 4193 nm 178 nm |
30./31.10 143 " 3 " |
Total: 4336 181 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 6517 |
ENE 3-4, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 3 |
20.00 |
EE 6462 |
- 17 - |
01.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6458 |
E 1-2, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
02.05 - 02.22 |
EE 6476 |
Dived to listen. Every time without success, apparently bad sound conditions. |
03.15 |
EE 6478 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
To boats at ED 99 [Trinidad]. |
1) During the new moon period go closer to the focal point. If traffic is stopped in the previous area, undertake advance to the SW up to coast. |
2) . . . . . . . . |
I am advancing via Barbados to Trinidad. Because an advance to the SW takes longer than an advance around Barbados, I continue to the W. |
03.53 |
EE 6467 |
Light bearing 260°T, about 15 nm off. A neutral with Spanish insignia, in accordance with Radio Message announcement and silhouette is probably "CABO DE HORNOS". Base course 50°, speed 15 knots. |
04.00 |
EE 6478 |
05.35 |
EE 5933 |
Steamer out of sight. |
08.00 |
EE 5953 |
ESE 2, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
EE 5972 |
Day's run: Carryover 4336 nm 181 nm |
31./1.11 157 " 1 " |
Total: 4493 182 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 5881 |
ENE 1, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
EE 5791 |
02.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 5747 |
E 1-2, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 1 |
00.33 - 00.53 |
EE 4969 |
Test dive. |
- 18 - |
02.11.42 |
03.00 old D.G.Z. [German Legal Time] |
In accordance with Radio Message order set clocks back 1 hour. |
EE 4965 |
04.00 new D.G.Z. |
EE 4991 |
08.00 |
EE 4985 |
E 2-3, cloudy, 1018.5 mb, Sea 2 |
12.00 |
EE 4944 |
Day's run: Carryover 4493 nm 182 nm |
1./2.11 179 " 1 " |
Total: 4672 183 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 4829 |
ESE 2-3, overcast, rain, 1019 mb, Sea 2 |
16.09 |
EE 4828 |
Dived, because the visibility is about 50 meters. |
Heavy rain |
While proceeding submerged constantly went to periscope depth. Cloudburst lasted approximately 3-1/2 hours. |
19.48 |
EE 4819 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EE 4813 |
22.14 |
EE 4499 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
3) Zschech and Ibbekken report situation. |
Intend to pass through the sea area around Barbados and report only then, because, for the time being, I have not found anything different than the other boats here. |
23.25 |
EE 4498 |
Lighthouse bearing 180°T from the identifier: "Harrison Point" on the northern tip of Barbados. Burning as in peacetime and in the clear air the light can be seen as far as 45 nm. |
23.35 |
EE 4498 |
Strong light below the horizon, probably search lights, but not from aircraft. |
03.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 4732 |
ESE 2-3, overcast, patchy rain showers, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
- 19 - |
03.11.42 |
04.00 |
EE 4792 |
Nothing can be distinguished against the dark background
from about 8 nm off the northern end of the island. Several other
lights are still lit. The searchlight in the west repeats itself
about every half an hour since the first sighting, it is probably an elevated
floodlight which illuminates the pass between Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent
(distance approximately 80 nm). The light is very strong. |
04.12 |
EE 4792 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
02.45 hours naval square ED 9424 270°, 8 knots. |
Lassen. |
Am positioned 200 nm to starboard astern the convoy. Operation hopeless. |
08.00 |
EE 4776 |
I will remain surfaced by day between St. Vincent and Barbados. |
E 2, overcast, rain, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
EE 4776 |
Day's run: Carryover 4672 nm 183 nm |
2./3.11 174 " 8 " |
Total: 4846 191 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 4779 |
E 2, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 1-2 |
20.00 |
EE 7113 |
04.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7124 |
SW 2, overcast, 1016 mb, Sea 1-2, rain showers |
00.13 |
EE 7124 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
. . . . . . . . |
3) Zschech and Hermann make short situation report. |
00.48 - 01.05 |
EE 7122 |
Test dive, at the same time all around listening. |
03.32 |
EE 7123 |
Shadow to starboard, approaching slowly from astern. Patrol vessel, ran off. Locating not observed. |
04.00 |
EE 7122 |
05.30 |
EE 7152 |
Outgoing short signal on U-boat Coastal Circuit: |
My position is EE 71. Nothing found to date. |
U-505. |
- 20 - |
04.11.42 |
08.00 |
EE 7186 |
x 1-2, overcast, rain, 1016, Sea 1-2, high NE-swell |
xx.xx |
EE 7431 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Short signal . . . . . . . . 05.30 hours from Costal Circuit not resolved, send [again]. |
xx.xx |
EE 7438 |
Fishing vessel bearing 65°T. Very small. |
12.00 |
EE 7438 |
Day's run: Carryover 4846 nm 191 nm |
3./4.11 192 " 1 " |
Total: 5038 192 nm. |
xx.xx |
EE 7463 |
Aircraft bearing 120°T. |
Crash dive! |
Large flying boat, out of the sun range = 4000 meters, 20°. Locating not observed. |
xx.xx |
EE 7463 |
Surfaced. |
xx.xx |
EE 7463 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, weakly searching, then slowly growing stronger. |
16.00 |
EE 7541 |
xx.xx |
EE 7545 |
Surfaced. |
xx.xx |
EE 7548 |
Dived to get away from the evening detection. In so doing, continuously back and forth at periscope depth. |
20.00 |
EE 7549 |
xx.xx |
EE 7573 |
Surfaced. |
xx.xx |
EE 7573 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
. . . . |
3) Zschech. Report situation. |
05.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7576 |
x 2-3, overcast, 1016 mb, Sea 2-3 |
- 21 - |
05.11.42 |
00.16 |
EE 7575 |
Outgoing short signal on Ireland Circuit: |
My position is EE 77. |
U-505. |
01.12 |
EE 7578 |
Incoming short signal confirmation by headquarters. |
04.00 |
EE 7814 |
08.00 |
EE 7795 |
SSE 2-3, overcast, 1016 mb, Sea 1-2 |
09.19 |
EE 7793 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, abruptly, growing louder quite quickly. |
09.53 |
EE 7793 |
Surfaced. |
10.03 |
EE 7769 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, volume up and down, then quickly growing louder. |
Probably the aircraft from 09.19 hours on return flight. |
10.20 |
EE 7769 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
EE 7848 |
Day's run: Carryover 5038 nm 192 nm |
4./5.11 109 " 20 " |
Total: 5147 212 nm. |
14.03 |
EE 7842 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, about 4000 cycles per second, initially searching then direct. |
16.00 |
EE 7818 |
16.43 |
EE 7818 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EE 7577 |
06.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7731 |
NW 3, overcast, misty, heavy marine phosphorescence, 1015 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EE 7752 |
08.00 |
EE 7788 |
SE 1-2, overcast, rain, 1017 mb, Sea 1 |
- 22 - |
06.11.42 |
08.30 |
EE 7789 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, low frequency, light searching, growing heavy, then direct. |
11.11 |
EO 1123 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
EO 1126 |
Day's run: Carryover 5147 nm 212 nm |
5./6.11 133 " 11 " |
Total: 5280 223 nm. |
13.30 |
EO 1156 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, low frequency, initially searching, then direct. |
15.00 |
EO 1155 |
Surfaced. |
While blowing with starboard diesel forecastle lightly cuts under |
15.43 - 15.55 |
EO 1155 |
Therefore, dived briefly again. While blowing out exactly the same phenomenon. |
16.00 |
EO 1155 |
ESE 3-4, overcast, rain, 1016 mb, Sea 2-3 |
18.13 - 18.26 |
EO 1182 |
Again dived. Now everything is normal while blowing with the port diesel. |
20.00 |
EO 1183 |
20.45 |
EO 1194 |
Smoke feather bearing 35°T, 16 nm distant. |
Maneuvered ahead. |
22.24 |
EO 1156 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. concerning traffic east of the main harbor. |
Smoke trail comes from a freighter. Maneuvered ahead at high speed from astern position. Flanking according to the basic rule of constantly keeping the enemy in sight because I can get to him that much faster. |
07.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1122 |
ESE 2-3, overcast, 1016 mb, Sea 2 |
- 23 - |
07.11.42 |
00.09 |
EO 1122 |
Fan shot from tubes I and II: |
Eto, depth 3 and 4 meters, target angle 90°, speed 12 knots, range = 1500 meters, missed, it turned out afterwards, as a result of too sharp a target angle. |
Immediately turned for a 2nd approach. |
00.16 |
EO 1122 |
Fan shot from tubes III and IV: |
Eto, depth 2 meters, target angle 100°, speed 11 knots, range = 2000. |
00.19 |
EO 1122 |
1st Hit: at aim point forward mast. Running time: 2 minutes 37 seconds. |
2nd Hit: between bridge and smoke stack. Running time: 2 minutes 42 seconds. |
Both mast high explosion columns, dark, no fire, lights on deck. Sets out boat. Steamer is immediately down by the bow. The stern rises out. Steamer sinks. Has not transmitted on 600 or 24 meters. |
Estimated size: 5500 GRT. |
Modern appearance, 5 hatches. |
Base course 320°, speed 11 knots. Sinking, abandoned, and ran off. |
03.30 |
EO 1165 |
Received message on Lassen convoy. |
Operation broken off, because there were no further reports for 9 hours. |
04.00 |
EO 1168 |
06.20 - 06.43 |
EO 1433 |
Test dive. |
07.55 |
EO 1433 |
Dived for the early reconnaissance. |
08.00 |
EO 1433 |
08.05 |
EO 1433 |
Sound bearing, motor sounds bearing 160°T. |
EO 1433 |
Surfaced and searched. Because there were no findings, |
09.25 |
EO 1514 |
dived. No further sound bearings. Remained submerged. |
11.00 |
EO 1514 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
EO 1517 |
Day's run: Carryover 5280 nm 228 nm |
6./7.11 134 " 20 " |
Total: 5414 248 nm. |
12.20 |
EO 1517 |
Aircraft bearing 90°T. |
Crash dive! |
Flying boat, course 0°, over 10000 meters distant. |
13.01 |
EO 1517 |
Surfaced. |
13.25 |
EO 1515 |
Smoke feather bearing 40°T. |
Maneuvered ahead. |
- 24 - |
07.11.42 |
13.48 |
EO 1515 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, direct. Since no diesel ventilation could be run while maneuvering ahead, supply air had to be taken to cool the Fu.M.B. |
Disadvantages: |
1) Less effective. |
2) As in this case, search detections were not heard due to ventilator sounds. |
14.20 |
EO 1515 |
Surfaced. Smoke feather is still in sight. Continued maneuver ahead. Steamer makes many large zigzags. |
14.44 |
EO 1515 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, abrupt and quite loud. |
15.22 |
EO 1512 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
EO 1274 |
E 2, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
16.19 |
EO 1274 |
Dived to attack on the general course line. At the same time the steamer came in sight. |
16.45 |
EO 1274 |
A flying boat is sighted. Constantly flew in circles around the steamer. After 1/2 hour flew off to the SE. |
Steamer zigzags completely arbitrarily and unmethodically. |
18.23 |
EO 1274 |
Fan shot from tube V and VI: |
Eto, depth 2 meters, target angle 80°, speed 12 knots. |
Missed. |
1 minute after taking the shot the steamer zigzagged away about 50°, when just 5 minutes before he had zigzagged towards 30°. Probably random zigzags. Torpedoes were heard to run perfectly. |
Because of following position a 2nd approach is still possible. |
Appearance of steamer: |
Freighter with 2 goal masts and apparently a raised bowsprit. |
Base course 320°, 12 knots. |
After another 2-3 minutes the steamer had target angle 180°, later zigzags away sharply to starboard. |
20.00 |
EO 1275 |
- 25 - |
07.11.42 |
20.02 |
EO 1278 |
Surfaced. |
20.12 |
EO 1278 |
Detection on 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, searching, direct, then disappeared, then stronger, direct. |
20.43 |
EO 1278 |
Surfaced. |
20.57 |
EO 1278 |
Aircraft bearing 120°T. |
Crash dive! |
Range = 10000 meters, course 0°. |
22.07 |
EO 1278 |
Surfaced. |
08.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1524 |
E 2-3, cloudy, 1017 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EO 1649 |
04.05 - 04.21 |
EO 1649 |
Test dive. |
Port negative buoyancy tank out of service, because the packing of the flood valve is probably not holding tight. |
08.00 |
EO 1675 |
Calm, light swell, cloudy, 1016 mb |
11.22 |
EO 1677 |
Aircraft bearing 140°T. |
Crash dive! |
Approaching, range = 12000 meters. |
12.00 |
EO 1678 |
Day's run: Carryover 5414 nm 248 nm |
7./8.11 108 " 22 " |
Total: 5522 270 nm. |
14.47 |
EO 1677 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
EO 1676 |
E 1-2, clear, 1016 mb, Sea 1 |
16.31 |
EO 1684 |
Detection at 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, low frequency, searching. |
17.27 |
EO 1684 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EO 1673 |
- 26 - |
09.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1591 |
S 2, cloudy, 1016 mb, Sea 1-2 |
00.55 |
EO 1591 |
Dived to repair the Fu.M.B. |
01.58 |
EO 1591 |
Surfaced. |
02.24 |
EO 1567 |
Dived, because the Fu.M.B. is not completely in service. |
04.00 |
EO 1567 |
04.36 |
EO 1565 |
Surfaced. |
07.11 |
EO 1536 |
Dived to get away from my morning detection. |
08.00 |
EO 1533 |
12.00 |
EO 1377 |
Day's run: Carryover 5522 nm 270 nm |
8./9.11 99 " 21 " |
Total: 5621 291 nm. |
12.13 |
EO 1377 |
Surfaced. |
13.56 |
EO 1377 |
Detection at 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, 4000 cycles per second, initially searching, then direct. |
16.00 |
EO 1296 |
16.36 |
EO 1296 |
Surfaced. |
19.55 |
EO 1526 |
Detection at 169 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, 4000 cycles per second, initially searching, then direct. |
20.00 |
EO 1526 |
21.21 |
EO 1526 |
Surfaced. |
21.27 |
EO 1526 |
Detection at 168 cm. |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, medium frequency, searching and direct also still very weak. |
22.03 |
EO 1522 |
Surfaced. |
10.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1524 |
E 2, cloudless, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
- 27 - |
10.11.42 |
01.55 |
EO 1542 |
Detection at 141 - 142 cm. |
Crash dive! |
As a result of an order transmission
error, the
fact that the
location was not
on the normal wavelength was not relayed in
time. From observations,
warships locate on
this wavelength. |
02.00 |
EO 1542 |
Immediately surfaced. |
Before the crash dive nothing was seen, submerged propeller
sounds were heard, on surfacing a shadow bearing 270°T type corvette
or patrol vessel. Ran off at high speed. Blew partly with air. |
02.01 |
EO 1542 |
Still receive one detection each on 144 and 138 cm.
The very first one strongest. Everything horizontally polarized.
138 cm = high ) |
142 cm = medium) Tone |
144 cm = low ) |
02.30 |
138 cm no further observations. |
02.40 |
144 cm no further observations. |
04.00 |
EO 1529 |
142 cm only still searching, finally nothing more.
Apparently a patrol vessel group along the 200-meter line. Increased
the distance at 13-14 knots. |
07.10 |
EO 1283 |
Dived before the expected morning detection and to top
up the battery. |
08.00 |
EO 1283 |
11.42 |
EO 1259 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
EO 1256 |
Day's run: Carryover
5621 nm
291 nm |
109 "
21 " |
Total: 5730
312 nm. |
15.14 |
EO 1252 |
From 90°T, port, astern, a twin-engined land-based
aircraft flying close above the surface of the water, brightly painted. |
Was first perceived by the bridge watch at a range = about
500 meters. Flew over the boat, from port astern and released a
string of bombs. |
(From the 2nd Watch Officer's statement 4-5 bombs, estimated at about
50 kilograms, one detonated beside the 3.7 cm canon in the port upper
deck. Heavy, dull detonation and smoke cloud. |
Perception in the boat at the detonation: most believed
that the aircraft bomb was further abeam in the water. |
Failures (initially discovered!): |
1.) 2nd Watch Officer and 1watch stander wounded, apparently
seriously. |
2.) Leak in the pressure hull in the diesel room.
3.) Port diesel out of service. |
All automatic weapons on the bridge readied and with starboard
diesel at AK ran off on course 70°. Tower cladding and the entire
upper deck amidships a perfect shambles. 3.7 cm disappeared without a
trace. |
- 28 - |
10.11.42 |
15.14 |
EO 1252 |
Four stern torpedo storage canisters bent and punctured. A tail piece from an Ato is missing. Both exterior exhaust valves cannot be moved. Main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 3 port and fuel oil tank A port are leaking. The port diesel cooling water intake is open. Initially it is sealed from the outside with leak stuffing material. However, it cannot be fixed from the inside and therefore, will be blind flanged from the outside shortly before dusk. |
Initially the port diesel is completely out of service. A large dent in the pressure hull has crushed pipes inside the pressure hull. Starboard diesel is in service, the aftermost (inner) exhaust gas valve cannot be closed because of deformation of the E-motor bulkhead. |
2nd Watch Officer and a watch stander wounded by fragments and severe bruises, probably both have multiple broken ribs. Bridge leading seaman and the other watch stander somewhat dazed by shock effect, because both were thrown about. |
It was determined later that the aircraft was brought down by its own bombs. |
Evidence: |
1.) Explosion and, in addition, flash ahead to starboard on the water. |
2.) Aircraft parts in large numbers on deck, equipment pieces, glass etc. |
3.) 1st Watch Officer and the 2nd watch stander have
similarly seen apparently bleeding people with life jackets in the water. |
16.00 |
EO 1226 |
One diesel AK, the other E-motor assisting drives the boat at 10.7 knots. |
SE 1-2, clear, altogether few clouds, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
For 1 hour strong oil trace as a result of the port bunker emptying on its own. Because exhaust gas temperatures had become too high (610°C), slowly reduced from 435 RPM to 415 RPM, in the course of this exhaust gas temperature 580°C. Reason, probably high air temperature and water temperature. |
19.30 |
EE 7976 |
Flying boat bearing 160°T, course 90°, distance
over 10000 meters. Put astern, boat was not sighted despite flat
sea and AK. |
20.00 |
EE 7973 |
Driving behind the flying boat. |
20.43 |
EE 7957 |
Flying boat bearing 90°T, course 230°, range over 13000 meters. Boat again unsighted, with the highest speed continually kept flying boat astern. Apparently the same aircraft on return flight. |
- 29 - |
11.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7963 |
E 1-2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
EE 8487 |
During the night worked to make the boat ready to submerge. The starboard inner exhaust gas valve is closed with great difficulty. |
06.17 |
EE 8485 |
Diving test in calm. Proceeded submerged at depth A -40 meters, so that I would not be vulnerable as a result of a failed crash dive during the observed reconnaissance times. |
08.00 |
EE 8486 |
12.00 |
EE 8486 |
Day's run: Carryover 5730 nm 312 nm |
10./11.11 161 " 9 " |
Total: 5891 321 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 8491 |
While proceeding at periscope depth discovered many oil leaks in the wake. |
20.00 |
EE 8492 |
22.03 |
EE 8469 |
Surfaced. |
Proceeding with starboard diesel 2 x HF, diesel-electric, port E-motor 160 RPM. |
12.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8518 |
E 1, cloudy, 1018 mb, small seas |
00.24 |
EE 8519 |
Sent situation report on America II Circuit: |
Aircraft bombs, again limited readiness to submerge, naval square EE 8468, course 50°, 10 knots. Doctor's help urgently needed, submerged by day. |
Zschech |
Message concerning bomb hit only now delivered to: |
1.) reduce danger of direction finding |
2.) the extent of the damage could be more exactly determined now |
3.) an earlier delivery could not have improved the situation of the boat. |
Condition of the wounded appeared very serious, doctor's help absolutely necessary. Additionally: "Submerged by day" used because of Radio Message reception. |
02.38 |
EE 8289 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) Zschech: Nearest doctor with Engelmann in ED 90, another doctor with Vowe in EH 60. [Vowe] can only run to meet from 13 November. |
- 30 - |
12.11.42 |
EE 8289 |
Report immediately type of injuries, furthermore, whether much-delayed meeting still appears necessary. |
2.) Engelmann: Suggest meeting point with Zschech. |
3.) . . . . |
4.) Naval square. |
EE 8292 The condition of the wounded is better while proceeding on the surface. Nevertheless, due to the condition of the boat I
intend to remain submerged for one more day, especially since U-67 reported aircraft bombs earlier from EE 85. Believe that
a meeting with Vowe is more favorable, because supply for repair
is possible at the same time. In addition, a meeting with Engelmann would force him to move from this operations area unnecessarily. His appearance
would also take a few days. The first priority is to leave the air
threatened area as quickly as possible. The internal injuries of
the wounded cannot be determined by laymen. |
EE 8292 |
Attempt to send a Radio Message on Ireland circuit: |
Meeting Vowe in spite of delay more favorable because of the condition of the boat. 2 men with splitters in the head or back, heavy bruises, likely broken ribs. Pulse, temperature, breathing normal. |
Zschech |
The boat was not heard. |
EE 8269 |
Same attempted on America II Circuit. As before the boat was unheard. |
EE 8344 |
Sent the Radio Message on America II Circuit. |
heard (volume 2-3), then asks for some groups. Because communication
was delayed, headquarters has obviously received the first 17 groups (the
Radio Message had 46 groups, the first part contained the suggestion concerning
Vowe), communication is broken off by the boat because of the
activity of foreign interferers and because of the length of the communication.
The radio repeater does not answer. Because the boat must
soon dive again and I suppose that the most important part of the Radio
Message, namely the beginning, will be deciphered because of the difficulties
with the Radio Message delivery on all circuits (Coastal Circuit could
not be heard) the radio message was not sent one more time. |
EE 8327 |
Dived to proceed submerged at depth A -40 meters. |
08.00 |
EE 8327 |
12.00 |
EE 8325 |
Day's run: Carryover 5891 nm 321 nm |
11./12.11 110 " 22 " |
Total: 6001 343 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 8323 |
- 31 - |
12.11.42 |
20.00 |
EE 8323 |
Condition of the wounded: |
1.) 2nd Watch Officer: while submerged sometimes
very severe difficulty breathing, fever dreams. The prognosis is still
unclear. |
2.) Bridge watchstander: semi consciousness ended,
likely a severe concussion. Head injury turned out to be slight. |
3.) The other bridge watchstanders: severe shock, almost
deaf in both ears. Many have burns and small splinters
all over the body. |
22.05 |
EE 8323 |
Surfaced. Range is now 350 nm from Trinidad. |
13.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 5993 |
E 1, cloudy, 1018 mb, slight seas |
01.45 |
EF 6746 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
To Zschech: |
Make for naval square EH 60. Submit ordered report.
Suppose that the first part of my Radio Message
of yesterday was deciphered correctly by headquarters. Meanwhile,
Engelmann reported his location from the area of Aruba, therefore medical
help from him is out of the question. |
04.00 |
EF 6726 |
05.26 |
EF 6732 |
Sent Radio Message on America II Circuit: |
2nd Watch Officer severe chest bruise, broken ribs, lung
injury, blood expectoration, pulse 140, medium fever, without morphine
in severe pain and difficulty breathing, supply for two days, question
what to do afterwards. Ob.Gefr. Lüngen chest bruises, improving.
7 November, EO 1122, freighter, course 320°, 5500 GRT left sinking.
10 November by day 12.52 hours land-based aircraft, above water bomb at
the after canon. Not ready for crash dive. Port diesel totally
out of service. Aircraft also brought down. Naval square EE
8326, certain of 70 cbm. Zschech. |
Exact fuel condition cannot yet be determined, because
the condition of main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank IV port is not
clear. |
08.00 |
EF 6549 |
ENE 1-2, cloudy, 1018 mb, Sea 1 |
- 33 - |
14.11.42 |
00.43 and |
EF 4494 |
Sent Radio Message on Ireland Circuit: |
01.10 |
1.) Morphine transfer executed. Successes Schuch: 8 November, freighter 6000 GRT, course 300°, in EE 5193. 9 November, freighter 7000 GRT, course 240°, in 5386 sunk. |
2.) Condition of 2nd Watch Officer better, pulse
100 both low fever. |
3.) Full moon time EF 90 to EE 4770 nothing. 4795 [lighthouse] burns as in peacetime. 7123 patrol vessels. Passage ED 6970 floodlights half-hourly. |
4.) Inbound traffic main harbor by day EO 1510 and 1120. Day double miss on freighter 320° in 1274 random zigzag. |
5.) Air 08.00-10.00, 13.30-16.30, 19.30-21.30 hours with radar. In between flying boats, probably without radar. Night no air. |
6.) Detection: horizontally polarized on 169 cm, 13 times. Sea once in EE 1542 at night from 3 patrol vessels simultaneously on 138, 142, 144 cm horizontally polarized one of them sighted. |
7.) Day's run 250 nm. All naval squares. Zschech. |
Detailed message about air situation sent, because observations were made every day at the same time. |
04.00 |
EF 4576 |
04.38 |
EF 4584 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Radio Message 2013/13/197 not decoded. Check. Serial number settled. |
This is the Radio Message sent by U-505 at 01.10 hours. Reason: coding mistakes by the boat, identity groups from the day before had been used in the coding. |
08.00 |
EF 4675 |
NE 2-3, cloudy, 1015 mb, Sea 2 |
08.49 |
EF 4676 |
Sent Radio Message on Ireland Circuit: |
Radio Message 2013/13/197 had message
key fsjq. |
Zschech. |
11.23 |
EF 4694 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
After language
key applied Radio Message 20.13 from Zschech decoded.
12.00 |
EF 4695 |
Day's run: Carryover 6152 nm 358 nm |
13./14.11 250 " - " |
Total: 6402 358 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 5484 |
The rough sea has increased and strikes exactly
on the damaged port side. The
port aft upper deck torpedo canister is completely loose, attachments
do not hold, the canister bangs against the elbow of the port exhaust
gas line, where it passes through the pressure hull. |
NE 3, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 2-3 |
- 34 - |
14.11.42 |
16.00 |
The explosion
dislodged it, it beats around loosely and is held only by the muffler. |
20.00 |
EF 5492 |
21.20 |
EF 5493 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
. . . . . . . . |
2.) From 15 November at 08.00 hours switch: . . . . . . . . Zschech Africa Circuit . . . . . . . . |
15.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 5581 |
NE 2, cloudy, 1016 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EF 5672 |
08.00 |
EF 5693 |
Switched to Africa Circuit. |
ENE 2-3, cloudy, 1016 mb, Sea 2 |
12.00 |
EF 6467 |
Day's run: Carryover 6402 nm 358 nm |
14./15.11 200 " - " |
Total: 6602 358 nm. |
16.00 |
EF 6557 |
Because the seas do not subside, and the damage at sea on the afterdeck threatens to become greater, cruise speed is reduced. The port aft upper deck canister is thrown overboard with its torpedo. Difficult work, because the rails are completely unusable and for such cases we have only less useful equipment on board. |
ENE 2-3, cloudy, 1018 mb, Sea 2 |
20.00 |
EF 6567 |
20.17 - 21.05 |
EF 6568 |
Test dive. |
16.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 6644 |
ENE 3, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EF 6655 |
08.00 |
EG 4444 |
NEbyE 3-4, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 2-3 |
12.00 |
EG 4452 |
Day's run: Carryover 6602 nm 358 nm |
15./16.11 134 " 2 " |
Total: 6736 360 nm. |
- 35 - |
16.11.42 |
16.00 |
EG 4463 |
NEbyE 4-5, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 4 |
20.00 |
EG 4551 |
17.11.42 |
00.00 |
EG 4562 |
00.37 |
EG 4538 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Vowe wait at previous supply point EH 6555 for
Zschech and Rigele. Both boats report arrival,
Zschech to add: condition of the boat, fuel situation and whether
continued operation appears possible. |
04.00 |
EG 4619 |
04.59 |
EG 4627 |
As ordered message sent on America II circuit: Naval
square EG 4539. ENE 4-5, 1020 mb, Sea 4, day's run about 130 nm
due to upper deck damage. 45 cbm, 8 Etos, Frames 25-30 dented 15
cm. Both outer exhaust
gas valves, radio direction finder, entire exhaust gases blowing installation
permanently out of service. Repair of port diesel will require at
least 10 days with stopped engine. Cooling water intake hull valve
for the port exhaust gas valve chipped.
Limited readiness to dive up to A -40. 3.7 cm overboard. Upper
deck piping between the conning tower and the after hatch are torn.
4 after Atos certainly out of service. Main ballast tanks 7 and
8 leak. Port after main ballast and reserve fuel oil tanks
(except for two) demolished. Continued operations probably not possible.
Wounded are sedated. Request Fu.M.B. antenna, from supplier 3
cooling water intake elbow engine manifolds, 2 thrust bearings for exhaust
valve rocker arms, acetylene. Zschech. |
Main ballast tank 8 shows heavy leaks at the
diving plane bushings, it is too early to determine exactly [what is wrong
with] main ballast tank 7. Am continuing at this day's run, because
the wounded are obviously beginning to recover, and so as not to further
increase the already existing upper deck damage by sea pounding. |
08.00 |
EG 4638 |
ENE 3-4, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 3 |
12.00 |
EG 5419 |
Day's run: Carryover
6736 nm
360 nm |
144 "
- " |
Total: 6880
360 nm. |
14.22 |
EG 5428 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) Vowe deliver as much fuel to Rigele
so that own economical return transit is assured and so that Zschech
retains 25 cbm. |
2.) Afterwards, Zschech and Vowe
return transit. |
- 36 - |
17.11.42 |
16.00 |
EG 5437 |
ENE 4, overcast, 1016 mb, Sea 3-4 |
20.00 |
EG 5518 |
The second port aft upper deck canister thrown overboard with torpedo, because 1.) attachment points no longer exist and 2.) torpedo warhead had heavy damage. Attempts to again use the manifold of the port exhaust gas piping in the pressure hull fail, mainly because of the weather. Work on the port diesels continue inside. Success and completion cannot be foreseen as of now. |
18.11.42 |
00.00 |
EG 5537 |
ESE 2-3, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
EG 5619 |
08.00 |
EG 5639 |
SE 2-3, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 2 |
12.00 |
EG 6418 |
Day's run: Carryover 6880 nm 360 nm |
17./18.11 153 " - " |
Total: 7033 360 nm. |
16.00 |
EG 6418 |
ESE 1-2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
EG 6414 |
19.11.42 |
00.00 |
EG 6416 |
ESE 1-2, cloudy, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
00.20 - 00.47 |
EG 6424 |
Test dive. |
00.59 |
EG 6424 |
Incoming Radio Message from Vowe: |
1.) . . . . . . . . |
2.) To Zschech how many days provisions are requested, so that rest of the provisions can be delivered to Rigele. . . . . . . Vowe |
01.37 |
EG 6425 |
Outgoing short signal on Africa Circuit: |
None. U-505. |
02.35 |
EG 6434 |
Incoming short signal - confirmation by B.d.U. |
- 37 - |
19.11.42 |
08.00 |
EG 6516 |
SEbyE 2, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
EG 6535 |
Day's run: Carryover 7033 nm 360 nm |
18./19.11 104 " 1 " |
Total: 7137 361 nm. |
16.00 |
EG 6621 |
SEbyE 2-3, cloudy, 1019 mb, Sea 2 |
20.00 |
EG 6633 |
20.11.42 |
00.00 |
EH 4425 |
SEbyE 2, cloudy, 1018 mb, Sea 1-2 |
04.00 |
EH 4511 |
08.00 |
EH 4523 |
SSE 2, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 1 |
11.40 |
EH 4615 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Return harbor: . . . . . . . . |
Lorient for Bargesten, Zschech. |
12.00 |
EH 4615 |
Day's run: Carryover 7137 nm 361 nm |
19./20.11 168 " - " |
Total: 7305 361 nm. |
16.00 |
EH 4631 |
E 2-3, cloudy, 1019.5 mb, Sea 2 |
20.00 |
EH 5413 |
22.25 |
EH 5425 |
Incoming Radio Message from Vowe: |
Rigele supplied with 55 plus 2 cbm, 15 day's provisions. When will Zschech arrive? NE 2-3, 1014 mb steady. |
Vowe. |
23.05 |
EH 5426 |
Outgoing short signal on Africa Circuit: |
On 22nd of the current month at the beginning of lightness. U-505. |
23.34 |
EH 5426 |
Served as a radio repeater, it later turns out for U-177. Headquarters understood. |
- 38 - |
21.11.42 |
00.00 |
EH 5434 |
E 1-2, overcast, 1022 mb, Sea 1 |
xx.x4 |
EH 5434 |
Incoming short signal confirmed by B.d.U.: |
xx.x3 |
EH 5514 |
Incoming Radio Message from Chef 2.U.Flottille: |
To U-505 for Lt.(Ing.) Altesellmeier. Congratulations. Flottillenchef. |
04.00 |
EH 5516 |
08.00 |
EH 5536 |
Tonight U-boat sighting reports have come from two boats whose positions are near the supply point. U-552 even sighted a surface runner. |
E 1-2, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 1 |
12.00 |
EH 5628 |
Day's run: Carryover 7305 nm 361 nm |
20./21.11 172 " - " |
Total: 7477 361 nm. |
16.00 |
EH 6417 |
E 1-2, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
EH 6418 |
22.11.42 |
00.00 |
EH 6461 |
ENE 1, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 0-1 |
04.00 |
EH 6469 |
08.00 |
EH 6554 |
ENE 1-2, cloudy, 1021 mb, Sea 1 |
xx.30 |
EH 6555 |
U-boat in sight bearing 90°T. Visual recognition signals exchanged. U-462, U-68, offset from them U-332. |
11.15-11.50 |
EH 6556 |
Fuel oil taken over from U-462. Very favorable weather.
At the same time examination by the doctor from U-462. Individual
parts necessary for repair are delivered mostly by U-462, with help from
U-68. Some fresh provisions are taken over from U-462. On
the basis of medical examination 2nd Watch Officer is sent to U-462, in
exchange, Leutnant z S.d. R. Knoke comes from U-462, Matr.Ob.Gefr.
Lüngen remains aboard. According to medical judgment,
the state of health of the crew is very good. No skin rashes as
a result of continuous showers on the upper deck. |
12.00 |
EH 6556 |
Day's run: Carryover 7477 nm 361 nm |
21./22.11 143 " - " |
Total: 7620 361 nm. |
16.00 |
EH 6566 |
U-68 has continued return transit. |
Calm, clear, 1020 mb, slight seas |
- 39 - |
22.11.42 |
16.53 - 17.27 |
EH 6556 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EH 6553 |
Supply ended. |
21.00 |
EH 6529 |
U-462 and U-332 out of sight. |
21.06 |
EH 6529 |
Incoming Radio Message from Vowe: |
Supply of Zschech completed. Return transit begun. Zschech reports: 65 cbm. Intend diesel repairs in the next days. Wind calm, 1022 mb. Vowe. |
23.11.42 |
00.00 |
EH 6279 |
Calm, flat swells, cloudy, 1020 mb, slight seas |
04.00 |
EH 6162 |
08.00 |
EH 3788 |
Calm, cloudy, 1019 mb, slight seas |
12.00 |
EH 3742 |
Day's run: Carryover 7620 nm 361 nm |
22./23.11 141 " 1 " |
Total: 7761 362 nm. |
16.00 |
EH 3718 |
S 1, cloudy, 1021 mb, slight seas |
20.00 |
EH 3716 |
Port exhaust gas elbow piping, inserted again and bolted. Port muffler fixed. Exhaust gas blowing installation for the starboard diesel is again in service. Starboard exterior exhaust gas valve in service, does not stay completely tight. |
20.18 |
EH 3716 |
Mastheads bearing 340°T. |
With one diesel at GF the distance cannot be completely maintained. Identified as a freighter of 5-6000 GRT. General course 180°, 12 knots. Steamer zigzags up to 30° to each side. Data imprecise. With the full moon no surface attack is possible. |
23.00 |
EH 3746 |
Dived. |
Because the starboard diesel ran at GF the entire time, when diving the starboard exhaust gas valve does not close completely. Short blow, because water ran into the diesel. After the exhaust gas valve is closed, immediately dove again. Water entry complicated and delayed depth control, by the time the boat was at periscope depth the steamer has already passed by and had a stern target angle. Listening was not possible, because E-motors had to run at high speed. Because steamer barely shows itself in the airborne search periscope, |
- 40 - |
23.11.42 |
23.52 |
EH 3749 |
surfaced. Because I cannot catch up with the steamer with one diesel, pursuit not taken. |
Steamer not reported by Radio Message, because the plotted data was too inaccurate. |
24.11.42 |
00.00 |
EH 3749 |
SSW 1, cloudy, 1020 mb, Sea 0-1 |
00.45 |
EH 3773 |
Steamer out of sight. |
04.00 |
EH 3719 |
08.00 |
EH 3473 |
S 1, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 0-1 |
12.00 |
EH 3416 |
Day's run: Carryover 7761 nm 362 nm |
23./24.11 123 " 3 " |
Total: 7884 365 nm. |
16.00 |
EH 3149 |
S 1-2, cloudy, 1021 mb, Sea 1, flat swells |
20.00 |
EH 3119 |
22.05 |
DS 9773 |
Shadow bearing 350°T. |
Identified as a freighter with goal masts, 6000 GRT. |
Maneuver ahead with one diesel again impossible. |
Plotted data: Base course 140°, zigzags up to 30°, 12 knots. |
Attempt to attack before the moon completely rises, on the surface. |
22.30 |
DS 9776 |
Two-fan on tube V and VI: |
Eto, depth 3 meters, target angle 110°, speed 10 knots, range = 3000 meters. |
Miss due to large range or probable failure due to bomb damage. Now moon rises above the horizon. Steamer is positioned in the moonlight. As it turned out while matching speed, the boat cannot get ahead because own speed is too low. From experience, diving from high speed also bad. That is why at all costs I try to stay on the surface as long as possible, in order to use all torpedoes because this is likely to be the last opportunity. |
22.59 |
DS 9776 |
Two-fan from tubes I and IV: |
Eto, depth 3 meters, target angle 120°, speed 10 knots, range = 3000 meters. |
Miss due to large shooting range. |
- 41 - |
24.11.42 |
23.05 |
DS 9776 |
Single shot from tube II: |
Eto, depth 3 meters, target angle 100°, speed 6 knots, range = 3000 meters. |
6 knots set as enemy speed, because a plotting mistake may be present, and higher driving speeds were covered by the two fan. |
Miss as a result of too great a shooting range. I still want to make an attempt with an Eto whose gyroscope angle had been set previously in a fixed position by an operating error. |
23.55 |
DS 9779 |
Single shot from tube III: |
Eto, depth 3 meters, target angle 120° degrees, speed 12 knots, range = 4000 meters. |
Miss due to too great a shooting range. |
I now believe further torpedoes would be wasteful. |
25.11.42 |
00.00 |
DS 9776 |
SW 1-2, cloudy, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
00.14 |
DS 9779 |
While running off a sudden detonation. Acceptance: the pistol fired at the end of the run distance at great depth. Other additional possibility: gyroscope failure as a result of operating error mentioned above, because detonation was estimated at 15-2000 meters abeam. |
Am certain it was a torpedo detonation, because the typical metallic sound and afterwards the rolling bang could be heard. |
00.45 |
EH 3121 |
Steamer out of sight, reloaded. |
02.05 |
DS 9773 |
A new steamer in sight bearing 45°T. |
Because here exactly the same circumstances with the steamer are present as before (basic course and speed the same), I retreat again after a short time. |
Because apparently by chance a cluster of traffic exists here, I report the steamer sightings by Radio Message. |
04.00 |
DS 9748 |
04.55-05.30 |
DS 9745 |
Test dive. |
05.32 |
DS 9745 |
Sent Radio Message on Africa Circuit: |
24 November, 00.45 hours, EH 3773, freighter, 12 knots, 160° to 200°, [due to] diving failure due to exhaust gas valve, [target] passed by. 25 November, 00.45, DS 9787, freighter, 12 knots. Zigzags about 140°. Bright night due to long range 2 two-fans and 2 single shots missed. Attack on receding target from astern. Maneuvering ahead with both steamers not possible with one diesel. Last single |
- 42 - |
25.11.42 |
05.32 |
detonation after 19 minutes. Failure partly due to
aircraft bomb. Just now in 9785 sighted a steamer on southerly course.
Naval squares.
Zschech. |
08.00 |
DS 9714 |
WNW 1-2, cloudy, 1021 mb, Sea 1, medium swell |
12.00 |
DS 9471 |
Day's run: Carryover
7884 nm
365 nm |
150 "
2 " |
Total: 8034
367 nm. |
16.00 |
DS 9414 |
WSW 1, cloudy, 1023 mb, Sea 1, flat swells |
20.00 |
DS 9144 |
26.11.42 |
00.00 |
DS 9111 |
W 1, overcast, 1021 mb, Sea 0-1 |
04.00 |
DS 6744 |
08.00 |
DS 6477 |
NbyE 2, overcast, 1022 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DS 6441 |
Day's run: Carryover
8034 nm
367 nm |
180 "
- " |
Total: 8214
367 nm. |
16.00 |
DS 6178 |
NE 2, cloudy, 1023 mb, Sea 2 |
20.00 |
DS 6151 |
27.11.42 |
00.00 |
DS 3789 |
NNE 1-2, overcast, 1025 mb, Sea 1, medium swells, marine
phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DS 3762 |
08.00 |
DS 3574 |
NE 2, cloudy, 1022 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DS 3545 |
Day's run: Carryover
8214 nm
367 nm |
170 "
- " |
Total: 8384
367 nm. |
- 43 - |
27.11.42 |
13.17 |
DS 3545 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Day's run for Stiebler is 200 nm. In transit to naval square EH 80. Cable and patient transfer to Zschech as well as provisions delivery to Poske scheduled. |
16.00 |
DS 3545 |
NNE 1-2, cloudy, 1025 mb, Sea 1 |
20.00 |
DS 3545 |
28.11.42 |
00.00 |
DS 3288 |
Port diesel again in service. Outer exhaust gas valve, blowing installation and several other installations cannot be repaired any more at sea. |
Calm, cloudy, 1025 mb, no Sea, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DS 3266 |
08.00 |
DS 3313 |
NE 2, overcast, 1023 mb, Sea 1-2 |
12.00 |
DG 8947 |
Day's run: Carryover 8384 nm 367 nm |
27./28.11 130 " - " |
Total: 8514 367 nm. |
12.03 |
DG 8947 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) Lassen immediately report position, Zschech report position and day's run. Stiebler afterwards suggest meeting point with Zschech. to give Fu.M.B. cable and syphilis patient. Report completion. |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
13.30 |
DG 8948 |
Outgoing Radio Message on America I Circuit: |
Naval square DG 8947, course 50°, day's run 110 nm, smooth seas, trade wind weather, 1023.5 mb. Zschech. |
16.00 |
DG 8943 |
S 1, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 0-1 |
19.26 - 20.08 |
DG 8923 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
DG 8923 |
29.11.42 |
00.00 |
DG 9471 |
Calm, cloudy, 1020 mb, flat swells, slight sea |
04.00 |
DG 9427 |
- 44 - |
29.11.42 |
08.00 |
DG 9197 |
SSW 1-2, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 1 |
10.28 |
DG 9193 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) Stiebler immediately suggest meeting point with Zschech. Circuit is Africa. |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
12.00 |
DG 9247 |
Day's run: Carryover 8514 nm 367 nm |
28./29.11 176 " 2 " |
Total: 8690 369 nm. |
14.58 - 15.56 |
DG 9242 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DG 9242 |
S 2-3, cloudy, 1018 mb, Sea 2 |
16.04 |
DG 9242 |
Incoming Radio Message from Stiebler: |
Suggest meeting Zschech 30 November at 10.00 hours in DG 9215. Stiebler. |
20.00 |
DG 9219 |
30.11.42 |
00.00 |
DG 9216 |
S 2-3, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
DG 9212 |
08.00 |
DG 9212 |
S 2-3, overcast, thunderstorms, 1016 mb, Sea 2 |
12.00 |
DG 9215 |
Day's run: Carryover 8690 nm 369 nm |
29./30.11 45 " 2 " |
Total: 8735 371 nm. |
13.45 |
DG 9215 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Stiebler send bearing signals for Zschech. |
14.10 |
DG 9215 |
Bearing signals from Stiebler received. |
14.38 |
DG 9215 |
Own bearing signals sent, because own direction finder is out of service (see report of 17 November) |
15.06 |
DG 9215 |
U-boat in sight bearing 275°T. Visual recognition signals exchanged. U-461. |
15.40-17.30 |
DG 9214 |
Took over Fu.M.B.-cross and syphilis patient from Stiebler.
16.00 |
DG 9214 |
SW 2-3, overcast, 1015 mb, Sea 2-3 |
20.00 |
DG 6878 |
- 45 - |
30.11.42 |
20.10 |
DG 6878 |
Incoming Radio Message from Stiebler: |
Transfer of cross and invalid to Zschech completed. Stiebler. |
20.13 |
DG 6878 |
U-461 out of sight. |
22.57 |
DG 6851 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) Stiebler switch to America II Circuit on 1 December at 08.00 hours, Zschech Ireland. |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
01.12.42 |
00.00 |
DG 6827 |
SW 2, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 2 |
04.00 |
DG 6583 |
08.00 |
DG 6537 |
Shifted to Ireland Circuit. |
W 3-4, overcast, 1015 mb, Sea 3 |
12.00 |
DG 6292 |
Day's run: Carryover 8735 nm 371 nm |
30.11/1.12 140 " - " |
Total: 8875 371 nm. |
16.00 |
DG 6239 |
NW 4, overcast, 1014 mb, Sea 3-4 |
20.00 |
DG 3971 |
02.12.42 |
00.00 |
DG 3918 |
NW 3, cloudy, 1016 mb, Sea 2-3 |
02.09 |
DG 3913 |
Dived to repair main blowing piping. |
04.00 |
DG 3679 |
08.00 |
DG 3676 |
NW 2, overcast, 1017 mb, Sea 3-4 |
09.11 |
DG 3676 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DG 3654 |
Day's run: Carryover 8875 nm 371 nm |
1./2.12 132 " 14 " |
Total: 9007 385 nm. |
16.00 |
DG 3388 |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, overcast, 1018 mb |
20.00 |
DG 3329 |
- 46 - |
03.12.42 |
00.00 |
CF 7892 |
W 4, Sea 3-4, overcast, 1017.5 mb |
04.00 |
CF 7914 |
08.00 |
CF 7646 |
W 4, cloudy, 1020 mb, Sea 3-4 |
12.00 |
CF 7388 |
Day's run: Carryover 9007 nm 385 nm |
2./3.12 204 " - " |
Total: 9211 385 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 7329 |
WNW 5-6, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 4-5 |
18.14 - 18.57 |
CF 7331 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
CF 4994 |
04.12.42 |
00.00 |
CF 4963 |
WNW 4, overcast, 1018 mb, Sea 4-5 |
04.00 |
CF 5475 |
08.00 |
CF 5443 |
NW 4-5, cloudy, 1018 mb, Sea 4 |
10.56 |
CF 5188 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
Zschech, Kremser and Wissmann today by 16.00 hours report weather. |
12.00 |
CF 5185 |
Day's run: Carryover 9211 nm 385 nm |
3./4.12 176 " 2 " |
Total: 9387 387 nm. |
13.48 |
CF 5159 |
Outgoing weather short signal on Ireland Circuit: |
40°N, 21°W, steady, 1022 mb, plus 18°C, fair weather cumulous, N 3-4, Vis. over 10 nm, slight swells. U-505. |
Was repeated by headquarters. |
16.00 |
CF 5137 |
NNW 4-5, overcast, 1020 mb, Sea 3-4 |
18.00 - 18.50 |
CF 5132 |
Test dive. |
19.26 |
CF 2798 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
1.) . . . . . . . . |
2.) Circuits on 5 November at 08.00 hours: Zschech Coastal Circuit. |
20.00 |
CF 2796 |
- 47 - |
05.12.42 |
00.00 |
CF 2842 |
NNW 4-5, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 4 |
04.00 |
CF 2587 |
08.00 |
CF 2556 |
NNW 4-5, overcast, 1019 mb, Sea 4 |
08.56 |
CF 2537 |
Dived to proceed submerged at depth A -50 meters. |
At depth greater than A -50 meters the dent in the pressure hull begins to bend inwards. Now begin to proceed submerged by day to avoid surprise by aircraft. |
12.00 |
CF 2532 |
Day's run: Carryover 9387 nm 387 nm |
4./5.12 151 " 11 " |
Total: 9538 398 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 2374 |
19.30 |
CF 2347 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CF 2345 |
06.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 8877 |
SW 1, cloudy, 1024 mb, Sea 1 |
04.00 |
BE 8855 |
08.00 |
BE 8677 |
SSW 2, overcast, 1027 mb, Sea 1-2 |
08.34 |
BE 8675 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 8673 |
Day's run: Carryover 9538 nm 398 nm |
5./6.12 144 " 38 " |
Total: 9682 436 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 8657 |
18.52 |
BE 8655 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 8683 |
07.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 9416 |
SW 2, overcast, 1027 mb, Sea 1-2, medium marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BE 9196 |
- 48 - |
07.12.42 |
08.00 |
BE 9255 |
SW 1-2, overcast, 1029 mb, Sea 1 |
08.20 |
BE 9256 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9264 |
Day's run: Carryover 9682 nm 436 nm |
6./7.12 144 " 34 " |
Total: 9826 470 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9263 |
18.40 |
BE 9342 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 9319 |
08.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 6999 |
SW 2, cloudy, 1031 mb, Sea 1-2, heavy marine phosphorescence, heavy swells from the SW |
04.00 |
BF 4759 |
07.58 |
BF 4842 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
08.00 |
BF 4842 |
12.00 |
BF 4827 |
Day's run: Carryover 9826 nm 470 nm |
7./8.12 141 " 35 " |
Total: 9967 505 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4826 |
18.29 |
BF 4826 |
Surfaced. |
19.55 |
BF 4833 |
Outgoing short signal on Coastal Circuit: |
Positioned 36 hours off meeting point with escort. |
U-505. |
20.00 |
BF 4833 |
21.01 |
BF 4677 |
Incoming short signal - confirmation. |
09.12.42 |
00.00 |
BF 4682 |
SSW 5-6, overcast, 1030 mb, Sea 5, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BF 5442 |
06.15 |
BF 5453 |
Detection on 172 cm (inexact). |
Crash dive! |
Horizontally polarized, search detection. |
Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
on the Kriegstagebuch of "U-505" from 25.8. - 12.12.1942. |
The operation had to be broken off prematurely in an operations area with great success opportunities due to severe aircraft bomb damage. |
The tenacity and toughness of the Kommandanten, who tried to attack with the badly damaged boat, must be particularly highlighted. |
The aircraft attack took place by surprise, without any previous locating being detected. The Fu.M.B. must in no way lead to the vigilance of the bridge lookout becoming lax. |
For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote |
- The Chief of the Operations Department
- |