22.06.44. |
America 2 |
03.15 |
Steffens, Matschulat, Tillessen, Lauterbach report situation as soon as noticed. |
25.06.44. |
America 2 |
09.50 |
Repeat of Radio Message: Lauterbach, Steffens, Matschulat report situation as soon as noticed. |
26.06.44. |
America 2 |
04.45 |
Simmermacher, Lauterbach, Krankenhagen, Lange, Niemeyer, Tillessen: report immediately if either Officer-Only 297 or 395 of 12 June was received. |
29.06.44. |
America 2 |
10.00 |
Serial No. 134 and 388 of 266 June contents: Lauterbach, Tillessen, Matschulat, and Steffens report situation as soon as noticed. |
06.07.44. |
America 2 |
04.15 |
Lauterbach: |
According to B-Dienst report a U-boat was attacked in naval square EL 2395. |
13.07.44. |
America 2 |
02.27 |
Lauterbach, Tillessen, Lange, Krankenhagen: as soon as in free sea area outside range of coastal air report situation. |
18.07.44. |
America 2 |
07.49 |
Tillessen, Lauterbach by 22 July report position and fuel or situation. Assume that you are on return transit. |
20.07.44. |
America 2 |
03.42 |
From Lauterbach: |
Sank: 5 June 1224 freighter 3000 GRT, course 210°. Torpedoed 5 tankers of 35000 GRT, of these nine thousand tonner in ballast abandoned by crew, sinking likely EL 2324. Tropical experience T5: Leakage at the angle spindle with and without grease fitting from melting seal grease. Eliminated by "Mobil Compound" grease. Am missing: 379 of 21 June, 318-25 and 27-331 of 4 and 5 July. DO 49, 104 cbm, out of torpedoes. |
20.07.44. |
America 2 |
04.13 |
17 June auxiliary carrier, 6 escort destroyers, course 350°, ED 1247, high sinking tone. Traffic: Strong independent traffic vis ED 1119 and 1244 from north-south. Strong independent traffic and small convoys via EC 9535 from east-west and between EL 2395 and 3154. Only partly air and sea escort, inexperienced, not tenacious. EL 23 day airships. After being noticed strong sea and air up to 100 nm circle. Air by Naxos. From Lauterbach. |
21.07.44. |
America 2 |
06.30 |
For Lauterbach: Repeat of the experience Radio Message No. 130. A U-boat etc. |