Death and Aftermath


     Der Chef  i.V. [i.V. -on behalf of]                                                4 July 1943


U-Bootsflottille, Wegner

  Dienststelle M 14971 [Feldpost No. of the 7th U-Boat Flotilla in St. Nazaire]       

                        Dear Herr Mumm!


    Unfortunately, the reason for my writing today is a very painful one. For some time, we have had serious concerns about the fate of your son's boat. Unfortunately, after a reasonable time has elapsed, it has now become certain that the boat will not return. For this reason, the U-boat Command declared the boat and crew missing with effect from 7 June 1943. As is so often the case in U-boat warfare, where each boat fights on its own, we do not know very much in detail, and I am also not allowed to tell you about some things for reasons of confidentiality. However, I can tell you that the boat has operated successfully. Due to various circumstances, the U-boat Command assumes that the boat was lost in an air aircraft attack at sea. There is still complete uncertainty about the fate of the brave crew.


    I know that now, dear Mr. Mumm, for you a difficult time of worrying and waiting is beginning. Be assured that we will do everything humanly possible to clarify the fate of our comrades. We are in constant contact with the

Click the flag to view the above page from the original German KTB

     Der Chef i.V.


U-Bootsflottille, Wegner


   Red Cross and all military agencies that can contribute to the investigation and we are always the first to be informed about everything. I would therefore like to ask you very sincerely to trust us and not to make your heart heavy by pondering too much. What we know and what we can tell you will come to you. However, since there is always the possibility that a personal message from captivity will be quicker, I ask you to notify me immediately in this case. Of course, you will also receive good news from us as quickly as possible.


   Your son's belongings handed in at the base will be conscientiously inventoried under the supervision of an officer and then sent to you. Since this is a lot of work for an entire crew, I ask for a little patience. For all questions of any kind, the local unit F.P. No. M14971 is responsible. Of course, we are at your side with advice and action as far as we can.


    Hoping with all my heart for good news, I greet you with my regards,

                                                                                                 Heil Hitler  
                                                                                               very devoted  


  Feldpost Number M 14 971  
                                                                                                          In the West 16 July 1943  
                  Dear Herr M u m m  
  I hereby inform you that your son's personal property was inventoried under the supervision of an officer.  A list of the private items found is attached.  Should you miss anything among the items sent, please consider that some of the private property may have been on board. There is a list of contents in each of the trunks, etc. that are shipped.  
                     The estate was in  
2 Trunks,
  Box/Package, by post/express goods,
  Valuables bundle,
1 Valuable package,
  Registered letters.
  Shipped to you on 15 June 1943.  
                                                                                                    Heil Hitler!  
                                                                                              Kapitänleutnant (V)  
                                                                                       and Flotilla Administrative Officer.  
          Estate property of Mr. Kptlt. Mumm  
  Contents of the black trunk : 1 Pair of athletic shorts, 1 Linen trousers (white), 2 Uniform jackets,
    2 Uniform trousers, 1 Cap (blue), 4 Neckties (black), 1 Necktie (red), 4 pairs Gloves, 1 Leather belt, 10 pairs socks (black), 3 pairs Socks (colored), 6 handkerchiefs (white), 1 Raincoat, 3 Underpants (long), 3 Undershirts, 1 Tropical underpants, 1 Underpants (silk), 2 Jackets (1 white, 1 brown), 1 Dress shirt (colored), 1 Pair of pajamas, 2 Polo shirts, 1 Undershirt (colored), 4 Dress shirts (white).  
  Contents of the cabin trunk : 7 Underpants, 3 Pajamas, 1 Pair of tennis shorts, 1 Bandanna (wool),  
    Undershirts, 10 Handkerchiefs, 10 pairs socks, 4 Dress Shirts (waistband), 6 Undershirts, 2 Pairs of atletic shorts (white), 11 Dress shirts, 1 Bottle of cognac, 2 packs of cigarettes, 4 Boxes of cigarettes, 3 Bottles hair tonic, 1 Bottle perfume, 1 Travel toiletry set (complete), 1 Collar pocket (15 collars), 3 pairs Half shoes (black), 1 Pair white shoes, 1 Pair slippers, 1 Pair tropical shoes, 1 Pair athletic shoes, 1 Women's handbag, 1 Leather belt (white), 1 Pair suspenders, 1 Pair sock holder, 1 Pair sleeve holder, 1 Map writing paper, 2 Pack envelopes, 1 Book, 5 Bars of soap, 1 Pair swimming trunks, 1 Raincoat, 1 Bathrobe, 1 Dagger with portepee.   
                                                                                  Leutnant zur See  
    2 Iron Cross I, 2 U-boat War Badges, 1 Flotilla Badge, 1 Cigarette case, 1 Alarm clock, 1 Pair cuff links.  
    The following were shipped:  2 Trunks, 1 Valuables package.  

Führer, Volk und Vaterland
died a hero's death
on         7 June 1943       
of                                                     Kapitänleutnant                                                      
                                                             Fritz Mumm                                                           
This certificate was issued
on behalf of
the Oberbefehlshabers der
Field installation        , on         13 March         19 44


                                                                                                         and Flottillenchef.  



  Wehrmacht Welfare and Pension office  
  Troop Unit - Naval Unit                                                      Ratzeburg, 27 May 1944  
                                                                                             District (24) Oberschule  
  Re: M 3/44 Ü.   P 1  
                                                                                                               1st Copy.  
Notification of Transition Allowance
                                To the    Businessman  
                                 Herrn    Emil  M u m m,  
  Registered Mail!                                                                                P a h l h u d e     
          Due to the Wehrmacht Welfare and Pension office (WSBG) from 26 August 1938 (Reichs Law Gazette I S 1077) § 24 in connection with 48 Paragraph 2 you will be granted the Transitional Allowance indicated below    
for your on 7 June 1943 fallen son, Kapitänltn. Friedrich Mumm
          *) He is entitled to the transitional aid granted.  
          Appeals against this decision are not admissible within a period of two weeks after deliveryFor delivery outside the German Reich, the period within Europe is three months, otherwise six months.  The complaint must be submitted in writing to the above-mentioned Troop Unit or Naval Unit.  German nationals living abroad can also lodge an appeal with the German Consulate or the Diplomatic Offices of the Reich.  The notice of appeal should describe the object of the complaint and the decision taken, contain a specific request, state the facts and evidence required for justification and be signed with the place and date.  The competent Military District Command decides on any appeals.  
  The decision is therefore final.  
  *) If so, delete this paragraph.  
  I 105 b  Notice of Transition Allowance, 1st Copy.  
  Whermacht-Printing Warehouse Heinrich Buschmann, Münster 1. M 9432  
First and Family Name, Service Grade, Troop Unit, Location, future Residence
Discharged Killed in Action
Calculation of active military service*)
The Transition Allowance is (Possibly stating the offset of a previously received Transitional Allowance or Service Pay):
Remarks (justification for the approval, e.g. in the case of WSBG § 21 Para. 2 and § 25 Para. 2, further, for non-commissioned officers, information on being transferred to the military candidate relationship):
      Years Days  
Friedrich Mumm, Kapitänleutnant
on 7.6.1943
Soldier from 3.4.1936  
The fallen was single.
Therefore the payment of the Transition Allowance is made to the father, businessman Emil Mumm, Pahlude, Dithmarschen.
by  _______
500 RM
Minus the overpaid salary from what remains to be paid
Kom. Admiral der Unterseeboote
§    _______
of the Military Law
Payment is made through
the Army Base cashier's office, Hamburg
Signed in draft.    S  c  h  m  i  t  t   
Ratzeburg 27 May 1944
Administrative  Secretary
(Official Title)
  *)  When calculating the period of service for Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, the period of active service is taken from that according to the military regulations of May 21, 1935 (Reichs Law Gazette I S 609) § 8 Para. 1 generally fixed duration (e.g. 1 year, 3 years) is taken into account - see WSBG § 2 -.  


  Wehrmacht Information Office                                                 Berlin W 20 on 14 June 1944  
  for Soldier losses and Prisoners of War                                    Honenstaurenstr. 47-48.  
  at the High Command of the Wehrmacht                                                       
  Re Ref. I 10/7726/44                                                                 District 15 Saalfeld/Saale  
  (Always specify in case of queries)                                              Herrn Emil  M u m m  
                                                                                                     P a h l e n  
          The Wehrmacht unit responsible will have given you the painful news of the death of your son, Kapitänleutnant  
Fritz   M u m m
  In addition to this, the Wehrmacht Information Center informs you that the notarization of the case of death has been initiated at Registry Office III in Kiel.  
          You can soon apply for the delivery of the death certificate at the aforementioned Registry Office.  
                                                                                              On behalf of:  
  Print Warehouse 196 b C.0261  


  Werner Techand  
  (24) Hamburg 20  
  Kellinghusenstr. 21  

at von Lehsten                                                                                         Hamburg on 18.8.47

  Dear Mr. Mumm!  
  I received your letter of 22 July 1947.  I only got around to answering it today, as I've been on vacation for 14 days.  
  According to the documents available to us, the following picture emerges on "U-594" .  Left on 22 May 1943 from St. Nazaire. Last message on 28 May from approximately 47°N and 15°W concerning aircraft defense.  II S.K.L.U. assumed total loss. Two stars effective 7 June 1943.  
  According to British and American information, the boat was sunk on 4 June 1943 at 35°55'N and 9°25'W by the British, 48 Squadron.  There were no survivors from this boat.  So the entire crew was killed in action.  The sinking location is off the Portuguese coast, off Figuera da Foz. In my opinion, there is not doubt as to the truth of the English and American information.  I checked it all as far as I could.  With only minor deviations, it all agrees with the assumptions of the former U-boat Command.  
  I am very sorry that I have to convey this message to you, but as an old U-boat driver you will know what my dry statements mean.   
  If your parents are not yet in possession of a death certificate from your brother, please contact Registry Office I in Kiel. Your brother's death must be registered there. If not, please write to me or my office again.  
"Navy-Personnel-Document-Headquarters", Hamburg 39, Post Office Box.
  During the war, prisoner reports from soldiers who were not taken prisoner at all seemed to have been transmitted more often via the then Soldier Radio Station West. This can no longer be verified today. Under no circumstances are radio reports from this broadcaster of an official nature.  
  All German U-boat soldiers who are English and American prisoners of war are recorded here by name. Unfortunately, your brother is not among them.  
  I also ask you to contact the "Prisoner of War Information Bureau" in London W.C.2, Hotel "Victoria", Northumberland Avenue.  This office can officially inform you whether your brother is in English captivity or not.  The American prisoners of war have now all been released.  
  In my experience, I felt it was futile to try to liaise with the British Air Force unit. All requests of this kind from relatives of fallen U-boat soldiers were returned to us after a while by the English authorities without notice. Perhaps this path can be followed later. If you have any further questions for me and your route takes you via Hamburg, you can visit me at my office in Hamburg-Alsterdorf, British, Navy Headquarters, until 16.30 hours.  If you have not yet been to Neuengamme for categorization, you will come close to me anyway, so you can come and see me without further ado.  
                                                         With best regards, I remain  