K r i e g s t a
g e b u c h |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
of |
Unterseebootes "U 6 9 ". |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
: |
z.See G r ä f |
: |
15. August 1942. |
: |
5. November
1942. |
--------------- |
: |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine |
Copy No. |
1 and 2 |
Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote |
" " |
3 |
2. Admiral der Unterseeboote |
" " |
4 |
7. Unterseebootsflottille |
" " |
5 |
27. U.-Flottille for 2.U.L.D. and 25. U.-Flottille |
" " |
6 |
Agru-Front, Kptlt. Jebsen for 26. U.-Flottille,
1.U.L.D. |
and 24. U.-Flottille |
" " |
7 |
: |
1 Track chart |
To "
" |
1, 3, 4, 5. |
1 Excerpt of the Radio Log |
" "
" |
3, 4, 5. |
6 Torpedo firing reports |
" "
" |
3, 4, 5. |
12 Barograph strips |
" "
" |
3. |
© U-boat Archive 2023 - all rights reserved |
- 3 - |
29.06. - 11.08.42 |
St. Nazaire |
Shipyard period. |
12.08.42 |
" |
Shipyard sea trial and shipyard completion day. |
13.08. - 14.08.42 |
" |
Outfitting. |
15.08.42 |
11.00 |
Put to sea |
15.45 |
Through the lock. |
15.55 |
Transit behind mine escort to Nanni 1. |
16.00 |
WSW 1-2, Sea 1, 7/10, 1019 mb, Vis. very good |
18.12 |
Trim test at Nanni 1. |
18.33 |
Released escort. Route Morgennebel at 2 x HF. |
20.28 |
Aircraft in sight bearing 0°T, type "Arado". |
20.38 |
Out of sight bearing 190°T. |
22.15 |
Test dive. |
16.08.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
02.15 |
Surfaced. |
02.20 |
Crash dive! Detection on 117 cm. Depth A -50 meters.
Nothing seen. Proceeded submerged due to the bright night with marine
phosphorescence. |
05.41 |
Surfaced. |
06.56 |
An inbound German U-boat bearing 230°T. |
Recognition signals exchanged, recognition signal table for naval forces.
08.00 |
BF 6781 |
SWbyW 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, 1020 mb, Vis. very good, light W-Swell |
09.31 |
Passed Point "Morgen". |
Course 275°, LF with charging. |
09.46 |
BF 6775 |
Aircraft in sight bearing 110°T, very far off, course south. |
11.29 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters, submerged due to weather
situation at KF. |
12.00 |
BF 6771 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 104 nm |
WNW 0-1, Sea 0, 6/10, 1020 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 22 nm. |
13.13 |
6 detonations, very far off. |
16.00 |
BF 5893 |
18.12 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
20.00 |
BF 5883 |
20.15 |
Crash dive for training. Depth A -40 meters, KF. |
21.45 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
17.08.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 5848 |
Course 270°. |
00.05 |
Transit speed, 240 RPM diesel-electric. |
01.22 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters, proceeded submerged due
to failure of the Fu.M.B. |
04.00 |
BF 5769 |
06.16 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
07.57 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters, proceeded submerged due
to weather situation, KF. |
08.00 |
BF 5767 |
09.56 |
Under water detonation, very far off. |
12.00 |
BF 5758 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 68 nm |
Submerged: 28 nm. |
15.50 |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, overcast, rain, 1018 mb, Vis. good |
Surfaced. Ventilated the boat. |
- 4 - |
continued |
17.08.42 |
16.00 |
BF 5757 |
16.40 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters, Proceeded submerged. |
18.30 - 19.15 |
Several underwater detonations in the distance. |
20.00 |
BF 5749 |
21.16 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
22.30 |
BF 5747 |
Crash dive! Detection, depth A -10 meters, nothing seen. |
23.09 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
18.08.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 4968 |
Course 270°. |
00.14 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters. |
04.00 |
BF 4967 |
05.50 |
Surfaced, LF with charging. |
07.50 |
Crash dive for training, proceeded submerged due to weather situation. |
08.00 |
BF 4957 |
12.00 |
BF 4947 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 51 nm |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, rain, 1007 mb, Vis. medium to good |
Submerged: 36 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4867 |
17.25 |
Surfaced. Ventilated the boat. |
17.29 |
BF 4859 |
Smoke cloud in sight bearing 180°T. |
17.47 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters. |
17.56 |
BF 4859 |
At periscope depth. |
19.24 |
Propeller sounds bearing 50°T, coming closer. Fishing trawler is in the vicinity of the boat, overran the boat once. |
19.45 - 21.12 |
Several underwater detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BF 4858 |
21.45 |
Surfaced. |
21.50 |
BF 4858 |
3 fishing trawlers in sight bearing 250°T. Lights set. |
21.55 |
Avoided. |
22.25 |
Course 270°, LF with charging. |
22.56 |
Fishing trawlers out of sight bearing 210°T. |
19.08.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 4872 |
04.00 |
BF 4783 |
04.34 |
BF 4783 |
Crash dive! Detection, depth A -30 meters, nothing seen. |
05.10 |
Surfaced. LF, 300 RPM. |
07.17 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters. Proceeded submerged. |
08.00 |
BF 4784 |
12.00 |
BF 4773 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 92 nm |
W 4, Sea 3, 6/10, 1010 mb, Vis. very good, high NW-swell |
Submerged: 31 nm. |
14.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1217/19/74: "Head for naval
square BF 19 at highest possible speed. Orders for Biscay transit
are cancelled. English landing intention possible. |
- 5 - |
continued |
19.08.42 |
15.37 |
Several underwater detonations. |
15.55 |
Surfaced. HF. Course 40°. |
16.00 |
BF 4771 |
16.21 |
Incoming Radio Message 1546/19/76: "To Gräf.
Objective orders to BF 19 cancelled. Continue outbound transit.
Old orders for Biscay transit are in effect." |
16.22 |
Course 270°. |
16.42 |
BF 4771 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 140°T. Course 40°, altitude
4000 meters, range = 7000 meters. Type "Widley", depth
A -30 meters. [presumably Type Whitley is meant] |
17.10 - 18.45 |
Several underwater detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BE 6993 |
22.20 |
Surfaced, LF |
20.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 6983 |
03.41 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BE 6972 |
Headed to fouling point. |
06.45 |
BE 6893 |
Crash dive! Detection, depth A -30 meters, nothing seen. |
07.35 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
BE 6895 |
12.00 |
BE 6887 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 101 nm |
SW 3-4, Sea 2, overcast, isolated rain, 1018 mb, short Swell, Vis. medium
- good, low clouds |
Submerged: 24 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 6877 |
20.00 |
BE 9132 |
21.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 9112 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BE 9116 |
08.00 |
BE 8336 |
1015 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters. |
10.54 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BE 8337 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 106 nm |
WbyS 3, Sea 3, overcast, fog, isolated rain, 1017 mb, Vis. bad |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 8327 |
17.00 |
20.00 |
BE 8341 |
22.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 8264 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BE 8246 |
08.00 |
BE 8168 |
12.00 |
BE 8157 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 154 nm |
WSW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1018 mb, medium Swell, low clouds, long WNW-Swell |
Submerged: - nm. |
16.00 |
BE 7369 |
16.57 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters. |
17.50 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 7359 |
23.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 7373 |
02.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 0101/23/57/146/256: Concerning "Declaration
of war with Brazil." |
- 6 - |
continued |
23.08.42 |
04.00 |
BE 7296 |
08.00 |
BE 7286 |
12.00 |
BE 7277 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 144 nm |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, 1/10, 1016 mb, Vis. medium - good, hazy horizon |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
15.29 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. |
16.00 |
BE 7432 |
16.16 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 7422 |
24.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 7414 |
04.00 |
BD 9629 |
08.00 |
BD 9643 |
12.00 |
BD 9567 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 160 nm |
WbyS 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, 1015 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
BD 9573 |
20.00 |
BD 9496 |
23.53 |
Incoming Radio Message 2237/24/96/177/251: Concerning "State
of war with Uruguay". |
25.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BD 9485 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
01.29 |
Outgoing Radio Message: "Short Signal weather report". |
04.00 |
BD 9477 |
08.00 |
BD 8931 |
12.00 |
BD 8942 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 172 nm |
NW 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, 1021 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: - nm. |
15.13 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 8862 |
16.36 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BD 8855 |
26.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BD 8844 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BD 8759 |
08.00 |
BD 8772 |
12.00 |
BD 7994 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 161 nm |
Submerged: 3 nm. |
16.00 |
BD 7979 |
16.58 |
20.00 |
CD 3332 |
27.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CD 3316 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CD 3237 |
08.00 |
CD 3218 |
12.00 |
CD 3152 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 183 nm. |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, 1022 mb, Vis. very good, light Swell |
14.35 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -10 meters. |
15.41 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CD 3144 |
20.00 |
CD 2358 |
28.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CD 2293 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
- 7 - |
continued |
28.08.42 |
04.00 |
CD 2281 |
08.19 |
CD 2195 |
German U-boat in sight bearing 220°T, course 80°. |
08.00 |
CD 2195 |
08.27 |
Out of sight bearing 120°T. |
12.00 |
CD 2188 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 167 nm |
SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, 1021 mb, isolated rain, medium Swell |
Submerged: 3 nm. |
16.00 |
CD 2411 |
20.00 |
CD 1625 |
29.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CD 1539 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CD 1552 |
08.00 |
CD 1541 |
12.00 |
CD 1461 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 154 nm |
SbyW 2-3, Sea 1, 9/10, 1016 mb, isolated rain, Vis. good, confused Swell |
Submerged: - nm. |
15.52 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -60 meters. |
16.00 |
CD 1446 |
16.38 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CC 3669 |
30.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CC 3658 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CC3671 |
08.00 |
CC 3586 |
12.00 |
CC 3578 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 138 nm |
ESE 2-3, Sea 1-2, 6/10, 1011 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
CC 3489 |
20.00 |
CC 3478 |
31.08.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CC 2697 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CC 2913 |
08.00 |
CC 2835 |
12.00 |
CC 2824 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 146 nm. |
NW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 8/10, 1010 mb, Vis. good, confused Swell |
14.58 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -60 meters. |
15.46 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CC 2739 |
20.00 |
CC 2728 |
01.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CC 2717 |
Course 260°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CC 1952 |
08.00 |
CC 1944 |
12.00 |
CC 1858 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 157 nm |
NEbyE 2-3, Sea 2, 9/10, 1012 mb, fog, Vis. bad - medium |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
12.15 |
Course 155°, headed for fouling point. |
16.00 |
CC 1871 |
20.00 |
CC 1786 |
02.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CC 1777 |
Course 255°, transit speed. |
- 8 - |
continued |
02.09.42 |
04.00 |
CC 1777 |
Steamer in sight out of a rain squall bearing 200°T. Very large 2-smokestacker.
Course 50°, high speed. Ran off a bit. In the course of
the twilight attempted to angle in at AK. Bearing shifts slowly
ahead. Is lost from sigh at darkness. Held course and speed
for 1 hour. |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, 1012 mb, dark night, Vis. medium, beginning of
twilight |
01.48 |
Dived to listen. No sound bearings. |
02.08 |
Surfaced. Course 255, transit speed. |
02.39 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0204/2/263: "20 knot two smokestacker,
01.00 hours naval square CC 1777, course 50°, NE 3, rain showers,
1012 mb, 100 cbm. -Gräf." |
04.00 |
CC 1775 |
08.00 |
CB 3989 |
12.00 |
CB 6311 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 157 nm |
NEbyE 2-3, Sea 2, 9/10, fog, 1012 mb, Vis. 1-3 nm, occasional rain |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
CB 6225 |
18.53 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -60 meters. |
20.00 |
CB 6214 |
20.08 |
Surfaced. |
03.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 6128 |
Course 255°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 5362 |
08.00 |
CB 5357 |
12.00 |
CB 5293 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 186 nm |
WNW 1, Sea 1, 6/10, 1009 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
CB 5285 |
20.00 |
CB 5511 |
04.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 5426 |
Course 255°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 5418 |
08.00 |
CB 4664 |
12.00 |
CB 4649 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 158 nm. |
WNW 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, 1010 mb, misty, Vis. medium to good |
16.00 |
CB 4592 |
20.00 |
CB 4558 |
20.23 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -60 meters. |
20.53 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
Course 252°, headed for fouling point. |
05.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 4574 |
Course 252°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 4723 |
08.00 |
CB 4175 |
12.00 |
CA 6938 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 146 nm |
WSW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, 1013 mb, rain squalls, low clouds, Vis. good
to very good |
Submerged: 1 nm. |
15.32 |
Crash dive! Approaching land-based aircraft, range = 6000 meters,
altitude 300 meters, depth A -10 meters. |
16.00 |
CA 6954 |
- 9 - |
continued |
05.09.42 |
19.00 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CA 6893 |
06.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 6885 |
Course 252°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CA 6877 |
08.00 |
CA 9126 |
12.00 |
CA 9118 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 159 nm |
WNW 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, 1020 mb. Vis. good |
Submerged: 1 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 8338 |
20.00 |
CA 8351 |
21.44 |
Course 265°, headed for fouling area. |
07.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 8263 |
Course 265°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CA 8252 |
08.00 |
CA 8169 |
12.00 |
CA 8176 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 172 nm. |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, 1021 mb, Vis. good |
12.21 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -60 meters. |
13.20 |
Put the boat on the bottom, depth A -10 meters. Loaded mines.
Preparations made for shallow water operation. |
16.00 |
CA 8176 |
20.00 |
CA 8176 |
08.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 8176 |
01.51 |
Surfaced, course 251°,. ran towards the coast at HF. |
03.48 |
Air searchlights on the coast. Searchlight of a patrol vessel
abeam to starboard. |
Headed for "False Cape 4". |
04.00 |
CA 7398 |
I intend to explore the fouling area and determine traffic today. |
08.00 |
CA 7387 |
08.10 |
Course 355°, transit speed. |
08.44 |
The coast is darkened, the cities in the interior are brightly
abeam to port an unmarked wreck, 2 masts protrude from the water, large
oil slick. - Courses see combat sketch - At the supply place a dimmed watch
boat, proceeds with a white light in the foretop and a below it a red
light. |
09.01 |
Steamer (3-4000 GRT) runs out of the southern sector of
the fouling place. |
11.10 |
Moved off to the diving location, Cape Henry in 303°T, 23 nm. Put the boat on the bottom depth A -60 meters.
During the day traffic was not determined in the sound gear or periscope,
I mainly suspect it is in the southern sector of the area. Several
detonations, probably bombing training. |
20.00 |
CA 7386 |
09.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 7386 |
01.53 |
I expect outbound vessels to proceed in the early evening. - Course
see combat sketch- Very active searchlight activity. 4-5 aircraft
with lights. In "Virginia |
- 10 - |
continued |
09.09.42 |
Beach" very intense searchlight that illuminates the
fouling place about hourly. In the Fu.M.B. two locating transmitters are heard,
alternately slowly increasing then decreasing, scanning the horizon, I
suspect the transmitter is on land. From 03.25 hours the one of the transmitters
is no longer heard. It was probably associated with one of the aircraft
exercises that stopped around the same time. |
03.44 |
Very intense activity by the air searchlights which search
the sky very excitedly. Ahead to starboard at a distance of 5 nm
a patrol vessel searches the water with a searchlight and Morses U twice
and V once. Additionally, the large searchlight barrier is temporarily
in action. I move off, because I do not feel comfortable with this and stop.
Search lights finish. Because I am positioned at the diving location intended
for the next day, I still charge. While starting the diesel searchlights
illuminate, when shutting down "darkening". This repeats
itself one more time. |
04.00 |
CA 7358 |
05.16 |
I dive, in order to remain undetected at all cost.
Put the boat on the bottom, depth A -60 meters. "Cape Henry"
bearing 290°T, 16.5 nm distant. The boat does not remain statonary
with 5 tons of negative buoyancy, it bumps and drifts with surging water,
as in a spiral. In the listening device noises: |
1) Chirping sounds, 1 second interval. |
2) Depth sounding impulses or similar ticking in the
entire sector, 12 impulses, recurrence 4 minutes, also heard in the boat. |
3) Short, sharp irregularly sequenced explosive locating
sounds. Heard in the entire boat. |
4) Two short sequenced detonations (sounding).
I have heard during depth charge pursuit by English destroyers. |
5) Very loud noises that arises from several small
vessels (including 1 warship). Range = 1 nm that were not seen on
diving. |
6) Several aircraft bombs, medium and long range. |
I do not believe that this is underwater detection against
U-boats, especially not in these large numbers. Rather, I suspect an experimental
station on land and I presume the vessels in the vicinity are here in
connection with it, either looking for a wreck or the like, or performing
exercises. |
In the periscope and sound gear four outgoing and 1 incoming
steamers (mastheads) determined, these are all exactly passing through
in the center of the fouling place with courses about 130°, that is
passing by buoy C 2B and the flashing red buoys. All vessels run
on the 20 meter line then off to the north. On the basis of this
traffic determination, I decide to carry out the fouling tonight with
focal point in the center and deploy some of the mines in the southern
sector. |
Execution intentions: Surface during aircraft exercises
for ventilation and to fill with compressed air. Battery is still
well full. Listening and direction finding equipment will then be
saturated by aircraft. Proceed submerged to the first deployment
location, so that it cannot be determined by bearings or locating, and surface, to deploy with E-motors so as not to excite the
seemingly attentive aircraft listener. Duration of deployment about
3 hours. With flooded over deck, to present as little to radar instruments
as possible. I need to take into account heavy marine phosphorescence.
The illuminated patrol boats will be blinded by their own lights. |
08.00 |
CA 7383 |
12.00 |
CA 7383 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 18 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 7383 |
20.00 |
CA 7383 |
- 11 - |
10.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 7383 |
01.53 |
Surfaced. |
02.00 |
Crash dive for several small vessels, including a warship ahead to starboard. |
02.23 |
Surfaced. Boat ventilated, topped up compressed air. |
03.37 |
Dived. Headed for 1st deployment location at KF. |
04.00 |
CA 7394 |
04.51 |
Surfaced, HF. |
04.55 |
1st mine deployed. Deployment courses in accordance with combat
sketch. Good visibility towards land, starry clear. Misty
to sea. The horizon can hardly be seen. Water is mirror flat,
heavy marine phosphorescence., Wind 0. There are now two patrol
boats there, the usual illuminated watch boat (corvette), 1 4-stack destroyer
with set steaming lights and 3 white lights in the masthead. Two
steamers well inside near the 9.7-meter point (in accordance with Standing
Kriegsmarine Order B.d.U. No. 491, Paragraph 18) |
06.03 |
Approaching 2-engine aircraft with set lanterns flies over
the bow at 50 meters altitude. I expect searchlights and bombs,
but it hovers above the airport. Deployment courses according to
plan, minimum distance to the watch boat 1200 meters, 2 mines out a little
further, since we must angle off a bit from the patrol boat. Searchlight
barrier is not in action, car headlights and individual searching of the
watch boats is awkward. While surfaced, there were 2, at times 3, locating transmitters in operation that searched with rising and falling tones
partly heard at volume 5. Every half minute 1 maximum of about 15
seconds duration. Accurate reporting by the radio room suggests
that the boat was not detected. |
06.45 |
A wreck abeam to starboard, not marked, smokestack protrudes
out of the water. |
07.27 |
12 mines deployed, ran off with E-motors at 2 x HF. |
07.46 |
Diesels LF, course 100°. |
07.48 |
Incoming Radio Message 1836/8/212: "To Gräf:
After executing task free to maneuver, count on supply of 25 cbm on return
transit. |
07.52 |
HF, course 130°. |
08.01 |
CA 8174 |
HF, course 90°. |
11.43 |
Outgoing Short Signal: "Have executed fouling in accordance
with orders." |
11.49 |
Crash dive! Detection on 173 cm, loud, probably an aircraft.
Proceeded submerged depth A -40 meters. |
12.00 |
CA 8176 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 71 nm |
N 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, 1013 mb, Vis. good, heavy marine phosphorescence |
Submerged: 5 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 8184 |
17.00 |
KF, course 180°. |
20.00 |
CA 8188
Course - . I intend to operated in the "Hatteras"
sea area focal point DC 12. I suppose that the traffic runs from
the narrow gap in the mine warning area barrier and and then spreads radially. |
11.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 8422 |
00.11 |
Surfaced, course 190°, transit speed. |
00.42 |
Incoming Radio Message 1201/10/240: "Gräf
reports fouling executed." |
02.39 |
Outgoing Radio Message Short Signal: "I intend naval
square DC 12 as my operating area." |
- 12 - |
continued |
11.09.42 |
02.58 - 03.15 |
detection, apparently from land or watch vessels; aircraft improbable,
because thunderstorms are everywhere. |
04.00 |
CA 8473 |
05.38 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters. |
06.08 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
CA 8752 |
08.42 |
Course 220°, 2 diesels LF. |
12.00 |
CA 8757 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 120 nm |
W 1, Sea 1, 6/10, 1014 mb, Vis. medium-good, strong and continuous marine
phosphorescence |
Submerged: 22 nm. |
12.40 |
CA 8757 |
Smoke cloud bearing 305°T. Convoy running straight out of
the mine barrier, course 240°, AK. |
12.47 |
Aircraft over the convoy, 2-engined land-based aircraft. |
13.03 |
Crash dive! Aircraft banked towards, approaching, range = 7500
meters. Periscope depth. |
13.40 |
Aircraft out of sight, surfaced. Enemy course 210°, 10 knots.
I get ahead quickly. |
14.24 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1401/11: "Convoy naval square
CA 7996, course under the coast., 12 knots." |
14.30 |
Crash dive before warship mastheads. I am positioned exactly between
the patrol vessel and the convoy, bearing 170°T, bow left 10°,
crow's nest. At periscope depth. The patrol vessel passed at
range = 500 meters (M-boat type). |
15.38 |
Patrol vessel out of sight, surfaced. |
15.41 |
Crash dive! Airship. Bow left 30°, range = 9000 meters,
At periscope depth. |
15.53 |
Airship out of sight, surfaced. |
15.55 |
dive! Airship. Difficult to see in the periscope, because it is
the same size as the clouds. Target angle 0°. It appears
to search for the convoy, which now bears 240°T. At Periscope depth. It passes at
800 meters. Pasewalk-Airship, Marking: "M.S. Navy".
Gondola only below, and on both sides 2 bombs hang, on the stern apparently
a machine gun. I estimate a speed of 15-17 knots. |
16.00 |
CA 8777 |
18.14 |
Out of sight, surfaced. |
18.16 |
Crash dive! Airship flies towards again. It
flies very wide circles between "Cape Hatteras" and the convoy.
At periscope depth. |
19.19 |
Consolidated flying boat in the periscope, in addition the
airship continually pumps water. I run towards the convoy at LF
in the hope that this fellow leaves. |
20.00 |
DC 1314 |
2001 |
DC 1314
Smoke clouds in sight bearing 170°. A northeast-bound convoy.
I am positioned between the convoy and the barrier gap. Course 30,
2 x HF. |
21.45 |
Consolidated flying boat in the periscope, the airship is
now positioned over the new convoy. Convoy strikes out strongly
to the east and then goes on course 310° to the barrier gap.
The last steamer passes me at a distance of 3 nm. The laughter first triggered
by the airship has given way to a certain degree of respect. |
23.52 |
Convoy out of sight. About 18 steamers, of these 5
tankers, double line ahead, 4 destroyers. |
- 13 - |
12.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 8778 |
02.03 |
Surfaced. Airship out of sight. Pursuit hopeless
because the convoy has a lead of 50 nm. Battery is nearly flat.
During the night back and forth on changing courses off the barrier gap. |
04.00 |
CA 8776 |
08.00 |
DC 1236 |
12.00 |
CA 8725 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 95 nm |
N 1, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. medium to good, marine phosphorescence
and summer lightening |
Submerged: 44 nm. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation
fix 40-50 nm |
12.18 - 12.20 |
Detection at 170 cm, fluctuating, up to medium volume. Suspect
aircraft. |
12.32 |
Crash dive! Proceeded submerged at depth 30 meters due to weather
situation. |
16.00 |
CA 8724 |
Course 30°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
17.25 |
Surfaced. |
19.05 |
Hazy horizon |
Mastheads bearing 180°T, target angle 0°, enemy speed 5.5 knots,
course 60°. Patrol vessel (sailing vessel 2 masts). |
20.00 |
CA 8719 |
21.08 |
Crash dive! Biplane, bow left 30°, range = 5000
meters. Comes quickly out of the haze. Depth A -20 meters.
Proceeded submerged. |
Because both north and southbound convoys pass "Cape
Henry-Hatteras" by night, I intend to operate north of the barrier
in this area. |
13.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 8713 |
01.43 |
Surfaced. Passed the net barrier. Headed for Buoy 10 off
"Wimble Shoals". |
01.44 |
Detection on 172 cm, faint. |
02.45 - 11.09 |
Steamed back and forth at transit speed or E-motors KF on
steamer route between Buoy 10 and 8 |
11.09 |
Crash dive! Detection on 172 cm, fluctuating, growing
louder. Opinion of the Radio Mate: Enemy was indecisive.
Tone pitch changing. Proceeded submerged at depth A -60 meters.
After a short time propeller sounds bearing 100°T, nothing seen.
Back and forth on course 45° and 225° north of Buoy 10.
Hourly at periscope depth. |
04.00 |
CA 8477 |
08.00 |
CA 7695 |
12.00 |
CA 7698 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 86 nm |
N 1, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1014 mb, Vis. bad due to haze |
Submerged: 22 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 7699 |
20.00 |
CA 8477 |
14.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 7698 |
01.23 |
Surfaced. Steamed back and forth ar E-motors KF across the steamer
route up to the coast and 10 nm east of the steamer route. |
04.00 |
CA 7698 |
08.00 |
CA 7932 |
11.55 |
Dived to proceed submerged at depth A -60 meters.
Hourly at periscope depth. Back and forth on the steamer route running
on courses 53° and 233°. |
- 14 - |
continued |
14.09.42 |
12.00 |
CA 7932 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 54 nm |
SbyW 2, Sea 1, overcast, 1014 mb, Vis. medium to good |
Submerged: 15 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 7931 |
20.00 |
CA 7932 |
15.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 7933 |
01.23 |
Surfaced. Back and forth on changing courses under the coast. |
04.00 |
CA 7699 |
Transit speed. |
08.00 |
CA 7699 |
12.00 |
CA 7932 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 58 nm |
SW 1, Sea 1, overcast, 1017 mb, Vis. bad to medium, hazy horizon |
Submerged: 14 nm. |
12.13 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged at depth A -60 meters. Half hourly
at periscope depth. Back and forth on courses 250° and 120°
in the steamer route. |
16.00 |
CA 7931 |
20.00 |
CA 7931 |
23.20 |
Single-engined high-winged aircraft over the boat, course 270°. |
16.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 7931 |
01.15 |
Surfaced. Back and forth on changing courses under the coast. |
04.00 |
CA 7932 |
Transit speed. |
08.00 |
CA 7699 |
12.00 |
CA 7933 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 64 nm |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, 1015 mb, low confused Swell, Vis. good |
Submerged: 16 nm. |
Dived. Proceeded submerged due to heavy ground sea, set off to
40 meters water depth, KF. Hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
CA 7699 |
20.00 |
CA 8477 |
17.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 8474 |
01.23 |
Surfaced. Course 90°. Already a very bright moonlit night.
Intentions: Operate south of "Hatteras", where I have
seen convoys. |
04.00 |
CA 8479 |
08.00 |
CA 8751 |
12.00 |
CA 8772 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 58 nm |
SbyW 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, 1019 mb, Vis. medium to good, NE-Swell |
Submerged: 17 nm. |
12.50 |
Crash dive! Depth A -20 meters. Approaching 3-engined land-based
aircraft, range = 7000 meters, altitude = 400 meters. Proceeded
submerged at depth A -55 meters. Half hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
CA 8773 |
20.00 |
CA 8757 |
18.09.42 |
East coast of North America |
00.00 |
CA 8751 |
00.31 |
Surfaced, course 90°. |
- 15 - |
continued |
18.09.42 |
04.00 |
CA 8727 |
06.35 |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, 1018 mb, Vis. medium |
Crash dive! Detection on 142 cm. First rising and falling,
then steady tone. |
07.08 |
Surfaced. |
07.17 |
dive! Detection on 142 cm. Loud steady tone. It gives
the impression that I was detected, because the transmitter does not search.
Aircraft unlikely. I believe a watch boat. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -55 meters, half hourly at periscope depth, course 90°,
KF. |
08.00 |
CA 8721 |
12.00 |
CA 8479 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 49 nm |
Submerged: 20 nm. |
16.00 |
CA 8476 |
20.00 |
CA 8726 |
19.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 8765 |
00.18 |
Surfaced, course 180°, ran at transit speed. I intend to get
about 200 nm to the south and then run to the NE. |
04.00 |
CA 8871 |
08.00 |
DC 2113 |
11.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1017/19/27/217: "1) Gräf
and Müller as attack area head for naval square BB
18. For particulars Hartwig situation report of 18 September
is referenced. 2) Gräf depart from new attack
area headed to with 20 cbm." |
12.00 |
DC 2152 |
Course 50°, transit speed. Headed for BB 58. |
E 1-2, Sea 1, 1013 mb, 4/10, E-Swell, Vis. good |
Day's run: Surfaced: 79 nm |
Submerged: 14 nm. |
14.35 |
DC 2156 |
Crash dive! "Consolidated" flying boat, bow right 30°,
range = 3000-4000 meters. Lookout failure with clear visibility.
At depth A -10 meters, 9 aircraft bombs far off. |
15.43 |
Surfaced. |
15.46 |
Crash dive! Flying boat. Flies in the clouds. Depth
A -10 meters. |
16.00 |
DC 2164 |
17.20 |
NE 2, Sea 2, 3/10, 1011 mb, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
17.43 |
3 smoke feathers bearing 310°T, apparently 3 warship masts.
Ran off on course 130° at 2 x HF. |
18.05 |
Smoke feathers out of sight. |
20.00 |
DC 2278 |
Course 90°. |
21.00 |
Dived. Heavy visibility deterioration. |
Course 50°, KF, depth A -40 meters. |
20.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
DC 2281 |
01.00 |
Surfaced, course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
DC 2261 |
08.00 |
DC 2314 |
12.00 |
CA 9776 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 118 nm |
NNE 3-6, Sea 3-4, 3-8/10, 1006 mb, NE-Swell, Vis. good, rain squalls |
Submerged: 15 nm. |
12.50 |
Dived. Repairs to the diesels, compressor and GHG. |
16.00 |
CA 9782 |
20.00 |
CA 9759 |
- 16 - |
21.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 9756 |
00.12 |
Surfaced. Courses between 50° and 90° due to heavy seas.
Transit speed. |
04.00 |
CA 9762 |
08.00 |
CA 9814 |
12.00 |
CA 9813 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 34 nm |
N 9-12, hurricane, Sea 9-11, overcast, rain squalls, 987 mb, Vis. 200-3000
meters, very high NE-Swell |
Submerged: 19 nm. |
15.42 |
Incoming Radio Message 1014/21/257: "Spare parts transfer
to Gräf not possible. By order continue operations
without Junkers compressor. |
16.00 |
CA 9588 |
20.00 |
CA 9586 |
22.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CA 9591 |
Course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CA 9569 |
08.00 |
CA 9644 |
12.00 |
CA 9645 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 63 nm. |
NNE 3-4, Sea 3, 7/10, 1004 mb, occasional rain, Vis. good, medium NNW-Swell |
16.00 |
CA 9628 |
20.00 |
CA 9632 |
23.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 7174 |
Course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 7157 |
08.00 |
CB 7138 |
12.00 |
CB 7212 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 139 nm |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, 1010 mb, medium NW-Swell, Vis. very good |
Submerged: - nm. |
14.12 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. |
15.20 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CB 4882 |
20.00 |
CB 4862 |
24.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 4913 |
Course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 4667 |
08.00 |
CB 5417 |
12.00 |
CB 5386 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 179 nm |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, 1012 mb, Vis. very good, snort N-Swell |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
16.00 |
CB 5247 |
20.00 |
CB 5251 |
25.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 5234 |
Course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 2977 |
08.00 |
CB 2981 |
12.00 |
CB 2956 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 134 nm. |
NE 1-2, Sea 1, 4/10, 1019 mb, Vis. very good |
14.30 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters. |
15.12 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
CB 3714 |
20.00 |
CB 3485 |
- 17 - |
26.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
CB 3466 |
Course 50°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
CB 3527 |
08.00 |
CB 3298 |
12.00 |
CB 3348 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 171 nm |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10, 1025 mb, Vis. very good |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
Course 10°. |
16.00 |
CB 3316 |
18.35 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10, 1025 mb, Vis. very good |
Flying boat bearing 60°T, range = 10000 meters. |
18.37 |
Crash dive! Flying boat banks towards, approached, range = 7000
meters. Depth A -20 meters. |
18.46 |
In the periscope 3 smoke feathers bearing 50°T. Course 300°. |
18.49 |
Surfaced. 8 smoke feathers, 3 groups, 1 straggler. |
18.52 |
Crash dive! Approaching land-based aircraft, bearing 50°,
range = 7000 meters. Depth A -20 meters. |
19.10 |
Surfaced. Widely scattered convoy distinguished. |
19.27 |
Crash dive! Approaching 2-engined land-based aircraft, range =
6500 meters. Depth A -10 meters. Proceeded submerged at periscope
depth. |
Convoy in periscope. |
20.00 |
BB 8971 |
22.20 |
Surfaced. |
22.24 |
Crash dive! Approaching 2-engined land-based aircraft. Positioned
over convoy, range = 6000 meters, altitude 150 meters, depth A -20 meters. |
23.43 |
Surfaced. Forward steamer far ahead. Straggler bearing 0°T,
smokes heavily. |
27.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BB 8869 |
Angled in to the straggler, straight course, 9 knots.
Very bright full moon night, few clouds. |
N 3, Sea 2, 7/10, 1028 mb, bright moonlit night, Vis. very good |
00.07 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2215/26/203: "Convoy naval
square BB 8868, 290°, 7 knots." |
01.26 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0103/27/207: "Contact on straggler
naval square BB 8861, 260°, 7 knots. -Gräf." |
02.36 |
Surfaced fan I-IV, range = 1300 meters, left 90°, speed 10 knots,
spread angle 4°, depth 3 meters. |
Shortly before the shot moon comes clear. Steamer
backsdown, beats heavily with the propellers. About 3000 GRT, straight
forestem, steamer stern, 2 slender masts, partially loaded. New
approach. |
04.00 |
BB 8844 |
04.37 |
Dived for submerged attack. |
05.16 |
Very bright moonlit night, Vis. very good |
Submerged two-fan, sparse periscope extension to prevent being sighted
at all cost in the bright night. Range = 600 meters, left 90°,
speed 10.5 knots, 2 fan V- VI, spread angle 2°, depth 2.5 meters.
Steamer turns away hard shortly after the shot. Miss. In the
sound gear both torpedoes are heard easily. The steamer is not.
Suspect now that the straggler is a torpedo trap with very good sound
gear. |
05.32 |
Surfaced. Closed the convoy at AK. |
Courses between 260° and 330°. |
08.00 |
BB 8746 |
09.23 |
N 2-3, Sea 1-2, 5/10, 1030 mb, Vis. very good |
1 destroyer bearing 24°T. |
- 18 - |
continued |
27.09.42 |
10.41 |
2 steamers
bearing 130°T. Maneuvered ahead. At the beginning of dawn
I am ahead of the convoy. Convoy proceeds at 9.5 knots, straight
course. |
11.36 |
Dived for submerged attack. 2 steamers in line ahead, no escort.
Ran to meet. At range = 4000 meters, target angle right 10°,
both zig zag away 40°. |
12.00 |
BB 7928 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 234 nm |
W 2-3, Sea 1-2, 8/10, 1030 mb, Vis. medium, hazy, short SE-Swell |
Submerged: 19 nm. |
13.38 |
Surfaced, pursued at GF. |
14.55 |
Vis, 50-400 meters |
Steamers are lost from sight in the fog. Operated on general course
265°. |
15.15 |
It clears up, Vis. 8-10 nm |
Nothing seen. Pursued on course 240°. |
15.57 |
Broke off pursuit. Ran on course 90° opposite convoy course
at transit speed because I had been plotting the foremost steamer. |
16.00 |
BB 7956 |
20.00 |
BB 8744 |
28.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BB 8752 |
Course 70°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BB 8739 |
08.00 |
BB 8813 |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, 1020 mb, misty, Vis. medium, light ground fog |
12.00 |
BB 8589 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 151 nm |
Submerged: 3 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 8593 |
20.00 |
BB 8646 |
29.09.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BB 8387 |
Course 10°, transit speed. |
01.00 |
Established buoyancy condition A. |
04.00 |
BB 8354 |
08.00 |
BB 8322 |
12.00 |
BB 5956 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 159 nm |
NW 4, Sea 3, 9/10, 1014 mb, Vis. good, medium NW-Swell |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
Course 310°. |
16.00 |
BB 5927 |
20.00 |
BB 5911 |
Course 280°. |
22.50 |
Aircraft bearing 260°T. Beneath, mastheads, target angle
0°. |
22.57 |
Dived for submerged attack. |
2 mast gaff-rigged schooner. Due to weather situation
no artillery use possible; only patrol vessel, not a torpedo target.
Later determined to be a stationary patrol vessel. |
23.37 |
Surfaced. |
30.09.42 |
Cabot Strait |
00.00 |
BB 5598 |
04.00 |
BB 5582 |
08.00 |
BB 5544 |
08.50 |
Land in sight bearing 200°T. "Cape Breton" peninsula.
"Saint Paul's Island" lighthouse bearing 230°T as in peacetime. |
- 19 - |
continued |
30.09.42 |
11.08 |
Dived due to nearness to land, proceeded submerged depth A -50 meters.
Hourly at periscope depth, KF. |
12.00 |
BB 5426 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 137 nm |
NW 0-1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, 1028 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 4 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5423 |
16.05 |
Land-based aircraft in sight bearing 330°T. |
16.10 |
Out of sight bearing 255°T. |
20.00 |
BB 5189 |
23.54 |
Surfaced. |
23.59 |
Crash dive! Approaching land-based aircraft bearing 90°T,
range = 4500 meters, low. Depth A -20 meters. |
01.10.42 |
Cabot Strait |
00.00 |
BB 5185 |
00.10 |
Surfaced. Steamed back and forth at transit speed with changing
courses in the Strait. In the good visibility one can see Newfoundland
as well as "Cape Breton". |
04.00 |
BB 5157 |
07.30 |
Shadow bearing 80°T. A small patrol vessel on
course 350°. Avoided. |
11.10 |
Crash dive for training. Depth A -50 meters. Proceeded submerged.
Hourly at periscope depth, KF, courses 130° and 310°. |
12.00 |
BB 5189 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 82 nm |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, 1020 mb, Vis. good, slight W-Swell |
Submerged: 26 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5431 |
17.35 |
dive to depth A +30 meters to determine sea water density. From
depth A +0 constantly 1.025 grams/milliliter. Up to depth A +0 heavily
layered. |
19.25 |
Four long lasting detonations in the same interval of about
2 seconds. |
20.00 |
BB 5431 |
02.10.42 |
Cabot Strait |
00.00 |
BB 5198
Steamed back and forth on changing courses in square 5430. Transit
speed. |
04.00 |
BB 5184 |
08.00 |
BB 5431 |
08.25 |
BB 5437
Shadow in sight bearing 160°T. Enemy course 210°.
A convoy departing out of the Gulf: 3 steamers, 2 destroyers.
Maneuvered ahead. Enemy course 180°, 7 knots. |
10.07 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0945/2/269/304: "KR KR Convoy
naval square BB 5437, course 210°, slow speed. -Gräf." |
Not acknowledged. First acknowledged with the second
transmission at 11.00 hours. |
11.24 |
I must dive at target angle 40° due to greatly increasing
brightness. Operates from bow right, enemy course 180°. |
11.32 |
Convoy has zig zagged towards. Target angle 0°.
Widely separated line ahead of 1 modern freighter (6000 GRT) to starboard
and 2 ore steamers (LORENZ type), ahead with a gap 2 4-smokestack destroyers.
Enemy course 210°. |
12.00 |
BB 5491 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 100 nm |
S 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, 1016 mb, Vis. good, very low clouds |
Submerged: 28 nm. |
12.30 |
- 20 - |
continued |
02.10.42 |
Another zig zag of 40° to 250°, towards the coast
so that the left outermost ore steamer passes with bow left, range 4000
meters. 6 minutes closing at AK does not improve my situation.
Assumption: Convoy steers directly under land at "Cape Breton".
Intention: Maneuver ahead far offset to avoid the air escort.
To meet the convoy in the evening twilight southeast of the "Cape
Breton" peninsula. |
14.22 |
Surfaced. Course 150°, GF. |
14.40 |
Course 120°. |
14.45 |
BE 5495
Land based aircraft passes by, 2-engines, double tail. Flies very
high in the clouds, but in the rain probably can not see much. At
range = 6000 meters turns to target angle 20°. |
14.47 |
Crash dive! Depth A -20 meters. To periscope
depth. |
15.04 |
Surfaced, Course 120°, GF. |
15.30 |
Radio Message 1445/2: (not acknowledged) "Two ore
ships, 1 freighter naval square BB 5486, southerly course under the coast,
7 knots, zig zagged during submerged attack. -Gräf." |
15.43 |
BB 5499
Land-based aircraft bearing 220°T, range = 8000 meters, bow left 60°,
[boat] turned away, KF, at range = 4000 meters. Crash dive!
Aircraft is too fast. Depth A -10 meters. Periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BB 5499 |
SE 3, Sea 2, 7/10, 1017 mb, Vis. very good, low clouds, occasional rain
squalls |
16.15 |
Out of sight in the periscope |
16.18 |
Surfaced. Course 100°. GF. Angled away 20°. Visibility is noticeably better.
Smoke clouds of the convoy are easily seen. |
16.45 |
Crash dive! "Consolidated" flying boat,
range = 5000 meters, depth A -10 meters. Periscope depth. |
17.03 |
Surfaced. Course 100°, GF. |
17.11 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1540/2/122/274: "2 ore vessels,
1 freighter naval square BB 5497, southerly course under the coast, 7
knots. Zig zagged during submerged attack. -Gräf." |
17.23 |
BB 5574 |
Single-engine land-based aircraft, range = 7000 meters. |
17.24 |
Crash dive! Flies very high. Depth A -10 meters. Periscope
depth. |
17.30 |
Flying boat in the periscope. |
17.50 |
Nothing to see. Surfaced. |
BB 5574 |
Sailing vessel (2 masted gaff rigged schooner) bow right, target angle
70°. |
BB 5574 |
Fishing trawler bearing 120°T. Sailing vessel is a stationary
patrol vessel. (see 29 September). The vessels are positioned
such that I must move away from the convoy. Pursuing between land
and the trawler, would bring me too close to the convoy. Getting
further to the east, would get me hopelessly behind in relation to the
convoy. Pursuit broken off. |
17.57 |
Crash dive for training. Proceeded submerged. Depth A -50
meters, KF, course 280°, hourly at periscope depth. |
19.25 |
Patrol vessel in periscope. Enemy course 270°, (2 mast gaff
rigged schooner). |
20.00 |
BB 5577 |
- 21 - |
03.10.42 |
Cabot Strait/Gulf of St. Lawrence |
00.00 |
BB 5574 |
Surfaced. LF, pure charging. Course 330°. Passed
through the Cabot Strait. |
03.20 |
Transit speed. I intend to operate in BA 3830. |
04.00 |
BB 5461 |
08.00 |
BB 5188 |
11.11 |
Crash dive! Detection on 173 cm. Initially faint then gradually
louder up to volume 3. Suspect aircraft. Depth A -20 meters.
Proceeded submerged at depth A -50 meters. Hourly at periscope depth,
course 330°, KF. |
12.00 |
BB 5157 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 96 nm |
NEbyN 2, Sea 2, overcast, 1016 mb, medium E-Swell, Vis. good |
Submerged: 21 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5143 |
20.00 |
BB 5118 |
20.03 |
Surfaced! Visibility very good, course 285°, transit speed. |
20.13 |
BB 5118 |
Outbound single-engine, land-based aircraft bearing 110°T, altitude
3-4000 meters. |
21.28 |
Crash dive for training! Proceeded submerged at depth A -50 meters
due to weather situation. Misty, broken cloud deck, course 285°. |
04.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
00.00 |
BB 4331 |
Surfaced, course 285°, pure charging, LF. |
04.00 |
BB 1988 |
06.45 - 06.50) |
Detection on 175 cm, fluctuating up to volume 2. |
06.52 - 06.53) |
Detection |
) |
It is on 2 frequencies, likely
vessels which try to get a cross bearing. |
) |
) |
06.55 - 06.56) |
06.58 - 06.59) |
With hard turning of the boat the reception was weaker. With the
good visibility (6-8 nm) nothing is seen (aircraft). |
08.00 |
BB 1971 |
NW 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, 1025 mb, heavy Northern Lights and marine phosphorescence,
Vis. good, flat NE-Swell |
11.43 |
Dived! Proceeded submerged at depth A -50 meters, course 285°,
KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 1867 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 94 nm |
Submerged: 21 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 1856 |
20.00 |
BB 1855 |
05.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 1843 |
00.15 |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, 1008 mb, Northern Lights, Vis. good |
Surfaced! Course 325°, pure charging, LF. |
04.00 |
BB 1736 |
- 22 - |
continued |
05.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
08.00 |
BB 1485 |
11.50 |
Crash dive for training! Depth A -20 meters, proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters. Course 250°, KF, hourly at periscope
depth. |
12.00 |
BB 1471 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 84 nm |
Submerged: 26 nm. |
13.35 |
BB 1471 |
Propeller sounds bearing 295°T. At periscope depth convoy
distinguished, bow right 50°, range = 7000 meters,. Closed on
course 340°. One 4-engined flying boat and 1 single-engined
land-based aircraft escort flying low. The water is oily flat.
Have slight shooting opportunity on the starboard side escort. Escort
vessel 1 smokestack, on the bow "J 226", white paint.
Bow sea is painted on. Positioned very far off, however zig zags
to target angle 50° again close to the convoy. |
Convoy consists of 2 columns, 1st column: 7 freighters 5-6000
GRT, 2nd column 3 ore steamers. At the convoy 8 escort vessels.
Ahead 3 escort vessels , centered in echelon, on both sides zig zagging
escort (each 1 escort vessel), astern on both sides each 1 "PC-boat",
in the center 1 patrol vessel. |
16.00 |
BB 1447 |
Did not pursue due to very unfavorable cloud deck (mountain ranges shrouded) |
18.32 |
Surfaced to send Radio Message on America I and II Circuit. Was
not acknowledged. |
Outgoing Radio Message 1631/5: Convoy 16.00 hours naval
square BB 1447, course 105°, low speed. -Gräf." |
18.51 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged. |
20.00 |
BB 1447 |
20.29 |
Surfaced to send Radio Message on Group Short Wave. Not heard. |
20.47 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged depth A -50 meters, course 180°,
KF. Hourly at periscope depth. |
06.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 1474 |
00.28 |
Surfaced. Closed the coast, in order not to be detected by radar. |
00.37 |
Outgoing Radio Message - Group Circuit: 1911/5/122/206:
not acknowledged. "16.00 hours convoy located BB 1447 course
105°, low speed. Going stationary on reaching naval square BA
3830. -Gräf." |
01.38 - 04.28 |
BB 1477 |
Forward torpedo downloaded [from the over deck]. Medium traffic
on the coastal highway. |
04.00 |
BB 1477 |
04.53 |
NE 0-1, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1005 mb, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
05.20 |
Course 270°, pure charging, LF. |
08.00 |
BA 3692 |
10.32 |
Transit speed. |
11.10 |
Course 230°. |
12.00 |
BA 3674 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 75 nm |
ENE 1, Sea 1, 7/10, 1007 mb, Vis. medium, moonlit |
Submerged: 25 nm. |
- 23 - |
continued |
06.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
12.05 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -20 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 230°, KF, hourly at periscope. |
16.00 |
BA 3677 |
20.00 |
BA 3813 |
07.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
00.00 |
BA 3836 |
00.27 |
Surfaced! Back and forth on northerly and southerly courses in
the Strait. |
04.00 |
BA 3832 |
Transit speed. |
08.00 |
BA 3911 |
12.00 |
BA 3677 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 81 nm |
Submerged: 22 nm. |
12.02 |
SW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 1003 mb, Vis. medium |
Crash dive for training depth A -20 meters. Proceeded submerged
depth A -50 meters, back and forth with changing courses, KF, hourly at
periscope depth. |
13.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1114/7/235: |
Concerning: 1. Passing report outbound, |
2. Inbound report. |
16.00 |
BA 3833 |
20.00 |
BA 3832 |
08.10.42 |
00.00 |
BA 3826 |
00.27 |
Surfaced. Back and forth on northerly and southerly courses in
the Strait. |
03.50 |
Transit speed. |
04.00 |
BA 3823 |
08.00 |
BA 3826 |
12.00 |
BA 3834 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 81 nm |
SW 2, Sea 2, 4/10, 1010 mb, Vis. good |
Submerged: 24 nm. |
12.01 |
Crash dive for training! Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, back and forth on courses 60° and 240°,
KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BA 3831 |
20.00 |
BA 3832 |
20.20 |
BA 3832 |
Outbound patrol vessel bearing 200°T. |
09.10.42 |
00.00 |
BA 3834 |
00.31 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1011 mb, dark night, occasional rain |
Surfaced! Course 65°, pure charging, LF. |
01.38 |
Suddenly occurring detection on 137 cm, medium volume, growing louder,
not fluctuating. |
Crash dive! Depth A -50 meters. |
01.45 |
In sound gear bearing shifting astern (sound bearing). |
02.10 |
A second sound bearing. |
02.18 |
Surfaced. Pursued on course 250° 2 x HF. |
02.40 |
BA 3826 |
Several shadows bearing 220°. Convoy, 7 vessels, maneuvered
ahead. Enemy course 245°, 7 knots, vessels are very difficult
to make out against the dark land. Water is mirror flat, heavy marine
phosphorescence, faint Northern Lights. |
- 24 - |
continued |
09.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
04.00 |
BA 3827 |
04.51 |
BA 3827 |
05.53 |
1st attack. Too far away. Approached again. |
2nd attack. 2 columns each of 3 freighters (of these 3 ore steamers)
in starboard echelon 30°. On the flank of each column 1 destroyer
escort on forward bearing. Ran towards the 1st column, must however
shoot at long range because the flank escort of the 2nd column is bow
right 10°, 800 meters. Two fan from tubes I and IV, speed 9
knots, bow right 90°, range = 2000 meters on three overlapping freighters.
Turned hard to starboard. Shot tube V, bow right 90°, range
= 2000 meters. Ran off at LF, course 50°. After 4 minutes
detonation heard. After one further minute hit on 4000 GRT freighter,
high dark explosion column with high coils of fire, enemy scatters.
Enemy breaks apart. |
06.09 |
BA 3845 |
Fire goes out abruptly after 2 minutes. (enemy sunk). |
After 3 minutes 15-20 flares, that lie close abeam, at intervals of
5 minutes 4 depth charge series. Ran off at AK, course 65°. |
07.04 |
New star shell firing far astern. |
08.06 |
While maneuvering ahead and during the attack the enemy located on 137
cm (500 Hz) with only brief interruptions. Generally locating reception
fluctuated in volume (scanning the horizon) with uniform volume increase
to volume 5 (impression that the boat is detected) turned away hard. Only
turned back when reception was quiet and wavering. Distance to escort
vessels during the maneuver ahead was 5-6000 meters. Volume increased
during the approach, but ceased abruptly from full volume. The radar operator
had practically been sleeping. |
08.00 |
BA 3828 |
NE 1-2, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1011 mb, Vis. medium - good, dark night |
11.30 |
Several smoke clouds bearing 270°T (patrol vessels) |
11.45 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -40 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 40°, LF. Brief sound bearing in
250°T. Nothing seen in the periscope. Hourly at periscope
depth. |
12.00 |
BA 3676 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
111 nm |
Submerged: 28 nm. |
13.54 |
Several depth charges far off. |
16.00 |
BA 3681 |
17.46 |
Depth charges far off. |
20.00 |
BA 3658 |
10.10.42 |
00.00 |
BA 3655 |
00.15 |
Surfaced, course 120°, pure charging, LF. Intend to operate
in BA 3690. |
- 25 - |
continued |
10.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
02.02 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0013/10/257: |
1) Yesterday BA 3845 torpedoed 4000 GRT freighter broken apart.
Left burning due to defenses, sinking certain, one further hit probable. |
2) 27 September BB 88 on reported convoy straggler 3000 BRT half
loaded, night on each surface and submerged two-miss, data good, slows
shortly after the shot and turned away hard. Suspect torpedo trap. |
3) BA 3670, forward out of torpedoes, astern 1 plus 1 [in the
over deck], 35 cbm, WSW 2, clear, 1017 mb rising, +4°C. -Gräf." |
03.20 - 03.56 |
Detection on 173 cm. Suddenly began, steadily growing louder,
by changing course only fainter for a short time. |
04.00 |
BA 3692 |
04.06 |
Crash dive! Detection was steadily very loud. Depth A -20
meters. In sound gear very brief sound bearing (interference noise).
Suspect aircraft, the approach speed was too fast for a vessel. |
04.34 |
Surfaced, course 40°, LF. |
05.05 |
Detection on 174 cm. fluctuating volume, slowly growing louder. |
05.14 |
Detection very loud, ceases abruptly, was again very loud. |
05.17 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters. |
05.50 |
Surfaced, course 40°, transit speed. |
05.59 - 06.01 |
Detection on 174 cm. Fluctuating volume, was steadily growing
louder. |
06.02 |
Crash dive! With the very good visibility nothing is seen, therefore
aircraft. |
08.02 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
BA 3666 |
WSW 2, Sea 1, 1/10, 1015 mb, faint Northern Lights, Vis. very good |
08.03 |
Detection on 174 cm. Steadily strengthening fluctuated during
course changes and fainter. |
08.32 |
BA 3666 |
Parachute flares bearing 225°T. Range = 6000 meters.
Ran off on zig zag courses on general course 40°, HF. |
10.02 |
Detection on 171 cm. Medium volume, steadily growing louder. |
10.05 |
Crash dive depth A -10 meters, very loud detection. Have only
85 kg compressed air remaining. Proceeded submerged at depth A -50
meters, course 90°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
Intention: Shift operations area to BB 18. |
12.00 |
BB 1418 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
50 nm |
Submerged: 36 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 1418 |
20.00 |
BB 1419 |
11.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
00.00 |
BB 1427 |
00.23 |
Surfaced. Course 125°, transit speed. |
- 26 - |
continued |
11.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
01.12 - 01.21 |
Detection on 171 cm, slight to medium volume. With course change
steadily louder detection fluctuated and was fainter. |
02.50 - 03.23 |
Continuous detection. Course changes to 60° continue to have
success. |
04.00 |
BB 1571 |
06.05 |
Over "Fox River" a bright light glow. (several searchlights). |
06.18 |
2 patrol vessels bearing 220°T (PC-boats). Avoided. |
08.00 |
BB 1816 |
09.31 - 09.58 |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1018 mb, faint Northern Lights, Vis. very good |
Detection on 171 cm. Faint to medium volume, 1 time very loud.
Continuous heavy course changes. |
10.12 - 10.18 |
Detection on 172 cm medium - high volume. |
10.18 - 10.34 |
2 locating transmitters on the same frequency, various tone pitches,
faint to medium volume. Heavy course changes. There is nothing to see. I believe it is an aircraft. I believe that further
operation in this sea area with only the E-compressor is inadvisable.
Will shift to BB 50. |
10.38 |
Searchlights over land bearing 270°T. |
11.44 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters. |
12.00 |
BB 1855 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
97 nm |
Submerged: 25 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 1859 |
20.00 |
BB 1867 |
12.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 1892 |
00.15 |
Surfaced, course 120°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BB 1979 |
08.00 |
BB 4334 |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1010 mb, Vis. good |
11.51 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 160°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5146 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
94 nm |
Submerged: 25 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5173 |
20.00 |
BB 5176 |
23.30 |
Surfaced, course 150°, transit speed. |
23.31 - 23.38 |
BE 5187 |
Land-based aircraft bearing 110-190°, range = 9000 meters, bow right
60°, high. |
13.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 5187 |
00.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 2053/12/289: Grain ships "FORMOSA",
"CAMELIA" and "EROS" located about BB 90 destination
Montreal. |
00.40 |
Steamed back and forth on various courses between "CAPE North"
and "St. Paul" Island. |
04.00 |
BB 5428 |
08.00 |
BB 5456 |
NNW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 1/10, 1028 mb, Northern Lights, Vis. very good |
- 27 - |
continued |
13.10.42 |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
11.16 |
Crash dive for training! Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded at
depth A -50 meters, course 140°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5451 |
13.18 |
BB 5451 |
Sound bearing 192°T, 3 reported Swedes: "EROS",
"FORMOSA" and "CAMELIA" passing the peninsula.
Perfectly marked. |
16.00 |
BB 5452 |
20.00 |
BB 5458 |
23.57 |
Surfaced, steamed back and forth on courses 295° and 115°, transit
speed. |
14.10.42 |
Cabot Strait |
00.00 |
BB 5459 |
04.00 |
BB 5464 |
05.34 |
BB 5456 |
Shadow in sight bearing 300°T, behind it a second smaller
shadow. Enemy course 40°, speed 10.5 knots. Heavily smoking
freight passenger steamer of about 6500 GRT. Astern to starboard
a 2 smokestack destroyer as escort. Maneuvered ahead. |
W 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, 1026 mb, Vis. very good, faint Northern Lights |
08.00 |
BB 5198 |
08.21 |
BB 5198 |
Shot from tube V, bow right 90°, speed 12 knots, range = 650 meters.
Hit forward 10 meters. High dark explosion column, shortly thereafter
2 explosions (boiler). Steamer settled immediately almost up to
the railing and takes a list to port. I shot from the favorable
side, but [also the side] protected by the destroyer which now goes at
900-1000 meters at target angle 10°. He turned initially towards
the steamer, then apparently has me, turns towards and rushes up. |
08.25 |
Running off is not possible due to the good visibility. |
Crash dive! Quickly went deep. At AK turned in the vicinity
of the sinking ship, there he would not throw. Loud bulkhead breaking
heard in the entire boat. |
08.27 - 08.53 |
1 depth charge to starboard over the boat at A +60 meters. 12
further depth charges. 30 minutes of Asdic (ticking) not detected
by the destroyer. Apparently no effect with operation of the flooding
mechanism. 1 cartridge ejected, apparently the mechanism is out
of service. |
09.37 |
2nd sound bearing. Vessel remains in the vicinity until twilight.
Depth A -20 meters. At periscope depth 1 "PC-boat" and
1 sailing vessel with motor is seen, additionally heavy air. |
12.00 |
BB 5198 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
80 nm |
Submerged: 32 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5432 |
20.00 |
BB 5433 |
15.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 5278 |
00.15 |
Surfaced. Detection on 175 cm, initially medium strength, then
growing very loud, LF heavy course changes, general course 140°. |
00.15 - 04.32 |
Continuous detection on 175 cm, at times very loud. No visual
indication that the boat was detected. |
- 28 - |
continued |
15.10.42 |
Cabot Strait |
06.00 |
Transit speed. Intend to operate initially in the sea area BB
57, there there are slight opportunities because all convoys steer close
under the coast. There are no torpedoes in the boat. Intend
to download under the coast. |
08.00 |
BB 5832 |
11.38 |
Crash dive for training. Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 215°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5853 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 107 nm |
W 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, 1018 mb, Northern Lights, Vis. very good |
Submerged: 26 nm. |
14.49 |
Course 265°. |
16.00 |
BB 5855 |
16.55 |
Patrol boat (stationary) 2 mast gaff-rigged schooner in the periscope,
course 110°. |
20.00 |
BB 5854 |
21.15 |
Surfaced, to reach the coast in the early evening, navigation uncertain. |
21.20 |
BB 5849 |
Crash dive depth A -40 meters. Flying boat bearing 30°T, range
= 9000 meters, bow right 20°, medium altitude. |
23.36 |
Surfaced. |
23.38 |
BB 5849 |
Single-engine aircraft with floats bearing 300°T, range = 9000 meters,
low altitude. In Fu.M.B. weak detection on 175 cm heard. Aircraft
flies low, flies figure eights and circles, frequently disappears below the horizon.
On approach range = 7000 meters in Fu.M.B. steadily growing louder up
to volume 3. Slowly departs on course 250°. Except for
the aircraft nothing is seen. Ob.Strm. briefly sees a bright green
light on the aircraft (probably sunlight reflection). |
16.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BB 5849 |
00.12 |
BB 5849 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters. Flying boat bearing 260°T,
bow right 20°, range = 5000 meters, low altitude, (no detection).
Night flyer. |
01.05 |
Surfaced, course 260°, transit speed. |
02.50 |
BB 5849 |
2 red lights one above the other bearing 280°T, a small shadow (patrol
vessel). |
02.55 |
BB 5849 |
Vessel with white top light, bearing 250°T, avoided. |
03.37 - 04.02 |
Detection on 175 cm, faint and fluctuating, continuous course changes.
Believe down loading under the coast is not possible due to defenses. |
04.00 |
BB 5849 |
04.20 |
Outgoing Radio
Message 0014/16/218: "1. 14 October sank 5190 a destroyer
escorted 6500 GRT passenger freighter, course 40°. 2.
Situation like Hartwig. Suspect convoy route via 49.
Another small convoy route 5450 to 5130. 3. In 31, 14, 18
and southern passage, after success heavy and continual locating air.
Just now in 59 on 175 cm locating sea reconnaissance observed. Submerged
for night air without locating. 4. Square 5840, [all squares]
BA and BB, 24 cbm, NW 2, 1017 mb, steady, and attempting to download aft.
-Gräf." |
06.12 |
Apparent torpedo detonation bearing 290°T (fiery glow) far off. |
06.47 |
Bearing 290°T apparently a torpedo detonation. |
- 29 - |
continued |
16.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
08.00 |
BB 5837 |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, 1017 mb, Vis. very good |
10.35 - 11.27 |
Detection on 172 cm, continuous course changes. |
11.33 |
Crash dive for training! Depth A -30 meters, course 60°, KF. |
Proceeded submerged at depth A -50 meters, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5914 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 75 nm |
Submerged: 25 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5915 |
20.00 |
BB 5913 |
23.34 - 23.59 |
Surfaced! Detection on 172 cm strongly fluctuating,
at times very loud and rhythmically getting louder. Probably the
aircraft flies above the very low cloud deck, otherwise is must be seen.
During detection steered in legs around general course 60° with ruder
angle 15° to 20° to each side. As soon as I put the boat
on straight course, the detector seemed to notice (tracking evenly louder)
it seemed as soon as I turned, detection was again strongly fluctuating
and quieter. |
17.10.42 |
North Atlantic, south coast of Newfoundland |
00.00 |
BB 5687 |
01.49 |
BB 5686 |
Several shadows bearing 60°T. 5 steamers, 3 escort vessels,
low speed, course 305° (widely separated line ahead). |
02.45 |
NW 2, Sea 2, 9/10, 1015 mb, Vis. good, moonlit night, at times brief
rain |
Convoy out of sight bearing 305°T. |
02.47 |
A escort vessel proceeding independently in sight bearing 120°T.
02.55 |
Land in sight ("Miquelon" Island). |
03.05 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0240/17/251: "Naval square
BB 5686 convoy 5 steamers, light escort, low speed, course 310°.
Loading. -Gräf." |
04.00 |
BB 5699 |
05.45 |
BB 6476 |
Patrol vessel off the "La Baie" Passage. In the Passage
a 2nd destroyer silhouette. Reloading is only possible in the prevailing
NW wind in the Passage. Turned away, course 160°. |
08.00 |
BB 6479 |
Course 90°, intend to reload off the Newfoundland coast. |
09.40 |
Patrol vessel. |
11.28 |
Crash dive for training! Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
depth A -50 meters, course 90°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 6722 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 98 nm |
Submerged: 24 nm. |
13.20 |
Course 20°. |
16.00 |
BB 6489 |
20.00 |
BB 6486 |
23.20 |
Surfaced, course 20°, transit speed. |
18.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 6491 |
00.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 2016/17/266: Report weather between
03.00 -06.00 hours. For Gräf begin the download in
the entrance to "Little Harbor". |
02.46 |
Downloading ended. |
Intention: Operate on the last observed convoy course in BB 5686.
Course 220°, transit speed. |
03.55 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
- 30 - |
continued |
18.10.42 |
North Atlantic, south coast of Newfoundland |
04.00 |
BB 6482 |
05.50 |
BB 6487 |
Patrol vessel, avoided, bearing 250°T. |
08.00 |
BB 6719 |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, 1015 mb, Vis. very good |
10.49 - 11.18 |
Detection on 175 cm. Fluctuating, medium volume, heavy course
changes, proceeded in legs. |
11.35 |
Crash dive for training, Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
depth A -50 meters, course 280°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5936 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
76 nm |
Submerged: 21 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 5935 |
20.00 |
BB 5926 |
23.46 |
Surfaced, course xx°, transit speed. |
19.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 5923 |
01.13 |
BB 5686 |
Patrol vessel. avoided, bearing xx. |
03.04 |
BB 5655 |
Patrol vessel. avoided, bearing xx. |
04.00 |
BB 5655 |
04.30 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal. weather report. |
04.38 |
BB 5652 |
Patrol vessel. avoided, bearing xx. |
07.18 |
Course 160°. |
08.00 |
BB 5643 |
11.36 |
E 7-9, Sea 7, overcast, rain and hail squalls, 987 mb, Vis. medium -
bad |
Crash dive for training. Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 160°, KF, hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BB 5676 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
xx nm |
Submerged: xx nm. |
12.30 |
Course 100°. |
16.00 |
BB 5682 |
20.00 |
BB 5691 |
23.22 |
Surfaced, course 100°, transit speed. |
20.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 5692 |
01.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1319/19/203: "To Gräf,
depart in time for supply in R.L. 70. |
04.00 |
BB 6476 |
05.30 |
BB 6488 |
Steamer bearing 270°T, comes briefly out of sight due
to weather conditions. Enemy course 100°, 10 knots. Maneuvered
ahead. |
WSW 6, Sea 5, 7/10, 992 mb, Vis. medium - good, short high SW-Swell |
08.00 |
BB 6497 |
08.54 |
BB 6498 |
Shot from tube V, bow left 90°, speed 11, range = 600 meters.
Miss. Steamer yaws heavily. Despite up to 20° wrong target
angle a hit should have resulted. Steamer howls 1 min after shot
with steam whistle, stops, puts himself abeam to the seas and burns emergency
lighting. Assume pistol failure. Artillery use not possible
due to weather conditions. |
After 20 minutes steamer continues transit. Emergency
call on 600 meters: "ROSE CASTLE" (7800 GRT) |
- 31 - |
continued |
20.10.42 |
North Atlantic, south coast of Newfoundland |
from 08.54 |
with position (foreign bearing). |
09.38 |
Out of torpedoes, return transit, 18 cbm, course 100°, transit speed. |
11.42 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -50 meters, course 100°, KF, due to expected defenses.
While proceeding submerged several fast propellers heard. In the
periscope very intense air. |
12.00 |
BB 6733 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 87 nm |
Submerged: 24 nm. |
16.00 |
BB 6811 |
20.00 |
BB 6815 |
23.15 |
Surfaced, course 100°, transit speed. |
21.10.42 |
00.00 |
BB 6821 |
01.56 |
Radio Message 0107/21/235: 1. Yesterday BB 6497 stern
miss on "ROSE CASTLE", course 95°, strongly suspect pistol
failure. 2. Regarding detection: a) held aircraft, b)
held U-boat, c) detection in sea area BB. 3. Return transit,
18 cbm, BB 68 naval squares. W 5, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, high W-Swell,
Vis. good, 1005 mb rising. -Gräf. |
02.30 |
Lighthouse "Cape Pine" bearing 230°T. |
04.00 |
BB 6838 |
08.00 |
BB 6946 |
09.10 |
Lighthouse "Cape Race" bearing 240°T. |
12.00 |
BB 6967 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 90 nm |
W 1-2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, 1011 mb, Vis. very good |
Submerged: 28 nm. |
Course 88°, Headed for supply square BD 5555. |
13.36 |
BB 6969 |
Crash dive! Depth A -30 meters. 1-engined land-based aircraft,
range = 8000 meters, bow right 80°, very high, flies in the clouds. |
14.20 |
Surfaced. |
15.25 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
16.00 |
BC 4748 |
16.05 |
Single-engine land-based aircraft bearing 210°, briefly in sight,
range = 10000 meters, flies high in the clouds. |
16.13 |
Crash dive! The same aircraft approaching out of the clouds, range
8000 meters, depth A -10 meters. |
16.45 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BC 4759 |
20.58 |
BC 4767 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters, flying boat bearing 40°T,
range = 8000 meters, bow left 50°, in the clouds. |
21.20 |
Surfaced. |
21.50 |
BC 4768
dive, depth A -10 meters. A single-eninged land-based aircraft flies
out of a nearby cloud, range = 5000 meters, turned away when he sees us,
used the opportunity to dive. The aircraft was very fast.
Turned hard at AK to get athwart the probable approach course. At
depth A -30 meters 2 aircraft bombs astern over the boat. No damage. |
23.17 |
Surfaced. It is possible that the flying boat has reported us. |
23.27 |
Detection on 175 cm, medium volume. Shuts off after 1 minute. |
22.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
Both LF with charging, to be in deep water at twilight. |
00.00 |
BC 4769 |
- 32 - |
continued |
22.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
04.00 |
BC 4858 |
05.00 - 05.59 |
Detection on 175 cm, medium-high constant volume, that grow fainter
and fluctuate with change in course, general course 130°, then again
course 88°. Also enemy flies with location in a very bright
moonlit night, proceed in legs. |
05.31 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
08.00 |
BC 4972 |
12.00 |
BC 4991 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 170 nm |
ENE 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1028 mb, Vis. very good |
Submerged: xx nm. |
13.39 - 14.00 |
BC 4993 |
Flying boat bearing 350°T, range = 10000 meters, very high, showed
stern, out of sight bearing 80°. |
14.42 |
BC 4993 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters, bearing 270°T, in the wake
low flying 1-engine, [illegible few words], range = 7500 meters. |
15.40 |
Surfaced. |
15.45 |
BC 5771 |
Crash dive depth A -10 meters, very high flying flying boat, bearing
30°T, bow right 10°, range = xx00 meters. |
16.00 |
BC 5771 |
16.10 |
Surfaced. |
18.51 |
Flying boat bearing 10°T, very high, range 10000 meters, showed
stern. |
19.10 |
[Illegible aircraft type] bearing 350°T. |
20.00 |
BC 57x2 |
23.10.42 |
00.00 |
BC 5793 |
Course 88°, transit speed. |
04.00 |
BC 5882 |
04.48 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
08.00 |
BC 5893 |
ENE 0-1, Sea 1, 5/10, 1034 mb, Vis. very good |
11.29 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
12.00 |
BC 5958 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 17x nm |
Submerged: xx nm. |
16.00 |
BC 6747 |
20.00 |
BC 6755 |
24.10.42 |
Course 88°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BC 6844 |
03.33 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Short Signal weather report. |
04.00 |
BC 6856 |
08.00 |
BC 6945 |
SW 1-2, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1034 mb, hazy, Vis. good |
12.00 |
BC 6953 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 196 nm. |
Course 93°, headed for BD 5755. |
16.00 |
BD 4745 |
17.30 |
Course 80°, according to the Freyberg-report I suspect the
supply boat is more to the north. |
19.37 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1731/24/134: Expect meeting
"U-69" about in the evening of 25 October. If supply point
IS 7755 is inappropriate, announce new point possibly through another
boat. Gräf supply for economical return transit. |
- 33 - |
continued |
24.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
20.00 |
BD 4764 |
21.05 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. |
21.32 |
Surfaced. |
25.10.42 |
Course 80°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BD 4843 |
04.00 |
BD 4861 |
08.00 |
BD 4946 |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, 1024 mb, Vis. good |
12.00 |
BD 4767 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 194 nm |
Submerged: 2 nm. |
Course 83, headed for BD 5755. |
16.00 |
BD 5745 |
18.09 |
U-boat bearing 60°T, recognition signals exchanged (naval forces
table) "Wolfbauer". |
19.00 |
BD 5756 |
Towing connection established. |
Begin fuel oil and provisions transfer (rubber boat). Due to Swell
hoses are driven into a loop, am not towed. |
20.00 |
BD 5756 |
21.25 |
Towing connection released. 12 cbm fuel oil, 350 liters lubricating
oil, 10 days' provisions taken over. |
22.15 |
Supply boat out of sight bearing 260°T |
23.29 |
Test dive. |
23.58 |
Surfaced. |
26.10.42 |
Course 90°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BD 5765 |
04.00 |
BD 5854 |
08.00 |
BD 5865 |
12.00 |
BD 5946 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 164 nm |
NW 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, 1015 mb, hazy, Vis. good |
Submerged: 1 nm. |
16.00 |
BD 5965 |
20.00 |
BD 6749 |
27.10.42 |
Course 90°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BD 6783 |
02.00 |
Course 105°. |
04.00 |
BD 6874 |
08.00 |
BD 6888 |
12.00 |
BD 9232 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 166 nm. |
NNW 6-7, Sea 5, 5/10, 1006 mb, Vis. good |
12.50 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1107/27/180: Return harbors
. . . . . . . . Nazaire for Gräf. |
16.00 |
BD 9316 |
20.00 |
BD 9337 |
28.10.42 |
Course 105°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BE 7151 |
04.00 |
BE 7xxx |
- 34 - |
continued |
28.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
08.00 |
BE 7272 |
08.50 |
Incoming Radio Message: [illegible date time group] |
With announcement for arrival at convoy intake point . . . . . . . .
[illegible few words] conditions. |
09.38 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. |
10.05 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BE 7285 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 1xx nm. |
NbyE 7, Sea 6-7, 9/10, 1003 mb, rain squall, otherwise Vis. good |
16.00 |
BE 7298 |
20.00 |
BE 7612 |
Course 90°. |
29.10.42 |
Course 90°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BE 7622 |
04.00 |
BE 7632 |
08.00 |
BE 8412 |
12.00 |
BE 8422 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 1xx nm. |
NNE 4, Sea 4-5, 5/10, 1003 mb, Vis. very good |
16.00 |
BE 8432 |
20.00 |
BE 8513 |
20.55 |
Incoming Radio Message: [illegible date time group] |
[message concerns Gräf arrival time] |
30.10.42 |
Course 90°, transit speed. |
00.00 |
BE 8531 |
04.00 |
BE 8611 |
08.00 |
BE 8622 |
09.20 |
Crash dive for training. |
09.46 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BE 8634 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 1xx nm |
NNE 6, Sea 5, 7/10, 1003 mb, Vis. medium |
Submerged: x nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9414 |
20.00 |
BE 9426 |
23.51 |
Incoming Radio Message: 2309/30/16: Return
harbors . . . . . . . . due to overcrowding Brest Shipyard
and Nazaire go . . . . . . . . Gräf to Lorient. |
- 35 - |
31.10.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BE 9514 |
04.00 |
BE 9526 |
08.00 |
BE 9615 |
09.44 |
NE 2, Sea 2, 5/10, 1003 mb, Vis. good |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -30 meters, course 90°, KF. |
12.00 |
BE 9626 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 177 nm |
Submerged: 4 nm. |
14.41 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1343/31/34: Condor made emergency
landing 13.00 hours in naval square BE 9482, all boats located in the
vicinity execute search. Beware of enemy air. |
16.00 |
BE 9626 |
19.28 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1541/31/36: To boats in Bay
of Biscay 2 Condor take off to search for emergency landing Condor.
From 18.30 hours stand by for bearing signals on 443 khz. Call sign
HFD. Corrected position of emergency landing is naval square BE
9492. |
19.55 |
Surfaced, course 257°, LF operating on Condor emergency landing.
Will be in square at dawn. |
20.00 |
BE 9634 |
01.11.42 |
Course 256°, both LF. |
00.00 |
BE 9642 |
04.00 |
BE 9555 |
08.00 |
BE 9493 |
09.00 - 21.00 |
Steered search courses, transit speed. |
11.15 |
BE 9498 |
Exchanged recognition signals with Condor (cartridge). |
12.00 |
BE 9489 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 149 nm |
ENE 0-1, Sea 0-1, 7/10, 1010 mb, Vis. very good, medium NNE-Swell |
Submerged: 14 nm. |
12.31 |
BE 9499 |
Mastheads bearing 10°T, steamer, course 90°, probably "U-908". |
13.22 |
"U-908" out of sight bearing 10°T, steers north of the
emergency landing square. |
16.00 |
BE 9733 |
- 36 - |
continued |
01.11.42 |
North Atlantic |
19.04 |
With the very good visibility search is unfortunately without results.
Course 60°, transit speed, began return transit. |
20.00 |
BE 9469 |
21.49 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 2107/1/70: Searched naval
square BE 9490 for 12 hours without results. Return transit.
From escort nothing. -Gräf. |
02.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BE 9557 |
04.00 |
BE 9535 |
08.00 |
BE 9613 |
09.05 |
BE 9385 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters. 2-engined land-based aircraft.
Bristol-Beaufort. Course 260°, range = 8000 meters, low. |
Proceeded submerged at depth A -30 meters, course 66, KF. |
12.00 |
BE 9535 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 155 nm |
Submerged: 4 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9388 |
19.21 |
Incoming Radio Message 1347/2/91: Concerning heightened
attention against enemy aircraft and U-boats. |
18.50 |
Surfaced, course 66°, LF. A sailing vessel bearing 160°T. |
20.00 |
BE 9394 |
03.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 7149 |
Course 66°, LF. |
04.00 - 04.02 |
BF 7139 |
Detection on 173 cm, medium volume, fluctuating. Aircraft switches
briefly off and comes on again at higher volume. |
04.03 |
Crash dive! Depth A -10 meters. |
04.13 |
Surfaced. |
04.16 |
Detection on 173 cm, medium volume, slight fluctuation. |
04.20 |
Crash dive! Depth A -30 meters. |
04.40 |
Surfaced. Course 66°, LF. |
08.00 |
BF 7223 |
ENE 2-3, Sea 1-2, 8/10, 1009 mb, Vis. very good |
10.04 |
Crash dive for training. Depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -30 meters, course 66°, LF. |
12.00 |
BF 4888 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 137 nm |
Submerged: 15 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4889 |
18.12 |
Surfaced. Course 66°, LF. |
20.00 |
BF 4896 |
20.05 |
Outgoing Radio Message Short Signal: "Position
36 hours off meeting point with escort. -Gräf." |
- 37 - |
03.11.42 |
21.17 |
Incoming Radio Message 2021/3/32: "1) . . .
. . . . . 2) "U-69" positioned 5 November at 08.00
hours at escort meeting point, Lorient." |
04.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 4958 |
04.00 |
BF 5741 |
08.00 |
BF 5726 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, overcast, 1008 mb, Vis. good |
08.03 |
Crash dive for training, depth A -30 meters. Proceeded submerged
at depth A -30 meters, course 55°, KF. |
12.00 |
BF 5711 |
Day's run: Surfaced:
128 nm |
" Submerged:
17 nm. |
14.17 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1247/4/55: "Escort for U-69
positioned on 5 November 09.00 hours at Point "Laterne" for
intake to Lorient. Do not cross the 50-meter line without escort.
-10.U.-Flottille." |
14.26 |
Incoming Radio Message 1146/4/53: "To boats in naval
square BF due to the unusually high number of inbound boats intensified
enemy air operations are probable. Special caution also for enemy
U-boats." |
16.00 |
BF 5498 after navigation fix |
BF 5575 |
18.25 |
Surfaced. Course 55°, LF. |
19.15 |
Passed Point "Kern". |
20.00 |
BF 5582 |
Passed the 200-meter line. |
ENE 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, 1005 mb, Vis. medium-good, hazy |
20.10 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1959/4/72: "Arrived "Kernleder",
position "Kernbeisser" not known. Request Transmitter
Group 2 and Bearing Transmitter 1. -Gräf." |
21.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 2052/4/91: "For Gräf
and Höltring Beacon Group 2 and Bearing Transmitter 1 from
now to lightness." |
22.25 |
Course 25°. |
22.30 - 23.30 |
Several lights (fishing vessels). |
05.11.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 - 05.00 |
ENE 1, Sea 0-1, overcast, 1004 mb, Vis. bad to medium, misty,
occasional rain |
Course 25°, LF. |
Several lights (fishing vessels). |
07.57 |
Escort in sight, bearing 150°T. |
Transit behind mine escort. |
08.44 - 08.46 |
Fluctuating detection on 168 cm. |
10.15 |
Lorient |
Made fast Lorient. |
Oblt.z.S. and Kommandant |