E x c e r
p t of the
R a d i o L o
g of " U-604 ". |
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Outgoing Radio Message 0216/30/66: |
Netherlands cruiser "DE RUYTER" northeasterly
course, high speed, BE 6744 out of sight. "Höltring". |
Incoming Radio Message 0631/1/95: |
Repeat of the contents of Serial No. 15 of 21 November
for "Höltring": |
All boats. From now the prohibition to attack convoys
in naval square BE is lifted. England-Gibraltar traffic with war
material in this sea area is expected. Therefore: close, attack,
at the same time report contact, hang on. . . . |
Incoming Radio Message 1512/1/4: |
1.) Group "Draufgänger" occupy by
5 December 20.00 hours in named order "Höltring"
. . . . Patrol line from . . . . to . . . . southwest bound convoy
is expected from 6 December. |
2.) "Hinsch" and "Höltring"
switch at 20.00 hours, . . . . America I. Boats belong to Group
"Draufgänger". |
Outgoing Radio Message 2058/2/191: |
20.15 hours single smokestack passenger vessel, general
course 180°, speed 17 knots, naval square
BE 1739 sunk. From statements of survivors 16000 GRT. 11 +
2, still 110 cbm. "Höltring". |
Incoming Radio Message 0051/3/282: |
1.) Group "Draufgänger" "Höltring"
occupies southernmost position in patrol line. Other boats move
one position to the north. |
2.) "Höltring" report if
ship was possibly a troop transport and if lots of wreckage was sighted,
also why the boat was so far to the south. . . . |
Outgoing Radio Message 0400/3/284: |
1.) Troop transport possible, because uniformly dark
gray, however not a lot of ship wreckage. Approximately 15 rafts. |
2. Due to the hunt the boat has come 100 nm further
south. "Höltring". |
Incoming Radio Message 1457/5/223: |
Group "Draufgänger". From 6 December
at 09.00 hours Convoy Circuit "Diana" at the same time is used
for the first time. |
Incoming Radio Message 1816/6/707: |
Group "Draufgänger" at 1900 hours advance
in reconnaissance line course west, speed 7 knots. On 7 December
at 11.00 hours, course east, speed 7 knots. |
Incoming Radio Message 1750/7/717:
"Draufgänger" |
1.) Tomorrow at 17.00 hours be in patrol line located
from naval square AK 2564 to 2994. Operation on eastbound convoy
located on 7 December at 12.00 hours in naval square AK 4189, course 50°
to 70°, speed at 8 knots. |
2.) Immediately switch to America I Circuit. |
3.) . . . . |
- 3 - |
Incoming Radio Message 2014/14/823: |
To "Ungestüm". 1.) Patrol line
is settled. |
2.) On 15 December at 12.00 hours be in reconnaissance
line from naval square AK 1878 upper-left to 5241 lower-left. Then
course 238°, speed 9 knots, exact end
points of the position is of great importance, because a convoy is expected
during daylight. |
Outgoing Radio Message 1506/15/832: |
Submerged before flying boat. AK 5182. Propeller
sounds bearing 143°T, pursuing.
"Höltring". |
Incoming Radio Message 1901/15/838: |
To "Ungestüm" and "Büffel".
Reconnaissance line settled. Course 70°,
12 knots over ground. "Höltring" continue
search. |
Incoming Radio Message 2135/15/843: |
"Höltring" continue search and
do not occupy position in patrol line. |
Incoming Radio Message 1953/15/841: |
"Ungestüm" . . . . Tomorrow at 11.00
be in patrol line from naval square AK 2842 to 6434. . . . |
Outgoing Radio Message 2305/15/845: |
Convoy possible, because of broad sound band, however not
certain due to faintness. "Höltring". |
Outgoing Radio Message 2145/15/847: |
AK 5194, 2 times aircraft, aircraft bombs, 19.30 submerged
for destroyer, no further sound bearings, last bearing 90°T
at 21.00 hours. Am missing Serial No. 805 of 13 December.
"Höltring". |
Incoming Radio Message 1154/16/850: |
"Ungestüm". Operate at highest speed
on Löser report: Smoke cloud in AK 6421 at 10.47 hours. |
Incoming Radio Message 1150/16/854: |
In "Höltring" reports concerning
sound bearings information was required immediately whether it was a sound
band or a discrete sound -destroyer- or steamer. Due to omission
valuable time was lost. This applies to all messages about sound
results, if it is not immediately clear what it is. 2.) "Höltring"
report concerning destroyer at 19.30 hours was particularly important
and should have been made as quickly as possible. |
Outgoing Radio Message 0015/17/884: |
Löser-convoy not found. 23.00 hours
own position 5836. No sound bearings. 49 cbm. . . .
. |
Incoming Radio Message 1000/18/808: |
For Group "Ungestüm". No fuel supply
possible. Boats begin return transit accordingly. |
Incoming Radio Message 1856/18/812: |
"Ungestüm". Break off search.
Remain in reached area. . . . |