K r i e g s t a g e b u c h |
====================== |
" U 9 9 5 " |
3rd Operation |
Kommandant: Oblt.z.See H e s s . |
Beginning: 3.10.44 |
Ending : 11.11.44. |
Distribution: |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine |
Copy No. 1 |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine |
Copy No. 2 |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine 2.Skl.B.d.U.-Op- |
Copy No. 3 |
Kommandierenden Admiral der Unterseeboote |
Copy No. 4 |
Führer der Unterseeboote Nordmeer |
Copy No. 5 |
Führer der Unterseeboote Ausbildung |
Copy No. 6 |
Kommando der 27. Unterseebootesflottille |
Copy No. 7 |
Kommando der 13. Unterseebootsflottille |
Copy No. 8 |
Enclosures: |
1 Track chart |
to Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
1 Summary of important Radio Messages |
to Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
© U-boat Archive 2023 - all rights reserved |
- 3 - |
3. - 14.10.44 |
Lay period in Narvik. |
09.10.44 |
Change of Kommandanten. |
14.10.44 |
Cast off from "STELLA POLARIS" in Narvik for continuation of the 3rd operation. |
13.00 |
13.15 - 15.35 |
Calibration of the radio direction finder. |
16.00 |
AG 1148 |
18.37 |
Lødingen, embarked pilot. |
20.00 |
AG 1118 |
21.10 - 22.24 |
Harstad, disembarked pilot and supplied with fresh provisions. |
15.10.44 |
00.00 |
AB 9894 |
W 1, Sea 1, overcast, passing showers, 1006 mb, Vis. 6 nm |
01.05 |
Radio Message 2123/14/786: |
Ley, Westphalen, Hess. Positions to not need to be taken until 11.00 hours. - F.d.U. - |
01.21 |
Schwarz 25 |
Test dive to depth A -30 meters. |
01.27 |
Sudden loud E-motor sounds (Volume 2) in 245°R, 260°T, shifted ahead quickly in 295°R (Volume 3-4). Own course change from 15° to 345°. |
01.40 |
2nd E-motor sound (Volume 2-3) in 165°R, 130°T, shifted ahead in 105°R. |
01.50 |
1st E-motor sound runs counter to it until in 30°R. |
Assume it is 2 enemy U-boats operating together, which lay in ambush on both sides of the departure route at Schwarz 25. In my view Ley and Westphalen are not possible, because left Harstad after me and up to diving had not come in sight, however are not excluded by sound bearings, because not perfectly recognized as enemy. Came to course 255° to mislead the enemy. Surfaced, with torpedo tubes ready, searched in the periscope in vain. Continued outbound transit in accordance with outbound orders. |
01.55 |
02.05 |
03.10 |
Norwegian Sea |
Radio Message 0145/15/787: |
Test dive AB 9868 E-motors perfectly. Ley and Westphalen not possible, continuing outbound transit. |
- Hess - |
04.00 |
AB 9835 |
05.20 |
Morning twilight |
08.00 |
AB 96x7 |
ESE 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, 1004 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
08.30 |
U-boat in 0°R, 84°T, range 800 meters. To aircraft combat stations to man the weapons, whereby [the following Radio Message] was sent in error |
08.31 |
ßß 0831/15/788: |
Was attacked by aircraft in AB 9620. - U-995 - |
09.05 |
Closed for a better look. U-boat dove at range 4500 meters, assume Westphalen. |
- 4 - |
continued |
15.10.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
09.25 |
ßß 5/15/790: My Short Signal of today is canceled. - U-995 - |
09.27 |
-Aircraft- BV 138 in 40°R, 104°T. |
09.31 |
Crash dive to depth A meters. |
09.43 |
Surfaced to continue transit. |
10.55 |
Officer-Only Radio Message 2058/14/783: |
1. 15 October during lightness expect own reconnaissance by BV 138. |
2. Task, reporting and combat of any approach of enemy sea and air forces to the coast. Expect carriers at any time. Reporting comes before attack. |
3. From now Radio Circuit Anton I, Nordmeer Very Low Frequency, for this 600's Serial Numbers. |
11.12 |
Reached position AC 7177 center-left edge in patrol line dived and moved back and forth in position on course 65° (345°) and 39° (219°) with changing depths up to A meters. |
12.00 |
AC 7177 |
Day's run: Surfaced 224.4 nm |
Submerged 7.5 nm = 231.9 nm |
16.00 |
AC 7177 |
16.10 |
Sound bearing in 69°R, 140°T. Nothing seen in the periscope. |
16.35 |
Surfaced. U-boat in 140°T, range 7000 meters. |
16.40 |
Closed. Recognition Signal exchange: U-Brasack. |
17.35 |
AC 7177 |
Shot at a drifting mine with platform and searchlight. Due to the onset of darkness ceased fire. Sinking no longer observed. |
Dusk |
18.10 |
Radio Message 1507/15/678: Group Regenschirm: |
Approach of the heavy carrier formation reported at 06.50 hours in AF 5370 is possible. For boats in torpedo range immediate attack before reporting, boats outside torpedo range absolutely report immediately. |
20.00 |
AC 7177 |
20.49 |
Dived to depth A +20 meters to listen. Except for diesel in 120°T no sound bearings. Surfacing delayed to repair the Fu.M.B. |
21.57 |
Surfaced. |
16.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 7177 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix 314°T, 6 nm. |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 9/10, 998 mb, Vis. changing 3-0.5 nm |
01.30 |
Dived to depth A -20 meters to listen. |
01.45 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
AC 7177 |
05.50 |
Radio Message 0x45/16/68: Group Regenschirm: |
Task settled, immediately set off to AB 64, 10 knots. -F.d.U.- |
06.00 |
Set off to ordered position 64. |
08.00 |
AB 9368 |
WSW 3, Sea 3, cloudy, 1000 mb, Vis. 1.5 nm |
- 5 - |
continued |
16.10.44 |
09.48 |
AB 9356 |
-Crash dive- to depth A +20 meters before aircraft, type not recognized. In 0°R, 314°T, range 7000 meters. Altitude under-edge of the clouds (400-500 meters), aircraft course 130°, no detection. Köln receiver switched on. Tunis and Borkum in operation and operable. Diesel in 300°R, 25°T, Volume 1. |
10.15 |
10.45 |
Surfaced to continue transit. |
12.00 |
AB 9327 |
Day's run: Surfaced 180 nm |
Submerged 11 nm = 193 nm |
Medium frequency direction finder manned continually. |
16.00 |
AB 6893 |
SW 2-3, 6/10, 999 mb, Vis. 7-8 nm |
16.20 |
Radio Message 11z1/16/78x: |
1) As eavesdropper. . . . . |
2) Patrol line 17 October 05.00 hours occupy from AB 5619 - 6768 in order (cont.) |
Radio Message 1157/16/718: |
Schendel, Keller, Hess, Block, Lehmann, Klingspor, Brasack, Ley, Eickstedt, Balduhn, Nees, Bentzien surface only to charge and take a navigation fix. Radio silence except for bearing reports, main targets, first encounter with carrier aircraft and when noticed. However Hess and Nees only transmit [Fu.M.O. = radar] bearing reports if absolutely necessary to determine convoy position. |
3) All boats form Group -Panther-, Nordmeer Circuit. |
-F.d.U. Norwegen- |
17.10 |
Set off for new position (AD 5656) on course 97°. |
17.20 |
Evening twilight |
Radio Message 1418/16/720: |
Group Panther: |
1) Air reports carrier voice traffic 04.30 hours in about AT 630 and detection in Fu.M.G. From radio traffic numerous English warships at sea. Starting convoy likely, was suspected at about 69°N at 12.00 hours. Highest alertness. |
-F.d.U.- |
Radio Message 1716/16/722: |
3) Therefore the work of the eavesdroppers is especially important. On first detecting report twice, strive for simultaneous reports, also with significant shift. For maneuvering ahead the position of the carrier is important, so boats can haul out accordingly. If possible other boats inform Hess and Nees visually. |
4) Intention, combat until the last night off Murmansk. |
-F.d.U.- |
20.00 |
AB 6842 |
21.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix 109°T, 12 nm. |
- 6 - |
continued |
16.10.44 |
21.30 |
Radio Message 1651/16/711: Group Panther: |
1) Expected PQ convoy is crucial for the Finnish Front. Air reconnaissance requested a bit south of the patrol line. Skillful bearing reports from the eavesdroppers must, if detected in time, enable the boats to be effectively brought forward to attack. Anti-convoy operations in accordance with Nordmeer Order No. 8. Particularly important is continuous contact. Fubo 2 applies. Bearing wavelength D, observe Nordmeer Instruction 33. Contact bearing signals from the Luftwaffe are not expected. (cont.) |
Radio Message 2101/16/725: |
3 BV 138 will take off from 22.00 hours for convoy reconnaissance. Group -Panther- monitor bearing wavelength D. Bearing reports in accordance with Nordmeer Order No. 5 and Standing Order No. 48 -F.d.U.Norwegen- |
22.25 |
Recognition Signal exchange with U-771 (Block). |
17.10.44 |
00.00 |
AB 6489 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, 997 mb, Vis. 1-4 nm, strong marine phosphorescence |
03.42 |
Shadow astern, not positively distinguished as a U-boat. |
03.58 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters to listen, after the shadow moved off to port and afterwards had passed out of sight. Found a diesel sound bearing in 60°R, 190°T, Volume 2. |
04.00 |
AB 5668 |
04.05 |
Surfaced to continue on. |
05.18 |
AB 5656 |
Reached position. |
Morning twilight |
06.50 |
Radio Message 0553/17/720: Aircraft report 03.00 hours locating multiple vessels in AB 5792. Assume convoy, NE-course, 10 knots, Group -Panther- shift at highest speed to AB 5553 to 5928. Eavesdroppers take position ahead. -F.d.U.Norwegen- |
06.50 |
At highest speed, course 60° headed for new position AB 5568. |
07.51 |
AB 5682 |
-Aircraft-, large not recognized aircraft in 170°R, 70°T, range 3000 meters. No detection. Moves back up into the clouds after briefly dropping down from a cloud layer at 200 meters. |
Outgoing ßß: |
Was attacked by an aircraft. AB 5654. |
Was not heard by Control, BV 138 possible, in any case not carrier aircraft. For this reason no further report. |
08.00 |
AB 5634 |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, overcast (fog), 999 mb, Vis. 2-10 nm, changing |
09.20 |
AB 5568 |
Dived to listen at position, because up to now no convoy voice traffic observed, and convoy must be in the vicinity by plotting. |
- 7 - |
continued |
17.10.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
09.40 |
Surfaced to run against suspected enemy on course 225°. |
10.12 |
U-boat in 330°R, 195°T. |
10.25 |
Recognition Signal and navigation exchange (difference 10 nm) with Mohs also has no indication of the convoy. Search around own position in patrol line with search legs around enemy course 45°, to remain ahead of the convoy. |
10.30 |
Radio Message 1130/17/17 : |
Hess reports aircraft attack in AB 5654. -Lehmann- |
11.30 |
ßß 1130/17/736 |
Remained unnoticed. -U-995- |
I assumed that because no direct approach followed. |
12.00 |
AB 5569 |
Day's run: Surfaced 253.8 nm |
NNE 1-2, Sea 2, overcast (squalls snow), 1000 mb, Vis. 1-8 nm |
Submerged 2.0 nm = 255.8 nm |
12.40 |
Radio Message 1019/17/733: |
Group Panther: |
1) Convoy report 03.00 hours in AB 5792 certain: Detection many units over 8 knots. If by 14.00 hours no contact or indication, set off at high transit speed, course 90°. Use every attack opportunity. |
3) New air reconnaissance in the next night anticipated. Aircraft gave bearing signals on -Dora- from 03.25 to 03.35 hours. -F.d.U.- |
12.40 |
Radio Message 1153/17/738: Group -Panther-: |
1. With failure of communications consider Group Circuit. 2. With setting off without indications of the convoy do not subject yourself to unnecessary air attack. In the long run, unnoticed boats make faster progress than those who remain on the surface for anti-aircraft defense. |
3) Report each indication immediately, , especially boats with additional bearings. -F.d.U.- |
13.40 |
Radio Message 1x33/17/739: |
1) . . . . |
2) Signature in Short Signal 1130/736 unclear, Assume Hess. -F.d.U.- |
Since the assumption of Control is correct, nothing is done. |
14.00 |
Came to course 90°, both diesels 2 x HF. |
16.00 |
AB 5949 |
17.10 |
Evening twilight |
17.35 |
U-boat in 35°R, 125°T, range 3000 meters. Recognition and name exchange: U-Brasack. |
18.45 |
Dived to depth A -30 meters. Nothing expect for two diesels in 40°R, 130°T and 115°R, 205°T. |
19.00 |
Surfaced and continued on. |
19.50 |
Radio Message 1759/17/741: |
Group Panther: |
1. The convoy is probably diverted to the north to reach a poor visibility zone after boats were noticed and bearings were taken. 2. Air reconnaissance with BV 138 launched. Take off time to follow. |
- 8 - |
continued |
17.10.44 |
19.50 |
[Richard = RAR radio direction finder frequency] |
From 20.00 hours occupy radio direction finder continually. Do not wait on -Richard-. |
3) Faint carrier voice traffic was observed from land. |
-F.d.U. Norwegen- |
20.00 |
AB 6457 |
NNE 2, Sea 2, overcast (rain), 998 mb, Vis. 200-2000 meters, fog patches, marine phosphorescence |
21.50 |
Radio Message 2008/17/74: |
They form Group Panther Nord: |
[U-995 is in Group Panther North] |
Mohs, Unverzagt and Schendel to Lehmann, Group Panther South: Klingspor to Bentzien and Westphalen. Büchler, Wedemeyer free to maneuver. |
2) Immediately in groups up to 120 nm north and south of Bear Island, evenly distribute your searches from convoy position 03.00 hours AB 5792 plotted at 10 knots. Highest speed. |
-F.d.U.- |
21.55 |
Radio Message 2113/17/743: |
4 BV 138 took off 21.00 hours for convoy reconnaissance. |
22.00 |
Operate on course 10° and highest speed on enemy position AB 3840, by plotting with north to northeast course and 10 knots, the earliest I can be there is 09.00 hours. Intend to dive en route to listen, in case he had already set off on an easterly course earlier. |
22.40 |
Radio Message 2202/17/744: |
Group Panther immediately occupy not bearing wavelength -Dora- instead -Emil-. On -Dora- carrier was reported, on -Emil- convoy. Bearing signals were only sent 2 times in 15 minute interval. -F.d.U.- |
18.10.44 |
00.00 |
AB 6196 |
00.33 |
Dived to listen. No sound bearings. |
00.47 |
Surfaced. Continued transit. |
03.15 |
Radio Message 0 10/18/747: Group Panther: |
1) If there are no indications of the convoy tonight, to detect form patrol line from AC 1515 to 4841, order Mohs, Unverzagt, Schendel, Zoller, Hess, Block, Lehmann, Klingspor, Brasack, Ley, Eickstedt, Balduhn, Ness, Bentzien, Westphalen, Büchler. |
Own position is AC 1814 lower-center edge. |
04.00 |
AB 3877 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 8/10, (fog), 998 mb, Vis. 300-2000 meters, mist |
05.00 |
Morning twilight |
05.30 |
Headed for new position with shallow search legs, because I assume, if the convoy passed north of Bear Island, I am at least 30 nm ahead of the enemy, however, maximum speed is continued because no speed level change was ordered, and no time was established to be in patrol line. |
- 9 - |
continued |
18.10.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
08.00 |
AB 3947 |
08.32 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters, because often visibility is not more than 200 meters. Individual sound bearing in 265°R, 282°T, assume U-boat. |
08.50 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
AC 1719 |
ENE 2, Sea 1-2, overcast (fog, snow), Vis. 300 meters, 983 mb |
Day's run: Surfaced 214.0 nm |
Submerged 2.2 nm = 216.2 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and position after navigation fix (by soundings): 160°T, 8.5 nm |
13.00 |
Radio Message 1116/752: |
Group Panther: |
1. Air reconnaissance was only incomplete and without any indications. Hauling out to the north is still possible. New disposition must absolutely go unnoticed. Other than convoy reports, no transmitting unless actually noticed. With aircraft first send Short Signal when attacked. Radio repetition only for convoy reports. |
15.17 |
AC 1814 |
At position, dived to depth A -40 meters, back and forth on course 0° and 180°. |
15.35 |
Radio Message 1213/18/754: |
Group Panther: |
New order in patrol line from AC 1277 to 4841: Mohs, Wedemeyer, Unverzagt, Schendel, Zoller, Hess, Block. . . . . . |
Position remains for me AC 1814. |
Intend to remain submerged even at night except for temporarily observing convoy voice wavelength, because with a visibility of 200 meters, the listening gear seems to me to be the best option for monitoring the strip. |
16.00 |
AC 1814 |
18.35 |
Radio Message 1645/18/755: Group Panther: |
At 18.00 hours 3 BV 138 took off for convoy reconnaissance. Sharpest alertness on bearing wavelength -Emil-. -F.d.U.- |
18.47 |
Surfaced, occupied bearing wavelength -Emil-. |
19.34 |
Detection on Fliege, Volume 3, 10°R, 210°T. |
19.39 |
Dived to determine, if detection was from a surface warship. No sound bearings. Surfacing delayed by sudden unreadiness in Tunis. |
20.00 |
AC 1814 |
20.47 |
Surfaced. |
21.30 - 23.45 |
Both Tunis sets are out of service. |
19.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 1814 |
W 3, Sea 1-2, overcast (fog), Vis. 300-1500 meters, 983 mb |
00.25 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters for all around listening, because up to now no bearing signals from air reconnaissance and the convoy by plotting must past the strip in this period. Only 1 diesel in 20°R, 200°T. |
- 10 - |
continued |
19.10.44 |
North of Bear Island |
00.45 |
Surfaced. |
02.30 |
Radio Message 0157/19/766: |
Aircraft reports 00.57 hours carrier formation in AB 9315. Convoy not detected up to now. -F.d.U.- |
04.00 |
AC 1814 |
04.55 |
Morning twilight |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to proceed back and forth submerged by day. |
07.19 - 07.58 |
Diesel in 270°T and up to 250°T. |
08.00 |
AC 1814 |
08.32 - 09.45 |
Diesel in 25-20°T. |
10.00 |
Surfaced to observe convoy voice wavelength. |
10.10 |
ßß 1009/19/775: |
To the northeast, speed 10 knots. -U-965- |
Operated on 2nd convoy report from Unverzagt. |
10.15 |
Highest speed. |
10.17 |
ßß 0915/19/77: |
Convoy, 1 enemy aircraft carrier AC 1548. -U-965- |
10.47 |
ßß 1047/19/776: |
Hold contact AC 1519. -U-965- |
11.00 |
AC 1812 |
Smoke feathers in 286°T, closed. |
11.08 |
From the smoke feathers shadows in 305°T. Distance 10 nm, easterly course. |
11.18 |
ßß 1126/19/779: |
Convoy AC 1495, to the east. -U-995- |
Convoy consists of 1 carrier and at least 10 vessels. |
11.21 |
Detection Fliege changing between 200°T and 290°T. Manned weapons. |
11.29 |
Convoy lost in a rain squall. Came to course 0°. |
11.30 |
U-boat in 70°T, range 4000 meters. |
11.32 |
Further Fliege detections. |
11.40 |
Convoy in sight in 310°T, range 8 nm. |
Radio Message 093 /19/773: |
Group Panther: Immediately operate at highest speed on convoy report in AC 1548. |
11.50 |
ßß 1155/19/7889: |
Convoy AC 1543. -U-965- |
12.00 |
AC 1832 |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 9/10, 998 mb, Vis. 2-10 nm, rain squalls |
Submerged 14.6 nm |
182.6 nm |
12.30 |
Continued to maneuver ahead. Plotted, as if the enemy has steered SE since 12.20 hours, 10-12 knots. |
12.35 |
Contact lost. Pursued in the last bearing 320°T |
12.50 |
ßß 1310/19/783: |
Convoy AC 1576, to the SE. -U-995- |
- 11 - |
continued |
19.10.44 |
North of Bear Island |
12.54 |
Contact, convoy in 308°T, range 7 nm. |
Because I'm nearly ahead for enemy course SE, and the steamers appeared suddenly far out, I decide, to take advantage of what is definitely the last opportunity before nightfall for a submerged attack. |
13.00 |
Dived in enemy bearing 30°, range 6-7 nm. Sound bearings agree with visual bearings overall, Volume 1-2. At GF and course 225° reduced distance athwart convoy course from 3500 meters. At the same time there is the possibility that the enemy will zack to the south (even then will be within range). |
13.22 |
Sound bearing of the convoy no longer clearly distinguished. Ran at GF. |
13.36 |
Periscope depth and listening speed result in no visual bearing (visibility 6000-7000 meters) and no further sound bearings in the direction of the convoy, instead in 110°T to 120°T an unclear bearing in the G.H.G. |
13.50 |
I assume the enemy zacked to the SW, surfaced and ran at highest speed on a search curve to the south to enemy course SW. |
14.04 |
U-boat in 106°T (unclear sound bearing explained). Name exchange: U-Zoller. Because Zoller came from the east to southeast, it seems an enemy zack to the east to the southeast is not possible in the obviously poor listening conditions and, where it may be outside periscope visual range. |
14.09 |
-Aircraft-. Shadow of flying boat in 210°T in rain squall (illusion of the lookout is possible). |
14.25 |
Detection on Fliege in 160°T, Volume 2. To aircraft combat stations. |
14.53 |
Aircraft in 190°T, range 4000-6000 meters, low, no approach. |
15.10 |
Radio Message 1336/19/785: |
Contact lost during submerged attack attempt, last convoy position AC 1576, 1 carrier, minimum 10 vessels, course SSE, 10 knots. Assume SW-zack. Naxos detection. 987 mb, ENE, Vis. 5 knots, 45 cbm. -Hess- |
16.00 |
AC 1765 |
E 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. up to 5 nm, low clouds |
16.14 |
Fliege detection in 165°T, Volume 1. |
16.27 |
Evening twilight |
Dived to depth A -40 meters to listen because am at meeting point by plotting with enemy course south. No sound bearings. |
16.35 |
Radio Message 1445/19/787: |
Contact lost. Last sound bearing AC 1555. Vessels like Hess. Easterly course, misty, 40 cbm. -Unverzagt- |
16.45 |
Surfaced, continued hunting. |
- 12 - |
continued |
19.10.44 |
Barents Sea |
17.05 |
Radio Message 1531/19/786: |
3 BV 138 took off 16.00 hours Tromsø and Itlefjord against convoy. Group Panther from 18.00 hours occupy bearing wavelength -Emil-. -F.d.U.- |
17.08 - 17.55 |
AC 1759 |
-Aircraft-, loud constant detection from 230°T to 320°T and later from 150 to 180°T. Volume changing up to 4. Two locating carriers [radar equipped ships or aircraft] with certainty. |
17.56 |
Came to course 180° and took one locating source ahead. No sighting, no attack. Aphrodite not launched, because the Hydrogen bottle blew off on its own. |
18.30 |
Assume, because enemy has not been found yet and is already in the vicinity of Bear Island, enemy zack on southerly course. Search legs with general course south, speed 10 knots. Own speed of advance 7 knots, to let the enemy come up. |
18.30 |
Radio Message 1644/19/788: |
Group Panther: |
Bearing of the convoy with east and south course seems possible. Report indications of this immediately. |
-F.d.U. Norwegen- |
20.00 |
AC 1789 |
E 2, rain, (fog), 994 mb, Vis. 200-2000 meters |
20.40 |
Radio Message 1940/19/790: |
Sound band 180°T to 190°T, suspect convoy am in AC 1949. |
-Eickstedt- |
20.46 |
Dived to listen to depth A -40 meters. No sound bearings. |
21.03 |
Surfaced. |
22.59 |
Dived, nothing heard. |
23.14 |
Surfaced. Continued searching. |
20.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 4156 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix by soundings, 345°T, 8 nm |
00.10 |
Radio Message 2345/19/795: |
Suspect convoy by sound bearings AC 4320. Position AC 1979. -Balduhn- |
00.23 |
Jumped in as radio repeater for Balduhn. |
00.15 |
Because by plotting for southerly course the enemy should be met now, broke off further search and came to course 120°, to not be too far astern at lightness. |
00.30 |
Radio Message 2339/19/793: |
Group Panther: |
Boats continue to search on your own. If unremitting search remains without results, 20 October 16.00 hours be in patrol line from AC 6778 to 4999, named order. . . -F.d.U.- |
01.18 |
Detection Fliege in 90°T, Volume 3. Launched Aphrodite. |
- 13 - |
continued |
20.10.44 |
Barents Sea |
01.35 |
ßß 0127/20/796: |
Flares in 150°T. AC 4396. -U-668- |
01.45 |
Detection Fliege in 30°T, luminosity 2-3. [probably a typo for Volume 2-3] |
04.00 |
AC 453 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 6/10, 989 mb, Vis. 1000-6000 meters |
05.15 |
Morning twilight |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 335°T, 13 nm |
05.50 |
Smoke clouds in morning red band (probably) in 126°T, range about 25-30 nm, closed. |
to |
06.45 |
More unambiguous smoke clouds between 120°T and 115°T. |
06.51 |
ßß 0651/20/798: |
Multiple smoke clouds in sight AC 4692. -U-995- |
08.00 |
AC 4655 |
Last not more certain smoke cloud bearing in 128°T. |
SSE 2, Sea 2, blue sky, 992 mb, Vis. 12-25 nm |
08.20 |
U-boat in 60°T. |
08.35 |
Recognition Signal exchange (U-Brasack) navigation comparison showed 25 nm difference. Searched further on about 40° diverging courses. |
09.10 |
Radio Message 0810/20/799: |
Group Panther: |
1) Go on Hess report 06.51 hours smoke clouds in sight AC 4692. Don't let go. The last night mainly brings success. |
2) Hess, Unverzagt, Bentzien report by Short Signal in accordance with Nordmeer Order No. 10, if air defense on the surface is possible, remaining boats report in accordance with paragraph 4 if anti-aircraft defenses are out of service. |
3) Report the beginning of strong land-based air immediately. -F.d.U.- |
09.21 |
ßß 0921/20/800: |
Yes. -U-995- |
11.15 |
Radio Message 0959/20/704: Group Panther: |
1) Remain on the surface for anti-aircraft defense. |
2) Convoy probably goes through AC 81. The last night offers the greatest prospects before arrival. |
3) Expect night hunting on the coast. |
4) Do not proceed in square AC 8580 and line 8826 to 39. |
-F.d.U.- |
12.00 |
AC 5427 |
Day's run: Surfaced 316.3 nm |
Submerged 4.8 nm |
321.1 nm |
12.15 |
Headed for position AC 5999 right edge in patrol line, because search in bearing of the smoke clouds was unsuccessful (assume large enemy zack to the south or part to the south and north in morning twilight). |
14.40 |
U-boat in 230°T, range 8000 meters, Recognition Signals exchanged (U-Schendel). |
- 14 - |
continued |
20.10.44 |
Barents Sea |
14.45 |
Radio Message 1258/20/788: |
Ju 188 took off for convoy reconnaissance. Group Panther occupy bearing wavelength -Emil-. When a U-boat is sighted, the aircraft indicates the convoy in a circle and flies off in that direction. -F.d.U.Norwegen- |
16.00 |
AC 5885 |
SE 2, Sea 2, blue sky, 6/10, 997 mb, Vis. 7-20 nm |
16.15 |
AC 5888 |
Back and forth in position on course 180° and 0°. |
Evening twilight |
17.25 |
ßß 1712/20/713: |
Star shell in 180°T. AC 8119. -U-965- |
17.40 |
Steered course 215°, in order to get ahead for the Unverzagt report as well as monitor our own area in the patrol line. |
18.40 |
Radio Message 1759/20/715: |
Group Panther: |
Immediately head for square AC 8430, 8510, 8540 at highest speed , if there are no other indications of the convoy. |
Avoid: AC 8437, 8461, 64. -F.d.U.- |
18.40 |
Came to highest speed, held course. |
19.50 |
Push rod port diesel broken (speed reduction to 13 knots during repairs). Still various reports concerning flares. |
20.00 |
AC 8543 |
20.30 |
Radio Message 009/20/71: |
Group Panther: |
Own convoys are possible within the mine barrier. Observe Standing War Order 421, Paragraph Roman No. II Paragraph 15. |
-F.d.U.- |
20.39 |
ßß 2027/20/722: |
Aircraft report 17.22 hours AC 5755 one cruiser, 4 freighters, course southeast. -F.d.U.- |
21.25 |
Radio Message 2038/20/724: |
Flare from Russian aircraft, to search for own convoy. Group Panther operate to the east. -F.d.U.- |
22.43 |
Star shells in 190°T. |
22.45 |
Port diesel in service again. |
22.52 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to listen at meeting point with convoy (according to indications reported by Unverzagt and Westphalen). Surfacing was delayed, since at the start there was a weak sound band in the G.H.G., that later proved to be self noise. |
23.37 |
Surfaced. |
Many flares and star shells from 190°T to 210°T. Made no report because there are already several from other boats. Operated to the east. |
- 15 - |
21.10.44 |
Murman Sea |
00.00 |
AC 8178 |
SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, snow, Vis. 6000 meters, 1000 mb, strong Northern Lights |
01.30 |
Radio Message 2231/20/7xx: |
Group Panther: |
1) Cruiser report 18.22 hours, not 17.22 hours, in 5755 possibly convoy. |
2) New reconnaissance took off 23.00 hours, gives bearing signals after detection every 5 minutes on bearing wavelength -Emil-. -F.d.U.- |
03.10 |
U-boat in 135°T, range 4000 meters. Took ahead, boat dived at range 2000 meters. |
04.00 |
AC 8535 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to listen. Weak individual sound bearings in 150°T (diesel possible). |
04.19 |
Surfaced, pursued in 150°T, nothing seen. |
05.00 |
Continued search to the east. |
05.15 |
Morning twilight |
Radio Message 0301/21/732: Group Panther: |
1) If there is no contact or indications break off at 04.00 hours. Transit at higher speed to patrol line from AC 9838 to 8593, old named order Westphalen to Büchler. Remain unnoticed. Do not cross 69°N. -F.d.U.- |
05.40 |
Headed for AC 9478 at increased speed. |
08.00 |
AC 8658 |
09.30 |
AC 8695 |
Drifting mine: Egg-shaped with lead caps on sides and top center. |
09.50 |
U-boat in 310°T, range 8000 meters. |
10.03 |
Recognition Signal exchange (U-Bentzien). |
10.30 |
Two other U-boats in 240°T and 280°T, range 8000 meters. |
12.00 |
AC 9475 |
Day's run: Surfaced 349.0 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 345°T, 16 nm |
Submerged 1.6 nm = 350.6 nm |
12.42 |
AC 9476 |
Dove in position alternating between depth A -50 meters and periscope depth and back and forth on course 190° and 10°. |
13.15 |
Two diesels in 275°T and 40°T, Volume 1. |
16.00 |
AC 9476 |
16.19 |
Evening twilight |
Surfaced and monitored position on course 55° and 235°. |
16.25 |
Radio Message 1107/21/732: |
1) Intention: disposition against eastbound suspected partial convoy, afterwards to detect the return convoy. Submerged by day careful listening and periscope search. Remain unnoticed. |
2) Boats below 35 cbm on 22 October at 04.00 hours proceed at high transit speed for supply at Hammerfest. Report from AC 57 on -Anton- circuit. |
3. . . . -F.d.U.- |
18.45 |
Detection on Fliege in 140°T, Volume 1-2. |
18.49 |
Crash dive. |
20.00 |
AC 9476 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 2-3, cloudy, 1007 mb, Vis. 3000 meters |
20.17 |
Surfaced. |
- 16 - |
22.10.44 |
Murman Sea |
00.00 |
AC 9476 |
03.50 |
Radio Message 0225/22/75: Group Panther: |
1) Up to now no Short Signal bearings received concerning emergency landing BV 138 |
2) ) If bearings are not received by 04.00 hours, supply order applies to all boats below 35 cbm. |
3) If the position is determined by bearings, the closest boat reporting bearing signals reported try to help. |
4) . . . . -F.d.U.- |
04.00 |
AC 9476 |
Set off at 2 x HF for Hammerfest. Fuel inventory is 19 cbm. |
05.20 |
Radio Message 001/22/750: Group Panther: |
All boats immediately monitor bearing wavelength 442 KHz and report bearing with Short Signal on -Anton- from no more than three boats, possibly spaced apart. -F.d.U.- |
06.00 |
Bearing signals heard with Volume 0-1 in 120°T. |
06.18 |
ßß 20618/22/24: |
AC 8686, 120°T, still have 18 cbm fuel on board. -U-995- |
08.00 |
AC 8656 |
NW 5, Sea 4, overcast (rain), 1015 mb, Vis. 3-10 nm |
12.00 |
AC 8611 |
Day's run: Surfaced 146 nm |
Submerged 8 nm = 154 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8 7 |
W 3-4, Sea 3-4, blue sky, 1001 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm |
Evening twilight |
20.00 |
AC 81 5 |
21.10 |
Radio Message 2023/22/767: |
Returning boats immediately attack forbidden against destroyers until further notice. Observe Paragraph 25, Operations Order 15. -F.d.U.- |
22.12 |
ßß 2217/22/771: |
Position 12 hours off objective point. -U-995- |
22.00 - 23.30 |
Star shells in 180°T. |
23.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 7331 |
04.00 |
AC 7238 |
05.15 |
Two U-boats in 150°T and 190°T, both ahead until arriving. |
07.00 |
Radio Message 2242/603: |
Wedemeyer, Block, Hess, Mohs: |
1) Holnes radiates. . . |
2) Haswik. . . . |
3) Bearing boat. . . -Hammerfest U-boat Base- |
Radio Message 1320/22/604: |
4) About 10.00 hours arrive together, other returning boats receive new escort. |
5) Off the coast expect increased aircraft and U-boat danger. |
6) Wedemeyer. . . . -Hammerfest U-boat Base- |
- 17 - |
continued |
23.10.44 |
Murman Sea |
07.50 |
AC 7253 |
-Aircraft-, Sunderland, 40°R, 285°T, range 5000-6000 meters. Tunis was out of service. At 3800 meters 3.7 cm opened fire. Sunderland flew in a large arc on the starboard side and away astern to port. |
07.55 |
Crash dive to depth A +20 meters. Two aircraft in 255°T and 115°T. Underwater Telegraphy traffic with U-Ley. Want to surface and stay up together. |
08.00 |
AC 7247 |
08.52 |
Surfaced, -Aircraft-, Sunderland circles close over the water surface in 230°T, range 5000 meters. No approach. Passed out of sight in 210°. Continued return transit. |
09.25 |
Borkum detection, Volume 1. |
09.26 |
ßß 0927/23/61:1: |
[Indicatig a 4-engined aircraft] |
444 AC 7255. -U-995- |
11.00 |
AC 7278 |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm |
Submerged 4 nm = 84 nm |
12.30 |
Radio Message 1023/23/781: Group Panther: |
1) Remain submerged in the disposition at lightness, however careful listening and periscope observation. |
2) So far there are no indications concerning the whereabouts of the PQ-convoy and suspected assembly of the return convoy. |
-F.d.U.- |
13.50 |
Entered Hammerfest to supply. |
20.25 |
Cast off Hammerfest -BLACK WATCH-, taken in convoy. |
22.45 |
Released from convoy, headed for AC 54. |
24.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 7243 |
NW 2, Sea 2, overcast, 1019 mb, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
AC 4896 |
04.15 |
Radio Message 0105/4/706: |
1.) Outbound boats join group "Panther". |
2.) 25 October 22.00 hours set off for patrol line from AC 6781 to 8168 order: Balduhn, Klingspor, Falke, Nicolay, Wieboldt, Büchler, Ley, Wedemeyer, Mohs, Hess, Block. |
-F.d.U.- |
04.30 |
Headed for AC 8244. |
08.00 |
AC 7332 |
09.30 |
Cooling water pump connecting rod bearing, starboard diesel is worn out. |
10.20 |
AC 8116 |
-Crash dive-, to depth A +20 meters for aircraft (Catalina likely), 90°R, 280°T, range 10000 meters, passing flight, no detection. |
10.45 - 10.55 |
Diesel, 250°R, 0°T, Volume 1, 1 aircraft bomb, 3.7 cm impacts. In the periscope nothing seen, diesel shifted further ahead. |
11.25 |
Surfaced, continued on. |
- 18 - |
continued |
24.10.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
12.00 |
AC 8127 |
Day's run: Surfaced 169 nm |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, 7/10, 1018 mb, Vis. 16 nm |
Submerged 2.3 nm = 171.3 nm |
13.29 |
AC 81 8 |
-Crash dive- to depth A for aircraft, in 150°R, 260°T, range 11000 meters, no detection. |
14.00 |
Cooling water pump in operation again. |
14.21 |
Surfaced to continue on. |
16.00 |
AC 8244 |
Evening twilight |
16.13 |
AC 8244 |
In position. Back and forth on course 120° and 300°. |
20.00 |
AC 8248 |
SSW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, 1018 mb, Vis. 3000 meters |
23.45 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters for all around listening. No sound bearings. |
25.10.44 |
00.00 |
South Barents Sea |
AC 8248 |
00.08 |
Surfaced. |
00.25 |
Radio Message 1911/24/716: |
Occupy patrol line at increased speed from AC 8934 via 8561 to 8514. Changed order: Balduhn, Klingspor, Falke, Nicolay, Wieboldt, Büchler, Ley, Mohs, Hess, Block, Wedemeyer, Lehmann, Eickstedt, Unverzagt, Schendel at lightness remain submerged. Return convoy from Murmansk is expected. |
00.35 |
Headed for position AC 8565 |
04.00 |
AC 8529 |
05.11 |
AC 8565 |
In position dived to depth A -50 meters and periscope depth. |
08.00 |
AC 8551 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 276°T, 20 nm |
E-motor Volume 3-4, in 140°T. Recognition Signal exchanged by Underwater Telegraph (U-Mohs). |
12.00 |
AC 8556 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm |
Submerged 14.8 nm = 190.8 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8564 |
16.23 |
Surfaced, back and forth on course 30° and 10°. |
20.00 |
AC 8565 |
[300° 120°?] |
SW 3, Sea 3, overcast, 1017 mb, Vis. 300 meters |
23.00 |
Radio Message 1827/25/735: Group Panther: |
1) Air reconnaissance Murmansk and Arkhangelsk is not possible at this time. |
2) Immediately set off to attack areas, . . . |
[U-995 belonged to this group] |
3) Boats Nicolay to Schendel extend patrol line accordingly to 10 nm intervals. -F.d.U.- |
23.30 |
Headed for AC 8647. |
- 19 - |
continued |
26.10.44 |
Southern Barents Sea |
00.00 |
AC 8565 |
01.30 |
AC 8647 |
At new position. |
04.00 |
AC 8647 |
04.56 |
Morning twilight |
Dived and move back and forth in position submerged by day. At changing depths. |
08.00 |
AC 8647 |
08.45 |
Radio Message 0517/26/740: |
New PQ-convoy apparently passed Barenenge [corner of Bear Island] to the east 5 October. Air reconnaissance sought as soon as possible in sea area 25°E to 40°E. |
[typo 25 October] |
-F.d.U.- |
Radio Message 0552/26/741: |
Group Panther: |
1. New PQ-convoy suspected 26 October midday in AC 50. |
[Meaning the entire group] |
2. Immediate day transit course 0° from Balduhn to Schendel until reaching 72°N |
3. . . . . . . |
4. 4) All boats remain unnoticed, submerged in lightness. Increased readiness to shoot. -F.d.U.- |
09.20 |
Came to course 0°. |
12.00 |
AC 8644 |
Day's run: Surfaced 98.5 nm |
Submerged 19.8 nm |
118.3 nm |
15.40 |
Radio Message 1206/26/746: |
By radio traffic the convoy passed 25°E to the east around 10.00 hours. |
15.45 |
Evening twilight |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AC 864 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 220°T, 10.8 nm |
17.30 |
Radio Message 1621/26/748: |
1. For convoy reconnaissance BV 138 took off, sends bearing signals on wavelength -Emil-. |
2. Boats with bearing attachment surface to send bearing report immediately, however no more than 4 boats report, remaining boats listen. |
3. . . . . . -F.d.U.- |
18.00 - 19.00 |
Multiple flashes in 340°T. Closed at increased speed. |
18.07 |
Dived to listen, no sound bearings. |
19.18 |
Surfaced to continue searching. |
20.00 |
AC 8347 |
WbyS 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10, 1017 mb, Vis. 2-3 nm |
20.20 |
Dived, no sound bearings. |
20.31 |
Surfaced, broke off the search, again headed 0°. |
23.22 |
Detection on Fliege bearing 320°, Volume 3. |
23.23 |
Dived, sound bearing in 315°T. |
23.29 |
Surfaced, with that several depth charges. Came to course 315°. Detection swelling to Volume 4, from 270°T to 90°T, Tunis and Mücke. No traffic observed on convoy voice wavelength. |
23.45 |
Shadow in 345°T, 10°R. At the same moment star shell shot over the boat. |
- 20 - |
continued |
26.10.44 |
Southern Barents Sea |
23.47 |
Destroyer distinguished (probably A-I Class) bow right 50°, range 3000 meters. Behind it a second shadow (with broader target angle). |
23.50 |
Came to course 260°, because enemy became bow left, intend stern shot and steered 260°, to draw the enemy further behind me. |
23.56 |
ßß 26/752: |
One destroyer AC 8314. -U-995- |
Before no interruption of the continuous traffic was possible. |
27.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8314 |
Reversal shot from tube V: depth 5 meters, target speed 13 knots, bow left, target angle 30°, range 2300 meters, steering WS, firing angle 180°, aim point destroyer superstructure. Went to LF, to remain on the surface. As a 3rd destroyer was reported in 30°R, 290°T, bow left target angle 30°, range 2000 meters. At the same time a star shell was shot in 310°R, 210°T from a fourth unit. |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, long Swell, overcast, Vis. 3000 meters |
00.02 |
Reversal shot from tube I on destroyer ahead to starboard, depth 5 meters, target speed 12 knots, bow left target angle 20°, range 1500 meters, steering WS, shooting angle 21°. Aim point 20 meters behind the stern because low enemy speed. |
00.02 |
-Crash dive- Torpedo detonation after 2 minutes 19 seconds. No sinking sounds could be observed, because by the previous LF diving time to depth 2A meters took a very long time, and the second torpedo should be received in the G.H.G. Came to course 170°. Only three sound bearings are still heard. I am therefore convinced that the first torpedo made a decisive impact. The second torpedo was heard to run to the propeller sounds in 260°T and disappeared there. |
00.07 |
After 4 minutes 50 seconds detonation, after a further 3 minutes second detonation. No sinking sounds, 1 propeller sound was continued to be distinguished in the G.H.G. in about the same direction. |
00.30 |
Two destroyers shift to both sides ahead, one vessel over the boat, no depth charges (by plotting ran to the shooting location). Noise buoys were deployed (saw). Loud Asdic locating. Sounds, similar to a scratching and rubbing over the boat. Sounds were louder again, shifted close or over the boat and back to the north (assume going back to and searching the shooting location). |
01.58 |
8 medium depth charges (shortly before a few dull detonations). Assume Wedemeyers torpedo in accordance with |
02.37 |
Radio Message 0142/27/755: 12 medium depth charges, no damage. |
03.30 |
Intended to surface to send a Radio Message and get an overview, when suddenly at depth A -40 meters 3 sound bearings Volume 3 were determined on both sides. At depth A +60 meters depth charges at medium range. Went back down again, to wait for an all around periscope sweep at lightness. |
04.00 |
AC 8239 |
- 21 - |
continued |
27.10.44 |
Southern Barents Sea |
07.00 |
Periscope all around sweep free. Two sound bearings heard before still at Volume 2 in 215°T and 110°T. |
07.10 |
WNW 6, Sea 5, 3/10, (squalls), Vis. 12 nm |
Surfaced. |
07.50 |
Radio Message 2359/754: |
Aircraft detection. 4 destroyers AC 8214. Reversal shot target angle 30°. After 2 minutes 19 seconds detonation. No sinking sounds, because crash dive after 2 minutes after 2nd reversal shot left 20°. After 4 minutes 50 seconds and 7 minutes 2 detonations. Afterwards only 3 sound bearings. W 3, Vis. 3000 meters, 65 cbm. -Hess- |
Position AC 8214 must mean AC 8511 (Short Signal). |
08.00 |
AC 8267 |
Dived to proceed by day on southeasterly course to old disposition. |
12.00 |
AC 8292 |
Day's run: Surfaced 63.7 nm |
Submerged 38.6 nm = 102.3 nm |
13.00 - 15.00 |
In salvo tactic from 0-30 minutes each 7-8 depth charges, medium range. In addition to sound bearings (saws) in 0°T and 10°T. Nothing distinguished in the periscope. |
12.30 |
Radio Message 1507/27/758: |
Group Panther: |
1) Air reconnaissance broken off. By success of Hess and Wedemeyer evasion of the convoy to the east is possible, therefore Balduhn to Falke be especially alert. All remain unnoticed. Only shoot at search groups if noticed. |
2) . . . . |
3) . . . . Wieboldt to Schendel patrol line 5967 to 5769, . . . . |
-F.d.U.- |
Own position is AD 5947. |
16.00 |
AC 8294 |
16.09 |
W 5, Sea 5, overcast, 1018 mb, Vis. 3 nm, evening twilight |
Surfaced and steered 340°, to go around what by sound bearings is apparently the rest of the search group which is still there (two vessels) on the way to position. |
17.07 |
AC 8291 |
Dived with aircraft detection in 0°T, sound bearing (saw), was louder. |
17.25 |
Surfaced, moved off on course 180°, so as not to be forced to submerge, and thus provoke an attack on the search group which is prohibited by Radio Message 758. Intend to haul out far to the south and afterwards to the west. Locating continues. Launched an Aphrodite, to shake the enemy off and at the same time draw them away from the new patrol line to the north. Locating soon stopped (wind took the Aphrodite to the east quickly). |
- 22 - |
continued |
27.10.44 |
18.50 |
Radio Message 1427/27/760: |
English Navy radio traffic from AC 7981 in 54°T. -F.d.U.- |
Suspect radio traffic from search group in AC 8260 which has been there the entire day. |
19.30 |
Radio Message 1802/27/764: |
Group Panther immediately shift disposition 130°T, 70 nm, increased speed. -F.d.U.- |
Own position AC 8363. Came to easterly course. |
19.34 |
ßß 1934/27/765: |
Strong stationary surveillance AC 8260. -U-995- |
20.00 |
AC 8265 |
20.03 |
Aircraft detection, shifted quickly from 110°T to 90°T, Volume 2. Suspect aircraft. Dived to depth A -50 meters. Two sound bearings (one saw, one turbine) in 0°T and 30°T. |
20.40 |
Put the boat on the bottom at depth 2A +10 meters, to let the destroyers pass by and let any aircraft fly off. |
28.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8563 |
Second destroyer deploys a noise buoy. 7 depth charges medium range, Volume swells to 5 and disappears in the south to southwest. |
02.00 |
Surfaced, to position at increased speed. |
04.00 |
AC 8613 |
SW 3, Sea 3, overcast, 1017 mb, Vis. 2000-3000 meters |
07.40 |
AC 8363 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters in position, back and forth on course 50° and 230°. |
08.00 |
AC 8363 |
12.00 |
AC 8363 |
Day's run: Surfaced 119.5 nm |
Submerged 15.8 nm = 135.3 nm |
12.30 |
Radio message 0501/28/77: |
Group Panther: |
PQ-convoy possibly broke through last night in AC 8230. Intend to immediately pick up return convoy after departure. At lightness remain submerged. Report if also by night enemy air or strong U-boat hunt remains. -F.d.U.- |
Believe break through of the convoy through AC 8230 is unlikely, because except for destroyers in the night of 26th-27th nothing was heard. |
16.00 |
AC 8363 |
16.20 |
Radio Message 1231/28/779: Group Panther: |
By radio transmissions the larger part of the PQ convoy is still to be expected. Immediately set off to patrol line from AC 8955 via 8562 to 8517. Order in accordance with Radio Message 1017 of 27 October. Falke to Westphalen. At lightness dive, only attack search groups if noticed. Main targets are ships. -F.d.U.- |
18.30 |
Set off to AC 8969. |
18.56 |
Radio Message 1648/28/780: |
In disposition stagger every second boat. . . . -F.d.U.- |
- 23 - |
continued |
28.10.44 |
19.35 |
Radio Message 1931/28/731: |
Several shadows and smoke clouds, suspect convoy, AC 8245. from Bentzien. |
19.40 |
Operated on the Bentzien report at high speed, course 240°. Assume enemy course 135°, speed 10 knots. |
20.00 |
AC 8367 |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1017 mb, Vis. 1-3 nm |
20.15 |
Radio Message 1958/28/782: |
Convoy AC 8248, course 130°, at least 12 units. -Bentzien- |
21.12 |
Radio Message 2036/28/783: Group Panther: |
Immediately on Bentzien-convoy at highest speed. -F.d.U.- |
21.40 |
Radio Message 2030/28/784: |
AC 8273 convoy passed out of sight in 150°T in artificial fog, not caught at highest speed, suspect warship formation. |
-Bentzien- |
29.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8539 |
00.02 |
Dived to depth A -50 at plotted meeting point with convoy. No sound bearing. |
00.24 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 128°T, 11 nm |
Surfaced. Continued searching on course 120°. For suspected high enemy speed and southerly course. |
02.00 |
Dived at possible meeting point directly off AC 8580, which should be avoided. |
E-motor in 220°T. |
02.09 |
Surfaced, broke off search, headed for position AC 8569 in patrol line. |
02.15 |
Radio Message 2257/28/785: |
Group Panther: |
If Bentzien formarion cannot be reached, take up ordered position. -F.d.U.- |
03.15 |
Radio Message 0152/29/792: |
Group Panther: |
Occupy patrol line from AC 8955 via 8562 to 8517. Falke, Nicloay, Ley, Block, Eickstedt, Westphalen. Positioned before it in 10°, 20 nm away Balduhn, Wieboldt, Mohs, Wedemeyer, Unverzagt, Bentzien. As third row 40 nm away Klingspor, Büchler, Hess, Lehmann, Schendel, Nees. Serial No, 780 invalid. -F.d.U.- |
Own position is AC 8612. Changed course thereto. |
04.00 |
AC 8644 |
WSW 2-3, overcast, 1018 mb, Vis. 3000-4000 meters |
05.30 |
Morning twilight |
06.09 |
AC 8612 |
Dived to depth A -60 meters at position. Back and forth on course 180° and 0°. |
08.00 |
AC 8612 |
12.00 |
AC 8612 |
Day's run: Surfaced 190.7 nm |
Submerged 15.9 nm = 206.6 nm |
- 24 - |
continued |
29.10.44 |
Barents Sea |
16.00 |
AC 8612 |
16.26 |
Surfaced for nightly back and forth in position on the surface. |
19.15 |
Radio Message 1459/29/702: |
1) Shift position. -F.d.U.- |
Radio Message 1531/29/703: |
The incoming and outbound convoy should, if possible, be captured by the outer rows so that those behind can still get a shot. Shoot at main targets from any position, even in unfavorable conditions. |
3. Pay attention to mine situation 10 nm off the Norwegian coast, further suspicion in AC 8580 and 8850. -F.d.U.- |
20.00 |
AC 8612 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, 1015 mb, Vis. 3 nm |
20.57 |
Red star (?) in 325°T. Because there was no repetition, didn't respond. |
30.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8612 |
03.05 |
AC 8612 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters after Fliege detection in 25°T. Not clear, but instead a horse scratchy tone (assume low impulse frequency). No sound bearing. Assume an aircraft, so remained submerged longer. |
04.00 |
AC 8612 |
Surfaced. |
SW 6-8, Sea 5, 6/10, (squalls, rain), Vis. 4 nm |
05.38 |
Morning twilight |
Dived to depth A -40 meters and periscope depth. |
08.00 |
AC 8612 |
12.00 |
AC 8373 |
Day's run: Surfaced 96.1 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 15°T, 14 nm |
Submerged 15.0 nm = 111.3 nm |
12.30 |
Radio Message 1031/30/731 |
1) Air reconnaissance located several vessels 29 October 23.46 hours AB 9224 about 8 knots. Course not reported. New PQ-convoy possible. |
2) Group Panther conserve fuel as much as possible. -F.d.U.- |
15.42 |
Evening twilight |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AC 8612 |
WSW 4, Sea 3-4, long Swell, 9/10, (squall, rain), Vis. changing 0.5-4 nm |
20.00 |
AC 861 |
21.00 |
U-boat in 330°T, range 4000 meters, closed. Disappeared in a rain squall. |
23.45 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to listen. No sound bearings. |
31.10.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8612 |
NW 2, Sea 2, long Swell, 6/10, 1020 mb, Vis. 0.4-4 nm |
00.02 |
Surfaced. |
01.23 |
U-boat in 315°T, range 3500 meters. Ran after for Recognition Signal exchange. U-boat dived, German silhouette. |
04.00 |
AC 8612 |
- 25 - |
continued |
31.10.44 |
Barents Sea |
05.38 |
Morning twilight |
Dived to depth A -50 meters. Hourly or half hourly periscope all around sweep. |
08.00 |
AC 8612 |
12.00 |
AC 8612 |
Day's run: Surfaced 100.5 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 180°T, 10 nm |
Submerged 22.4 nm = 122.9 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8612 |
16.12 |
Surfaced. |
16.15 |
Radio Message 1159/31/751: |
To Panther: |
1) By transmissions QP-convoy getting ready. Departure expected soon. |
2) . . . . |
3) . . . . Intend to catch, hold and fight in accordance with Nordmeer Order No. 8. Pay attention to lessons from the last convoy. -F.d.U.- |
20.00 |
AC 8612 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast (snow), 1011 mb, Vis. changing 1000-3000 meters, moonlit |
23.50 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to listen. No sound bearings. |
01.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8612 |
00.14 |
Surfaced. |
00.20 |
Radio Message 2147/31/759: |
Panther: |
Only break radio silence with main target or when noticed. |
-F.d.U.- |
04.00 |
AC 8612 |
EbyN 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. 3000 meters |
05.55 |
Morning twilight |
Dived to depth A -40 meters and periscope depth. |
06.50 - 07.50 |
Weak noise buoy bearing (saw) in 190°T. Distant aircraft bombs and depth charges. |
12.00 |
AC 8612 |
Day's run: Surfaced 115.5 nm |
Submerged 19.0 nm = 130.5 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8612 |
16.10 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AC 8612 |
22.00 |
Radio Message 2036/1/780: Group Panther: |
1) Strengthened indications for departure of QP-convoy. |
2) Boats neighboring Mohs and Lay increased alertness. Relieve attacked boats. Attack the screen. |
3) Inner row charge [batteries] in the 1st third of the night, second and third rows of the disposition in the 2nd and 3rd. With locating, use Aphrodite liberally. -F.d.U.- |
02.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 6812 |
E 1, Sea 1, 5/10, (snow), Vis. 3-4 nm, 1015 mb, moonlit |
00.38 |
AC 8612 |
Detection (Fliege) in 130°T, Volume 1-2. Dived to depth |
A -40 meters, 3 sound bearings (saw) in 140°T, 160°T and 200°T. Outermost sound bearing taken ahead (sharp silhouette), came to periscope depth on course 140°, in order to be able to look unnoticed (bright moonlit night). |
- 26 - |
continued |
02.11.44 |
01.07 |
Enemy was louder, steered 320°. Came to course 100°, to get to abeam distance for a Fat-fan, because with noise buoys (saw) reversal shot from ahead promises little success. |
01.23 |
Destroyer in sight in 133°T with bow right, target angle 3°, range about 2000 meters (on the two other sound bearings in 170°T and 205°T nothing is distinguished because the horizon is dark there). |
01.35 |
Came to course 80°. The enemy zacks to bow left, target angle 30°, range 1500 meters. For this enemy course, I'm on the enemy's course on attack course and intended to shoot immediately, when the enemy suddenly reached target angle 0° at range 800 meters and started to speed up when he previously ran at very low speed. With that the shooting opportunity passed, went deep and put the boat on the bottom at depth 2A +10 meters. |
01.42 |
The destroyer overran the boat but no depth charges. |
04.00 |
AC 8612 |
3 destroyers stayed in the vicinity of the boat until 09.20 hours. |
08.00 |
AC 8612 |
Changing speed levels, also stopped, deployment and retraction of the noise buoys. Even when the boat was overrun, there remained no depth charges. No Asdic impulses. Therefore suspect that the enemy vessel detected the boat with locating [radar] and then searched at the located position (target angle 0° at 01.42 hours was apparently a coincidence when looking for the enemy or by locating the periscope). |
When the noise buoy is switched on, which by comparing the periscope and G.H.G. must be placed far forward, despite the low speed level that he apparently has to run when the device is deployed, the enemy cannot hear anything (not even at GF, which speed level was used to reach depth. The fact that no depth charges fell speaks for this.) Assumption that the destroyer must stop to listen or switch off the saw, was primarily discovered in the G.H.G. after the boat lay on the bottom and could no longer be heard. |
12.00 |
AC 8612 |
Day's run: Surfaced 67.7 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 292°T, 7 nm |
Submerged 14.1 nm = 78.8 nm |
12.15 |
Went to periscope depth for Program Time. |
All around sweep free. |
16.00 |
AC 8612 |
16.34 |
Surfaced to charge. |
18.55 |
Radio Message 1737/2/790: Group Panther: |
Immediately set off to new disposition. |
1. . . . . |
2. Patrol line 1: AC 8352 to 8514, order: Büchler, Hess, Ley, Block, Schendel, Unverzagt, Westphalen. |
3. . . . . Charge according to first and second half of the night. -F.d.U.- |
19.00 |
Set off for AC 8346. |
20.00 |
AC 8376 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3-4, long Swell, overcast, Vis. 15000 meters |
- 27 - |
continued |
02.11.44 |
21.00 |
AC 8346 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters in position to proceed submerged. Changing courses. |
03.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8346 |
04.00 |
AC 8346 |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
WSW 3, Sea 3-4, long Swell, overcast, Vis. 3000-5000 meters |
05.00 |
Dived to depth A -30 meters. |
06.10 - 10.40 |
Two destroyer sound bearings draw past partly with, partly without noise buoys with changes of speed and frequent stopping outside periscope visual range from 110°T to 310°T. |
08.00 |
AC 8346 |
10.05 |
While momentarily coming closer (swelling to Volume 5) a destroyer mast and smokestack on the horizon with a very broad target angle in sight briefly. Good sound conditions. |
12.00 |
AC 8346 |
Day's run: Surfaced 41.4 nm |
Submerged 35.0 nm |
76.4 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8346 |
Surfaced to charge. |
16.19 |
WSW 6-7, Sea 5, overcast, 1011 mb, Vis. 1500 meters |
19.30 |
Presented Radio Message 1157/3/709: |
Group Panther: |
1.) Up to now there are no clear indications concerning the convoy. however warships are certainly at sea, don't rely on listening. |
2.) . . . . -F.d.U.- |
19.57 |
Dived to depth A -30 meters. |
20.00 |
AC 8346 |
22.35 |
Presented Radio Message 1801/4/714: |
Group Panther: |
Ju 88 took off about evening for reconnaissance south of the patrol line up to 8°E (to 38°E corrected by Radio Message 719). After locating the convoy sends bearing signals for 5 minutes and details on bearing wavelength -Emil-. -F.d.U.- |
04.11.44 |
Barents Sea |
00.00 |
AC 8346 |
04.00 |
AC 8346 |
04.07 |
SW 3-4, Sea 4, long Swell, overcast, Vis. 200-500 meters |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
05.35 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters. |
08.00 |
AC 8346 |
12.00 |
AC 8346 |
Day's run: Surfaced 47.0 nm |
Submerged 8.7 nm |
55.7 nm |
16.00 |
AC 8346 |
16.30 |
Surfaced to charge. |
20.00 |
AC 8346 |
SSW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, Vis. 1000 meters |
20.10 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters. |
05.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 8346 |
04.00 |
AC 8346 |
04.10 |
SSW 8, Sea 6-7, 7/10, Vis. 4-6 nm, 990 mb |
Surfaced to ventilate the boat. |
- 28 - |
continued |
05.11.44 |
05.40 - 05.45 |
Morning twilight |
Weak, very brief voice traffic on 2440 kHz, Volume 1-2, bearing bearing not possible. (At the moment very good short wave reception, Volume 5). |
06.18 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters, because overall reception conditions have fallen sharply again. |
08.00 |
AC 8346 |
09.03 |
Surfaced to observe convoy voice wavelength. No short wave reception. |
09.29 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters. |
11.58 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm, 990 mb |
Surfaced. Brief improved reception (2-3). No convoy voice traffic. Radio Message not sent. |
12.00 |
AC 8346 |
Day's run: Surfaced 54.6 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 160°T, 4.5 nm |
Submerged 3.8 nm |
58.4 nm |
12.35 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters. |
16.00 |
AC 8346 |
16.35 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, 8/10, Vis. 1.5 nm |
Surfaced to charge, no convoy voice traffic. |
18.10 |
Dived to depth A -60 meters to treat an injured man. |
18.45 |
Surfaced. |
19.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1437/5/751: |
Set off immediately at increased speed: |
1.) Hess to AC 98, Mohs AC 97 to detect suspected traffic. . . attack and report. |
2.) . . . . -F.d.U.- |
20.00 |
Set off to ordered position. |
06.11.44 |
Murman Sea |
00.00 |
AC 9414 |
SSW 7-9, Sea 6, 8/10 (squalls), Vis. 3000 meters, 989 mb |
04.00 |
AC 9491 |
05.16 |
Morning twilight |
07.36 |
Dived to depth A -40 meters in AC 98 to proceed submerged by day. |
08.00 |
AC 9815 |
12.00 |
AC 9819 |
Day's run: Surfaced 186.6 nm |
Submerged 14.7 nm |
181.3 nm |
16.00 |
AC 9819 |
16.32 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AC 9838 |
SWbyS 7, 6/10, overcast, 994 mb, Vis. 2000-3000 meters |
21.20 |
Dived to depth A -30 meters (changing depths) to listen. |
07.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 9863 |
02.00 |
Presented Radio Message 2059/6/704: |
Group Panther: |
1.) . . . . |
2.) Falke, Lehmann, Wieboldt, Büchler, Hess return transit Andfjord via AC 49. -F.d.U.- |
02.20 |
Surfaced for return transit. Hauled out far to the north, to go around the patrol line. |
04.00 |
AC 9837 |
05.15 |
Morning twilight |
08.00 |
AC 9547 |
12.00 |
AC 919x |
Day's run: Surfaced 167.0 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 61°T, 3 nm |
Submerged 18.8 nm |
185.8 nm |
SW 5-6, Sea 4-5, 3/10, 1004 mb, Vis. 1-15 nm |
- 29 - |
continued |
07.11.44 |
14.15 |
Evening twilight |
16.00 |
AC 91x1 |
18.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1726/7/724: |
1.) For Nikolay. . . . Harstad . . . . the other boats go to Narvik. |
2.) . . . . -F.d.U.- |
20.00 |
AC 5937 |
08.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 5979 |
SSW 4, Sea 3-4, 1003 mb, Vis. 500-x000 meters |
04.00 |
AC 5856 |
Presented Radio Message 1849/727/7: |
Falke, Lehmann, Büchler, Hess: With Circuit change to AI additionally monitor U-boat Base Wavelength MU. Report Volume with position on arrival to F.d.U. -F.d.U.- |
06.15 |
Morning twilight |
Test dive to depth A -50 meters. |
06.35 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
AC 5141 |
12.00 |
AC 5734 |
Day's run: Surfaced 224.4 nm |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Vis. 8 nm, 1004 mb |
Submerged 1.0 nm |
225.4 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix, 152°T, 18 nm |
14.45 |
Evening twilight |
16.00 |
AC 4996 |
20.00 |
AC 4984 |
SW 2, 4/10, Vis. 4000-6000 meters, 1006 mb |
09.11.44 |
00.00 |
AC 4894 |
03.07 |
Outgoing Radio message ßß 0307/9/766: |
Am 30 hours off objective point. -U-995- |
04.00 |
AC 4894 |
06.30 |
Morning twilight. |
07.25 |
Test dive to depth A -50 meters. |
07.45 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
AC 7125 |
SEbyE 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm |
12.00 |
AB 9356 |
Day's run: Surfaced 236.0 nm |
Submerged 1.3 nm |
237.3 nm |
14.30 |
Evening twilight |
15.00 |
Presented Radio Message 131x/9/606: |
Zoller, Wieboldt, Hess: |
[Lyngøy?] |
1.) Until further notice Lingø [?] transmits each hour . . . . |
2.) Report passing Schwartz 25 by Short Signal. |
3.) Andenes. . . . |
4.) . . . . |
5.) For Hess: Harstad canteen approved. Afterwards T V offload in Ramsund. Report arrival there to U-boat Base. |
16.00 |
AB 9611 |
20.00 |
AB 9591 |
E 4, Sea 3, overcast, 1006 mb, Vis. 1000-2000 meters |
10.04.44 |
00.00 |
AB 9862 |
Dived to depth A -50 meters to continue submerged to prevent arriving early at the objective point. |