- 1 - |
25.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
14.55 |
Cast off from the St. Nazaire Lock for 2nd war patrol. |
Taken in convoy by Sperrbrecher. |
19.28 |
Released from convoy. |
20.00 |
BF 6492 upper-right |
E 2, Sea 2, Vis. clear, 1031 mb |
22.37 |
Test dive. |
23.52 |
Surfaced. |
23.55 |
BF 6726 center |
Dived, for detection, horizontally polarized 168 cbm. |
24.00 |
BF 6726 center |
26.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.54 |
Surfaced. |
00.55 |
BF 6729 upper-left |
Dived, for the same detection. |
02.30 |
Surfaced. Continued transit. |
04.00 |
BF 6754 lower-right |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1028 mb, clear cold moonlit night |
08.00 |
BF 5899 lower-center |
E 2, Sea 2, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.28 |
Test dive (deep dive to depth A +40 meters). |
No particular issues. |
Continued transit submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5897 lower-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 131.1, Submerged 21.8 nm. |
12.36 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
13.30 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BF 5888 lower-left |
18.06 |
Surfaced in the evening twilight. |
Continued on the surface. |
20.00 |
BF 5874 lower edge right |
E 2, Sea 2, 1024 mb |
24.00 |
BF 5784 lower-edge left |
E 2, Sea 2, 1022 mb, bright moonlit night |
- 2 - |
27.11 42 |
Bay of Biscay |
03.20 |
BF 4994 lower-right |
Dived, for detection, horizontally polarized 168 cbm. |
04.00 |
BF 4994 lower-center edge |
04.35 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
BF 4974 lower-edge left |
SE 2, Sea 2, long Swell, 1019 mb |
08.46 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 4895 left edge upper |
Day's run: Surfaced 166.6, Submerged 22.6 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4886 upper-right |
18.23 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 4876 upper-center |
NNW 2-3, Sea 2-3, long Swell, 1017 mb |
24.00 |
BF 4785 lower-center |
ENE 2, Sea 1, bright moonlit night |
28.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
04.00 |
BE 6997 upper-right |
NW 1, Sea 1, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
BE 6899 lower-center |
NW 1, Sea 1, rain shower, 1015 mb |
08.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 1138/27/19 (Excerpt) |
2.) New objectives: Freyberg, Loeser and Zurmühlen square 55, day's run 180 nm, Thurmann, Trojer, Scheibe, Hinsch, Baberg and Kapitzky square 92, economical transit speed. |
3.) All Anton Karl. |
05.09 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 6897 lower edge left |
Day's run: Surfaced 175.6, Submerged 20 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 6888 lower-right corner |
18.05 |
Surfaced. |
19.18 |
Incoming Radio Message 1047/28/35 (Excerpt) |
4.) Previous objective for Baberg canceled. New objective is square DJ 25, speed settings up to 2 x HF authorized as transit speed. |
20.00 |
BE 9216 right edge lower |
NE 2, Sea 2, 1017 mb |
24.0 |
BE 9163 lower-center edge |
- 3 - |
29.11.42 |
Atlantic |
04.00 |
BE 9189 lower edge left |
SE 1, Sea 1, bright moonlit night, 1017 mb |
08.00 |
BE 9445 center-right edge |
NNW 2, Sea 2, breaking up cloud deck, 1017 mb |
09.00 - 09.37 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
BE 8699 center-left edge |
Day's run: Surfaced 147.4, Submerged 14.3 nm. |
NNE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, 1019 mb |
16.00 |
BE 8952 right edge lower |
SE 4, Sea 3, 1018 mb |
20.00 |
CF 3225 lower-center |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 1018 mb |
24.00 |
CF 3522 lower-center |
SSE 3, Sea 3, rain showers, 1018 mb |
30.11.42 |
01.00 |
Outgoing Short Signal: |
My position is square CF 3528. |
"U-618" |
04.00 |
CF 3588 lower-center |
SSE 5, Sea 4, misty, 6/10, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
CF 3885 lower-center |
SSE 4, Sea 3-4, 9/10, 1015 mb |
09.02 - 09.37 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CF 6258 center |
Day's run: Surfaced 259.6, Submerged 1.4 nm. |
SE 3-4, Sea 3, rain, Vis. good, 1016 mb |
16.00 |
CF 6552 upper-left |
S 5, Sea 6, rain, Vis. good, 1013 mb |
- 4 - |
continued |
30.11.42 |
20.00 |
CF 6823 center |
SSE 5, Sea 4, rain showers, 1012 mb, steep Swell |
24.00 |
CF 6888 lower-center |
SbyE 5, Sea 4, rain, 1010 mb |
01.12.42 |
00.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 1909/30/145: |
To Baberg and U-432. |
[Mehdia, Casablanca, and Mazagan] |
Task: carry out a quick surprise attack off the harbor in squares DJ 2543 and 24, further square DJ 2347. |
Situation: Both harbors and roadsteads by latest information continue as debarkation places for troop and material transports. As soon as square CG 90 expect medium to strong air surveillance. Off CG individual search groups. Off the named harbors destroyers and patrol boat protection with and without radar. In the vicinity of land sometimes continuous, apparently ineffective radar from land stations. By reports from other boat's operations good possibilities of attacks submerged in the roadsteads. Bad submerged locating conditions. Kals and Schweichel have had good success. No continuous presence off harbors, set off according to defenses and approach again. Continuous traffic stream to CG 9593. |
04.00 |
CF 9284 lower-center |
S 6, Sea 5, rain, 1005 mb, short steep Swell |
08.00 |
CF 9558 upper-center |
S 6, Sea 5-6, rain, Vis. good, 1005 mb |
08.48 - 09.32 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CF 9549 lower-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 232.7, Submerged 2.3 nm. |
SSW 6, Sea 5-6, Vis. good, 1006 mb |
16.00 |
CF 9579 lower-edge left |
SSW 6, Sea 5, rain, 1006 mb |
20.00 |
CF 9843 upper-left |
SSW 4, Sea 4, Vis. good, 1006 mb |
24.00 |
CF 9873 center-left |
SSW 4, Sea 3, 5/10, Vis. good, 1007 mb |
- 5 - |
02.12.42 |
04.00 |
DH 2313 lower-left |
SSW 4, Sea 3, Vis. good, 1008 mb |
08.00 |
DH 2346 lower-left |
SSW 3, Sea 2-3, rain, 1009 mb |
08.37 - 09.22 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
DH 2384 upper-center edge |
Day's run: Surfaced 124.3, Submerged 1.7 nm. |
WbyS 3, Sea 2, Vis. very good, 1013 mb |
20.00 |
DH 3189 center-left edge |
SSW 2, Sea 1, 1014, faint marine phosphorescence |
24.00 |
DH 3512 upper-center |
S 1-2, Sea 1, 1015 mb |
03.12.42 |
04.00 |
DH 3531 lower-right |
S 1, Sea 1, 4/10, overcast, 1015 mb |
08.00 |
DG 3616 center-right edge |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, rain, 7/10, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
11.00 |
DH 3639 center-left |
Drifting barrage balloon passed and taken on board. |
German balloon with Number S 480 b d u 41. |
12.00 |
DJ 1417 lower-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 224.3, Submerged 1.5 nm. |
SbyW 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, 1016 mb, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DJ 1425 lower-right |
SSW 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1015 mb, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
DJ 1516 center-left |
SSW 1, Sea 1, 1016 mb |
- 6 - |
continued |
03.12.42 |
20.53 |
2 white lights bearing 350°T, held on to them. |
21.55 |
DJ 1279 lower-center edge |
Large brightly illuminated Spanish freighter with course 240°, speed 14-16 knots. |
Came to old course. |
24.00 |
DJ 1297 lower edge left |
SSW 1, Sea 1, 1/10, 1017 mb |
04.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1399 lower-right |
S 1, Sea 1, moon shrouded, 1017 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 2198 center-right edge |
Positioned in the morning twilight on the 200-meter line off the main harbor. Dived. Proceeded submerged towards the coast. |
SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, Vis. good, 1024 mb |
08.20 |
Sound bearing turbine in 300°T. |
On the horizon the mast heads of 2 destroyers, already at target angle 90°. Sounds shift slowly ahead with steady Volume and disappears in 10°T. |
12.00 |
DJ 2514 upper-left corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 232, Submerged 8.7 nm. |
13.50 |
A patrol vessel (trawler) passes to starboard on opposite course, distance 3000 meters. |
A second patrol vessel follows with the same course. Distance 1500 meters |
16.00 |
DJ 2515 upper-right |
18.55 |
Surfaced and up to 20.00 hours continued on a parallel course to the coast. |
20.00 |
DJ 2274 lower-right corner |
Moved off on course 280°. |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, 1016 mb, murky |
Several lights bearing 90°T, probably on land. |
Beacons do not burn. |
24.00 |
DJ 2172 upper-center |
WbyS 2, Sea 1, 5/10, 1016 mb |
05.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1358 upper-right |
W 3, Sea 3, rain, 1015 mb, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DJ 1263 lower edge right |
SSE 3, Sea 2-3, at times rain, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
08.00 - 08.39 |
Test dive. |
- 7 - |
continued |
05.12.42 |
12.00 |
DJ 1253 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 157.4, Submerged 16.1 nm. |
WbyN 2, Sea 1, Vis. very good, long Swell, 1015 mb |
13.00 |
Came to opposite course. Intend to be off the coast again in the morning twilight on 6 December. |
14.35 |
DJ 1237 center-right |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based aircraft, type not recognized). |
One well-placed depth charge at depth A -20 meters. |
Diving plane failed. |
The entire boat was lifted momentarily. |
16.10 |
Went to periscope depth. |
The aircraft is abeam to port, distance 1000 meters approaching at low altitude. |
Suspect oil trace or air bubbles because the water is completely calm, Sea 0-1, am easily recognised from above. Therefore remained submerged until the beginning of twilight. |
19.30 |
In 200°T to 240°T an odd sound like a fast running engine, at times growing louder then fainter. |
20.00 |
DJ 1252 center-left |
20.53 |
Wind calm, very strong marine phosphorescence, dark horizon Vis. bad |
Surfaced. |
Set off to the SW, to determine at daybreak if there is an oil trace or air bubbles. |
24.00 |
DJ 1166 upper-center |
W 1, Sea 1, marine phosphorescence, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
06.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1184 upper-right |
NNW 1, Sea 1-2, at times marine phosphorescence, Vis. good, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1177 left edge upper |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Vis. good, 1016 mb |
08.06 - 08.50 |
Test dive. |
No oil trace, however strong air bubbles from the foreship |
- 8 - |
continued |
06.12.42 |
09.55 |
DH 3633 center-left |
Crash dive for flying boat from 350°T, range 1000-2000 meters, 3 aircraft bombs. |
Individual large clouds |
Main rudder failed. Starboard E-motor only capable of speed settings up to LF. |
Fire control system out of service. Glass bulbs and fuses. |
Because in this area there is apparently very heavy air surveillance and at the moment very unfavorable clouds, I remain submerged by day. |
12.00 |
DH 3633 upper-left corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 124.4, Submerged 19.7 nm. |
15.00 |
Went to periscope depth for Program time. As before blue sky with individual large clouds. |
15.15 |
DH 3633 upper-right |
A Sunderland bearing 180°T, distance about 14000-16000 meters, very low. |
My suspicion that there is very strong air surveillance here seems to be confirmed. To get to the coast unnoticed there is only the possibility of proceeding submerged by day. |
16.00 |
AJ 1411 upper-left |
19.14 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1413 right edge upper |
NE 3, Sea 2, medium Swell |
24.00 |
DJ 1433 center-left |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, 1016 mb, Vis. good |
07.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1522 center |
ENE 4, Sea 3, 2/10, 1015 mb, Vis. good |
07.53 |
Dived. |
Again a cloud formation, tailor made for surprise by aircraft. Therefore continued submerged |
All depth charge damage corrected. |
08.00 |
DJ 1535 right edge upper |
12.00 |
DJ 1614 upper-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 109.5, Submerged 3 nm. |
16.00 |
DJ 1615 upper-left |
19.05 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1625 upper-left |
NE 4, Sea 3, short Swell, Vis. good, 1018 mb |
24.00 |
DJ 1633 upper-right |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, Vis. very good, 2/10, 1019 mb |
- 9 - |
08.12.42 |
02.50 |
DJ 2175 lower-left |
Spanish 4000-tonner on course 220°, speed 10-12 knots. |
04.00 |
DJ 2187 lower-right |
Cannot reach the harbor before lightness, because too much time was lost in pursuit of the neutral. |
NNE 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. very good, 1018 mb |
07.39 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
DJ 2197 left edge upper |
Very good listening conditions. |
10.30 |
DJ 2194 left edge upper |
Sound bearing in 265°T. |
Search group of 7 vessels (fishing trawlers with shortened and set forward masts) forward and astern each one cannon. |
Formation steers easterly course. |
10.50 |
Range 8000-10000 meters bearing 180°T. |
12.00 |
DJ 2191 lower-left corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 90.8, Submerged 22.5 nm. |
16.00 |
DJ 2167 lower-left |
19.13 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 2162 center |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1022 mb |
20.59 |
Incoming Radio Message 1743/8/184 (Excerpt) |
2.) Baberg if noticed give situation report. |
24.00 |
DJ 2219 lower-edge right |
NbyE 1, Sea 1, starry clear, 1023 mb |
09.12.42 |
01.15 |
Detection vertically polarized 138 cm, increasing and decreasing tone. |
02.30 |
Dived because otherwise will reach the 200-meter line too early. |
04.00 |
DJ 2261 center-left |
06.13 |
Surfaced. |
Several lights bearing 0-45°T. It is a group of fishing trawlers or corvettes. |
06.37 |
Crossed the 200-meter line and submerged. |
08.00 |
DJ 2265 center |
Continual sound bearings. |
Several trawlers at the limit of visibility. Continued to run towards the coast. |
11.00 |
A flying boat circles at low altitude. |
The sea today is nearly mirror flat. |
- 10 - |
continued |
09.12.42 |
12.00 |
DJ 2266 lower-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 57, Submerged 31.4 nm. |
12.45 |
The flying boat always still circles at low altitude over the water. |
Advance directly off the harbor in DJ 2347. Land is easily distinguished. |
Off the entrance some small vessels. A steamer is not to be seen. |
13.00 |
DJ 2266 lower-center |
Came to opposite course and moved off further. |
16.00 |
DJ 2265 lower-right |
17.50 |
Sound bearing of a piston engine bearing 310°T (suspect a patrol vessel). |
Despite better visibility nothing is seen in the periscope. |
However the flying boat still circles as before. |
19.42 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 2256 center-right |
Again detection vertically polarized 138 cm, increasing and decreasing tone, growing fainter. Probably a land station. |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, marine phosphorescence, 2/10, 1024 mb |
23.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 2203/9/199 (Excerpt) |
2.) Baberg report situation or position. |
24.00 |
DJ 2162 upper-center |
Wind calm, misty, 1024 mb |
10.12.42 |
03.07 |
Outgoing Short Signal: |
My position is square DJ 20. |
"U-618". |
04.00 |
DJ 2142 upper-left |
SSW 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, 1022 mb, Vis. medium |
08.00 |
DJ 1352 upper-right |
Dived. |
SW 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, stormy murky, 1021 mb |
12.00 |
DJ 1351 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 129.2, Submerged 23.7 nm. |
12.30 |
One detonation, probably an aircraft bomb. |
16.00 |
DJ 1343 upper-center |
16.15 |
A new detonation, probably another aircraft bomb. |
16.48 |
Two detonations, aircraft bombs. |
19.01 |
Surfaced. |
- 11 - |
continued |
10.12.42 |
20.00 |
DJ 1311 upper-edge right |
SW 3-4, Sea 2, 6/10, 1020 mb, misty, Vis. moderate |
22.16 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2103/10/112: |
From Baberg square DJ 1225, 83 cbm: |
1.) From DH 30 very strong air surveillance, dived by day. |
2.) Off main harbors patrol vessels and search groups. No traffic observed. Roadstead DJ 2347 empty. By day continual air by "Catalina". Sea mostly mirror flat. Nights ineffective detection vertically polarized 138 cm. |
3.) Believe presence has been detected and operations with the current defensive situation is not very promising. |
4) Going to DH 22 because still have only 88 potash cartridges. Request further orders. |
24.00 |
DJ 1225 upper-edge right |
SW 3-4, Sea 2, long Swell, misty |
11.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1133 lower-right corner |
W 5, Sea 4, completely overcast, rain, 1019 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1122 lower edge left |
NW 5, Sea 4, 4/10, 1020 mb, Vis. good |
08.05 |
Dived. |
Initially continued submerged because there are only a few large low clouds in the otherwise clear sky. |
12.00 |
DJ 1121 lower edge left |
Day's run: Surfaced 112.2, Submerged 22 nm. |
12.53 |
Surfaced. |
12.55 |
DJ 1113 lower-edge right |
Crash dive. |
An aircraft bearing 20°T (apparently a land-based aircraft) on westerly course flying past ahead, distance about 10000 meters. |
While diving a detonation, that however lies too far away to have belonged to us. |
Always still individual clouds; remained submerged until the beginning of twilight. |
16.00 |
DJ 1113 lower-left corner |
18.55 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 7977 upper-right |
WSW 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, long medium-high Swell, Vis. good, 1021 mb |
- 12 - |
continued |
11.12.42 |
24.00 |
CG 7888 upper-right |
WSW 2, Sea 2, 5/10, 1021 mb, misty, Vis. medium |
12.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 7877 upper-left |
SW 4, Sea 3, occasional rain, completely overcast, 1020 mb |
08.00 |
CG 7788 upper-center |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. good, 1017 mb |
08.25 - 08.53 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CG 7778 lower left |
Day's run: Surfaced 126.5, Submerged 14.8 nm. |
SW 4, Sea 3, 7/10, 1018 mb, Vis. good |
13.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1316/12/142: |
Baberg economize on potash cartridges. Repeat advance to the coast. |
14.15 |
Came to opposite course. |
16.00 |
CF 9999 lower-center edge |
SW 5, Sea 4, Vis. good, 1018 mb, steep Swell |
19.45 |
A white light directly ahead bearing 120°T. |
19.52 |
Incoming Radio Message 1816/12/148: |
From "U-432": |
Advance to DJ 2347. Situation like Baberg. No coastal traffic. Position CG 7650, going to DJ 2524. 79 cbm, all torpedoes. SSW 2, 1024 mb, overcast square. |
20.00 |
DH 3252 upper-right |
SW 5, Sea 4, medium-high steep Swell, Vis. good, 1018 mb |
21.00 |
DH 3261 lower-right |
Brightly illuminated passenger steamer on course 80°. Neutrality markings recognized, however not made out at range. |
24.00 |
DH 3357 center-right |
S 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, 1019 mb, marine phosphorescence |
- 13 - |
13.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1179 upper-edge right |
S 5, Sea 4, steep Swell, 1018 mb, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DJ 1515 upper-right |
S 4, Sea 3, 9/10, 1018 mb, Vis. good |
08.10 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
DJ 1516 center-right edge |
Day's run: Surfaced 236, Submerged 7.9 nm. |
12.51 - 13.28 |
Very low broken cloud deck |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1528 upper-center |
18.55 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1259 upper-left |
By yesterday and today's navigation fix was assumed that the gyro compass, a new gyro assembly, has an error of 6-8°. Therefore delayed approach to the coast a day, to check the gyro compass by shooting the sun. Azimuth measurement not possible today due to the heavy swell. |
SW 2, Sea 2, steep Swell, 5/10, 1020 mb |
24.00 |
DJ 1373 center-left |
SW 2, Sea 2, steep Swell, bright moonlit night, 1020 mb |
14.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1377 lower-right |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, steep Swell, bright moonlit night, 1018 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1338 left edge upper |
SW 6, Sea 5-6, steep Swell, Vis. very good |
08.06 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1529 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 104.1, Submerged 22.1 nm. |
12.30 |
Steep SW-Swell, low broken cloud deck, SW 7 |
Went to periscope depth. |
Boat can only be held at depth 14 meters at HF |
Remained submerged until twilight. |
- 14 - |
continued |
14.12.42 |
16.00 |
DJ 1528 center |
19.07 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1524 lower-right |
WSW 4, Sea 3, steep SW-Swell, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
24.00 |
DJ 1276 lower-center |
WSW 3, Sea 2, completely overcast, gloomy, 1013 mb |
15.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1433 upper-left |
W 4, Sea 4, steep SW-Swell, 1007 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1545 upper-center edge |
SW 6-7, Sea 6, misty horizon, 1008 mb, completely overcast |
08.15 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1544 center-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 98.4, Submerged 25.7 nm. |
13.02 - 13.28 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1466 upper-left |
18.59 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1197 lower-center edge |
No navigation fix possibility since 13 December, also Swell so the boat can only be held at LF and HF at periscope depth. Therefore remained in this area back and forth in position until weather improvement. |
W 3, Sea 2-3, steep W-Swell, misty horizon, 1013 mb |
A gyro compass error has not been confirmed. Strong offset to the north apparently only from current. |
24.00 |
DJ 1161 lower edge right |
W 2, Sea 2, steep Swell, misty, 1014 mb |
16.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1277 upper-center edge |
NW 2, Sea 1, steep Swell, Vis good, 1010 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1287 center |
W 2, Sea 1-2, steep Swell, Vis. good, 1010 mb |
08.15 |
Dived. |
- 15 - |
continued |
16.12.42 |
12.00 |
DJ 1249 upper-right corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 102.7, Submerged 21.8 nm. |
13.07 - 13.40 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1281 center-left |
19.04 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1287 lower-left |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, steep W-Swell, Vis. very good, 1019 mb, bright moonlit night |
24.00 |
DJ 1243 center |
SW 3, Sea 2, steep W-Swell, bright moonlit night, 1019 mb |
17.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1243 lower-right |
SW 3, Sea 2, steep W-Swell, rain showers, 1019 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1287 lower-left |
SW 3, Sea 2, steep W-Swell, misty horizon |
08.15 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1521 upper-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 102.7, Submerged 21.1 nm. |
13.09 - 13.37 |
W 3-4, Sea 3, steep WNW-Swell, low broken cloud deck, rain showers, Vis. bad |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1527 lower-center edge |
19.00 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1581 center |
W 3-4, Sea 3, step SW-Swell, Vis. good, 1020 mb |
24.00 |
DJ 1827 lower-center |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, steep Swell, misty, Vis. bad, 1020 mb |
- 16 - |
18.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1588 center-right |
NNW 3, Sea 2, steep NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1021 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1553 lower-center |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, 7/10, 1021 mb, Vis. good |
08.19 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1558 upper-left corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 102.8, Submerged 21.1 nm. |
13.14 - 13.49 |
NW 5, Sea 4-5, steep NW-Swell, few large low clouds, Vis. good |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1585 upper edge left |
19.02 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1823 center-left edge |
NW 5, Sea 4, steep NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1026 mb |
24.00 |
DJ 1823 center-left edge |
NW 3, Sea 3, bright moonlit night, steep Swell, 1026 mb |
19.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1555 center-right edge |
N 3, Sea 3, 4/10, 1025 mb, Vis. good |
08.00 |
DJ 1528 right edge upper |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, steep NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1025 mb |
08.27 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1552 right edge lower |
Day's run: Surfaced 87, Submerged 24.7 nm. |
13.13 - 13.42 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
DJ 1553 upper-left |
19.04 |
Surfaced. Advanced to the coast because today the Swell is weaker. |
- 17 - |
continued |
19.12.42 |
20.00 |
DJ 1529 upper-left |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, medium-high NW-Swell, misty horizon, 1026 mb |
20.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1822/19/184 (Excerpt) |
3.) Baberg report situation. |
24.00 |
DJ 1627 upper-right |
NE 2, Sea 1, medium-high NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1027 mb |
20.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 2418 upper-center |
NNE 2, Sea 1, medium-high NW-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
07.33 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
DJ 2429 center |
12.00 |
DJ 2438 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 122.3, Submerged 30.3 nm. |
15.00 |
DJ 2514 lower-right |
Off the roadstead and off the harbor no traffic. Air surveillance by "Catalina". |
16.00 |
DJ 2511 lower-center edge |
Several small patrol vessels (trawlers). |
Again moved off from the coast. |
19.11 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 2196 lower-center edge |
NW 3, Sea 2, medium-high NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1026 mb |
22.10 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2117/20/107: |
Today advanced to main harbor. Situation unchanged. No traffic. |
All torpedoes, 58 cbm. |
NW 3, Sea 2, NW-medium-high Swell, 1026 mb steady, +20°C. |
22.30 |
DJ 2194 lower-left corner |
Two brightly illuminated steamers bearing 290°T on SW course. Already broad target angle. |
24.00 |
DJ 1396 lower-left |
NNW 2-3, Sea 2, medium-high NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1026 mb |
- 18 - |
21.12.42 |
04.00 |
DJ 1372 center-left |
N 2, Sea 1, high NW-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.00 |
DJ 1251 lower-left |
N 2, Sea 1, high NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.15 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
DJ 1242 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 153.8, Submerged 23.2 nm. |
13.00 - 13.42 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
13.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1023/21/115 (Excerpt) |
1.) Baberg head for CG 47. |
16.00 |
DJ 1139 lower-center edge |
18.11 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DJ 1123 lower-edge right |
N 2, Sea 1, long medium-high Swell, Vis. very good, 1029 mb |
24.00 |
CG 7977 lower edge left |
NW 2-3, Sea 1, long medium-high Swell, bright moonlit night, 1029 mb |
22.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 7867 upper edge right |
N 2, Sea 1, long Swell, Vis. very good, 1030 mb |
08.00 |
CG 7824 upper-left |
N 2, Sea 1, long medium-high Swell, Vis. very good, 1030 mb |
08.30 - 09.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CG 7571 lower-right corner |
Day's run: Surfaced 164.4, Submerged 11.2 nm. |
NbyW 2-3, Sea 1-2, long NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1033 mb |
- 19 - |
continued |
22.12.42 |
15.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 1339/22/141 (Excerpt) |
3.) For Baberg task in square CG 5590 [Lisbon] anticipated. Remain undetected therein. More to follow. |
16.00 |
CG 7438 lower left |
N 2, Sea 1-2, short steep NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1032 mb |
20.00 |
CG 7194 center |
ENE 2, Sea 1, short steep WNW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1031 mb |
24.00 |
CG 7137 center |
ENE 1, Sea 1, long WNW-Swell, bright moonlit night, 1033 mb |
23.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 4791 center |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, long NW-Swell, Vis. good, 1031 mb |
08.00 |
CG 4845 right edge lower |
NE 2, Sea 1, long NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1030 mb |
08.45 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 4854 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 151.6, Submerged 6.8 nm. |
13.01 - 14.07 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
15.38 |
Incoming Radio Message 1034/23/168: |
For Baberg. |
1.) Operate off main harbor which lies in square 5569. [Lisbon] |
Here enemy departing and arriving traffic from and to the west, also primarily traffic to harbor in 9644. Detection of traffic most favorable in 5590 and 5830, 5910, 5940. Southbound traffic rins mainly from the cape in 5599 to the cape in 5945. Because this route is outside the three-mile limit, operation here is favorable. Occasionally also small, weakly escorted convoys. All naval squares CG. |
2.) Due to heavy neutral traffic, examine targets carefully beforehand. In no case shoot within the three-mile limit, do not let them see you. |
3.) Sea defense by patrol vessels, occasionally illuminated, light air surveillance. |
- 20 - |
continued |
23.12.42 |
16.00 |
CG 4861 left edge upper |
18.26 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 4942 upper-center |
E 2, Sea 1, NW Swell, 4/10, 1029 mb, Vis. very good |
24.00 |
CG 4926 center |
E 2, Sea 1, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1028 mb |
24.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 5477 lower edge right |
E 2, Sea 1, short E-Swell, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5489 lower-center |
E 2-3, Sea 2, short SE-Swell, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.13 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5497 lower-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 116.2, Submerged 17.6 nm. |
13.06 - 13.47 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
13.23 |
Incoming Radio Message 1150/24/196 (Excerpt) |
3.) Baberg. On 23 December English "EMPIRE FRANKLIN" ready to depart with coal for Spanish harbor. |
16.00 |
CG 5494 upper-right |
18.50 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5496 center-left |
ESE 2, Sea 1, completely overcast, 1026 mb, in the east misty horizon |
24.00 |
CG 5586 lower-left |
1 brightly illuminated torpedo boat in square 5590 moves back and forth in position at low speed. |
SE 2, Sea 1, bright full moon night, Vis. very good, bright horizon |
25.12.42 |
02.30 |
CG 5826 upper-right |
Two Spanish freighters with northwesterly courses. |
- 21 - |
continued |
25.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 5826 lower-right |
W 2, Sea 1, Vis. very good, 1024 mb, bright full moon night |
08.00 |
CG 5816 lower-center |
WNW 2, Sea 2, 9/10, 1023 mb, Vis. very good |
08.21 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5811 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 128.5, Submerged 21.2 nm. |
13.07 - 14.02 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5812 upper-center |
18.54 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5822 center |
ENE 2, Sea 2, medium NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1023 mb |
22.00 |
Very bright moonlit night, Vis. over 10 nm |
Two illuminated fishing trawlers outmaneuvered. Square 5834. |
24.00 |
CG 5838 upper-center |
N 2, Sea 2, light NW-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1022 mb |
26.12.42 |
00.45 |
Again 2 illuminated steamers, they are on opposite course (about 330°), outmaneuvered and avoided. |
04.00 |
CG 5861 center-right |
N 4, Sea 3-4, short high NW-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1020 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5825 |
N 4-5, Sea 4, short high NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1019 mb |
08.06 |
Dived. |
- 22 - |
continued |
26.12.42 |
12.00 |
CG 5821 upper-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 107.9, Submerged 20 nm. |
13.01 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
15.29 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
CG 5585 upper-right |
One aircraft (flying boat) bearing 100°T on course approximately 200°. |
19.37 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5589 upper-center |
N 5-6, Sea 4, short high NW-Swell, Vis. very good, starry clear, 1020 mb |
20.30 |
Illuminated patrol boat moving back and forth in square 5594. |
20.40 |
CG 5586 lower-right |
One aircraft with position lights passed on easterly course coming from sea. |
20.45 |
CG 5586 lower right |
Steamer bearing 35°T departing on SW-course. |
22.00 |
CG 5589 upper-center |
It is a Spanish freighter, steers 225°. |
24.00 |
CG 5584 center-left |
N 4-5, Sea 4, steep NW-Swell, bright moonlit night, 1020 mb, Vis. very good |
27.12.42 |
02.15 |
CG 5824 upper-left |
Dived for detection horizontally polarized 168 cm, steady tone. |
04.00 |
CG 5824 lower-left |
Surfaced. |
N 4-5, Sea 4, short high NNW-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good |
08.00 |
CG 5813 upper-right |
NNE 4-5, Sea 4, short high NNW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1019 mb |
08.21 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5578 upper-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 93, Submerged 22.5 nm. |
13.04 |
Surfaced. |
13.25 |
CG 5576 left edge upper |
Flying boat bearing 90°T, just over the horizon on southerly course. |
- 23 - |
continued |
27.12.42 |
14.28 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
CG 5549 lower-center |
19.12 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5554 lower-right |
Just off the coast several small steamers (patrol vessels?). |
NNE 4, Sea 3-4, short high N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1019 mb |
22.50 |
CG 5586 |
Small Spanish tanker running in. |
23.45 |
Spanish freighter in square 5598 arriving from the south. |
24.00 |
CG 5597 lower edge left |
NNE 3, Sea 2-3, very bright moonlit night, 1/10, 1019 mb, Vis. very good, N-Swell |
28.12.42 |
01.45 |
CG 5835 |
Portuguese freighter course 340°. |
04.00 |
CG 5823 lower-left |
N 4, Sea 3, very bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1020 mb, short high N-Swell |
08.00 |
CG 5572 lower edge right |
N 4, Sea 3, completely overcast, Vis. good, 1020 mb |
08.19 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5575 center-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 108.1, Submerged 7.6 nm. |
13.38 |
Surfaced. |
15.43 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
CG 5581 upper-right |
19.11 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5589 upper-edge left |
NbyE 4, Sea 3-4, short high N-Swell, Vis. very good, starry clear |
20.15 |
Spanish passenger steamer departing in square 5822 on course 230°. |
22.05 |
Illuminated patrol vessel (probably a torpedo boat) on northerly course, low speed in square 5598. |
- 24 - |
continued |
28.12.42 |
23.00 |
Freight-passenger steamer in square 3836 upper-left on arrival course. |
Very badly illuminated Spanish neutrality markings on the after deck. |
23.45 |
Swiss steamer in square 5839 upper-center on course 340°. |
24.00 |
CG 5839 center-left |
N 3, Sea 2, medium N-Swell, very bright night, Vis. very good, 1023 mb |
29.12.42 |
00.40 |
Portuguese freighter in square 5838 center on course 0°. |
04.00 |
CG 5829 lower-left |
N 4, Sea 3, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1022 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5579 lower-left |
N 4, Sea 3, short steep N-Swell, Vis. very good |
08.22 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5579 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 123, Submerged 21 nm. |
14.17 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CG 5821 upper-right |
N 6-7, Sea 5, short steep N-Swell, Vis. very good |
16.16 |
Dived. |
19.07 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5826 center-right |
N 6, Sea 5-6, steep N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1020 mb |
21.30 |
Spanish steamer in square 5839 on course 340°. |
24.00 |
CG 5863 upper edge right |
N 7, Sea 6, short steep N-Swell, Vis. changing, rain showers, 1019 mb |
- 25 - |
30.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 5825 lower-right |
N 9, Sea 8, short steep N-Swell, rain showers, 1018 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5819 center-right |
N 8, Sea 7, short steep N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1018 mb |
08.18 |
Dived. |
Boat cannot be held at periscope depth due to Sea State. |
12.00 |
CG 5816 right edge upper |
Day's run: Surfaced 101.2, Submerged 18.6 nm. |
14.18 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CG 5588 upper-left |
Dived. |
N 8, Sea 7, steep Swell, Vis. very good, 1022 mb |
19.14 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5586 upper-right |
N 8-9, Sea 8, steep N-Swell, Vis. clear, starry clear, 1022 mb |
24.00 |
CG 5838 upper-right |
N 6-7, Sea 5, short N-Swell, starry clear, Vis. very good, 1024 mb |
31.12.42 |
04.00 |
CG 5837 center-left |
N 7, Sea 6-7, medium-long high Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5812 lower-right |
N 7, Sea 6-7, medium-long high Swell, Vis. very good, 1026 mb |
08.18 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5578 lower-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 101.4, Submerged 19.2 nm. |
- 26 - |
continued |
31.12.42 |
14.23 - 15.44 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5587 upper-left |
19.10 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5597 lower edge right |
N 6, Sea 4-5, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
20.25 |
CG 5598 center |
Spanish steamer Shipping Co. "Ybarra and Co." Probably "CABO PALOS". Neutrality markings very bad, shipping company on smoke stack easily distinguished. Course 330°. |
22.35 |
Spanish steamer in square 5836 on course 335°. |
24.00 |
CG 5914 lower-left corner |
N 3, Sea 2, medium N-Swellm Vis. very good, starry clear, 1028 mb |
01.01.43 |
00.30 |
Illuminated fishing trawler in square 5839, course 340°. |
01.05 |
One steamer exactly the same in square 5863, course 340°. |
01.45 |
Two illuminated torpedo boats in square 5947 at low speed and changing courses. |
An illuminated fishing trawler in square 5944 on course 340°. |
04.00 |
CG 5837 upper-center |
N 2-3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. good, 1026 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5821 upper-left |
N 1-2, Sea 1, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
08.18 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5587 upper-edge left |
Day's run: Surfaced 113, Submerged 20 nm. |
14.28 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CG 5825 lower-right |
Dived. |
N 4, Sea 3-4, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
19.09 |
Surfaced. |
- 27 - |
continued |
01.01.43 |
20.00 |
CG 5837 lower-right |
N 4-5, Sea 4, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
22.00 |
In square 5860 several groups of illuminated fishing vessels. |
23.40 |
Portuguese freighter in square 5837 on course 160°. |
24.00 |
CG 5835 lower-left |
NbyW 4, Sea 3, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
02.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 5586 left edge lower |
NNW 4, Sea 3, rain showers, 1024 mb, Vis. changing |
08.00 |
CG 5578 lower-right |
NNW 4, Sea 3, Vis. very good, medium N-Swell |
08.20 |
Dived. |
10.15 |
CG 5578 |
Spanish steamer with 4 double masts in square 5578, course 60°. |
On the smokestack shipping firm "Ybarra & Co.", white paint, on the bow and stern of the hull painted Spanish neutrality markings. |
12.00 |
CG 5578 lower-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 98.4, Submerged 18.9 nm. |
14.37 - 15.35 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5575 right edge lower |
19.11 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5823 left edge upper |
N 5-6, Sea 5, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1024 mb |
21.30 |
Spanish steamer in square 5832 on course 160°. |
24.00 |
CG 5588 upper-center |
N 5-6, Sea 5, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1025 mb |
- 28 - |
03.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 5588 lower-center |
N 5, Sea 4, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1024 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5839 upper-center |
N 4, Sea 3-4, medium N-Swell, Vis. good, 1024 mb |
12.00 |
CG 5836 lower-right |
Day's run: Surfaced 104.3, Submerged 21.3 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 5835 lower-center |
19.50 |
Surfaced. |
19.51 |
CG 5839 upper-right |
Spanish tanker in square 5839 upper-right on course 340°. |
20.00 |
CG 5839 lower-center |
N 3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, Vis. good, 1022 mb |
20.19 |
CG 5839 left edge lower |
Brightly illuminated freighter. Approached to 800 meters on both sides. No neutrality markings, no flag. |
20.35 |
Steamer lights bearing 300°T. Initially went to see this steamer. |
21.01 |
CG 5837 upper edge right |
Spanish tanker well illuminated, on course 180°. |
Ran back to the brightly lit freighter without neutrality markings. |
23.45 |
CG 5582 |
Brightly illuminated passenger steamer on course 90°. |
23.50 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2325/3/148: |
Urgent. From Baberg. |
Brightly illuminated freighter, on both side and astern without neutrality markings, from 5839 via 5559 to the north. Question sinking. All squares CG. |
24.00 |
CG 5589 upper-right |
N 3, Sea 2-3, light N-Swell, bright starry clear night, Vis. very good |
04.01.43 |
00.10 |
CG 5597 |
Spanish steamer in square 5597 on course 160°. |
02.27 |
Incoming Radio Message 0201/4/151: |
"Baberg" let go. |
02.35 |
Broke off pursuit of the steamer, which holds tight along the 3-mile limit, in accordance with orders. |
03.00 |
CG 5555 upper-center |
Spanish freighter in square 5555 on course 180°. |
- 29 - |
continued |
04.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 5554 center-right |
N 3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1022 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5575 upper-center edge |
N 3, Sea 1-2, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, completely overcast, 1022 mb |
08.25 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5572 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 105.1, Submerged 27.2 nm. |
14.27 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
14.53 |
CG 5572 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based aircraft) bearing 160°T on course 90°. |
Came to periscope depth and observed. Aircraft was no longer seen. |
15.04 |
Surfaced. |
Aircraft (land-based aircraft) bearing 90°T on course 0°. |
A steamer bearing 180°T. Distance 8-9 nm, target angle 5-10°. |
15.10 |
Dived for submerged attack |
15.54 |
Steamer bearing 120°T, range = 5000 meters, target angle 20. Swiss neutrality markings recognized. |
16.00 |
CG 5572 upper-left |
16.15 |
CG 5572 upper-center |
Steamer with Swiss neutrality markings, Greek shipping firm "Hadjilias" Athens on course 270°. |
Distance 800 meters, target angle 90°. |
19.06 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5585 lower-center |
NNW 2, Sea 1-2, Vis. strongly changing, rain showers, 1020 mb |
21.00 |
CG 5586 |
Aircraft with position lights bearing 110°T, on SW-course. |
21.50 |
CG 5595 |
Two illuminated steamers on arrival course, of these one Spanish. |
23.32 |
Incoming Radio Message 2251/4/168: |
To Baberg: Tonight English "SHETLAND" and "CASTALINA" will probably depart. |
24.00 |
CG 5835 upper-center |
NNW 3, Sea 1-2, light N-Swell, Vis. moderate to good |
- 30 - |
05.01.43 |
01.20 |
Spanish freighter in square 5838 on course 350°. |
01.45 |
Hospital ship (medium passenger steamer) in square 5863 on course 340°. |
04.00 |
CG 5835 upper-center |
NW 3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1020 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5821 upper-center |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, medium N-Swell, Vis. very good |
08.25 |
Dived. |
11.50 |
Spanish steamer arriving on course 50° in square 5579. |
12.00 |
CG 5579 upper-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 100.1, Submerged 31.5 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 5572 upper-right |
19.06 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5582 left edge lower |
Spanish steamer in square 5583 on course 350°. |
NNW 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, medium N-Swell, Vis. good, 1020 mb |
20.15 |
CG 5582 lower-left |
Two illuminated steamers bearing 100°T and 110°T departing on westerly course. Range about 6 nm. |
20.45 |
Both steamers came about and ran back in again. |
20.55 |
On land a strong searchlight illuminates, but the light does not reach the water surface. The source of the light is not seen stands behind gentle hills. |
21.00 |
In square 5595 a small illuminated vessel on westerly course which has the lights of a fishing trawler set. |
21.10 |
A further illuminated steamer in square 5595, departs on course 200°, also comes about and runs back in. |
21.45 |
A further high positioned searchlight on land. |
Several times lights the entire bay up. Showed a small silhouette and moved off. Was in the light cone several times but was not detected. Under these conditions getting closer is no longer possible. |
Therefore ran in the area sloth of the Cape in square 5530. |
- 31 - |
continued |
05.01.43 |
23.50 |
Spanish freighter in square 5834 upper-center on course 350°. |
24.00 |
CG 5834 upper-left |
NbyW 3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 5/10, 1022 mb |
06.01.43 |
CG 5862 lower-left |
NW 3, Sea 2, light N-Swell, Vis. very good, 1022 mb, rain showers |
08.24 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5813 center |
Day's run: Surfaced 107, Submerged 20.1 nm. |
14.31 |
Surfaced. |
14.50 |
CG 5815 center |
Smoke trace bearing 155°T. Closed. Steamer running in on NE course. |
Maneuver ahead not possible due to proximity to the coast. |
15.54 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
CG 5816 upper-left |
19.09 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5828 upper-center |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. very good |
21.00 |
Brightly illuminated freighter in square 5861 on course 340°. |
22.45 |
Portuguese steamer in square 6863 upper-left on course 160°. |
23.22 |
Incoming Radio Message 2226/6/189: |
To Baberg. |
On 6 January at 20.25 hours "RENE PAUL" already departed Tejo estuary on southerly course. |
23.30 |
In square 5866 center-right illuminated lying stopped steamer without side lights and neutrality markings, apparently a fishing trawler. |
24.00 |
CG 5866 upper-right |
NW 3, Sea 2, medium NNW-Swell, Vis, changing, rain shower, 1022 mb |
- 32 - |
07.02.43 |
00.30 |
Vessel in sight in square 5816. It is the announced Englander, proceeds completely within the Bay and stays inside the 3-mile zone. |
02.20 |
The vessel passes the Cape in square 5845 at about 2 nm distance, speed 12 knots. |
02.40 |
Broke off because there is no shooting opportunity due to the three-mile zone. |
03.15 |
Two illuminated fishing vessels in square 5861 stopped or at low speed. |
03.25 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0233/7/193: |
Announced vessel type, brightly illuminated, via 5816 position 02.20 hours 5845, speed 12 knots. Broke off because coastal course well within the three-mile zone. Square CG. |
from Baberg. |
04.00 |
CG 5866 center-right |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, medium NNW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1021 mb, rain showers |
04.55 |
Illuminated steamer in square 5865 center on course 160°. |
08.00 |
CG 5855 center-left edge |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, rain showers, 1024 mb, Vis. very good |
08.30 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5851 center-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 115.9, Submerged 20.5 nm. |
14.40 - 15.27 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5851 upper-right |
19.08 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5864 lower-left |
Between the Cape in 5599 and the Cape in 5945 run illuminated fishing trawlers. |
NNW 3, Sea 2, medium NW-Swell, completely overcast, Vis. good, 1025 mb |
23.45 |
Spanish freighter in square on course 340°. |
24.00 |
CG 5836 center-left |
NNW 3, Sea 2, 5/10, 1026 mb, Vis. very good |
- 33 - |
08.01.43 |
02.15 |
Spanish steamer in square 5597 lower-right on course 180°. |
04.00 |
CG 5589 lower-center edge |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, 1026 mb, medium NW-Swell |
08.00 |
CG 5579 upper-center |
NW 2, Sea 1, light NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1026 mb |
08.28 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CG 5816 upper-left |
Day's run: Surfaced 113.7, Submerged 20.9 nm. |
14.45 - 15.22 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5579 lower-right |
19.08 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5823 center-right |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, light NW-Swell, marine phosphorescence, 1027 mb, Vis. very good |
21.00 |
A Spanish and a Portuguese steamer in square 5832 on courses 160° and 170°. |
22.00 |
Weakly illuminated patrol vessel moving back and forth in position in square 5839 |
24.00 |
CG 5917 upper-center |
NW 2, Sea 1, marine phosphorescence, light NW-Swell, Vis. very good, 1028 mb |
09.01.43 |
03.50 |
Spanish steamer in square 5862 upper-center edge, course 0°. |
04.00 |
CG 5838 lower center edge |
W 2, Sea 1, light W-Swell, Vis. very good, marine phosphorescence, 1028 mb |
04.40 |
Portuguese gun boat in square 5834 on course 10°. |
06.20 |
Illuminated freighter in square 5823 on course 30°. |
- 34 - |
continued |
09.01.43 |
08.00 |
CG 5821 center |
W 2, Sea 2, medium W-Swell, Vis. very good, 1027 mb |
08.28 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5578 center-right edge |
Day's run: Surfaced 110.8, Submerged 18.1 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 5575 lower-right |
19.10 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5588 center-left edge |
W 4, Sea 3, long medium-high W-Swell, Vis. very good, 1028 mb |
21.05 |
A very well marked Portuguese tanker (illuminated marking "Portugal") in square 5585 upper-center on course 245°. |
21.35 |
Portuguese passenger steamer (SERPA PINTO?) in square 5582 on course 260°. |
24.00 |
CG 5835 upper-left |
W 3-4, Sea 3, long medium-high W-Swell, Vis. very good, marine phosphorescence, 1028 mb |
10.01.43 |
00.50 |
Illuminated fishing trawler in square 5836 on course 0°. |
03.00 |
Two Spanish steamers in square 5834 on SW courses. |
03.40 |
Spanish freighter in square 5838, course 170°. |
04.00 |
CG 5838 lower edge left |
W 4-5, Sea 4, increasing Sea and Swell, 1025 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5824 center |
SW 6, Sea 5, short steep SW-Swell, Vis. up to 6 nm, 1024 mb |
08.34 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5579 lower-center edge |
Day's run: Surfaced 117.7, Submerged 20.5 nm. |
14.44 - 15.35 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5572 lower edge right |
19.11 |
Surfaced. |
- 35 - |
continued |
10.01.43 |
20.00 |
CG 5549 lower edge right |
SW 8, Sea 7, short steep SW-Swell, completely overcast, 1018 mb, Vis. up to 5 nm |
20.40 |
Large Portuguese fishing trawler in square 5581 upper edge right steaming at low speed against the sea. |
21.45 |
Spanish freighter in square 5586 on course 350°. |
Quickly increasing weather and visibility deterioration. |
Beacons on land are only occasionally and also very faintly distinguished. |
24.00 |
CG 5835 upper-left corner |
SWbyW 8, Sea 7, short steep SW-Swell, Vis, 4-6 nm, rain, 1018 mb |
11.01.43 |
00.30 |
Brightly illuminated steamer in square 5834 on course 0°. |
03.20 |
Illuminated patrol vessel in square 5841 back and forth on changing courses. |
04.00 |
CG 5838 lower-center edge |
W 6, Sea 5-6, short steep SW-Swell, completely overcast, rain, Vis. very bad |
08.00 |
CG 5821 center |
W 5, Sea 4-5, rain, Vis. bad, short steep SW-Swell, 1018 mb |
08.32 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 5579 lower-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 108.9, Submerged 20.9 nm. |
14.55 - 15.24 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 5575 lower edge right |
19.08 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5585 lower-center edge |
Intend to run to the coast today for the last time and then begin return transit. |
WbyS 7, Sea 6, short steep SW-Swell, Vis. up to 5 nm, 1015 mb |
- 36 - |
continued |
11.01.43 |
21.40 |
Illuminated fishing trawler in square 5834 upper-center edge stopped or running at low speed. |
22.00 |
CG 5831 upper edge right |
Crash dive for dimmed destroyer bearing 80°T, distance about 300-400 meters, bow left, target angle 20°. |
Very steep Swell, Vis. bad |
2 depth charges while diving. |
The destroyer must have been lying stopped just off the coast and heard us. |
A total of 40 depth charges. |
1 1/2 hour depth charge pursuit, initially by one, later by 2 vessels. |
Locating sounds, flooding mechanism operated. |
Ran off on course 280°. |
Afterward, listening sounds on the port side. |
Despite occasionally well-placed depth charges, before throwing no propeller sounds were heard. (suspect depth charge thrower). |
Before each series weak detonations (like strong Echolot) |
24.00 |
CG 5589 lower-right corner |
12.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 5588 center-left edge |
Surfaced. |
WSW 7, Sea 6, steep SW-Swell, Vis. 7-8 nm, 1014 mb |
08.00 |
CG 5548 upper-left |
SW 7, Sea 6-7, steep SW-Swell, Vis. good, 1014 mb |
12.00 |
CG 5544 |
Day's run: Surfaced 59.8, Submerged 38.2 nm. |
16.00 |
CG 5465 lower-right |
18.47 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 5453 upper-center |
W 5, Sea 4, very steep NW-Swell, 3/10, Vis. good, 1020 mb |
20.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal: |
Have begun return transit due to fuel inventory. |
Torpedo and artillery inventory unchanged since last report. |
"U-618" |
24.00 |
CG 5184 upper-right |
NW 6, Sea 5, very steep NW-Swell, Vis. bad, 1020 mb, completely overcast, rain |
- 37 - |
13.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 5119 |
NW 6, Sea 5, very steep W-Swell, Vis. bad, 1016 mb, completely overcast, rain |
08.00 |
CG 2771 upper-center |
NW 6, Sea 5-6, very steep W-Swell, Vis. bad, misty horizon, 1012 mb |
08.52 - 09.17 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CG 1963 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 128.9, Submerged 11.3 nm. |
NW 7, Sea 6-7, very steep W-Swell, Vis. 6 nm, completely overcast, misty horizon, 1011 mb |
16.00 |
CG 1932 upper-left |
WNW 8, Sea 7, 8/10, 1007 mb, Vis. 5 nm, misty |
19.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 1836/13/165 (Excerpt) |
Tomorrow at 08.00 hours "Baberg" switch Coastal Circuit. |
"Teichert" Ireland Circuit. |
20.00 |
CG 1667 lower edge left |
NW 7, Sea 6-7, very steep W-Swell, rain showers, 1006 mb, Vis. bad |
24.00 |
CG 1628 lower-right |
NW 7, Sea 6, steep NW-Swell, rain, Vis. bad, 1006 mb |
14.01.43 |
04.00 |
CG 1387 center-right |
NW 7, Sea 6, steep NW-Swell, 7/10, misty, Vis. moderate, 1011 mb |
08.00 |
CG 1349 upper-center |
NW 6, Sea 5-6, steep NW-Swell, starry clear, Vis. good, 1014 mb, |
- 38 - |
continued |
14.01.43 |
increasing cloudiness |
08.37 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CG 1343 upper-center |
Day's run: Surfaced 103.1, Submerged 7.2 nm. |
13.52 - 14.41 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
CG 1317 center-right |
17.40 |
CG 1317 upper-center edge |
5 detonations, apparently aircraft bombs (medium Volume). |
19.05 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CG 1311 lower-center edge |
NW 5, Sea 4, high NW-Swell, 4/10, Vis. very good, 1023 mb |
22.04 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2117/14/24: |
BE 9984 from Baberg: |
11 January depth charge pursuit by destroyer in CG 5831. Otherwise only neutral traffic. NW 4, high Swell, 1022 mb, rises. |
23.22 |
Incoming Radio Message 2230/14/26: |
Return harbor for Baberg is St. Nazaire. |
24.00 |
BE 9957 lower-center edge |
NW 5, Sea 4, high W-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1023 mb |
15.01.43 |
04.00 |
BE 9929 upper-left |
NW 5, Sea 4, high W-Swell, Vis. very good, 1021 mb |
08.00 |
BE 9694 upper-right |
WNW 5-6, Sea 5, high W-Swell, 9/10, 1020 mb |
08.45 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
BE 9668 center |
Day's run: Surfaced 88.5, Submerged 20.1 nm. |
13.57 - 14.36 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
16.00 |
BE 9662 right edge lower |
19.00 |
Surfaced. |
- 39 - |
continued |
15.01.43 |
20.00 |
BE 7177 lower-center edge |
SW 8, Sea 7-8, short steep SW-Swell, low cloud deck, Vis. bad, 1011 mb |
24.00 |
BF 7193 upper-left |
S 6, Sea 5, completely overcast, clear horizon, medium SW-Swell, 1010 mb |
16.01.43 |
04.00 |
BF 7262 left edge lower |
SbyE 7, Sea 6, medium S-Swell, rain shower, misty, 1008 mb |
08.00 |
BF 7361 lower-center |
Outgoing Short Signal: |
SbyE 7, Sea 6, medium SSE-Swell, rain showers, 1008 mb, Vis. bad |
Position 48 hours off meeting point with escort. |
"U-618" |
12.00 |
BF 7363 center |
Day's run: Surfaced 175.7, Submerged 20.2 nm. |
12.41 - 12.52 |
Surfaced for a navigation fix. |
13.57 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
14.21 |
Incoming Radio Message 0908/16/60: |
U-boat 618 from 7. U-Flottille. |
Escort positioned on 18 January at 09.00 hours "Herz 438". |
Report convoy intake with time. |
- 40 - |
continued |
16.01.43 |
14.24 |
BF 8117 lower-center edge |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based aircraft) bearing 290°T, 4 nm, northeast course. |
16.00 |
BF 8118 upper-center |
18.58 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 8128 upper-center |
SSE 5, Sea 4-5, medium SSE-Swell, rain, Vis. up to 6 nm, 1002 mb |
24.00 |
BF 8218 upper-left |
SSE 4, Sea 4, medium SE-Swell, rain, Vis. up to 6 nm, 1001 mb |
17.01.43 |
04.00 |
BF 8237 upper-right |
SE 4, Sea 3-4, medium SE-Swell, Vis. moderate to good, 1000 mb |
07.21 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0613/17/113: |
7. U-Flottille from Baberg. |
Request Radio Beacon Group II today 19.00 hours to lightness. |
08.00 |
BF 8322 lower-center |
SE 4, Sea 3, medium SE-Swell, Vis. very good, 997 mb, 4/10 |
08.12 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
BF 8325 right edge lower |
Day's run: Surfaced 118, Submerged 24.7 nm. |
14.23 |
Incoming Radio Message 0910/17/73: |
U-618 from 7. U-Flottille. |
Radio Beacon Group II runs from 19.00 hours up to lightness. |
16.00 |
BF 8332 lower-center edge |
18.46 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 9112 lower-left |
SE 3, Sea 2, medium SE-Swell, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good, 1000 mb |
21.24 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
BF 9122 lower-center |
- 41 - |
18.01.43 |
00.55 |
Surfaced. |
On the entry route continually avoided fishing trawlers. |
04.00 |
BF 6754 lower-right |
E 3, Sea 2, SE-Swell, Vis. good, 1002 mb, bright moonlit night |
04.50 |
BF 6728 lower-center edge |
Crash dive for aircraft. Illuminated by searchlight. No bombs. |
As soon as aircraft passed, dived. |
No Fu.M.B. detection. |
07.06 |
Surfaced. |
07.29 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0645/18/91: |
Urgent. 7. U-Flottille from Baberg. |
05.00 hours forced to submerged by aircraft in square 6728. Illuminated by searchlight. No detection. Request Radio Beacon until 10.00 hours. |
08.00 |
BF 6731 left edge lower |
E 3, Sea 2, light E-Swell, Vis. 5 nm, misty, 1003 mb |
09.05 |
Incoming Radio Message 0802/18/92: |
U-618 from 7. U-Flottille. |
Radio Beacon Group II runs from now to 10.00 hours. |
09.30 |
Taken in convoy by Sperrbrecher. |
09.55 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0931/18/93: |
To 7. U-Flottille. |
Convoy intake 09.30 hours. |
from Baberg. |
12.00 |
BF 6517 center |
E 3, Sea 2 |
13.15 |
Made fast St. Nazaire Lock. |